Twenty Nine - A Cry for Help

1911 Words

ZAYA’S POV Heart racing several beats a second with palms sweating and body aching. This was my life. I sat still wondering who this man was talking to. Jade still had her hands on my face and from the blurred lines my eyes captured, her raised hand was brought down in an instant before she backed away. I sighed in relief because when she held my face, her nails dug into my skin painfully. Alpha Kade’s frame got closer to where I was on the floor so fast it blurred like a shadow. He grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet and I winced from the pain that shot through my body. “Are you hurt?” he asked with worry laced in his voice and I was taken aback. I was tempted to look behind me in search of the one he was asking this question and showing concern to. He couldn’t possibly be talking

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