6. Choose

1447 Words
Blake laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. His mind running with lots of thought. Her eyes Her lips Her hips Groaning he turned to the side. She probably doesn't remember but he had known her for a short while. He shuts his eyes trying to take his mind off her but he couldn't. Her angry eyes kept staring back at him. She even looks hot when fierce were his thoughts. Slowly he drew in a sharp breath. His door opened and his little sister ran in. Her cute dimples shone as she smiled. Her hair was held in a ponytail.She just returned from school. "Good afternoon big brother"She beam throwing herself into his arm. Her tight hands wrapped firmly against his neck. "You are back already" He catches her and places her on the bed beside him. She smiled throwing herself on his laps. A slight knock sounded on his door. One of the maid peeked her head inside." Young Master Blake, can I come and get the young miss" She asked. Blake glanced at Cassie's pouting face"Go and change first then you can come back after that" Cassie frowned staring up at her brother."I don't always find you at home whenever I come back" "I'm here okay!"He smiled ruffling her hair. "Where is brother Matt" She asked getting off the bed. "He's not yet back from his back"Blake replied. "I'm going out with him today"Cassie happily grin. Her pearly white teeth adding to her beauty. Blake raised a brow at her childish antics "And that is making you happy"he asked. "Ofcourse! He dropped me at school last Friday and I told everyone that he's my boyfriend"She sang jumping around in excitement. "Cassie Carter! Who told you about boyfriend" Blake asked in surprise. "All my friends, Jane, Amy and Annabel have boyfriends okay!"She sigh dramatically. "And besides no one sees you as a big girl if you don't have one" "Who is a boyfriend?"Blake asked and immediately sat up taking her words way too seriously. "Brother Matt told me that boyfriend.."She paused tapping her index finger below her chin." Someone that buys you lots of chocolate, ice-cream and teddies" Blake couldn't contain his chuckle. The look on Matt face must be hilarious when replying to that question. "So that makes Matt your boyfriend"Blake smile tugging her hair behind her ear. "He buys me a lot of candies and ice cream" "So you choose him over me" Blake playfully cried "Yes ofcourse. I have a boyfriend but you don't have a girlfriend"She teased. Her tiny legs jumped around in happiness. She stuck her tongue out at him then ran off. * * * CLUB Lisa frowned because of the deafening music in the club. How will someone enjoy dancing if their eardrum hurts. She passed through the crowd looking around the dancing faces. Her dress fit like a new skin and her milky thigh were out on display. "C'mon hotie dance with me"A blonde haired guy got in her way. "Get out of my way"She said coldly, her voice full of disgust. The drunk guy was very daring. He reached out his hand and grabbed her waist. Before he could continue his assault, her heels mercilessly jammed on his toes. "Ouch"He yelled but was drowned by the blaring music. Lisa hissed and tossed him off. He stared at her in panic then quickly walked off. After scanning the crowd for Josie, she walked over to the bar. "Hi gorgeous"the bartender greeted. She ignored him and bluntly asked for a shot of tequila. "Why are you grumpy Ma'am" He slides her drink over which she downs in a single go. He leans over to her and hastily spoke "That girl you like coming here with" Lisa's ears instantly perk up. "I think her drink was spiked, she was led to the men's bathroom like ten minute ago with about three guys"He quickly added. "That's too long" Lisa panicked and rushed towards the men's room. The bartender sighed taking a shot of tequila. She rushed into the men's room and saw a guy with his back to her taking off his jacket and looking oddly familiar. In front of him was a drunk girl, Josie. Her anger spiked up! "What the f**k do you think you're doing taking advantage of a drunk girl" Lisa violently slammed her heels into his back. Startled and hurt, he fell over hitting his head on the wall then passes out. Her face contorted with disgust as she view his face, Blake Carter. Blinded with rage, she rushes over to Josie who was half awake "He saved me from those guys"She murmured. Her dress was torned and her arm slightly bruised. A while back, Blake had seen some guys spiking Josie's drink while she was dancing. At first, he wanted to turn a blind eye but he remembered her as Lisa's friend and decided to help,but the dress was ripped. He had to pulled his jacket for her and that landed him in more trouble. "s**t"She muttered realising she had misunderstood him. "Lisa I'm sorry"Josie murmured closing her eyes. Blake had passed out. His face drained of any colour. Lisa tiptoed to his side and gently placed her head on his chest. Thankfully he was still breathing. "I'm so sorry" She whispered. His head grew a little bump and slightly bruised. She fished out her phone and urgently dialed Avery's number. She picked at the first ring. "Lisa"She called from the other end. "Avery! I need your help, can you come over to our usual club"She asked glancing around the men's room. "Of course"She replied. Lisa explained the situation to her before ending the call. She locked the male restroom and patiently waited for Avery's arrival. Her beautiful face full of anger and annoyance. She came to the club to relieve herself not to add more headache to her list. A gentle knock startled her and she jumped in fright. Hearing Avery's voice, she walked over and unlocked the door. Avery walk through, her eyes lingered on the unconscious Blake "What are you going to do about him" She asked. "That's the problem. I don't know and I really messed up this time'' She looked confused for a while. "I called Matt, maybe we will just send him back to get treated"Avery suggested with a smile."It's all a misunderstanding, just calm down okay!'' "Thanks a lot" "I'll just take Josie home, Matt or Ethan will be here! Call me if you need any help"Avery exerted a bit of force then pulls Josie off the floor. She mumbles a few incoherent word. "Okay! Be careful" "Okay" Lisa unlocks the door and both girls trudges out. * * Lisa pulled the door open and Ethan ran in. He squat beside Blake checking his vitals. His forehead creases in concern and relief flooded him realizing he was still breathing. "He's just unconscious. He'll be fine" Lisa picked her phone off the floor. Ethan's eyes turned cold and fierced when he stared back at her "Ooh really! You crazy woman! I can have you arrested for assault" He yelled with bloodshot eyes. Blake was practically his brother. Although they had different parent, they were childhood friends and could almost guess what was on each other's mind. Seeing him that way practically broke his heart. "I thought he was assaulting my frien... "Oh please spare me that! With this face" Ethan pointed at Blake "he doesn't have to assault a girl okay! Anyone girl will see him as a trophy boyfriend" "I'm sorry" Lisa mumbled biting the urge of giving a sarcastic reply. Anyway she knew Ethan was right. Blake could be described as beautiful. "Sorry, really! Where do you live"Ethan asked. He lifted Blake off the floor. Blake's face dropped weakly looking pale. His lips looked dry and dark. The bump on his forehead looked hard. "Why are you asking that"Lisa asked. Surprised! Ethan glared at her. Annoyance sketching his features. His eyes lingered on her outfit and he looked away. "Dressed this way to a club, what do you expect from horny drunk guys" "Shut up... "Where do you live"Ethan repeated. "Why"She asked "You almost killed him, you should be responsible"he hissed dragging Blake to the door. "You're joking"Lisa smiled bitterly. Her eyes narrowed in frustration. She didn't want to deal with any of that s**t. "You have hurt this guy like three or four times" "Which were all his fault"She replied Ethan turned back throwing her a sharp look,"Look here crazy pants, you either give me your address or I'll call the cops on you" Lisa gave him a cold stare "You're kidding" "Your choice"
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