
TAINTED BEAUTY.( Dare to love me )

kickass heroine
enimies to lovers

Lisa is forced to grow up after an incident, so she rebels to deal with all her emotions and there's Blake who is infatuated with her more than he is willing to admit.

A mild infatuation turns into obsession forcing her to deal with her past but what happens when the one she falls for isn't him.

"I dare you to kiss me"He breathed out.

"You wish"She shudder drowning the whole glass of drink.

His eyes roam through her face,"Can I kiss you".

Her eyes snapped to his,"You are crazy".

"I know".

His finger grasp her chin and their lips???

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1. Lisa
The increasing stream of sunlight through the window of Lisa's room and continuous buzzing of her alarm cause her to stirred in her sleep. Her eyelids moved and her lips parted. Groaning she slowly part her eyelids but quickly shut as her eyes tried adjusting to the sunlight. Lazily she pulled off the duvet,slowly sitting up,she silenced the alarm. Her hair stood like a bird nest over the head,and she had makeup smeared all over her face from partying last night. A frown hitch her pale face as the hangover drown her with increasing headaches.She stretched her stiffed neck. She reached for the drawer and opened it,pulling out a bottle containing some pills,probably to help with the hangover. She lazily swallowed the pills leaning back on the bedframe. Her body felt foreign. She got her phone and went through the messages,several missed calls from Josie,She leaves a text for her best friend, Josie. A soft knock sounded on her door. She quickly hid the pill bottle under her pillow and straightened her hair then walked to the door. "Liz are you in,"Her mother called out. She grab some face wipe doing justice to her face then hop to the bathroom and sprinkled water on her hands. She walked to the door maintaing a sleepy face and opened the door to meet her mother standing there. Mrs Walter. The woman stared fondly at her and pulled her into her hug. Both women looked so similar, wavy brown hair, brown eyes with crystal clear eyeballs and a long straight nose. "How was your night my baby,"Mrs Walter carressed her hair fondly. A routine Lisa enjoyed. "Yeah mother"She muttered, releasing her breath. "Come downstairs for breakfast,your father is waiting,"Mrs Walter pulled her downstairs ignoring her look of protest. "Can't I just skip breakfast,"She sluggishly swept her hair back as she was half dragged downstairs. Her dad was already on the dining table flipping through the newspaper. He drop it behind him. His gaze harden as he watched his daughter. "Good morning"She grunted pulling out a seat. The man looked up sternly at her. "Where were you last night?"He questioned. "And,"Lisa c****d a brow, picking her cutlery. "Watch how you talk to me young lady"Mr Walter said. "Can you just let her be"Mrs Walter tried cutting in but he kept talking. "You kept pampering her too much..." "No one is asking for your opinion,"Lisa muttered calmly. A soft smile playing on her lips. "You crazy mess of a child"Mr Walter cursed splashing the glass of water next to him on her. "Are you crazy,"Lisa glared slamming her fist on the table then angrily storms upstairs. "Liz, Liz, Pearl,"Her mother's voice kept calling out but she never glance back. She entered the bathroom and exited minutes later dressed in an off shoulder mini gown that barely covered her thigh and ankle boot. She applied some make up and pull some chain on her pale thigh,hanging her backpack over her right arm. Lisa jogged downstairs coating her lips with a red lip gloss. "Liz,you are leaving already"Her mother was already waiting downstairs for her but she just walked past."Just have a little breakfast" "See you later"She said walking to the door. "And where do you think you are going to dressed like this,"Mr Walter spat, veins almost popping his forehead. "College of course"She said with a teasing smile. "I swear to god if you don't change those rags" "Or else what daddy,you will cut my allowance or lock me up in the storage room"Lisa cuts in with an eye roll. Her leg chain clanging together as she moved."Newsflash daddy I have my own money and I've grown up". "Come back here Lisa"He yelled but they fell on deaf ears cause she cat walks out of the room leaving her red face father. She hop into her car and drives out of the mansion blaring Run the world(Girls) by Beyonce till she got to the school. She drove into Crystal College and pull over at the parking lot. Immediately she came down from the car, Josie pulled her into a hug. "Yesterday was lit b***h"Josie squealed. "Jo you are suffocating me"Lisa grunt breaking away from her. "I have a full gist for you"Josie smiled with a playing glint. "I don't want to know"Lisa was pulled into the campus."Your outfit is fire and this chain on your thigh is giving sexy vibe" Both girls sashaying with their perfect figure into the building. Josie Canvas is a blondie, average in height and hot as hell. Their bodies moving in sync as they walked further into the school, earning glances as they stepped into the hallway. Josie was dressed in a ripped bum short and oversized shirt with a black boot on her leg. Heated stares are thrown at them as both girl slayed into the hallway. Both girls maintained a straight face walking further into the hallway. Girls who thought themselves popular waved at them. "We are the hottest girls on campus, no competition"Josie complimented. "Hi girls"Avery joined them but as usual got ignored by Lisa. "Hi Avery, you look good"Josie wave as they walk to class. Avery Tukur didn't stop trying to talk to Lisa who got her phone out to distract herself but unluckily someone bump into her. The phone fell, the hallway quiet down in no moment waiting for the drama to unfold. "Why are you staring at me like a moron, pick my damn phone"Lisa snapped angrily,and many eyes widened at her outburst. Low whisper filled the hallway as eyes waited for the drama to unfold. This wasn't any male student. Blake Carter, rumored to be a billionaire heir and only son of the renowned business tycoon Donald Carter. He is gorgeous,sharp jawline that could cut through paper and thin pink lips. His look were like straight out of the magazine. Girls will do anything to be touched by him. His eyes are calm and lacked warmth as they glance at the phone on the ground. "I won't repeat myself, wouldn't be nice if I clawed your face"Lisa's gaze morphed into a hately glare. She really hated any contact with the opposite s*x. Avery and Josie couldn't stop staring at this Greek god. Well all the girls were. Only Lisa look immune to his charm. He rocked a ripped jeans and black t shirt and his muscle was well defined under his shirt His best friends are behind him, Ethan and Matthew. Slowly he picked the phone and handed it to her. She snatched it and left with her friends who kept glancing back at Blake. "Crazy"Ethan mutter as went their way. * * * * * Getting to class, lectures had already begun and the trio just settled in ignoring the hateful glare. "There will be a group project for everyone soon"the lecture said taking a glance round the class. "It will be part of your assessment, all of you be pair into groups"She continued as a hush fell. "Do we get to choose our partners"Ethan smiled as they strolled into class. Blake and Matthew are also with him. Low giggles erupted in the class. The girls were excited on seeing them. "You three like disrupting my class young men"The lecturer said. "No"Ethan winked and they settled at the back. "And you don't get to choose your partner,that will be based on your characteristics and I've done that already"The lecturer continued. "Don't paired me with a skinny girl, Mr Heathland"Matt gasped and everyone turned to him trying to hold their laughter. "Shut up young man,what do you know, pairing someone with you is already a disaster"Mr Heathland replied and the whole class laughed. Girls took turned to sneak a peak at Blake. "That's a sexy disaster Mr Heathland" Ethan gasp. "The list will be out by the end of the day" Lisa sat there ignoring the noises around her. Soon lecture continued. Lisa couldn't wait to leave the lecture hall. "Imagine being paired with Blake damn"Josie gushed. A dreamy look played on her lips. "Shouldn't you be worrying about what this project is about"Avery chuckled following them out of the class. "Damn b***h, can't believe you were so rude to Blake"Josie gasp. "And"Lisa ran her hand through hair looking bored and unbothered. "And"Josie threw her hands flabbergasted. Sometimes she didn't understand her best friend. "What if you get paired with Blake"Avery ask. "Can't you just bug off"Lisa rolled her eyes. Avery was momentarily embarrassed by Lisa's outburst but it was nothing new. "So which club are we hitting tonight"Josie tried lightening the awkward atmosphere. * * * * * * SCHOOL PARK * Blake and his friends made their way over to their car. Blake's look was ethereal. "You intentionally bumped into that crazy Lisa girl"Ethan said. "Don't call her crazy"Blake snapped. "Do you have a crush on her"Matt teased. "f**k off"Blake hop into the car avoiding the conversation that always leads to nowhere. "That girl is a whole level of baggage, she is anti-men"Matt chuckle. At least that's what they concluded since she hated close contact with the opposite s*x. "Or maybe she's lesbian"Ethan teased. "Who said I had feelings for her"Blake slammed the car door shut. "Wait up" Both guys screamed and hopped into their car following closely behind. * * * * * 7pm Lisa sneaked out of house as always through the back door. Her body was clad in a mini dress covered by a mini jacket. The dress barely covered her butt and her signature lipstick was smeared on her lips giving her a hot yet unapproachable look. Her parent were arguing downstairs again,something she found annoying. Her phone chimed and she silently shut the door. She was grateful because their gate was never locked. A message from Avery pop up. *I'm already at the club. She flagged down a taxi and headed straight to the club. She showed her pass then headed right in. She hadn't gone far from the door when her whole body was drenched in wine. "What the actual f**k"She yelled. The red wine trickled onto her skin and the obvious stain cause her to grit her teeth in anger. "Oops I'm so sorry"Came a cold remorseless apology. Blake Carter. "Are you so dumb that you can't watch it"Lisa snapped. Her dress was ruined. She couldn't go in anymore. "I said sorry"He repeated. Eyes glued on her dress or rather her body. Ethan and Matt appeared beside Blake. Their eyes widened at the scene.They exchanged weird glances amongst themselves. "Will your useless apology fix my dress"Lisa scowled angrily. She felt like breaking something. "Watch your tone Lis_" "Don't you dare say my name"She cuts Ethan off. "Let go guys"Matt winked at her. Blake watched her eyes darkened and she fumed madly. The stain on her dress getting worse by the moment. Lisa bolted in front of Blake landing a tight slap on his face. Matt and Ethan gasped in horror. Blake had algophobia. Her nails digged into his skin and blood trickled down but she too enraged to even notice. Blake eyes snapped shut. The space was suddenly too small for him. "Are you crazy" Ethan glared. He pushed her away from Blake. At least he tried caused he was flipped over and landed miserably on the cold floor. Matt couldn't control his laughter. "Don't you dare touch me again" She turned to walk out of hall but was grabbed by Blake. Her petite frame was slammed against the wall and a gasp escaped her tiny lip. "Get your filthy hands off me" Her knee skillfully landed on Blake's groin. He went down without a fight. Pain itched his feature as he landed on the floor. Flipping her hair over, Lisa turn to stomp out of club. She tripped on Ethan causing her fall butt down on Blake thigh with her fingers spwaled on his chest. Blake eyes snapped open.Matt couldn't believe his eyes. Lisa was perfectly straddling Blake. Horrified she struggled to get off him. His hands snaked round her waist holding her in place. "Ride me if you want"

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