5. Sassy

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"Lisa Walter and Blake Carter" A few seconds of cold silence. No one needed to know how disastrous that pair was. Lisa and Blake working together. Even the walls screamed 'no way'. "What!" Lisa called out. Her eyes widen. "Miss Lisa"Mr Heathland called out sternly. "You can't pair with that... "That what"He cut her off. Lisa felt goosebumps as she glance back. Blake eyes were on her. Something always felt off about him. She glared at him ignoring the low whisper around. "Holy s**t, I can't believe you got the boy" Josie glanced back and forth between Lisa and Blake. "What boy" Lisa snorted. Her eyes were tinted with anger. Of everyone she could have been paired with. Soon enough, Mr Heath land was done with the list."Do well to move over to your partners, discuss your ideas and I need professional coverage". The student moved over to their paired partner as Mr Heathland left them. Blake awkwardly glanced at Lisa who made no attempt to talk to him. "Aren't you the always the lucky one! Mr Heathland handed him over to you on a platter of gold" Josie turned to her and said "And I got the nerd gracious lord". "You are so dramatic" Lisa rolled her eyes carelessly tossing her books in her back pack. "Someone is excited over a certain boy"Josie purred hitting her on the arm. Lisa stood flinging her backpack over her shoulder and tossing some paper under her desk." I'm heading to the bleachers, I need to clarify some document". "But you are supposed to get to know your partner so to exchange ideas"Josie pointed out. "Not me..." Lisa turned to walk out of the hall but someone grab her wrists,she turned following the palm encased around her wrists to their face, Blake Carter. The room practically paused to watch the drama. Everyone knew Lisa didn't like the opposite gender to touch her. "Get your filthy hands off me" Her eyes grew darker as his grip tightened. Her wavy hair fell over her face and her eyes narrowed under them. If looks could kill, Blake probably would be dead. Lisa was staring daggers at him. "I should let you go" Blake narrowed his gaze at her. She was totally unbelievable, wasn't she, " We are to work on this project together" "Does it look like I give a damn"Lisa wanted to walk away but Blake refused to release her hand. "And why is that, my grades are important to me and I don't want you to ruin.. "Shut the f**k up and leave my hand" "She should be grateful Blake is touching her"A girl scoffs. "She is always being dramatic"Another joined in. Avery chuckled. Blake was certainly biting more than he could chew. She memorized the faces that gossip about Lisa. "Or what"Blake replied meeting her gaze with equal intensity. Jaw dropped along with low gasp as Lisa skill fully collided her knee with Blake groin. "Or that"She pushed him off her. She ignored his pained expression as he fell infront of her feet instead snatched her hand making her way out of the class . Blake groan then fell over on the floor moaning in pain. Ethan and Matt quickly rushed to his side. They couldn't help but be stunned. Josie smiled awkwardly at the Matt then rushes after Lisa. Avery eyes saddened as Matt totally ignored her. She noticed his eyes were on Lisa the whole time. He had that look in his eyes. She knew that look so well. Admiration. The only boy she liked had a crush on Lisa. "Ooh! Ooh!" Ethan laughed pulling Blake off the floor. "That girl is a badass"Matt couldn't't hold his laughter. "Eye off" Ethan snapped. The small crowd fumbled about going back to their business while both guys half dragged Blake out of the class. "Lisa! Wait up"Josie ran behind Lisa. Anger built up within her chest. How dare he touch her that way. Who does he think he is to touch her. She tried but she couldn't hold it in. She wanted to break something. She had to let it out. "Lisa! Stop walking so fast" Josie dashes in front of her, "You are crying" Tears stream down her cheeks. "I feel so suffocated" Josie pulled her into the nearest washroom room then locked the door behind them. "I can't get his touch out of my mind" She cried. Memories flashing through her mind. She felt dirty again. Her brown clear eyes filled with tear as they glanced up at Josie. "Calm down Lisa!" Josie grabbed her shoulder. Lisa scrunched to the floor, her arms wrapped around her chest. She glanced at Josie who squat beside her. A drop of tears slipped through her lashes. Josie gently pats his her eyes and cups her cheek "Screw the project, you don't have to go through it if it's making you this uncomfortable" She wraps her hand Lisa and gently brought Lisa's head to her chest as her finger strokes her hair. Lisa glanced up at Josie. Her eyes filled with gratitude. Tears slipped out of her eyes and Josie wipes it with her thumb. "Stop crying okay! You might end up having a bad headache" Her soft finger slipped into Lisa's scalp, gently massaging her head. "Thank you for always being there" Lisa smiled weakly. Josie faked a hurt look"C'mon you crazy badass b***h! Don't be like that, we are besties and no gratitude between us okay" "Besties for life"Lizzy glanced up at Josie with a frail smile. "Besties for life"Josie replied returning the smile. "And girl you are in this for life" SCHOOL CLINIC Blake gripped the seat tight in front of him. He has never been embarrassed that way his entire life. Ethan left off a funny laugh. "That girl is crazy" he whispered leaning next to Blake's ears " She almost destroyed your baby making machine, twice" Matt threw his arm over Blake shoulder "I wish I had captured that look on your face, so hilarious". He closed his eyes trying to keep his cool. He had under estimated the hate she had for the opposite gender. He couldn't get his mind off her eyes. Clear as spring. The way her lips bite her lips as she tamed her anger. The way she swayed her hips past him. "Do you still like her" Ethan asked enjoying every minute of his misery. Blake glared at both of them. They like making fun of him at any chance "I don't like her". He drew in a breath. "Are you sure, she's quite the tigress"Ethan teased. Matt was momentarily stunned by Ethan's words. She was indeed a tigress and that got him mesmerized. "Ethan! Shut up"Blake groaned getting annoyed by their teasing. Blake grabbed his clinic and walked of the clinic followed by Ethan and Matt. "Is she the girl you want to lose your virginity to"Ethan suddenly gasped in a tiny, irritating voice. Blake paused "What the f**k" Matt snickered. "Why would you say that"Blake glanced around making sure no one heard them "Even Matt banged some girls over the summer but you refused,"Ethan stated. Matt nudged him away,"I was drunk" "And so was Blake but he refused.. "Shut up"Blake hushed as they made their way to next class. "How are you sure I didn't do it... "s*x, you can't even say it" Ethan teased. "Are you really saving it for.. "Oh shut up Matt"Blake could only sigh and hold his forehead. Ethan grin in response and threw his arm over Blake as they step into the main building"You don't have to be embarrassed okay". Blake is about to respond when Ethan's attention is pulled away by some girls that saunters by and seductively bait their lashes at them. Ethan winks at them and they all giggled. "Oh I love my mammies! The brunette is hot."Ethan whispered. Matt c****d his brow in mock realization,"You have slept with her" "How did you know"Ethan whispered flunging his hand around Matts neck. "And guys she's sweet" "Are you trying to corrupt my innocent mind"Blake playfully jabs his stomach. "I could hook you up with girls" Ethan playfully winked. "Not interested"Blake pushed him away. "?"I can't believe I'm the only fun loving person amongst us" "If your version of fun means sleeping around with a bunch of girls then yes"Came Matt sarcastic reply. Ethan winked at the next bunch of girls that waved at them " At least they keep me happy". Lisa and Josie exited the bathroom. Avery quickly ran over to them. She has been looking for them since they left the class. "Hey Jo! Is Lisa okay"She asked. Her eyes were full of concern. "She's fine" Josie replied. Lisa blunted ignored her and trudged forward. "Lisa! What do I have to prove myself cause I'm tired of you treating me like I don't exist"Avery pleaded. "Don't create a scene" Josie glared glancing around and thankfully everywhere was empty. Lisa paused then back. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance. "You are making it seem like we're in a relationship" Avery scoffs,"You know what I'm talking about Lisa! I knew nothing about what happened to you when we met... "Can we not do this right now"Josie cuts in. "No! I was framed and you both knew that but Lisa hated me even after running a background check on me" Lisa back arched against the wall. Her hair fell over her face, brushing the strands away from her, she replied in a hush whisper,"but if you didn't who did?" "I don't know okay!" Avery yelled. "Then who the f**k had your phone"Lisa yelled back. "Guys calm dow.. "I was drunk Lisa, dead drunk," Avery cried. " If I wanted to hurt you why still try to be friends with you" "To do more damage"Lisa replied. "You think so"Avery blinked. Hurt registered in her eyes. " Is that how you really feel anytime you look at me" "I guarantee you don't wanna know how I feel" Avery laughed bitterly. Tears slipped from her eyes "Fine I guess. Good! "She ran off. "Lisa, you were too harsh on her" Josie said. "If I forgive her then who do I have to blame or if I believe her words then that means something is off" Josie doesn't say anything as they make their way to the next class.
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