Chapter 6

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ARIANNA POV “Leonardo it's been ages.” I heard my dad say while laughing. I turned to look at him and watched as he hugged the older man who I saw sitting on the dinning room. “Mark it has really been ages. You are already growing white hair. I have been looking everywhere for you. If only you know how long and hard I searched. It's a good thing I found you. Hope you and your family didn't feel any stress in moving here? And hope you are comfortable with the house?” the man who my Dad called Leonardo said. “It was long but it wasn't too stressful and the house is more than comfortable. Thank you so much.” my Dad answered him. “You are welcome my dear friend. This must be your family right?” the Leonardo man asked looking at Mum, Ace and I. “Yes they are. This is my beautiful wife, Sophia. Sophia this is Leonardo my old friend back in high school.” Dad said as he introduced Mum first. “Nice to meet you Leonardo.” Mum said smiling. “You are indeed right my friend. Your wife is beautiful. You are a lucky man. Nice to meet you Sophia. Hope my friend here is treating you right? Although I know the answer already because it's written all over you.” “He is indeed doing a great job as a husband and father.” Mum said making Dad to smile looking at her. “Well Mark and Sophia, please meet my beautiful wife. Eliana. Darling meet the Mark I told you about that saved my life.” Leonardo said. Now his last statement was confusing. I didn't get what he meant by dad saved him. When was that and what happened? Maybe they will tell us the story later. I looked at the two adults and noticed that I could see some familiar resemblance with that alpha guy but I can't see any resemblance in Dean. Maybe he is just related with them because there's no way he can be that jerk's brother. They are two completely different people. I didn't hear what Mum and Eliana said to each as my mind was occupied with thoughts of the two boys who were standing in front of me. The time I began to listen to their conversation was when I noticed Dad has started introducing Ace. I knew after him is my turn and I still don't know what to do or say when I am being introduced. I took in a deep breath and tried not to think too much about it. I will definitely try my best but I won't do something that will make me disgrace my Dad and Mum. “Wow you mean your son is twenty? You gave the two kids too much gap.” Eliana said. “Ace only senior his sister with only just two years. Actually Arianna, our daughter here is growing up slowly. Everything about her growth has been slow that's why she looks like this but she is already in highschool.” Mum said smiling at them. “Oh I see. She is beautiful just like her mother and also intelligent too.” Leonardo said looking at me. I blushed at his compliment. “Are those your sons?” Dad asked pointing at Dean and the arrogant bully of an alpha. Leonardo turned at looked at the boys. “They are my sons.” he answered. I quickly bit my lips because I was almost about to let out a gasp. This can't be happening. They shouldn't be brothers please. My fears were real. How am I going to be friends with Dean now? Am sure this arrogant alpha guy has already told him about what happened. Maybe he will side with him since he is his brother. I thought as I couldn't look at the both of them. “Well actually Stefano is my biological son while Dean over there is my best friend's son who is also my son's best friend so I see him as my son also. He came to see Stefano so we decided to let him join us for dinner also.” Leonardo said. I looked at Leonardo not believing him at all. I mean he should have said that since before giving me a heart attack. But what difference does it makes? His name was nice though I won't lie about that. It's the only thing that is better than his attitude. Stefano, sweet name. But his name shouldn't be my problem right now. The problem I have right now is his connection with Dean. Dean's best friend is this arrogant alpha guy and the arrogant alpha guy is Dean's best friend. Which means they are very close. And remember the saying that goes, ‘A friend of a thief is also a thief.’ So does that mean Dean is a bully too? But he doesn't look or act or seem like one. I'm finding it hard to believe his like this arrogant alpha guy who won't stop glaring at me. “Lets get before the food get cold.” Eliana said. We all sat down on the dinning table. I was happy that I was facing Dean who was sitting on the other side of the table while that arrogant guy was facing Ace. Dean haven't stopped smiling at me since I entered. It was like he was happy to see me but I didn't want to believe it because maybe he was only pretending. We the kids ate our food in silence while the elders talked and laughed while they eating. I concentrated on my plate like it was the most interesting thing in this world. I just didn't feel like raising my head because I didn't want to see the two boys sitting in front of me. We finished eating food and we were taken to the living room although Elaina ordered the arrogant alpha guy to take us the children upstairs to the living room. He obeyed her without saying a word to her. At least he can listen to someone who is his mother. He took us upstairs and just like the one downstairs, this living was big and had a big television. Since Ace was with me, I could breath without being scared. I am very sure Dean nor the arrogant alpha guy won't want to piss my brother off so they kept their distance. Infact the arrogant alpha guy left the living room. I was about to sit down with Ace when Dean stopped me. “Hey Arianna why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? I have been trying to get your attention but you won't give it to me. Why?” he asked giving me a sad look. Before I could say a single word to him, Ace stood up and walked to me. He stood close to me and looked at Dean not smiling at all. “What are you trying to do with my sister?” he asked. “Am sorry but I'm not planning to do anything to her. Please don't get the wrong idea. I am her friend at school. I don't know why she asking like she doesn't know me. Or Arianna is it that you don't want your family to know about me?” Dean asked looking hurt. His facial expression looks so real. He is truly hurt that I was avoiding him. I knew that he wasn't like his friend. I'm just finding it hard to believe it. I need to find out if he knows. “Ace don't worry I can handle this. Dean can we go somewhere quiet and talk?” I asked him. “Sure we can.” he said as his face brighten a bit. “Hey what about me? I can't just stay here when your talking to him. I need to be with you so I can help you out.” Ace said he was staring at me. “Don't worry Ace I will absolutely fine. I just need to talk to him that's all. Just sit and wait for me. I will join you soon.” I said before walking away. Dean opened a door and allowed me to walk out first before shutting the door and following me behind. He lead me outside a balcony which was facing the whole view of the environment. Because it was dark, street lights and house's light were on making it look really beautiful. I admired the whole place for a while before I turned to Dean. “Dean what intentions did you have towards me when you first saw me?” I asked him the question I badly wanted answers to. “When I first saw you, I first thought you will some random chick who wanted my attention but you showed me that you were different from what I thought you were, I decided to be friends with you because you are an amazing person. I got to know that during our discussion.” he answered. I smiled as I was satisfied with the answer I got from him. “But what about your friend Stefano? Hope you are different from him?” I asked him. “Stefano and I are two different people who can't be desame. I wonder why you are asking me such question. Tell me did he do something to you?” he said looking confused. Which means that arrogant alpha guy didn't tell him about our little encounter. Well it's much better than way. “No he didn't do anything to me.” I lied to him. If the arrogant alpha guy didn't announced it already then that means he doesn't want anyone to know and so do I so I can't tell Dean. We aren't so close yet. “ I just felt something different about you both. You don't act like best friends that's all. I just hope he won't have any issue in me being your friend?” I asked. “Of course not. He has no right to do that besides I'm sure when I introduce you both you will be friends also.” he said smiling. “Erm I don't think that's necessary. Because I don't want to have any thing to do with him.” I said rolling my eyes. “Hahaha if you say that then. Wow I'm really glad to finally see your family. Although I'm quite scared of your brother. Your mother is so beautiful. I see where you got some of your beauty from.” he said winking at me. I began to laugh and he joined me as we both laughed together. We began to talk more. We did not return to the living room and we forgot all about Ace and that arrogant alpha guy as we were enjoying each other company. Unknown to us, we were being watched.
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