Chapter 7

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ARIANNA POV “Wait a minute, don't tell me you love dogs? I do too. Like I love them so much. I mean who won't fall for their adorable cute faces? And how they have soft fur. I don't mind having ten of them. I will be a good mummy to them.” I giggled. “Hahaha..... You can't be serious. I love puppies more because they are have this innocent look that draws you to them.” Dean said. “You are very correct.” I agreed with him instantly. “What is your favourite color?” I asked him. Right now we were asking each other questions and answering the questions together. It's really exciting to know that we like similar things. I feel we are growing so closer than before and I'm enjoying it. “I love black and purple.” he answered. “I love black also and blue.” I said smiling. “We love black together and we have two best colors. It's almost the same thing. Like this is so cool.” he said with an amused smile on his face. “Its so interesting.” I agreed with him. For a while he said nothing and looked distracted. I was just about to call for his attention when he blinked twice and looked at me. ‘Could it be that he just mind linked some one right now?’ I thought because in the books I have read, werewolves usually mind link themselves whenever they wanted to talk or pass a message to each other. For Dean to be absent minded for some moments, that only means that he was mind linking some one. Right? Dean hasn't told me that he is a werewolf. He doesn't know that I know that they exist so he is keeping it a secret from me. But I hope someday he will open up to me and tell me that he is a werewolf. “Sorry Ari but can you give me some minutes, I need to run an errand quickly. I forgot to do something, I just remembered right now. I will be right back before you know it okay?” he said as he stood up. “No problem you can go.” I smiled. I watched as he quickly rushed out of the balcony. I decided to join Ace in the living room. As I was about to walk to the living room, that arrogant alpha guy blocked my path. I let out a sigh not ready for him this night. I moved to the left and he moved to the left to blocking my path. I moved to the right and he did the same thing again still blocking my way. I let out another sigh before I looked up at his beaut..... Yuck what am I saying. I mean I looked at his blue eyes. “What is it?” I asked him. “What are you doing with my best friend?” he asked glaring at me. Don't he get tired in glaring? He has been doing it since we arrived which is almost two hours now. Isn't his eyebrows paining him? Well why am I even bothered about someone like him? He isn't worth it. “Well my friend and I were just talking. Do you have any problem with that?” I asked nonchalantly. “Yes I have a problem with that. You are trying to get my best friend to get back at me that's what you are trying to do.” he said. I couldn't control myself as I started laughing. “Are you laughing at me?” he asked looking surprised before he quickly covered his facial expression to neutral. I held my hand up to give him a sign that I'm coming because I was still laughing. After I was done laughing, I cleared my throat and looked at him. “Yes I am laughing at you because I never expected you to be this funny. So you think that I, Arianna is trying to use your best friend, Dean to get back at who, you.” I said to him as I run my eyes to look at him from his head to his toes. “Please remind me again who the hell are you that I will waste my precious time to do such a thing?” I asked. Woah I feel like patting my back right now because I don't know where this confidence is coming from. Although I love it. I feel so big right now. “You little brat, how dare you talk to me like that?” he spat. “Look am done talking to you. I will advise you to avoid me and not talk to me ever because I really don't have time to exchange words with an AAA like you.” I scoffed. “What do you mean by AAA?” He asked looking confused. “I didn't want to say it but you leave me no choice but to say it loud. It means ANNOYING ARROGANT ASSHOLE.” I replied nonchalantly. He looked at me with wide eyed. He let out a low growl. He is now pissed. “Listen you human, you have been crossing your boundaries. Just be grateful that your parents and mine are downstairs, what I would have done to you will put you in your place. Better mind the words you say to me and respect me.” he warned me. “Oops I don't think I can do that because I can't find the word respect in my dictionary when it comes to you. Now you listen to me you arrogant asshole, you should also not bother me because I won't hesitate to tell your parents and mine that you are my mate. Oh sorry my bad, you aren't my mate but my ex mate. So if you don't want to have issues with especially your parents, then don't test me. Now excuse me because your sight makes me feel sick.” I said before walking out of him. Gosh I wish someone would video this moment. I'm sure I will trend in social media and also I will be used as a motivation to weaker girls. This is so epic. It was taking me everything not to jump in excitement but no I can't ruin everything. I joined Ace in the living. He was sitting down and busy with his phone. He only raised his head when I sat down next to him. He dropped his phone on his laps. “Are you done talking to that guy? What did he say? Are you both really friends?” he began to ask me. I shaked my head at my overprotective brother who I love so much. “Yes we are friends Ace. You have nothing to worry about. Trust me. Dean is really a cool guy.” I told him. “Hope he isn't trying to ask you out because I know guys like him. They will act all kind and friendly but at the end they only want to have s*x with you and dump you at the end.” Ace said frowning. “Dean isn't like that at all Ace. He is different from other assholes who are around the world. Some assholes are even closer to us than we know it.” I said making sure to increase my voice so that the person I was referring to would hear me if he really has super hearing power. “If he tries anything funny, don't hesitate to let me know okay? I will deal with him personally and make him a cripple.” I laughed and hit him on his arm trying to brighten his mood. “I will be fine. Besides I can handle myself.” I said to him. Elaina came to call us that it's time to go home. Ace and I went downstairs and saw Mum and Dad waiting for us. We bid the Romano family good night before we left. Leonardo and Eliana were amazing host unlike their son. As the car was moving, I was sad that I didn't get to tell Dean good night. The moment we arrived home, everyone went to their various rooms because we were all tired and already full. I had already taken a quick shower and changed into my night gown ready for bed when I heard my phone ringing. I rushed to where I dropped it last and picked it. It was Dean who was calling me. I began to smile as I quickly answered his call. “Hello Dean.” “Hello Ari. I got back and heard you had gone home with your family. I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you before you left.” he said making me blush. “It's fine. We will still get to see each other in school tomorrow so it's not a problem.” I replied. “But I really wanted to see you before you left. Well I still get to see you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in school so I won't be sad again. Hope you got home safely?” he asked. I laid on my bed and held my phone to my ear before answering him. “Yes I did. Infact I'm ready to go to bed. How about you? Are you home now?” I asked him. “Yes I am. Immediately I heard you had left, I returned home. I actually went back to see you. After this call, I will prepare to go to bed too. I really need to rest because I'm so tired. Today has been really stressful but fun because I made a new friend who is you.” he said. “You do need rest. Alright good night.” I said about to hang up. “Hold on. Wait a minute. Can't we still continue talking to each other? I don't want to hang up right now. I want to just continue talking to you.” he said making me to blush. “I would love that too but no we have to sleep. We both have school tomorrow and we are tired right now. Don't worry tomorrow we will meet up during break and talk. For now good night and this is the last good night. Bye.” I said then quickly hanged up before he stop me again. I dropped my phone beside me and couldn't stop smiling. I smiled with a smile on my face and with the thoughts of Dean on my mind. I don't know what's happening to me but one thing that is sure is, I really can't control my feelings no matter how hard I try. I just can't.
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