The Last Thing She Saw

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Scarlett’s POV Sophia stirred, waking me up. The room was really quiet. Conrad must have gone to the bank already, but he should have been back from now. Maybe he went to go see Alpha Cyrus by himself. Giving Sophia her bottle, I wasn’t sure how this new pack was going to go, but it was better than being rogue. The hunters had gotten too close to us at the old pack. At least we were over on the other side of the country now. That worked. I tried Conrad through the mind link and couldn’t pick anything up. Texting him wouldn’t be a good idea in case he was taken.   Alpha Cyrus’s POV So this new wolf and his family wanted to join the pack, no questions asked. Well, if that was going to happen, he best have my f*****g money. Not everyone could just join this pack. I charged him twice the amount that I would normally because there were three of them. He had asked if we had a house he could purchase that was on the edge of the pack grounds, which we did, but that’s where the f*****g orphans went. Not everyone could just join the pack and it was going to cost him. Maybe he would lend his wife out for a night or two of fun with me. You would be surprised at what people have offered to join my pack, and who I am to say no to f*****g someone new. Jarrod would be here any minute with this guy, and he better be a good beta.     Conrad’s POV There were guards everywhere. It would be hard to get in or out of this place, which would be a good thing. Jarrod hadn’t said a word to me the whole time. Guy seemed like an ass, but hey guess if your Alpha was a bastard, then you had to be as well. We come to the main building and Jarrod stops the car out the front. He gets out and I follow. There is no one else around out here, wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. We go through the building and up the stairs. On the fourth floor, there was a door. I was guessing it was his office. We walk in. Behind the desk is a guy that looks like he is in his thirties, I would guess. He looked stern; he was built; he was a lot bigger than me.   Alpha Cyrus’s POV Well, he didn’t look like much, but sometimes those were the guys that were the best fighters. “So you and your family want to join my pack? And your old Alpha is dead?” I ask him to see what reaction I can get out of him. He was good he didn’t even flinch at all. “He was an asshole, he killed his Luna, tried to kill my daughter and my mate.” He responded to me. Well, his story matches, but it seems that his old pack doesn’t know that they have left yet. What was he hiding? I knew they were running. Did they kill their Alpha? Cause if they did, they would be dead by now, you would think. Well, as long as he had my money, who gives a s**t? We need more warriors after the last f*****g rogue attack. Too many died. They were s**t fighters. So he better be good.   Conrad’s POV “He was an asshole, he killed his Luna, tried to kill my daughter and my mate.” I tell him, if I kept it simple, he shouldn’t ask f*****g questions. He wasn’t going to get anything out of me. The important thing was not to react. Just to seem indifferent, which I was used to doing that. Taking out the envelope, there is an extra ten thousand in there, which I kept as money if we needed to get away quickly. I handed it over to him and he smiles when he counted it. “There is extra in there.” He said to me. “As a good gesture, let's just say.” I say to him. Hoping that he was going to take that as a good thing. “Thank you Conrad, your family is welcome. Jarrod will take you back to town and you can follow him back here and he will show you where your house is. It's at the end of the pack land and on the forest as requested. Now leave.” He says to us. Well, at least he got down to the nitty gritty fast. I had already been away from the girls for long. Scarlett would start to worry. I texted her to let her know we were on the way back now.   Scarlett’s POV Conrad had finally texted me to let me know to pack our stuff and to get the car ready. After I did this, he was back within half an hour, so he must have been close. That was good, so we could get to town fast if we needed to. Sophia was relaxed for the first time in days. I loved to watch her sleep. Hopefully, we would be around long enough to see her grow up, but I knew there was little chance of that happening. Conrad pulls up with in a car with a guy that looked solid. He wasn’t bad on the eye either; he raised his eyebrows at me; I think in a way that was meant to be hello. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Maybe this guy wouldn’t be so bad after all. Jarrod’s POV She was actually quite easy on the eye of his wife; I think her name was Scarlett, if I remembered correctly, and I wasn’t wrong for often. She was going to have to watch herself this one; she was Alpha’s type and if she didn’t do what he wanted, she was going to need to fight. Alpha Cyrus was a bastard, he was cold and heartless, the way he treated our Luna. She was currently in the cells being starved, because she had tried to save a young unmated wolf from being treated to a night for the big bad Alpha. I was only still there to protect my wife and daughter. He tried his s**t with my wife and I had nearly killed him for it, so from then on he has left us alone. I hope for this lady's sake she can look after herself; I wanted to warn her. Maybe my wife could once they got settled in after all. They were of beta blood. I smiled at her and she smiled back. So maybe this could work. Conrad’s POV Scarlett smiled at Jarrod. This was exactly like her. I loved this about her though; she was always willing to give people a go. We got in the car and Scarlett was quiet, so I just left her. She didn’t like it when I annoyed her like that. We finally got to the pack ground. Jarrod lead us to the house. It was actually really nice and big. Bigger than what we like, but I wasn’t going to complain about that. We get out of the car, Jarrod gives me the keys, and he takes off. Scarlett looks happy. She was stunning when she smiled. I was really lucky to have her. “What do you think?” I ask her. “It’s big, but hey why complain about that, lets get settled, shall we.” she says to me. It only took us a few hours to settle in. It was late, now it was time to go to sleep. Alpha Cyrus’s POV Well, this was interesting news, wasn’t it? Seems that they think our new pack members had something to do with the Alpha’s death and hunters were trying to find them. The hunter had contacted me and told me he would offer me half of the bounty that was on their head. One million really could come in handy at the moment. All I had to do was kill Scarlett and Conrad, but leave the girl alive. Surely they would have to be asleep by now. I knew Jarrod wouldn’t help me with this, so I sent for the tracker. He was quick. We snuck to the house. Everything was quiet. Knowing where the key was, we were quiet enough to sneak into the house. There were four rooms in this house and I knew they would be in the master. Leigh was going to slit Conrad’s throat and I would take the wife. It was such a waste. She was stunning. Maybe I could just take her after she was dead. It wouldn’t be the first time. They were both asleep; we got into position and before they knew what was happening, Leigh had slit Conrad’s throat. Her eyes flew open. I had her by the throat so she couldn’t move or make a sound. The last thing she saw was my cold, sadistic eyes before I took her life.
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