He Needs To Die

1042 Words
SIXTEEN YEARS LATER. Alpha Cyrus’s POV That stupid little b***h was still here, she would have another beating tonight, I hated the fact that the hunter had made me keep her alive for some reason, he never came back for her, but said that he would always be watching, and if she died, he would come for me and my family. Not that my stupid mate was worth anything. She was hopeless. Why the f**k did she get fated to me. Even I knew I was a bastard, treating her like s**t, taking everything out on her and that little b***h, and she did nothing at all. She just took it all. She was weak, and I needed someone strong. So many times I had wanted to kill her myself, but she was good to our son and he loved her, so for the time being, she lived. The hunter had made good on his deal and I had received the money, but the last sixteen years of having this reminder around was f****d. It wasn’t my best moment, but hey f*****g life happens right. Now she copped everything from me. She got daily beatings, and she just took it. I wasn’t actually sure if she ate; she didn’t look skinny, but who cares, because in six months time when she turns seventeen she will be kicked out of the pack and made a rogue and then it is not my problem, we had to make out her parents died in an accident and that’s what she was made to believe. Sophia’s POV Six more months and I could be out of this hellhole, see my parents had died when I was younger. I was put in the orphanage no one wanted to adopt, which I didn’t care about. But for some reason, Alpha Cyrus hated me and so did his son. I would cop daily beatings for no reason. He has tried to beat me down for the last sixteen years, but it hasn’t worked. I will not allow him to break me. He is a d**k. He treats our Luna like crap; I feel sorry for her, as I know she gets it worse than I do. No one at school likes me, the teachers hate me and so do all the kids; I have no friends there. All I try to do is study and keep my head down. But the stupid Alpha is training his son up on how to beat me in public. No one can actually watch it, except for the sick kids, but hey they are all like that. I don’t feel the pain anymore. Knowing what is coming for me, I retreat into my head. My body becomes numb. I swear that one of these days I will kill him and his son for what they have done. Getting ready to go to the pack house to clean up all the mess before school starts was my morning routine. See, because no one wanted me, I still live at the orphanage. The ladies there feel sorry for me and are kind. They feed me when the Alpha had told them not to. I think of my parents and felt sad; they told me it was an accident, but for some reason I have never believed them. There is no information on them at all or my family. Trust me, I have tried but found nothing out. All I knew was that this was not our original pack and all they knew was that I came from across the country. Jarrod’s POV I still think the bastard killed them, although I could never prove it. I thought they would have more time, not be killed on the first night. Now and then I still think about them and feel bad. I could have done something and now the way he treats the daughter. He beats her and for no reason, there have been many times I have stopped him from beating her to death. There were a few times I had to send the pack doctor down to help her. When I helped her, though, he beat my wife. This was the final straw with him. I nearly killed the bastard many times, but my wife begged me not to. She said she would take the beating so that little Sophia wouldn’t have to take it, but she would end up taking it too. She has seemed to somehow tune it out now; I have seen her like she just leaves her body and becomes numb and when it's over, she just gets up and walks away. Sometimes I just want to kill him and then take Sophia and my family and leave this f*****g pack. The day he dies is going to be the best day of my life. She would be going to the pack house before school and cleaning up all the mess. My wife cooked in the kitchen and she said that Sophia was such a sweet girl. She always tried to look out for her, but sometimes she wasn’t able to always do it. “Get the f**k down here now Jarrod, we have s**t to take care of.” Alpha Cyrus says in my head. “Yes Alpha, I am on my way now.” I tell him, I don’t cut the link off. I let him do that. It's one of his things he does. If you cut the link off, he makes you pay for disrespecting him. I never knew what happened to him to make him such an asshole. Not wanting to keep him waiting, I get up and leave. The plan was to stop by the kitchen and see my wife and say hi to Sophia and check to see how bad her beating was last night. “You have ten minutes, Jarrod, and stop by the kitchen and get me some more food, but none that that little b***h has made.” He says and then cuts the link off. Knowing that he would say that as he does every bloody morning, I was halfway there already, when I noticed a figure running out of the building and it looked very much like Sophia.
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