Bribe For The Alpha

1340 Words
Scarlett’s POV Conrad was quiet as we were driving through the night. He didn’t seem himself. I knew he was sad because of the death of our Luna, but he was taking it pretty hard. He didn’t know that I knew that he and Violet were mates. She had come and told me one day. As the guilt was eating her up. At first I was angry, but I got over it. He was coming home to me every night, so I thought maybe it wasn’t the same as what we had. Why the Moon Goddess give him two mates? If it wasn’t for a reason. I had always thought it was, so that someone loved Luna Violet, because Alpha Julius had always been a bastard and now he couldn’t hurt anyone else. We were going to the other side of the country where we got wind of a pack called The Blue Blood Pack. The Alpha was known for being violent and cruel, but he couldn’t be any worse than what Julius had been. “Are you ok Conrad?” I couldn’t ask him. I didn’t enjoy seeing him like this, considering that Sophia always seems to pick up what kind of mood he was in. He didn’t answer me. I could feel through the bond that he was trying to find it, but the sadness and the pain were slowly working its way through. Giving up on trying to get through to him, I closed my eyes and rest while Sophia was asleep.   Conrad’s POV It was getting harder to find the sadness and pain from losing Violet. It could feel it see[ping through the bond to Scarlett. I mean, what type of bastard was I to keep something like this to my wife. Knowing Scarlett, she would forgive me and say something about the Moon Goddess doing it for some reason. So I was just going to suffer in silence. She finally gave up trying to get out of me what was bothering me. She closed her eyes and was asleep. Looking the mirror I could see that our precious Sophia was asleep as well. I knew that she always picked up on my moods, but she also picked up on her mum as well. It was going to be a long drive; it was about 2000 miles, and I wanted to get there as soon as I could. My contact at The Blue Blood Pack was expecting us at about 2:00pm in two days. That at least gave us a day to rest. Cedar Ridge was a small town, and it was the furthest that we could get from Pennsylvania. Alpha Cyrus was an asshole, but he wasn’t anything that I couldn’t handle. No one would ever suspect that we had gone there. We needed to hide who we really were. There was no history on our names. That would stand out. We had set up the information yourself on what people could find.   Scarlett’s POV I woke up because I could feel that Sophia had stirred, not knowing how long I had been out for. I looked at the clock, s**t I had been out of it for ten hours. Must have really needed the rest. Conrad must be tired. “Honey, did you want me to drive for a while?” I ask him, “It’s ok, we are actually nearly there, we’re about an hour away. Do you think Sophia can hold off on a bottle till then?” He asks me. I looked at her and she was still asleep but stirring. “I think we can get away with that long.” I say to him, he looks like he is better now. I felt the bond to see if I could get anything from him and there was nothing. About an hour later, we pulled up outside a nice motel. “We can stay here tonight and then tomorrow, we will go and see Alpha Cyrus.” He says to me. He gets out of the car and gets the key. We were on the back side of the building nearest the forest. If we were away from the forest for too long, I always got anxious. The room was pleasant for a motel that was in a small town. We had been in some dodgy motel rooms, but this was comfy. Sophia had finally woken up and was ready for her bottle. Conrad was making it. I sat down on the couch that was in the room, with Sophia in my arms. She was big for an eight-month-old baby. She was going to be beautiful when she was older; she had dirty blonde hair. She already looked like she had a tan and her eyes were the deepest brown. Normally with brown eyes, they looked dull, but you could see the life in her eyes. She drank her bottle fairly fast, so she must have been thirsty. She was looking around for Conrad. He was on the computer, most likely going over all the papers, ready for tomorrow. “Dadda.” Sophia says, looking around for him still. I felt the joy coming through the bond at Sophia saying his name. He stopped whatever he was doing and came over and took her into his arms.   Conrad’s POV “Dadda.” I heard little Sophia call me. The joy I felt when she said this, I would never get over it. The papers could wait. All we had to do was go to the bank and withdraw some bribe money for Alpha Cyrus. I was told that fifty grand would be enough. You may think that was pricey, but we had more than enough money left over that fifty grand was nothing. I take Sophia into my arms and spin her around; she started giggling. Whatever we had to do to get into this new pack was worth it for little Sophia. She yawned, and I knew it was getting to her bedtime. I gave her back to Scarlett because she settled better with her mum. I need to get some rest as well I was wrecked from the last two days. “Honey, I am going to get some. The two of you should as well.” I tell her.   Scarlett’s POV Conrad comes and kisses my cheek and says good night to Sophia before he goes to sleep on one of the beds. I put Sophia down next to him after she falls asleep on me. Getting the computer out, I open my file and write to Sophia again. I had started a journal for her, explaining all the family history and what happened to us so far, not keeping anything out. I had told her about the overseas account that had money in it for her, that no one would be able to ever get. I put more money into her account; she was up to nearly half a million dollars now. It was so that when Conrad and I were gone, she could survive. Knowing the day was going to come that we would be hunted and killed. Sophia needed to be set up. It was time to get some sleep. Not knowing how tomorrow was going to go was making me restless.   Conrad’s POV Scarlett and Sophia were still asleep, so I went to the bank by myself. No one else had to see them. It was better if they just saw me. The lady at the bank didn’t seem surprised that I was taking out a fair amount of cash. Must be a normal thing around here. My phone buzzed. Jarrod, who was the beta of the pack, told me that the Alpha was moving the meeting to now. I was to meet on him on the outskirts of town and they would take me from there. Going back to the motel room, the girls were still asleep, so I figured I would go by myself. Fewer people that see us, he better.
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