Talking to him

562 Words
Tara Pov I wonder when the blood moon will be leaving, I go to the party and everyone is having a good time but all I think about is Alpha Damon, his green eyes, blonde hair gosh he's so flawless. I leave Leo and Bella at college to go home, my brother said he is throwing a party for the blood pack. After changing, I go downstairs and my eyes wander off to search for him as if sensing my gaze on him, he turns to look at me, his eyes unwavering as he and my brother start to approach me, my heart is beating out of my chest, what's wrong with me? how far can I make it if I run in these heels? while debating whether to run or stay, the beautiful man is already in front of me with my handsome brother. "Hi sis," my brother hugs me, kissing my forehead softly. Damon and I have a little staring contest before I break it “This is Damon Montez, the alpha of the blood moon and a friend of mine “ my brother introduces looking at Damon “and this is my sister, Tara Salvador." He stretches out his hand to me, I take it and feel tingling sparks did he feel them too, he flinched too. “Tara,” he whispers, I love how he says my name, with a deep husky low voice, I nod as I feel my cheeks heat up. My eyes trail to his lips, I’d like nothing more than to kiss them, gosh why do I have such thoughts? My heart is a mess and he’s a werewolf, he can probably hear the loud pounding of my heart. “ you look nervous,” he says, I blush again, yah dude do you see how hot you are? f**k! “Am ….fine….. you're just you know…hot” I mutter, what is wrong with me, he arches an eyebrow confused, what’s happening to me? why did I stammer, am never the one to not know what to say. “Walk with me …show me around," I nod, not trusting myself to say anything else and we leave the room, some of my pack members present at the party look at us with a surprised expression but I don’t care, I just want to be with him, why do I feel this way towards him? Does he feel what am feeling? Why am I so hot right now? We walk in comfortable silence, is this the cold-blooded killer everyone is so scared of “So are you at school?” he asks. “Yes “ he nods as we continue to walk but suddenly stops and sniffs around, looking suddenly alert. “Oh it’s okay, it’s just the guards, my brother doesn’t want me going without them, they are always watching me from a distance,“ I chuckle a bit nervously. “Yes that’s good, the rogues are growing an army, “ is that what they were talking about I want to know those rogues killed my dad and some of my people. But one of them gave me a look I’ll never get off my mind, he didn’t want to kill me he wanted to take me with him, if not for my brother I would have been some rogue or something. 'he wants her'.
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