Alpha Damon

1214 Words
Tara Pov I groan as my eyelids flutter open, my head is killing me. I get up from bed to go to the washroom but the whole place is spinning and I have a massive headache, maybe a bath and orange juice will help, I had too much to drink last night, I go to the bathroom to do my business and shower then to my walk-in closet, I pick out a ripped boyfriend Jean with a dark crop top and white carnivals, I’ll be just home with this headache and maybe take a walk around, it’s been a while or is it today that I have to go to therapy? Whatever am sure my brother will remind me, I go there twice a week, and as much as I love Victoria, I hate talking about my feelings but everyone says I need it. One last look in the mirror and I head downstairs, I cuss under my breath as I painfully get down, why didn't I use the elevator again? Yep, stupid, that's what I am, I had so much fun with Leo and Bella last night dancing and just letting loose, I think my brother is having guests today, or was it yesterday? f**k I don’t know anyway, am not having one of his lectures today “ can I have some orange juice? “ I ask the chef who gives me with a smile as I settle at one of the barstools in the kitchen. “thank you, Margret.” Margret has worked here for as long as I can remember, we respect her so much She always cares for us and has some workers under her to help out around here, she's the boss. “ Breakfast in five minutes miss Tara” she smiles as she leaves the kitchen, I hear her making orders to the staff, I get a pack of ice and put it on my head, hoping to ease the pain before going to the dining room for breakfast. I'm about to stand up but too late, looks like my brother came to get me himself, am starving. I have a huge appetite and my brother says I have a body that does not appreciate because I don't gain weight as much as I eat. I feel like I’ve lost more weight lately. " Morning, sister," Elijah kisses my temple. He takes my arm in his and we walk to the dining area together but to my surprise, I see a lot of people surrounding the table, all the chattering stops, and eyes turn to me. “Everyone, this is my sister, the beautiful Tara “ he smiles at me and I wave at everyone. “hello.” they nod in response bowing lightly, strange, I feel eyes burning me and I turn to the end of the table, piercing green eyes staring intensely at me and I can’t seem to take my eyes off him as well, he’s tall maybe 6’4 ft, muscular, strong jawline, blonde hair, damn that man is flawless and a powerful aura surround him, he must be the alpha of the blood moon clan, I don't hear good things about them, they are ruthless, they once slaughtered their enemy packs cause they were conspiring against their clan. The blood moon pack is the most powerful and well-known pack in the region, their warriors are very skilled and they are killers, no one dares to start a war with them and their Alpha... Alpha Damon is scary and has a strong aura around him no wonder he leads his pack with an iron fist, ours is the second best and our warriors are amazing too. I take a seat next to my brother, Alpha Damon keeps looking at me with an expression I can’t decipher, I can’t read him and all I want to do is know what he's thinking. His eyes are on me, reading me like an open book and I avert my gaze, fidgeting slightly under his watch, he’s quite intimidating, we start to eat and see him glancing in my direction from time to time, why am I feeling this way? I keep eating quietly while everyone engages in small talks “Hi, “ a voice speaks to me, I turn and smile to say hello, she looks friendly. “Am Lexi, “ “Tara” she introduces everyone at the table except her Alpha, everyone is surprisingly nice they nod and the Alpha’s brother Colt winked, I swear I heard Damon growl but that didn’t stop his brother from grinning like a Cheshire cat and flirting a little with me, ignoring his brother's glare at him but the boy seems to be enjoying it, but why is Damon upset? …well whatever breakfast is nice. After breakfast they went to some meeting, they have been in the conference room for hours but Lexi came out to chat, she’s energetic and we talk about clothes and boys, she’s very interested in me, I even gave her a tour of the house, I don’t get to talk to a lot of people nowadays. She told me that she is twenty-two and also a fighter like me and her brother is the beta of the blood moon pack, I took her to my favorite place in the house which is the gym, we spur for a while and she also doesn’t have lots of friends, so became friends. I want to talk to my brother but he was been in the meeting for hours now, I walk to the conference room where their meeting is taking place, as soon as I enter everyone becomes silent, my brother stands up to come to me with a worried expression. “ Are you ok? what are you doing? “ he’s always so concerned about me, I love him a lot, I know I can be difficult and a brat sometimes but he loves me anyway! “No Eli ….am bored I want to go out, “I pout giving him my best puppy eyes. “No, you came home drunk last night,” how do I convince him to let me go, I pout harder. “Please, I’ll be good today, no drinking,” He gives me the look, my handsome brother, everyone in the pack is crazy about him but he pays no mind, for now, he says Alex and I are his priority. “Okay, I’ll go to the therapist tomorrow without trouble, “ I promise, he sighs loudly and hugs me tightly, I smile. “Why do you always do this baby girl? No drinking, “ my brother warns sternly. My heart starts to accelerate, I can feel his eyes on me...Damon oh god, I forgot I interrupted their meeting, they were all quiet listening to me, and am acting like such a baby, so embarrassing. I turn to leave but I realize he got my card. “Card bro,” he hesitates but gives me anyway, I smirk at Enoch knowing it was his idea, I gloat sticking out his tongue like a child as I show him the credit card, he laughs at my childish behavior and a growl erupts from Damon “Go now, “ Eli gently pushes me out.
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