Unexpected News

1731 Words
Chapter 5 Bree’s POV One Month Later Summer was not a blast. I was bored out of my mind as I couldn’t go off our land unless I had an escort. I respected it, and I followed it, but I didn’t like it. I was safe here, and I guess I was just frustrated as I couldn’t just hop up and take off and go to the mall, out to lunch with my girlfriends, and especially not out with Jade just us girls with the top off her Jeep riding around. I was now basically a prisoner in my own pack, with a nice swimming pool. The whole pack enjoyed it, and as everyone was off at various times, or worked a scheduled period, it was busy, but not full when I went. I did enjoy getting to layout with my friends, but I was bored with just staying here now. “I can go to the pool today with you Bree if you want to go,” Jade said to me. “Sure, let me grab my suit, and I will be back in like 5 minutes,” I told her. Jade nodded and went into the dining room to grab an apple. I was back in a few minutes with my suit on, and I grabbed an apple too. Jaded is wearing that cute black and white suit she had gotten for spring break, and she looks great in it, she has her hair in a messy bun, and she looks blissfully happy. “How is married life treating you?” I asked her. Jade blushes and said, “Great, I love Asher. Being married is wonderful.” “I am glad you are happy, he kind of messed up, but he redeemed himself and I am so happy for you both,” I told her and laid down on my lounge chair and put my sunglasses on. We laid out there for an hour, then swam for about 30 minutes, and then laid out on our other sides, warming up in the warm sunshine, and eating our apples. I sat up as I felt like I was being watched, but I could not see anyone. I flipped over and Jade did as well, and I noticed that Jade had a tiny little pooch on her stomach. I start wondering if she is pregnant. I know Asher is always trying to touch her in some way or fashion, and she wasn’t on birth control as she wasn’t sexually active at the time, so it made sense that she could be pregnant. “Jade, how have you been feeling lately. I don’t get to see you much, but you look beautiful. Just radiant, you been having any cravings?” I asked her. Jade grins at me and said, “You sound like your mom. She was just asking me the same thing the other day.” “Well, it isn’t outside the realm of possibility. You know we were on the same cycle, and you weren’t cranky last week with me, so I was just checking” I told her. Jade stiffens up and then looks over at me with a funny look on her face and said, “Oh, I didn’t have my cycle.” Her eyes are huge and now mine are too. “We can go to the pack doctor, and he can check you out. Nothing to bother Asher about, we can just go check, if you think you might be” I told her. Jade nods and gets up from her lounge chair, and we literally run to the pack doctor to find out. The pack doctor was a nice older man, about 50, and he calmed Jade down quickly. He could tell how anxious she was. I get a mindlink from Asher about 5 minutes later as we are waiting on the blood test results. The doctor said sometimes in early pregnancy you can get a false negative from a urine test, but the blood test always tells the truth about pregnancy. Jade was still very anxious, as she and Asher never discussed having children and she didn’t know if he would be happy or not over it. Jade was mindlinking Luna Joy at Dark Moon, who was super excited herself, but still trying to calm Jade down. I told Asher that Jade was OK and that she was speaking to her mother, and we would be back at the packhouse in the next 20 minutes. He calmed right down, knowing that we were here, on the packlands, and said he would see us in a little while. The doctor came back into the room with a big grin, “It looks like you are about a month pregnant Luna, congratulations to you and the Alpha.” I started clapping happily and asked him when we could do an ultrasound to decide the s*x of the baby. “We can do one in a month on the 3rd of August. We can tell by the 2nd month, so we can see if you are having a boy or a girl Luna. I will schedule that right now in the system for you. You need to make sure that you stay calm and eat well. You are a healthy young she-wolf. I don’t see any problems with the baby occurring. Also, I know you train, and you can keep training, you can do anything that you did before, but I would suggest, no sparring until after the baby gets here Luna. Just to be on the safe side” the doctor said, and I help Jade off the doctor's table and securely onto the floor. I can tell that Jade is stunned, and worried. I know that there is nothing to worry about. Asher will be over the moon, and so will our parents. The whole pack has a reason to celebrate. I wrapped my arm around her waist and helped her across to the packhouse. I had mindlinked my parents to come to the office and mindlinked Asher that Jade and I were headed to the office so he would be there when we got there. Mom and dad were walking up when they saw me helping Jade and came running forward to help her. She still looked stunned, and Asher came flying out of the office, as I guess dad mindlinked him. Jade was helped into the office and Asher sat down to pull her onto his lap. He leaned forward and inhaled deeply at Jade’s neck and then said, “Baby, what is wrong? You look like you are upset” “Asher, we haven’t ever discussed babies. I don’t know if you want babies” Jade told him with a serious face and I am watching my parent's faces to see when they clue in, and mom was right on it. She looks at me and I gave her a small nod, as Asher is still looking at Jade. Mom reaches out and grabs Dad’s hand as we watch Asher answer Jade. “Jade, I would love to have pups with you, now or in the future, however many you want, as long as they are with you, I am happy baby,” Asher told her and hugged her. “Well, according to the doctor, it will be more like now, well in the next 4 months,” Jade tells Asher. He immediately jumps up wrapping her in a hug and said, “You have made me the happiest man in the world Jade” then as if realizing he could have hurt her, he sits back down in his chair and gently pulls her into his lap. “We will have a town hall meeting tomorrow to announce it to the pack. I am so happy for you both” my mother tells them. “We will know the s*x next month on the 3rd, the doctor scheduled it already,” Jade tells Asher, and he is beaming with pride and happiness. “Asher, I hate to ruin the moment, but when we were out at the pool before we went to see the doctor, I sensed someone watching me. I felt it, but when I looked around, I couldn’t see anyone. But you said to tell you if I felt or sensed anything, so I am going to mention it” I told the whole room. “This isn’t good, about an hour and a half ago, one of the patrols advised a rogue scent near our Northern border. It is the one that is nearest the Highway. They couldn’t tell who it was, just that two rogue wolves had been through the area and went over the wall around that time frame. I am worried that it could be Nico, so make sure you double up on guards if you decide to leave the packlands. I am still working with the werewolf council, but Nico is not cooperating with them, and he refuses to accept the rejection still” Asher tells me, and I shivered. Mom and dad look at each other, and I gave a little shiver. I could have put Jade in danger going to the pack doctor, which was near the Northern border too. I am hoping that Asher doesn’t realize it, and get angry with me when I see the realization cross his face, and then he growls. “If you go back to the pack doctor, you need at least three warriors, to make sure that you are both safe. I will not take a chance with my wife, my child, or my sister. We will take this as a serious threat and if I have to, we will get people assigned to you both, just to keep you safe” Asher told us. I nod in agreement. I will also see if I can train with Braxton to get some extra training now to get out of holds, as someone was bold enough to enter our packland. I could feel their eyes on me, I didn’t catch his scent, but I know in my head that Nico was the trespasser and that he would be back. I will be staying closer to the packhouse, and I will always stay with someone. I won’t allow him to take me, not without a fight.
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