Spying on Sabrina

2070 Words
Chapter 6 Nico’s POV I was able to see her today. I also took my Beta, Jaden Wooten, with me. My Beta was a great fighter, and I had almost been caught the last time I was here, and as the patrols were in two-man groups it made more sense for me to bring him with, in case we had to fight our way back out. Jaden was 6’2” tall and was a big guy, he had blonde hair and blue eyes and he was even broader than I was. He works out a lot, and he is a quiet guy unless he is talking about something he really likes. It was a quick trip, and I do it a lot, as I need to see her. I was waiting for her to leave to go shopping or something, as Shelby does it daily, but Sabrina never left the packlands. So, I started coming onto their packland and watching the pool area, as I had overheard her talking after the Luna ceremony to another girl about her being excited that they had gotten a pool put in for the summer. I have watched her a few times out there, and she is stunning. She has a beautiful curvy figure, and I had to fight my wolf not to just run over and mark her anyway, the first time I saw her at the pool. She likes to lay out in the warm sun, but she is a strong swimmer too. I wonder again if I could just have someone get rid of Shelby, but I know her dad would just swoop in and take the pack from me. They had discussed it before, and Shelby even said, “If anything happens to me, the contract is in the Adams building safe. The pack will then belong to you, to do with as you see fit” Her dad really had no interest in my pack, but I know where she got her spitefulness from, and he would do it, just out of anger at his daughter being gone. I am going to take my mate from here, it is just a matter of time. But I will keep her safe from Shelby, I have bought a home, but left it in my Beta's name, and I am going to make it a love nest for Sabrina and me. I plan to take her there, and keep her there, until she loves me completely, and won’t leave me. I will try to get her something for the pain of when I must sleep with Shelby, as I don’t want to, but she insists that we stay together fully as a couple. I didn’t use to mind it, but now that I know my mate smells like honeysuckle and clean linens, I cannot get enough of that scent. It intoxicates me, and I need it. I even gifted Shelby with a honeysuckle scented candle for our room and I light it before we have s*x, it helps me be able to finish. After we got home from being kicked out of Stone Moon, Shelby insisted that we have s*x, as I know she wanted Bree to feel it. I couldn’t finish, and Shelby broke a mirror and a lamp, by throwing the lamp into the mirror. She was furious and she left for a few hours, but she was calmer when she returned and didn’t mention the problem again. The candle has helped, but the longer I am without my mate, the more I crave her. I know deep down that she does love me because it is the mate bond, it controls her too. I know if I can get her away for a little while, and her have s*x with me, then I can get her to agree to be with me, even if she isn’t the Luna. I may have to force the issue at first, as she isn’t going to want to. I can always tie her down or drug her until our bond strengthens. I need her, I want to have pups with her, but it is getting hard to focus without her. I know my Beta is not happy with my plan. But he understands the mate bond and is happy that I have found my true mate. He said that he will help me, but that I can’t force myself on her, she must be willing to sleep with me, or he will not help me. I believe that I can make that happen. I believe that the bond is strong enough that after a little foreplay, she will be putty in my hands. I know she wants me because she was upset at me for not being able to mate and mark her. That is what any of our she-wolves want. Their mate to mark them and mate them, they want that more than anything else. So, Sabrina will be compelled to want me, to want to have s*x with me. I may have to give her a little Alpha command if needed, to help things along, as she is strong-willed and a physically strong she-wolf herself. I am looking hard at my beautiful mate when she sits up and turns over, looking right where I am hidden in this tree. It is like she senses me, and we have only been here less than 10 minutes. I think our bond is even stronger than I thought, as she is looking dead at me. I look over at my Beta, and he looks back at me, and mindlinked me, “I think she can tell you are here. You may have a strong connection. She may allow you to sleep with her.” I nod at Jaden in agreement, and we both wait until she starts talking to the blonde next to her, and we climb down the trees we were in. We both run to the area we came in and climb back over the fence. We are at the car three minutes later after running through the woods. I decide that I need to get my plans together, and after I get the house ready and stocked, I will have Jaden watch over her when I have to come back to the packhouse to work. She will never be alone or unprotected in that house, I don’t trust Shelby at all, she is a very jealous person, and the kind of money that she has makes it easy for her to pay someone to take care of her problems, without her having to get her hands dirty. I will not let her have my mate. Now that I have met her, I just need to be with her, touch her, and sleep with her in the same bed, until she trusts or loves me enough to have s*x with her. It is only a matter of time as she won’t be able to resist me, as our bond is extraordinarily strong. I saw her face when she scented me, I smell wonderful to her, just like she smells wonderful to me, I already know that she does love me. She just doesn’t realize that she needs me yet. I will help her along with that. I think that within a week of me having her at the house that she will no longer need to be bound. I think that she will come to crave me as much as I crave her. I continue to make plans in my head as I drive back to the packhouse. The only problem I have is how I will be able to get her. The pool was crowded, and she will have to leave the packlands, for me to put my plan into action. I may have to call in a few favors, but I have a lot of friends who owe me some favors, so I am good. I will wait another month. I will be patient. I wish for the 1000th time that I didn’t agree to the contract that Shelby had me sign. I just never wanted to go mad with the pain of losing my mate, seeing what dad went through, watching him deteriorate. I never wanted to experience that, but I forgot that my parents loved each other for 23 years. Fully loved each other so deeply, that was the part I forgot. I focused on the wrong thing, and now I am being punished for it. I guess because the raw, anguished part of it was the most recent in my memory, I forgot about dad grabbing my mom up and swinging her around when we were at the park when I was young. Her sitting on his lap, and him sniffing her neck when he got stressed. I had let those older memories fade, and I had just remembered the ones after mom was killed. These bad memories were what was primarily in my mind, and I let the good memories fade away in my head. My mom would have been so mad at me for making the choices that I have. We pull up to the packhouse, and as we exit the car, Shelby comes out and makes it obvious that she was checking Jaden out. Jaden shakes his head and walks away from her before she can offer to sleep with him again. She is shameless about it and will not leave him alone. He has turned her down countless times, and I am starting to be embarrassed about her asking him. I then start wondering if when I cannot find her if she is cheating on me? Right now, I really don’t care, in fact, if she wanted to run off with three of my warriors and never come back, I was good with it, if the warriors were good with it. Shelby glances at me and laughs as she watches Jaden walk away from us. “Where have you two been for the last 2 hours?" Shelby asked me. “I needed to go and speak to another Alpha, about training for the upcoming Alpha Training that is starting soon. We need to be getting our classes soon, and I am trying to make sure my schedule won’t interfere with me taking care of business here in the pack. You know, I do this every year, Shelby” I told her. “Yes, you do, but not usually until the end of July, it is only the beginning of July. I was just checking. I missed you” Shelby said to me, and I know that she suspects something. She is probably already having me followed, and now I will have to up the ante. I cannot have her know where I will have Sabrina, I will have to change up vehicles if I need to. I will have to cool it for at least two weeks, and then start it up again. I will do nothing that could result in Sabrina getting hurt. I can just focus on stocking the house, and I will need to get something that can relax Sabrina too. She is going to be angry, well upset when I take her. Until she realizes that it is for her own good. I will see about getting some Xanax or Valium for Sabrina, to help her at first with the stress of it all. I don’t want her screaming the place down, or I will have to gag her, and I don’t want to heighten her stress by doing that. The house is at the end of the street and is a full acre, but I just want her to be calm and relaxed, so I can talk calmly to her. I just need to explain what has happened and she will understand and forgive me. If needed I will also grab some Benadryl to help her sleep too. I finish making my plans in my head, I am writing nothing down, as I want Shelby as far away from Sabrina as I can keep her. I am getting excited about getting to see Sabrina, so I can touch her to calm her, show her how strong our bond truly is, and us be able to build our bond even more. I head to my room with a smile on my face, I can’t wait until Sabrina is mine.
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