Immortal 26

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Caex's PoV I tried to stand up but couldn't because Scarlet is unconscious now due to my power inside. She's already sweating on her head, and she's going to bleed as well, so I forced myself to stand up, and when I stood up, I immediately went to Scarlet. I was going to lift her.   "Wake up, Scarlet!" I yelled at her, but she couldn't hear me because she was burning with fever, so all I did was get out of this room and rush to her room to lay down, and when we got there, I immediately laid her down even though I was still weak.   "Is there a problem, sir?" I heard one of our maids find me having difficulty walking out, and I remembered that I hadn't closed the door, so maybe she saw us and saw I was having trouble as well.   "Bring a bucket of water, wipe her entire body. Her fever is very high. Hurry up!" I said, and she immediately nodded and went down, and I turned my attention to Scarlet's habit of breathing and moving very quickly. It made me feel uneasy, so I approached her.   When I approached her, I touched her forehead and tried to cure her fever, but I couldn't because I was also weak, and who would look after me now? Richard being currently healing, so maybe I need to stay in that room.   "Call me when you're are done wiping and changing her clothes," I said to our maid here, and she immediately nodded. I went out and went back to the room where all my strength would return, and when I entered there, I looked at my chair like I was the one I was sitting on before, and I still can't forget how vital Scarlet is, and how much she endured the pain to bring me here.   I sat in the chair and felt the power coming into me, as well as the feeling that I was becoming more assertive, and as I sat here, I looked outside, where I could see the buildings and the many lights, and I was surprised to see that man Kristoffer was the man who planned to kill Scarlet.   I clenched my fist because I remembered what he said while we were fighting. I felt weak because he said I couldn't accept that's what he did to Scarlet's parents, and Kristoffer was also the one responsible for Scarlet's death before, and now he still intends to kill her.   Flashback   "Caex!" I heard Scarlet yell, and when I turned around, I saw Kim dragging her away. What is Kim doing here? Why did he pull Scarlet? I would have tried to break through this barrier, but I had to flee because there was a fire approaching.   "You can't run away," the man in front of me said now, and he smiled and immediately attacked me with the electricity he generated in his palm, and I formed water to drown him, but it didn't work, and he threw a large sword at me with electricity.   "I don't want to kill you, kid, but you're forcing me to," he said as I grabbed my shoulder, which the sword had hit, and my eyes widened as he quickly threw the spot he formed in his palm, and it hit the side of my head, provoking me to yell.   "You can't kill me. You're only half immortal," The man said to me. I don't believe half immortal because it was given to me by a monster who wanted to die, so I don't think I'm only half immortal because I am mortal and have only become immortal.   "I'm not a half-immortal!" I yelled and dashed after him, kicking him in the leg to knock him to the ground and immediately going down and punching him in the face, and when I hit him again, he suddenly stopped my fist, and I can see how he grinned, did he stop me from moving?   "You will never win this battle, Caex," he said to me, and I wondered how he knew my name. I didn't say anything, but I suddenly remembered what Scarlet shouted a while ago, and I'm guessing he heard it as well because he's an immortal, and I'm taking a nasty look at him now.   "I don't need to win. I need to kill you," I said with a smile, and the man looked bored, so I moved quickly and disarmed the power he was using on me, and he was bored because I got away from there.   "I will kill the person who is important to you!" he said to me. I was immediately surprised and worried that he might kill the most important person in my life; when he broke through this barrier, I immediately used my ability. Quickly get to him, and I immediately drew him back, and he fell at the same time as the ground cracked, and he responded immediately, so I met his rush. And I created a fire in my hand, while he created acid in his hand, so when the combination exploded in front of us, we left immediately.   Why is he still thinking negatively of me? What is his problem if he has to kill Scarlet when she has done nothing wrong to him? When will there be more trouble with us? Why does he have to complicate matters for the opponent?   "Do you want to know why I'm doing this?" Even though he was a long distance away, I heard him say it, and he smiled and wiped the blood from his lips before looking at me with his cold eyes.   "I despise her father, especially his daughter, and I want to kill him because she kidnapped my dearest girl," he told me. What exactly does this mean? Did he mean he loved Scarlet's mother? How long has he been in the immortal world?   "You are correct. I've lived a long time I am one of the strongest in the world of immortals, "He said to me, and he developed various powers in his palm; my eyes widened when I saw his powerful capabilities, which I don't have; he's strong, he is.   "So, no matter what you do, you can't kill me, so leave that woman to me, or do you want to make a deal so that I don't kill her?" He said to me, and my teeth grinned at what he said, that I will not agree to any deal and that I will not give Scarlet to anyone else!   "I'm not giving up the woman who is most important to me, and she's not a toy to give to a demon-like you," I said with a smile, looking at him as he clenched his fist and increased his anger at me.   "You're not giving up, are you? Do you want this fight to go on for a while longer?" He said to me, and it got closer to me, and my eyes widened when I couldn't move again, and he formed something in his palm that was red like fire but in electricity.   "I'm not going to let Scarlet die like this! Whatever happens, I'll protect Scarlet! You can't even kill her! You are not allowed to touch her!" I growled to him, and he looked bored, so he applied what he built on his palm red color that wraps its electricity on my neck, and I felt pain, so my eyes widened.   Yes, I used to be a mortal, but now that I'm immortal, I no longer feel pain. Why, then, do I feel the pain he inflicted on me? I spit out whatever he could put on me, and I was humiliated, and pureblood came out of my mouth, and I couldn't. I couldn't die here.   "You're going to die, just wait," he said, and it was gone entirely, as was the barrier around it, and I lay down on the cement because I was so weak and couldn't stand up. Where is Scarlet?   Where did Kim take her? And why doesn't he seem to return here? Did he make a way to escape from that man? I was caught in my heart and felt it throbbing. Will I vanish? What about Scarlet?   "Caex!". Even though she's far away, I can hear her voice, so I just kept lying here because I couldn't get up. I need her, and I need her right here right now next to me because she's my only source of strength.   "Caex?" I heard him call me, and when she got close, I immediately opened my eyes and forced myself to get up and hug her; she's the only one who will truly let go of everything I'm feeling right now, but that's how I feel useless. Is it okay if I hug her? My eyes widened as I assumed it wasn't poisonous?! What exactly did that man give me?! Is that why he said I'd die and wait?!   "I can't kill him because he is..." I couldn't finish what I was saying because I felt her relax when I hugged her, and she looked at my head, possibly seeing my wound there, and she looked at the whole thing, my body, and she looks sad.   "I know, I feel he's stronger because he lives longer than you," she said to me, and I rested intensely, feeling her hold my hand and not looking at it instead of smiling and laughing.   "He is mighty, and he is correct. I'm not an immortal; I'm just a mortal who transforms into a monster like them," I said to her, and she had nothing to say about it, so I read what was on her mind at the time.   "For me, you are not a monster Caex; for me, you are the Caex who always protects me no matter what," she said to me, and I stared at her because of what she said, so I touched her cheek and kissed her forehead, and I saw she was surprised, and we stared after that.   "I love you," I said softly to Scarlet, smiling. In an instant, I teleported to my mansion, where I sat down immediately because I was already weak and needed strength, and I had to go into the room where my power is, and only then will I be strong again.   "I'll take you to your room," she said, and she helped me stand up. We went upstairs, and I noticed that Scarlet was weakening quickly, so I tried to take her hand away from this room because if not.   "Don't. I don't want--"   "You need strength, Caex, don't worry about me because I can do it," she said to me, and when we arrived in the room, he immediately opened the door. We went inside, and I felt fragile, and when she sat down, I was in the chair, and my eyes widened as she fell, and I forced myself to stand up to lift her, but my body wouldn't let me, annoying! I desperately need strength right now!   "Scarlet!" I forced myself to stand up when I saw Scarlet's eyes slowly close, and I immediately lifted her to take her to her room, even though I was still weak. I tried to take her there to lose my powers inside her body, but she couldn't handle such power because she wasn't immortal like me.   End of Flashback   "Sir, I've finished wiping her; you may now enter." I got up when I heard the voice of the maid I had ordered; she was just outside because she couldn't be here, and my maids also know that I am immortal, so they know I can hear them.   When I exited this room, my maid immediately bowed and left in front of me, so I went to Scarlet's room and saw that the door was slightly open, so I went in and saw a towel on its forehead. So I went up to her and checked to see if her fever was still high.   Fortunately, her fever subsided, and I sat next to her, holding her hand. I was able to stand up because my strength had returned, but I couldn't use it right away, especially to heal her. Scarlet, I can't do it yet because it will make me weaker.   I touched her cheek and pulled the hair that was blocking his cheek, and I smiled, happy that she was still alive and breathing, and I held her hand, put her palm on my cheek, and smiled at the same time. I could see the light of her hands. I feel every beat of her heart and the flow of blood in her body.   She is still alive, and I will never let her die like that, and I will not let that man do whatever he wants to the person who is important to me, mainly if he kills me. He'll have to pass me first before he can do that, and he'll die before we die quietly and without remorse.   "Caex…"When I heard Scarlet's voice, I looked at her and immediately removed her palm from my cheek, lowering it as I looked at her, and she still appeared to be in pain.   "Don't force yourself, Scarlet, because you still have a fever," I told her, and I was surprised when she held my hand with her right hand, even though I was holding her left hand and could feel the heat of her hand.   "I just want to hold your hand because every time you're there with me, I feel like my fever will go away because I know you won't leave me," she said, making my heart beat faster.   "Is that correct? Do you already love me and want me to be with me?" I asked her, and she smiled and nodded, so my eyes widened, and my ears shook from what I heard. Is it possible that I'm not dreaming?   "I love you, Caex, and I realized that I should love you because you deserve me, and I feel how important I am to you, and you are also important to me, so I thought it was love and no jokes," she said to me, so I'm not speechless. I saw it retreat closer to me and hug her, and her head is now on the opposite side of my stomach where my abs are.   "Would you like to lie down on my chest and let your fever go away?" I told her, and she was relieved to hug me, and I could see how red her nose and ears were, and she avoided looking at me, clearly embarrassed.   "If it's all right with you —-" she stammered and was still biting her lip, so I sat down next to her, drew her towards me, hugged her, and put her head on my chest.   "I'm not going to hurt you, Scarlet, and no matter what happens, let's just try this together; even if someone wants to separate the two of us," I said to her, and she muttered yes, and I kissed her head, smelling her hair. It was very fragrant, and I didn't want to let go of her.   "I love you Caex, no matter what happens to us in the end, I still want to cast a spell when we love the spell that confirms that when we love will never die, and I will put all our happy days there too." When I discovered that wizards don't have that much power, she said to me, and I smiled. But it appears that she wishes to do so.   "Scarlet, I love you too, spell? Can you do it? It's difficult, but you can handle it so that we can start a family," I said to her, and she looked at me and smiled, so I smiled even more.   "I'll just try!" Scarlet said, and I laughed. She returned to her place, and I hugged her even tighter until I felt drowsy and closed my eyes.   Did you hear me, God? Even though I am immortal, please grant me a wish that this girl beside me lives a longer life than mine.   **
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