Immortal 25

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Scarlet's PoV I slowly drank the tea that Caex had prepared for me; I still can't forget what happened yesterday because I'm scared because why do they have to ruin our moment now? Why is this happening now? Now that I'm getting closer to Caex now, and I'm sure I'll fall in love with him soon.   "Are you still thinking about what happened last night?" Caex asked me while he was sitting on the sofa, and I shook. I don't know why I feel like this. I feel like I can't afford to lose Caex, and everything we have will disappear.   "If there are opponents who come, can we be able to fight together?" I asked Caex, and he was surprised by what I asked, so he drank the tea first and clasped his two hands simultaneously before answering my question.   "I will fight them no matter what. I will still defend you," Caex said to me, and my eyes widened as he said it, so I smiled a little and felt him hold my hand and kiss it.   "Don't hide your fear," he said, so I grabbed his hand and felt him squeeze it. I looked at him, and his eyes were flashing at the light hitting him.   I'm staring at him now, and I'm not sure if I'm going to tell him what I saw yesterday, the man standing and looking down at the two of us; how can I explain that to Caex if I already have a feeling it's stronger than him?   "Yesterday, while we were talking, I saw a man behind you," I told Caex, and he looked surprised, so I bit my lip so hard because I didn't know what to do. Perhaps I was nervous that he will hear us talking about him.   "I already know who it is, and I felt his presence yesterday," Caex said to me, causing my ears to shake. He touched my face, squeezed my cheek, and held me in his hand.   "Who is it?" I asked Caex, and at the same time, he let go of my cheek, averted his gaze, and walked towards the door. And I had no idea what he was doing there, so I approached him and saw that he was holding a piece of paper that said.   "Revenge," written in blood.   "Is that him?"   "Yeah, he's the one who sent this after you get on the bed to sleep; I try to figure out who that man is, but all I find is this," he explained, which is why I was confused, who is that? Speaking of Kim, has he looked for me since I left his mansion? Is there any connection between Kim and this?   "I have no idea about him, but maybe we need to--"   "What should we do?" He said so, and I suddenly blushed because he seemed to be thinking of something else, and he seemed to be thinking incorrectly. All I can say is that we need to find that man and kill him, but can he be killed?   "Find that man, Caex, so let's act together," I said to him, and I immediately walked to the room because there were my other things, such as a dagger and a sword, which I built with my power, similar to the sword that my real father carries.   I'm going to wear this where I can move quickly. I'm wearing shorts and just rubber shoes, and my top has the t-shirt I'm wearing stamped on it. I'm wearing a black leather jacket. My eyes widened when I noticed something underneath so when I looked there I was surprised that there was a book there, so I took it, and when I held it suddenly something flashed in my mind.   "What is the significance of this book? Who placed it here?" I remembered everything I was reading, and it appeared that Caex had erased my memory of this book; I sat first, and I would have opened it. When someone entered my room, I could see how surprised Caex was to know that I was now holding.   "Can you tell me where you got that?" That's the question Caex posed to me: why is he so afraid that I can read this, and what's in here? I'm only halfway through the one in the middle, and it's another sad one because the woman is mortal and the man is immortal, and the man loves the woman.   "I get it? Why did you erase my memory again? It's under my bed. Is it because you don't want me to read it?" I asked him, and he turned away from me, his cold eyes gleaming in the sunlight.   "I don't want you to read it, which is why I erased them from your memory, and I don't want you to get hurt," he said to me as he slowly approached me and took the book from me, closing it because I had already opened it to read the ending.   "You don't need to know what's in here, so give it up Scarlet, I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to cry again," he said to me, and I can see how he would burn the book he was holding with the power he possessed to form a fireball.   I could see with my own eyes how that book turned to ashes, and the black gray passed through me, and when I held it there, it just vanished, and I bent down, and I felt he took my hand.   "Are we ready to go? Are you prepared?" I nodded and stood up, taking the sword that I will use against him. Is this going to happen to me? Is this the mansion that will be on fire?   When we exited the mansion, I immediately came to a halt, and Caex went outside first. And I briefly looked at his estate, and I couldn't forget what would happen in Caex's mansion, fire, and inside that mansion.   But why won't I be able to see Caex when that happens? Will he vanish after this battle? Will he vanish? Will, he ever be human again, or will he be ashes and never return?   "Hey, you're spacing out, let's go," I heard Caex say, and his mouth was very close to my ear, so I was surprised, and he grabbed my arm, and we went out and used the ability to teleport to where the man we saw yesterday was.   We were walking, and I felt they were all monsters, I looked at Caex, and he looked grave, and he seemed to sense a presence, so I just let it go, and when I looked in front, I saw someone flying; male above with black wings?   I looked at Caex and saw that he was holding his head, so I immediately supported him because I feel like I'm weakening because of how we feel right now, so I had Caex's hand and looked at each other.   "What's the matter, Caex? Are you frail? Is there an issue?" I asked him, and he shook his head so that I would have touched his cheek, but then I noticed his eyes had turned red.   "What do you mean, Caex? So, what are your plans? Why is everything in your body changing?" I asked him, and I was about to walk away when I heard laughter in front of us, and when I looked there, he was the man who had a plan with us.   "Are you in pain right now? You are aware that MORTAL is not permitted in this world because it is an IMMORTAL world." After saying that, I felt weak purposefully knelt in front of him, feeling the wound on my knee because of the pain. I suddenly get down on my knees.   I tried to look at Caex when I heard him shout, but I couldn't because I could feel how strong he was. I looked at him and saw his grin, and he approached me and held my chin.   "You are so beautiful like your mother," he said with a smile, my mother? Does he mean my biological parent? What is this man saying, and what does he have to do with my family? Don't you think he murdered my parents?   "You are correct, I am the one who killed your family, and I am the one who will kill you, Scarlet," he said to me, and my eyes widened; he killed me, but when I found out about the forest, we were chasing, I turned my back on it, and I don't know who killed me because I turned my back on it when I found out.   "How? Why did you kill me? Why?" I asked him, and he knelt to see me more, he touched my cheek, and I heard Caex is still screaming in pain. I don't know. I can't do anything. I can't help him now.   "I despise you, I hate your father, and I despise everything your father owns! I despise your father because he stole someone dear to me, your mother," He said to me, and my eyes widened as he held his dagger; there was electricity all around, and I was scared to die.   "What about my mother? Do you love my mother?" I'm not sure why I asked; all I want to know is why he despises my father so much, and even my mother has been affected by me, hasn't he? Shouldn't he be happy because the person he cares about is happy?   "What about me? Will it be a happy ending for the two of them? Are you already insane?! Since you inherited from your father, and he liked the person I wanted, he abandoned me and didn't care, even though I told him I wanted your mother, he didn't listen! He wouldn't let me!" I could see how angry he was in his eyes, and they were now red, just like Caex's.   "I'll get my revenge now, I'll kill you," he said to me as I was about to stab the in my heart with someone holding his hand, and that was Caex, who was sweating profusely on his brow and forced himself to move to save me.   "Don't even think about touching her!" He yelled, and I saw the force coming from Caex's hand, and the man I didn't recognize spewed out because I didn't know its name, and when he spewed out, he used his power as well. That's why I was able to move right away.   I would have approached them with a barrier surrounding them, which made me even more worried, and I couldn't get in there. I tried everything, I used my spell and telekinesis to get in there, but I couldn't because the barrier was so strong.   I saw how they fought; Caex's male opponent's wing is black, while Caex's is red, but why is this world of immortals like that, and why is Caex different from them? Who is the more powerful of the two? Who will triumph in this battle? If they're both immortal, what's the point?   I saw how Caex spewed and how to lock it with the electricity created by the man, and I saw blood coming from Caex's head, but he ignored it and just kept doing what he was doing and fighting.   "Caex!" I yelled, and I was about to approach to test the spell I had concocted so that I could enter when someone holds my hand, my eyes widened with that Kim, and he shook his head and pulled me away from there.   "Kim?! What exactly are you doing here?! Why are you taking me away from Caex?! I must save him!" I said to him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and he took me to a small house, let me in, and locked the door, and I got up right away to talk to him.   "He is my brother, you are safe here, don't worry," he said to me, and my eyes widened when Kim pushed me a little on the bed and Kim came out, and when Kim chased me, he immediately closed it and locked the door.   "Kim! I need to get out of here! Please let me out! I want to see Caex! I don't want him to die!" I muttered something to him, but he didn't seem to hear me and didn't appear to be there, so I sat down with nothing else to do but wait for their battle to end.   I reached for the sword I was holding. Because of the fight, I broke my hand, and I was staring at the blood pouring in my palm when tears dripped from my eyes, hugging both knees and dropped my head to reach my knees and crying.   I don't want to lose Caex; I can't.   When I opened my eyes and glanced out the window, it appeared to be night, so I stood up and tried to peep, but all I saw was darkness, so I returned to the door and felt the doorknob, which was open. That's why I went out, and when I did, I noticed floor cracks and pure smoke.   "Caex!" I yelled, and when I stepped on it, I felt as if he wasn't there; where has he gone? I ran as fast as I could and was passing through smoke, so my tears dripped again, and while I was running, I saw the light and stopped because it was a big fire, and I saw him lying with blood on his hand, which appeared to have healed from its wounds.   "Caex?" I called to him as I got closer, and I saw how he opened his eyes and got up when he lay down, and he hugged me, which surprised me; what was his problem? Did he triumph over his opponent?   "I can't kill him because he is..." He couldn't finish what he was going to say, so I let go of his hug and looked at his shot head, his hands, and even his feet, which were all covered in wounds.   "I know, I feel he's stronger because he lives longer than you," I told him, and he rested intensely, so I took his hand in mine, but he didn't move, just smiled and laughed.   "He's mighty, and he's correct. I can't say anything because it's true. I dreamed about what happened to him and how he'll be immortal, but what if Caex is mortal? Then he won't be here because he's no longer dead. I'm not an immortal; I'm just a mortal who transforms into a monster like them."   "For me, you are not a monster Caex; for me, you are the Caex who always protects me no matter what," I said to him, and he stared into my eyes, touched my cheek, and kissed me on the forehead, which surprised me, and we stared after he finished.   "I love you," he said softly, and he smiled at me, and my eyes widened in a flash. We had been somewhere else, and now we were here in his mansion, and when we went down, he sat down, obviously weak, obviously needed, and all he needed was the room where his power was.   "I'll take you to your room," I said to him, and I helped him stand up. We went upstairs, and I felt my weakness because I can't be in the room he enters; if he has all his power, he won't weaken like this.   "Don't; I don't want--"   "You need strength, Caex, don't worry about me because I can do it," I told him, and when we got to the room, I immediately opened the door. We went inside while I supported him, and I immediately felt the numbness in my feet and the trembling in my body, so when I sat him on the chair, I immediately fell, and I couldn't breathe, so I just closed my eyes, and I heard Caex's scream.   "Scarlet!" I noticed how difficult it was for him to stand up, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy for him to regain strength right away, so I smiled. It's good, and you'll be strong again, now I'm the one who's going to weaken, right?   **
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