Immortal 27

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Scarlet's PoV It's been a week since the trouble in the immortal world where Caex's life, but I think he doesn't want to be there and wants to be here in his mansion. Another thing I notice is that an older man appears to be coming here, I'm not sure what the older man's plan is with Caex, but the older man seems to be kind.   I put down the tea I had made and put the two glasses on for Caex and the older man he was talking to now. I couldn't understand them because they weren't using our words but other words, and I didn't know what language they were speaking.   "Scarlet," Caex called, and Caex grabbed my wrist. I looked at him, and he drew me to sit next to him, and I noticed the older man picking something from his suitcase, so I frowned.   "Why? Is there anything else you want besides tea?" I asked Caex while he held my hand, and it shone, so I was taken aback by what he was doing. I would have backed away if he tightened his grip on my hand, so I looked at him. His eyes are now colder than they've ever been.   "I'll be gone for a week, so please be careful wherever you go," he said, and when he removed his hand from my palm, there is a small circle there that glows. I'm not sure what it is, but it appears that it's a connection.   "That will be our connections," he said to me. I'm right; it's a connection. I closed my palm and nodded, and he kissed me on the forehead simultaneously, so I was surprised by what he did and drank the tea I made at the same time.   "Ah, be careful where you go?" I told him, and he nodded, that I know he'll be careful because Caex knows how important he is to me, and that a week after something terrible happens to us, I don't know how to tell him,' so what if I find out I'm pregnant while he's not here?'   I stood up, took the glass they were using, and went straight to the kitchen to wash it and place it in the container. When I realized they were no longer in the living room, I leaned against the wall and wiped my hand.   Is the baby I'm bringing going to be born here? But I'm still unsure if I'm pregnant when I find out because that night, I felt hot liquid inside my body and then fell asleep. (Author note: I didn't include the scene where they have a sex.)   "You take care of what I eat later because your sir won't be home for a week," I told the maid who was cleaning, and she nodded as I went upstairs and straight to the library to read a book.   I looked for something to read and came across a book called 'The Immortal Summon a Dangerous Power.' It looked interesting, so I sat on the floor and took an Indian seat, and I began reading.   I suddenly remembered something, and I thought of the man who murdered my parents. Didn't he want to be strong so he could beat that man? Is he up for a fight with each of them?   What if that man had servants and was bored? What if I hire a servant? I reasoned. If I can only master wizards and witches, have skilled immortals like him.   Caex's PoV   When Scarlet turned her back, I immediately teleported with Mark because he was the one I spoke to about strengthening his power as an immortal. He has lived in a world of mortals for a long time because he also loves someone like Scarlet, but he repented because he had no choice but to let it go, and he could do nothing but cry.   "Are you sure you want to summon this power?" Mark asked me again because I discovered that when I activate this power and fight with that man ends, I vanish, and I can't tell Scarlet because I'm afraid she'll cry and be hurt.   "Yeah, this is for her sake, not mine," I told Mark a week before the fight. I don't want to let it go; I don't want her to kill Scarlet; I don't want to lose the person I've loved for a few years, and I've lived in this world for a long time; maybe I shouldn't be stupid any longer and don't let the person who is essential to me disappear.   "I told you many times not to do this, but you keep telling me that you need to fight for her," Mark said, laughing, as he entered the mansion.   "I'm sorry, I didn't want her to die, that's why I'm doing this kind of s**t," I said to Mark, and he smiled and opened the large book, which shone, so I said it'd been a week, and I'll return to the mansion to unlock the power that all immortals have.   "You fell in love with a mortal as I did," Mark said to me, and I took off my clothes. I turned around, and he was behind me, and I felt him put his hand behind my back, and I immediately felt hot and sticky to my skin.   I stopped shouting and felt like I was getting more robust, and when I looked around, it was as if everything I could see was moving, and when I looked at my hands, the veins were coming out, and I close my eyes and feeling a solid power that I opened.   "Say these words, 'I summon the most power of the immortal," Mark said to himself, and I said to myself, this is the power that I want to see.   "I, Caex Feax, summoning the most power of the immortal," I said, and my knees shook slightly. I felt Mark remove his hand from behind me, and when I looked back, I saw him closing the book.   "Be ready for your future now, Caex," Mark said to me, and I nodded. I took my clothes and put them on again, but the pain in my back remained, and I approached the large mirror and looked at myself.   Scarlet used to hug me to lose my monsters; now, I can control it because of the strength of my current power.   I walked out because the only thing Mark and I discussed was that after he helped me turn on the power, he would leave immediately, and I would call his name if I needed anything from him.   "How is Scarlet doing?" I don't know if that woman will feel that I'm here three days after arriving in the immortal world, so I closed my eyes and felt what Scarlet is doing now.   When I closed my eyes, I saw Scarlet's face reading a book, and then she looked at something I didn't know and, at the same time, she let go of the book she was reading and dashed to the bathroom? What will she do there?   I was surprised to see her vomiting and holding it in her stomach, so I opened my eyes and remembered something that happened to us the day she was still sick, so when I left, electricity flashed across my path.   "You're not going anywhere." I turned to face Kim when I heard his voice, and he smiled, so I smiled back. I'll finish this one before I get stuck here, and I'm making sure he can't return to the world because he is not only an ordinary witch but also an immortal.   I fought him, and every time he hit me with his witch powers, I ignored it because I didn't feel the pain he was inflicting on me, and the wounds I was receiving from him were healing.   "You are a true monster! You must die because you are nothing more than a human who has turned into a monster!" He said to me, so my teeth grinned, the word I don't want to hear anymore, but he said, he fills my patience.   I smiled, and in my final attack, I stabbed him with my long nails, dug even more profound, and took his heart, which he completely collapsed, and I smiled again. He was wrong about his opponent now because I am one strong monster, even more substantial than the man I will fight, Kristoffer.   Scarlet's PoV   I'm sitting on the bathroom tiles, clutching my stomach; I've been like this for four days now; it started when Caex disappeared; I don't know what to do; doesn't Caex know? Maybe he won't realize I'm like this because he's far away from me now, and I feel like Caex is in the immortal world, where I have no idea what he's doing.   I stood up and entered my room to change my clothes, and then I went to Jona's place. It's been a month since I didn't visit her. I took my phone and texted her what she is doing.   To: Jona   Are you doing something?   From: Jona   Nothing, why?   To: Jona   Let's meet up at the cafeteria same always when we are going there.   From: Jona   I know that, and why the hell did you text me now?   To: Jona   It's a long story, so it's a yes, let's talk there?   From: Jona   Sure! You can go there. First I'm going to change my clothes!   I thought she forget about me, and I miss her so much. I put my phone in the bag and exited the mansion, then took a taxi to go to the cafeteria we talk about. She's not yet here, so that's why she wants me to be first here.   I went inside and sat in the empty seat and ordered something to drink and eat. My order arrived, but that girl was still not there, so I texted her again.   This girl never responds to my messages. She has only recently seen my messages! And I saw her on a motorcycle with someone I'd never met before, and she came in. I looked around to see if she was nearby or if she was waiting for me outside.   "Girl! I apologize for not responding to your chats with me! Anthony uses my phone while I'm taking a bath," She told me that's why I got slapped in the face; Anthony even escorted him here.   "It's okay, I already eat the dessert," I told her as I sipped the coffee next to me. I didn't finish it because I felt sick, so I held it in my mouth.   "Are you all right, girl? Are you ill? "She inquired of me.   "These few days because Jona, I'm vomiting and my head always hurts," I said to her, and she was surprised, so I looked at her, and she smiled and said something to me at the same time.   "Who is the father? Is Caex the everlasting immortal—" I immediately covered her mouth because there were a lot of people looking at us, and this woman has a strong voice?   "Is Caex is the father?" She asked, and I nodded while she picked it up in a small spoon and spat out the ice cream she had ordered. I noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring on his left hand as I thought about it.   "Do you and Anthony have a marriage?" I asked her, and she looked at me while I was holding my chin because I was sleepy and afraid I would fall here because my knees and body were weakening.   "We're married, but when will Caex marry you? You've known each other for a long time, haven't you? Why not tie the knot? You're of marriageable age." We didn't go to the wedding because Caex was too busy, she said to me as I turned away.   "Caex is doing a lot right now, so she won't be able to handle that wedding," I told her, and she laughed softly, possibly at me because I still don't have a husband.   "If I were you, I'd get married!" She said to me, and I laughed; she was correct, but she didn't realize that we would only have one child and that only one would live and disappear after that.   I took a deep breath and looked outside, and my eyes widened when I saw that man was the man who planned to kill me and Caex, so I looked away, my heart beats very fast.   "Are you all right? Are you in any pain?" Jona asked, and I shook my head. And She sat down and returned to what she was eating; even though I hadn't seen Jona in a few months, she was still my friend who was always there for me.   "Maybe you should go home and rest; did Caex bring you here? That's all. I'm going home now alone, and I'm already nervous in my chest because that man is following me and will kill me while Caex is away. So he can pick you up right now," She said to me, and I breathe deeply.   "He didn't take me. He's not here now because he's taking care of something," I told Jona, and Jona nodded, and we decided to go out, and Jona said goodbye to me. Jona and Anthony left on a motorbike, and I was stuck in my head because I'd had a headache before, and I'm dizzy as well.   My knees are also soft, and I'm feeling sick because of what I smell outside; you know, in the world of people, the dishes and their odors mix.   Even though I'm dizzy, I'm already walking; why is my vision so blurry? I came to a halt and felt as if I was about to fall when someone grabbed my back, and my eyes widened when I realized that man was the one who wanted to kill me, and we stared at each other. Why isn't he angry with me right now?   "Do you want to die when I'm not doing it?" He said to me, so I forced myself to stand up, but he wouldn't let me stand alone, and he immediately pulled me closer to him and hit our chests.   "What on earth do you think you're doing?!" I slapped him because I was annoyed when he looked like I didn't want to be like that when our child was born, and it will look like a monster like our child.   "Why did you say that? You're expecting a child from that man?" He said to me, and my eyes widened; of course, I remembered they could read minds, so I backed away from him; it's a good thing he didn't pull me closer to him again.   "Yes, we have a child. Why do you care? You want me to die. Kill me now if you can!" I told Caex that he looked away, and I felt in his emotions now that he was sad And I do not know why.   "I don't care if you have a child, and I don't intend to kill you," he said to me, and I suddenly felt better, and the pain I was feeling was gone, but why won't he kill me?   "Why don't you murder me?" I asked him, and he looked at me, and I could see with my own eyes that he was crying blood over and over while covering his face like a child.   "Kim is dead. The man you love killed him. He is a true devil now. He is more powerful than me!" He said to me, and my eyes widened as he said, did Caex kill Kim? But what motivated him to do so? Kim isn't going to do anything terrible, the man in front of me is he should kill it, why did he do that?   "What? Is that true?" I asked him, and he nodded while still covering his face, so I bowed my hand, and I suddenly remembered what Caex said about being gone for a week and what he did with that older man?!   I looked at the man in front of me and took his hand away from his face. What's going on with him now? Did that older man hurt someone important to me?   "Don't cover your face because I've seen the immortal cry and that is Caex, and I can't imagine he can do that to Kim," I told him because Kim helped me move on, but I ran away from him because I thought he still had plans for me, but that's gone.   But this is what keeps nagging at me: what happened, and why did Caex murder Kim? Kim won't kill me; in fact, the people fighting Kim ran away from me because he didn't want to hurt me, and then he killed me?   What the heck, Caex?! What happened to you?! Are you out of mind?   **
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