Immortal 28

2799 Words
Scarlet's PoV "Bye-bye! I'll go home first! Let's catch up again, Kristoffer!" I said to Kristoffer that I only learned his name because he introduced himself to me. I ran even though I knew I'd be tired to run, and I needed to talk to Caex now.   Is he still at home? It's been over a week, but why? Isn't it upsetting to learn that Kim died? Is this how Caex is these days? Is he such a monster to murder another witch? And Kristoffer also told me that he is half-immortal.   I was out of breath to run, so I paused for a moment, took a deep breath, fixed my messy hair, and lifted my bag, which had become soaked due to my running. I took another deep breath and resumed my run, and when I arrived, when I arrived at the mansion, I immediately entered the gate and came to a halt when I noticed Caex walking into the mansion, so I called him.   "Caex!" I called to him, and he turned to face me. And I noticed a change in the color of his eyes, so I approached him right away. Why are his eyes like this now? Where have my favorite blue eyes gone? They've turned a deep red.   "Can you tell me where you're from?" He asked me coldly, and now he's smiling at me, and I feel like it's not the Caex I met in front of me anymore, but the demon inside him, so I hugged him.   I waited for something to change, but nothing did, and I was surprised when he let go of my hug, so I frowned, and he looked at me from foot to toe, and he touched my wrist at the same time.   "What do you mean, Caex? Why are you acting this way now? What exactly is going on? Could you please explain?" I said to him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and we just went straight into the mansion, where it stopped while holding my wrist, and why is he like this now?   "I don't have to explain anything to you. You're just here in the mansion from now on. I won't let you out," he said to me, and my eyes widened. When he left in front of me, I grabbed his hand, and he stopped.   "Please tell me what's going on! Why can't I leave the mansion right now?!" I asked him, and he looked at me; the Caex I met did not look at me; who is now in front of me? Is what I see a fraud?   "Don't be stubborn; you'll do what I say!" He said to me, and I was surprised when he deliberately took my hand away from holding his hand, so I bowed down, and it eventually left in front of me.   Why is Caex treating me this way right now? What happened in the last week? What was that older man up to with Caex? I needed to know what that older man had done, so I stood up and followed him, and I saw him enter the room with the two of us.   Because we started sleeping next to each other, I followed him in and saw him take off his clothes and my eyes widened with something drawn on the back of it that I didn't know what it was and can't explain, so I immediately hid because he might see that I followed him.   I took a deep breath and asked myself, "Is what I see true?" Didn't that older man do it? Why does he have that on his back? I lowered my hand, exited the room, and went to the library, where I found all of my answers to my question.   I was surprised when I felt the heat on the library's doorknob, so my eyes widened, and I could see with my eyes how the door would turn purple, and I backed away, surprised that I had a body to lean on. I would have turned around if he had held my hand.   "I told you not to go anywhere," he said coldly to me, and that's why I felt scared in his voices now; only now do I feel afraid of him again, but why? What exactly is going on?   "What's the deal with you being so cold right now, Caex?" I asked him in hushed tones, and he turned to face me with him, and he looked at me, and I looked into his eyes, where is that Caex that I adore, where is it?   "I'm not cold, I'm just telling you because you're pregnant," my eyes widened as he said that, so I backed away and looked at him again carefully, first at his foot, then at his body, and finally at his face, and he smiled.   "Do you think I'm going to disappear? Do you think I'll change my mind? I'm still the person you adore, and I'm the man you love," he said to me as he hugged me and I hugged him, my heart beat faster again, I think he's the Caex I met.   "Because you act like a cold person!" I sighed, and he let go of my hug, knelt, and touched my stomach simultaneously, allowing me to hold his head.   "Hello, baby girl or boy, keep in mind that your daddy will always be there with you," he said to me, and my heart ached for a moment because of what he said. Why is he saying this? Is it true that he will be able to spend time with our future child?   "Are you certain about that Caex?" I asked him, and he didn't say anything, and we were now surrounded by sadness, so I held my stomach so I could talk to our future child.   "Baby, don't worry if daddy leaves us, mommy will always be by your side, and mommy will support you in whatever you want." I'm not sure why my voice is sad, and I feel like I will cry because of what I said. What I said was that word I know would never be fulfilled.   Caex got up on his knees, took me on his shoulders, and invited me back to the room. When we got there, he immediately made me sit and sat next to me while also touching my hand, and I can feel the warmth of his hand now.   "I'm sorry if I got home late now. It took me a while to get back to your world," he said to me. Why does he appear to show that I only live here in this world, as if he doesn't belong to mortals?   "It's all right. I just read books and invited Jona to the cafeteria earlier. We haven't spoken in a long time, but I have good news for you: Anthony and Jona are married!" I said with a smile that I didn't have anything for her. I noticed that he had changed in appearance and emotions; I no longer see anything in his eyes.   "They're already married? Then congratulations to them," He smiled a little and returned his gaze to my hands. I'm not sure why he was looking at my hand, so I touched his cheek, and he looked at me.   "When are we going to get married?" I asked him, and his eyes widened as I said it, and my heartbeat quickened, and I felt the warmth of my cheeks and hands now.   "What about marriage? Marriage, yes, it won't belong. We'll get married as soon as possible. We don't know what will happen to you yet, and we're not sure if there will be another wedding for us," That's why I'm sad now, he explained.   "Of course, things will happen to me, we have a lot more to try, but this baby is here, which means it's close," I said to him, and I Held my stomach again, and I couldn't even be brave because of them I think.   "But don't lose hope because I told myself that I would do everything that will make us live or one of us will live forever," he said to me, and I suddenly looked up, and when I looked at him, he smiled at me, and all my sadness and pain seem to have vanished.   I felt drowsy while holding my stomach, so I lay down and Caex looked at me, and I straightened up. Is this mansion still standing? Will everything be there when I wake up?   "If you're sleepy, go to sleep first; you also need to rest because of what you're carrying," he said to me, so I nodded, and he made me lie down, and when I was ready, he kissed me on the forehead, put a blanket on me, and smiled at me. I quickly went out and heard the door closing, so I closed my eyes to sleep.   Dreaming   Why am I in the world of fixuiroius? What am I doing here? Is this a dream? When I looked at myself, I noticed that my feet were shining, and it was apparent that I was in a dream and walking, but why did I feel this way when I was stepping on small plants?   I heard a girl laughing, and when I raised my head, I saw myself. Her hair was long, and she didn't curl it like mine, but why do I look like this girl? What brings her to the world of fixuiroius?   "Azura, don't go too far!" The tone of Zero's voice was? So I followed that voice, and my eyes widened as Zero carried wood and placed it on the floor, and Azura approached.   "I'm not going anywhere! Isn't it true that you're my brother?" The girl said softly and clearly that she wanted Zero, so I approached even closer and stared at the girl, only to realize that she was my child, the one in front of me now.   My daughter, is this how she'll look when she grows up? I smiled as I watched him pull Zero, and the two chase each other. I'm happy for her because her life will be better, but why is Zero looking after my child?   I remember making a deal with King Sander in which he agreed to raise and marry my future child, but how could that happen if my child has other plans? And perhaps she'll prefer Zero than King Sander?   "Can you tell me about my origins? Is there a reason I'm here? And why do I have this ability?" Azura inquired, and Zero looked at him, but he said nothing, so I remained in the back.   "You'll realize it when you're older, baby Azura, or should I say, baby Alwina!" It messed up my daughter's hair and made her blush, Alwina? Will I give her a long name? Maybe it will take a long time, perhaps this will happen next, and I won't be able to see my child grow up.   "I want to see my parents. I wish they were here to look after me and play with me..." My daughter was already crying, and I couldn't help but clutch my chest as I realized how much she would need me.   End of Dreaming   The figures of the two of them gradually faded from my sight, so I closed my eyes, and when I awoke, the ceiling opened up to me, which appeared dark, and I awoke. How many hours had I slept?   I got out of bed, put on my slippers, exited my room, and walked down the hall, but I didn't see Caex? Where is he again? I went upstairs again, and when I looked at the library, it was open, so as I approached it, I suddenly remembered that if I held the doorknob, I would hurt myself.   I just peeked and saw Caex lying on the sofa with the book on his face, which is why I can't approach him because I'm afraid I'll melt when I enter his library.   What's the deal with this Caex? Because why did he restrict me from entering here when I can enter here, and the books won't harm our future child? I was about to leave when I noticed a strong wind, so I looked behind me and saw that Caex was still lying there.   So I got a little closer and tried to look at what he was reading, but I failed because I couldn't tell what book he was reading, whether it was just stories of those former immortals or something else.   When I turned around and went downstairs, I saw the helpers preparing the dishes, so I went straight to where they were cooking and left when I smelled it.   "Take that food away from me and cook me something that will fit!" I said to the maid who was cooking, and she looked confused, but she quickly followed my order and cooked another meal for us to eat.   "Are you okay, ma'am? You're sick of those smells by now, right?" The maid, who is quite elderly, asked me and mixed it with juice, so I would have returned to the library to call Caex. Caex appeared to me immediately when he was in front of me.   "What are you up to?" He asked me, and I blinked because he asked me, so I went straight to the chair, and when I sat down, I drank the water that had landed next to me, and he sat down as well.   "Are you okay, Scarlet?" He asked, and I looked at him and nodded. The helpers placed the food, and when it went down, I immediately took rice and a dish, and I was starving because of that, so I ate right away.   While I was eating, I came to a halt because Caex was staring at me, and he was surprised because I ate quickly, and I frowned because he was staring at me, and he smiled and laughed softly.   When I finished eating, I got up to wash our dishes, and I wiped my hands and stopped because I felt sick again, so I quickly went to the sink and vomited.   I wiped my lips, wet my face while standing very close to the sink, When I look up and down at the table, Caex is nowhere to be found. I went upstairs after leaving the kitchen to see if he was in the library.   He's not there when I look, so where is he? I was about to return to my room when I heard a shout from upstairs, where he used to eat, and saw him eat an animal.   I stepped onto a flight of stairs and continued to climb until Caex's louder shouting stopped me, so I slowly opened the door, and my eyes widened as he was naked and the only one I see back there.   The tattoo on his back glows red, which is strange, and I have no idea what kind of tattoo it is, so I got down on my knees, and he shouted again, this time grabbing his head.   Is he losing control of his power? I took a deep breath and summoned the courage to enter the room where I couldn't go; I needed to calm down Caex, or his monster demon would swallow him whole.   "Caex!" I yelled and hugged him immediately, my body covering the light behind him. I hugged him now, he didn't say anything, so I held his head and caressed it to calm him down.   "Scarlet..." I heard him call me, and his voice was crying now, so I didn't stop hugging him, and we stayed that way for one minute, and I still couldn't break my hug with him.   "I'm already here, Caex, relax," I told him, and I think he's getting hot. I'm not sure why I think he shouldn't be getting hot like this because he's immortal. I suddenly realized he had a human heart.   Come on, Caex, and please calm down. I was surprised when he let go himself, and I almost sat down hard because he did it, so I just touched my ass to avoid falling hard, and Caex looked at me.   "You can't calm me down. I'll calm myself if I want to," Caex voice is cold again, so I'm stunned and unable to speak; where is the Caex I met? Where is he now?   He approached me and touched my chin, saying, "As I said last time, you will stay in this mansion, get that?" He said to me, and it left, leaving me dumbfounded and unable to believe that he is now out of control!   **  
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