Immortal 29

2721 Words
Scarlet's PoV "Wait a minute! Is that you, Caex? Or it is cold monster?!" I raised my voice a little to ask him, and he stopped walking and turned to face me. And Caex looks at me now, which is why I'm nervous inside. "A monster with a heart of ice? That's me, and you can't make me change my mind." After he said that, he turned his back on me, so I held his hand, and Caex looked at me as if he didn't want to touch my hand. "Why do you have to inflict pain on Caex? Why do you have to appear in that shape? There is no opposition! Why should you when..." I had to stop talking because my tears were already dripping, and I wiped them away quickly because he might notice I was crying. I felt him touch my chin, and he lifted my face, surprised because perhaps I was crying, and he rubbed my cheek with his thumb, and we stared for a long time, Caex is that you? "You're going to be ugly if you cry like this again," Caex said as he let go of my chin and turned around to continue walking, so I followed him, and he didn't complain. "I'm not going to be unattractive! I'm beautiful, and I don't deserve that ugly face," I said calmly to Caex, and he stopped again, so I stopped walking as well because I was following him. "Really? How brave you have to talk to me like that?" He said coldly to me, that's why I feel pain now, heart pain because I know it's not Caex in front of me now but his monster form, and most of all, he is cold. Is this the side of Caex that he hasn't been able to bring out in his entire life since I first vanished? Is it the feeling of not being by his side and knowing he has no control over what happens to me? Is this the monster's side when Caex is full of anger? Is it him, or is it not? Just a beast who has nothing to do with how Caex feels? "I'm not brave, but I dare to talk to you because I'm your lover," I told him, and he grinned and held the bridge of his nose and looked at me with force. "Is that true? Are you brave? Then show me you're—" I didn't wait for him to finish speaking because I already knew what he was going to say, so I slapped his hand and glared at him angrily, it's not Caex, and the one in front of me is a monster now, the demonic side of Caex. I looked at him and realized I was the one who voluntarily left in front of him, but I couldn't move my legs as much as I wanted, so I bite my lips because I knew only Caex could do that, not the monster who spoke to me now. "Well, if you can't do what I want, then I'll do it myself?" He said to me, and in an instant, he was in front of me, staring at my foot, so I tried to move but couldn't because I know his power is strong, and I can't face it. He touched my cheek, and I just let it go because Caex was in front of me, and Caex's body was in front of me, and Caex's hand was holding my cheek. Isn't that fine? He is my lover, and I am capable of doing anything. He stops doing what he is doing with me and touches my belly, and it looks like he is confused about my stomach because it has our child, of course! He was shocked because I think he already knows that I'm pregnant. "Are you pregnant? Is it true that I'm the father of that child?" He asked, and I nodded; he averted his gaze, released his grip on my waist, and passed me, so I didn't look back. "Be careful. You're pregnant and still bringing it to me. Isn't it obvious that it's from Caex? You love the Caex that is currently sleeping inside of me," he said to me, so I turned to face him and saw that I had smiled at him, so I felt hot on my cheek. "Caex, please! You like me, don't you? Even if you're like that now, don't you love me? You love me even when you're by yourself." I said to him and bowed, and I'm not sure what he looks like now; I'm not sure if he was surprised, as I said today, but I saw his shoes approaching me and felt him hug me. "I'm sorry if I let him sleep, but I promise that once I finish this mission, I will get him back," he said to me as he let go of my hug and messed up my hair while walking and looking around. In the back, I immediately felt the wind, and he was gone in a flash. I went upstairs to rest, I also finished eating, so maybe I'll go back to my room when I go up. I immediately went in, but before I could go right inside the room, I saw a light that would in the middle, so I deliberately tilted to go to that light. As I was walking, I felt someone or something nearby, so I quickly built a fire in my hand and slowly walked towards where I saw the light would come from, and my eyes widened when I arrived. Based on what I've seen. "Kristoffer? What exactly are you doing here?" I asked him, and he looked at me, and he immediately came down when he stepped on the handle of the stairs, and Kristoffer immediately knelt in front of me for some reason, and I was even more surprised when he kissed my hand. "I'm going to get you out of here," he said as he stood upon his knees, and I frowned and was surprised when he pulled me down, and when we got down, we came to a halt when Caex appeared in front of us. "What do you think you're going to do?" Caex voice was cold, and Kristoffer was looking bad; didn't he tell me he was planning to kill him? So when Kristoffer let me go, I immediately blocked the path between them. "Caex, don't do it! Isn't it enough that you assassinated Kim? Isn't that sufficient?" I said to him, and he abruptly approached me, softly pulling me away. And I was about to move, but I couldn't move my entire body. "I have to finish him; you want your beloved back, don't you? That's why I'm going to end him so you can see and talk to him usually again." So my eyes widened with the built he was in his palm that I didn't know it was black that was smoky, and it looked strong, so I tried to move, but I couldn't move. Caex, what are you thinking?! Kristoffer won't kill me anymore; he begs me to forget what he said, and Caex doesn't want any more trouble because if Kristoffer kills me, it's as if he's wasting time. "Caex never does that!" I yelled, surprised that I could speak when I knew that if I can't move my entire body, even my mouth couldn't speak, but how did I manage to talk? Is it due to my power? "What are you talking about?" I heard him say this, and he also stopped what he was about to do and looked at me, and when I look at myself now by a purple aura, I have no idea why this is surrounding me because I am not immortal like Caex. "Caex put an end to it! Kristoffer must not die," I murmured something to him as I came closer to them and stood between them once more. I gave Caex a severe look, but he didn't look at me, so I caressed his cheek. "Please, I beg you, give me back the real caex," I said, and he lost the smoky black color in his palm, and I could see how the color of his eyes changed to a light blue color, which is why I smiled. "What happened? What is he doing here?!" Caex said it, and it was clear from his voice that it was him, so I smiled and felt relieved, and I put my face on his chest, which is why he looked at me, shocked. "He's not our enemy anymore, and he's regretting everything he said to us," I told him, and he returned when he looked at Kristoffer, but the evil look was gone. Hence, I smiled, mainly because he had previously returned to his demonic side? What happened, and he immediately obeyed my command? "I'm willing to do anything as a reward, Scarlet." I overheard Kristoffer say, and I assumed he was willing to do anything? What if Caex and I were able to hire servants? When I looked at Caex, he smiled. "Are we able to hire him as a servant?" I asked Caex, and he was taken aback by what I had asked; hadn't he read my mind? Perhaps it isn't easy to read what I'm thinking, especially since I'm a wizard, and wizards like me are also powerful. "If I hire you, don't do anything stupid, moron," Caex said solemnly, and I returned my gaze to the two of them, wondering if Caex was still upset with Kristoffer. "Caex, your behavior is repulsive! If you give it to Kristoffer, he won't do anything wrong, right?" I told him, and he immediately turned around and walked to the kitchen to direct the cooks. I grinned as I saw Kristoffer approach Caex and put his arm around him as if they were siblings joking, and I wondered whether Caex had a brother. What about his family? He never tells me. I'm curious if he remembers anything about it. I sat down and settled myself when I noticed Kristoffer emerge. I yelled out to him, and he turned to me, saying, "Won't he eat here?" He is welcome to eat here and is considered a family member; he is our first servant. "I'm not going to eat what humans eat. I'm going now, Miss Scarlet, contact me if you need me," he said as he teleported out, the wind slamming into my face, and I glanced at him to tell him to stand by me now. "So, what did he have to say to you? Was he a nice guy? He wrapped his arm around your shoulders like a brother!" I smiled at him, and he frowned at me, so I grimaced as well. Why did he frown at me? "Don't worry, Caex, what will happen to us can't go on. We can be together with our child," I told him, and my heartbeat quickened immediately as a result of what I said, which I'm not sure what I said. "It's good, and it can't last forever, but I'm happy because I'll be with you for a long time," he added, placing his head on my shoulder so that I could hold his cheek with my left hand. I was able to touch his cheek because we were so close, and my feelings abruptly altered because I felt as if someone was watching at both of us, and I felt as if that notion would kill us. "No matter what happens when Caex decides to be with us, I hope we don't make things worse," I closed my eyes. I hope we can still be with our future daughter. I thank God for blessing me with our future child. Even if he is immortal Caex and I are both mortals. "Don't worry about what will happen to us; it hurt my heart to think that we're going to die right here in our house," he said to me, and I realized, Caex is correct; I shouldn't do this thinking; I should only think positively. "OK, I'll do that," I answered, putting my head on his shoulder and smiling, but why am I in so much pain? What motivates me to want us to live longer? Is it because I still want to see Azura, our future child's name? After eating, I asked Caex out; I can only be with him now because Jona is the one I love to hang out with, so I'll take him on a tour of areas he's never been or known. He dressed in a black t-shirt with long sleeves, wasn't he? I approached him right away and stroked his sleeve, seeing that he was slender. I looked at him and noticed that his cheek was crimson, which shocked me. "What's up with that? Is everything all right?" Caex asked me why he asked me that, since I'm always OK when he's next to me and there's nothing wrong with me or Caex just avoiding me, so I don't see he reddened. "I'm fine, let's go!" I told him enthusiastically and grabbed his hand, but it was cold, so I let it go. We exited the mansion, and I told him to stroll. So that the people around us wouldn't realize he was an immortal, he disguised himself as a human being. I could see the people we were passing by because they were always looking at us, especially the women, so I gave them a bad look, and they looked away because I was looking at them. Didn't they see that he is taken?! Is it true that mortals are this way here? I did not go out, I did not follow celebrities, and what in the world happened to me? It's good that I have social media and can keep up with other people's posts. We arrived at a park with many kids playing, and I sat on the hammock while he looked around. Suddenly, I remembered something, a memory in which I saw Caex. "Do you know why I like this park?" he asked me. Yes, Caex has been here because he became my playmate right here in this park, and worst here, the accident started. I didn't expect my mother to want my not-birth mother to don't let me approach Caex. I don't know why; I don't know what reason mom used to. "You know I had an accident the same day you did, don't you?" I asked him, and he looked at me and nodded and smiled simultaneously; he also sat on the other cradle, and I was surprised by the handle with which he held my hand. "Forget what happened in the past, let's change all the sadness you have, all the resentment you feel, let's change that," he said to me, and my heart began to race, and I didn't know what to do. Is what I hear true? Caex, do you want to change what's going on right now? Even if he is powerless to change it? So I just knelt, looked at my feet, and waved. I closed my eyes and prayed to God that Caex and I would not have this painful life; he is used to living a long life, and someone will truly love him. I can't expect King Sander to love my daughter because his only plan is to marry her, and our deal is over, so I looked at Caex, and he was still looking at me, so I took the chance that if I wanted to do it, I wouldn't be able to do it in the next few days, months, or even years. I kissed him because I can't tell you how many days I've been here. I also don't know when I'll die or when my life will end. I don't know when I'll give birth to my daughter. I don't know because I have the blood of a wizard. Caex, what if one day I'm gone, and you've gone too? Will we meet in heaven or hell? I want you to be by my side forever, but how can we do that if our future is bleak? **
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