Immortal 10

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Scarlet's PoV I followed Kim where he was going, and when we got to where he was going, he stopped and just leaned against the wall and at the same time, he took from his pocket a necklace that is quite familiar to me, but why do I feel so close to me?   "I need you to come back to your senses. Caex controls you, do you know that?" He said to me, and I don't know if I can feel annoyed and irritated with him, but why can't I be angry with Caex like that? Control? What does he mean?   "Are you under control? What exactly do you mean?" I asked, frowning. Caex couldn't see us here unless he saw and heard what we were talking about because we were far from the restaurant. Was he able to listen to us?   "Yes, he controls you. He broke your memory core, so you have to take this necklace, so you know everything," Kim said to me, and he left leaning forward, and he slowly approached me, and that's when I felt scared and maybe because I feel like he's a dangerous person.   "Are you afraid?" He asked me to my surprise, and I stopped when I backed away, and he came close to me thoroughly, and he touched the top of my hand, and he spread my hand at the same time he put there the necklace with silver circle in the middle, and I looked at it.   My eyes widened as memories returned to me if they'd been from my mind; had Caex done this? But why was he so cruel to me? Is there something I did to him that caused him to do this?   "Ah! That's enough!" I shouted, and I held my head with one hand while my other handheld the necklace that is glowing now and keeps flashing to my memories and present that will happen.   My headache stopped, and I looked in front of me, and Kim just stood there as if he didn't know what was happening to me, so I close my fists. I'm correct. He is a terrible person, and I have to leave him, but how can I do that?   "Do you remember everything?" He asked me, will I tell him that I remember everything? Because when I say I'm sure he will pull me away from Caex, and he will take me to his evil plan.   "Do you think it's simple to remember everything? Maybe someday I will remember everything, but not now. I will take care of this necklace," I lied to Kim, and I turned my back to him.   "Wait," Kim said, and I turned to him.   "Call me if you remember everything because I will treat you as a friend if you remember everything," he said to me. I don't need to be friends with you because I already know your purpose with me. You want what's inside my body that I don't know, and I'm still confused.   I didn't answer what he said, and I continued to leave that place and immediately got to the restaurant, and when I looked, I saw Caex standing in front of his office, so I just passed him because he was still there.   "Where are you going?" Caex asked me, and he even touched my wrist, and he looked at me with his grave looks, so I immediately removed his hand from me and stared at him as he looked at me now that he thought he doubts me.   "I'm going to work, sir, so excuse me please," I said to Caex, and when I was about to walk again, he suddenly pulled me inside his office, and I was shocked when he leaned me against the wall here, and he held my two hands with only one hand he put it above my head and stared at me.   "Are you annoyed with the way I look at you? Are you angry with what I did?" He said to me, and I suddenly felt nervous because I felt like he knew everything Kim and I talked about, so I looked away.   "I don't know what you're saying. Let me go!" I said to him, and I tried to get away from him but I couldn't because he was firm and I couldn't run away from him, so I just waited for what he would say next.   "You know that to yourself that I'm an immortal. I know everything about you because we are--" I stopped Kim from what he was going to say.   "Yes, I know that you don't have to say it," I said to Caex, and at the same time, I was able to move when he held my two hands, and when I was about to leave, I was shocked when the necklace that Kim gave me from today floated my pocket, and it slowly approached Caex.   "This necklace won't need it. Get rid of this if you don't want to be in trouble," Caex said to me. How did he know everything? Does he hear people's conversations even if you are far away?   I couldn't speak anymore, and I went out of his office. What if he destroyed that necklace? It's not mine! And another one that doesn't matter! I already have all the memories he erased from me.   It hurts to think that he did that to me, but why can't I shout at him and scold him just because he erased my memory? Is it because I like him? Is it because I can't hurt him?! What are you thinking, Scarlet! That person is immortal, and he will never feel anything even if he is loved! But I hope he can handle it!!   When I finished getting dressed, I immediately went out of the staff room and started working. All I can think about right now is my work, not caex!   Caex's PoV   I stared at this necklace, and I felt what was going to happen to her. I immediately broke it, and I couldn't stop using my power to drop things on my own, just using my destructive emotions now.   I won't allow him to take Scarlet away from me, and I especially don't want Scarlet to remember everything so that she might think I erased her memory. She will be angry with me because it's difficult in that situation.   I clenched my fists, and when I opened the door to this office, I immediately reached the man's mansion, and Kim was surprised by my presence, and I immediately shook him and lifted him very high.   "What are your intentions with Scarlet!" I shouted and blew very hard. I had to stop the monster sleeping inside me because otherwise, he might not just die, and I might even hurt other people living here.   "Are you angry or jealous that I might get your Scarlet?" He said to me, and he grinned devilishly, and I immediately threw him somewhere, and it fell and split the table that he fell and I approached him very fast, and I slap him.   "Do you want to die?!" I gritted my teeth, and I teleported him to another place, and I accelerated my run until I reached the very end of this building above, and I strangled him tightly.   "It's funny to think that you are the one she met, don't you know you're already hurting her? You're already giving her pain, so think about it!" He said to me, and I let go of his collar, and he floated away because I was using my power with him, and he was surprised.   "Laugh as much as you want because this is your last day," I said to him, and he just laughed. My teeth gritted again, and I slowly dropped him, and his gradual movement stopped me because he spoke.   "If I die, I will take the person you love with me," he said to me, and he showed me something in his hand, and I saw Scarlet drinking some water, and I could see there that there was poison glowing that Scarlet didn't notice.   "You're shameless! You need to die!" I shouted, and I immediately let go of him floating, and in a flash, he fell too fast, and when I peeked down there, my eyes widened because he suddenly disappeared. So I could do nothing but go to Scarlet, and I immediately teleported to her place.   "Don't drink that!" I shouted, and I immediately tapped the water that Scarlet was going to drink and her eyes widened at what I did, and I looked at my employees looking at me and shocked.   "What's the matter with you, Caex?! First, you took the necklace from me and now this?!" he said to me, and I just bent down and looked at the water, and the poison was gone, so I didn't look at her because of my embarrassment.   "It has a poison, that's why I need to tap it away from you," I said to her, and she didn't even give me a reaction, and she immediately left in front of me, and she entered the staff room, so I immediately followed her.   When I went inside, my eyes widened because she was getting dressed damn! I waited for her to come out, and when she came out, she stopped and shook her head at the same time, so I stopped her from leaving.   "Where are you going?! Your shift?" I said to scarlet, and I was shocked when she handed me the pin with his name on it, and she looked into my eyes, annoyed and spoke at the same time.   "I don't want to work anymore! I've given up on this job! I'm just going to look for another sensible job!" She said to me, so I immediately hugged her because I didn't know what to do, but I just hurt her, so even now I can hug her, I will be happy.   "I'm sorry," I stammered.   "Why are you so sorry? Let go of me! It's so hot!" She said to me, and I immediately let go, and I stared at her with her lovely eyes and she suddenly averted her eyes, so I frowned, what's wrong with this woman?    "I need to go, let me go first," she said to me, and at the same time, she turned his back on me and started to walk away from me until she got out of the restaurant and I was left just staring at her as she walked away.   I bent down and clenched my fist. It's Kim's fault! What if something terrible happens to Scarlet in the job she's going to take on again! It's annoying that I like to kill him with my power, but it's not possible because I'll also die.   If Scarlet finds another job, do I have to leave this restaurant? That's why I only built it because of her because she wants to apply here, but now she's not here anymore. Maybe I need to get rid of it too.   I took my coat from the swivel chair and took my laptop there, and at the same time, I left the office and went to the counter where they were all. I immediately put down the money that would be their salary.   "Everyone listens to me first," I said, and they immediately stopped what they were doing, and my employees looked at me seriously, and all of them immediately bowed to me. They were waiting for what I would say, so I immediately said what I had to tell them.   "I'm quitting this job so that this restaurant will be gone tomorrow," I said, and they were all stunned. I bowed to respect them, knowing Scarlet would never return here.   Scarlet's PoV   Caex is annoying! Are you kidding me? That one is also rude! That's why I exploded, and I couldn't stand what he was doing to me, so I just left that restaurant!   So I can look for another job, not just for that man, maybe from now on, I'll see how he looks, how delicious he is when the intellect or his handsome face pierces me! But he seems stupid!   I immediately got up and took the key for this house because there was no one here when I came home. Maybe I'll cool down at the mall first so I can be even more stressed when I'm just staring at my house, and maybe Caex will come to see me here, and he will reprimand more.   Maybe I'll text Jona so that we can bond again, I nodded, and I immediately picked up my phone and texted her. I just waited for her reply for a few seconds, and after waiting, she replied.   From: Jona   Okay, my baby best friend of Caex! Jokes! Go ahead and wait for me at the mall!   Even when she's also one of my best friends, she'll get mad only if she can tell me that Caex is my boyfriend. Even if I'm not, I'm already disgusted with him. It's annoying my head is heating up again.   When I came out of the house, I immediately closed the door, and I stopped because I felt someone was watching me, so I looked to the side of our house, but I didn't see anyone, so I just let go and pretended not to feel anything and take a taxi to the mall.   "Hello, best!" Jona was running when I got out of the taxi right away, you can see that I thought I was the one to wait with her, but she was the one I was waiting for well I seem to remember our old days that we were always at ease.   "Don't you have a job now? Why does my best friend look like a broken heart?" She said to me, and we went inside the Robinson, and I immediately felt the cold hit my cheek and my whole body.   "I left that job because I'm irritated by the look of that Caex! I'll look for another job instead of seeing and talking to that ugly person!" I said to him, and he laughed.   "Your intensity! He was handsome now at the speed of time Caex is now ugly. It's like you are my best friend," she said to me, so I immediately punched her head a little, and she said it's hurt because I wasn't happy with what she said.   Jona and I just went for a walk. She just bought some clothes that she chose for me. I didn't choose because I prefer long and extensive jackets now. After all, it's fashionable now, but the question is where I will wear them if it's so hot in the Philippines? Maybe those who sell these should report it.   "Hey, best! I've been calling you before if you like this dress!" Jona hit me, and I looked at the dress she was saying, and my eyes grew black all over the body of this dress and on the side of it is red, and the design is pink, she is beautiful in case the back is open.   "How much is that? And why are you repeating that to me?" I joked at what I said at the end, and she laughed, and she immediately pulled me inside the fitting room so I didn't do anything, and she immediately gave me the dress.   "You stay here best. I'll find you a partner shoe. You stay here!" She said at the exit, so I waited with him. It would be good to have a chair here in this fitting room if I'm not sure I'm already tired of standing here, and I feel a bit exhausted.   While I'm waiting, I felt exhausted. I don't know. When I'm sitting, I can't feel my drowsiness even though I'm still lying down. I can't handle it, but when I'm standing in position on the bus or at any event, I'm drowsy eventually.   "This is best! Put it on too, and then you're out!" She said to me and nodded at what Jona said, I immediately put on the dress, and I also put on the sandals she gave me that were three inches tall so I could. Maybe his design is black with half red, and I wore it right away. I came out of the fitting room, and Jona's eyes widened because of what he sees in me now.   "Best! You are the goddess of everything. Look at yourself quickly!" She said to me, and she put me in a mirror that can see my whole body and even myself. I was also surprised by what I saw in the mirror. I cannot believe that I'm so beautiful and this suits me in what I'm wearing today, especially these sandals.   "Maybe I'll buy this," I said with laughing, and Jona laughed too. Maybe just now, she was happy to see me buy something she chose. I also want this dress to look at it because its design is adorable.   I entered the fitting room again, and while I was dressing my clothes I heard the woman's voice, That she was also the woman who whispered to me last night and she said the same thing today and in last night that's why I can't believe it.   "Morirás,"   Who is she? **
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