Immortal 09

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Scarlet's PoV I spent a week in the hospital because my wound was deep, and it wouldn't just close it because the pain was also profound. I just thought about where I got it and why I can't remember what happened to me.   I also asked Caex a few times, but I only received repeated answers, and I also wondered why he removed Kim, and Kim didn't do anything terrible to remove him. I heard the door open, and Caex came up to me with a roses bouquet and placed it in the opposite drawer upstairs.   "How are you feeling? Does your wrist still hurt?" Caex asked me, and at the same time, he sat down and spread the food he bought on the small tray, and I nodded. It hasn't been in so much pain for the past few days.   "It's okay. How's the restaurant?" I asked him, and before he answered, he took out the only plastic bag Caex had with porridge, and it included soft drinks that maybe two of them were with him, but how would Caex drink that if he is immortal? Is it mine too?   "Wait, why are those two soft drinks? Are you going to drink too?" I asked him, and he shook his head, and I heard the door open. I saw Richard carrying a bag that was probably my clothes.   "Oh Richard, you're here too! Come eat with us," I said to him, and he shook it right away. He's Caex's butler; maybe he ordered him to come here and take my clothes. Can I go out now?   "Why is he carrying a bag?" I asked Caex.   "When you finish eating, you will be discharged and will rest in my mansion first. I told your parents too," Caex said to me, wow as in wow, how come he can let mom and dad allow me to be there at Caex's mansion first?   But honestly, I always want to see Caex, I started eating while Caex and Richard talked on the sofa while Richard was holding the other soft drink, and I couldn't take my eyes off on Caex cheek.   When I finished eating, I drank the soft drinks, And I lay down for a while because my back suddenly hurt. After all, I need to rest because I just got discharged from the hospital.   "Are you okay?" Caex asked me as he put away my food and he folded the big tray here on my bed, and when he tucked it, he threw the plastic bowl in the trash   "It's okay, I just hurt my back a bit," I said to him, and he came up to me, and he took my hand. He looked at my wrist. What is it doing? Don't tell me he's going to cure it?   "Stay still. I will try to heal your scar," Caex said to me, so I didn't move, and he removed the gauze wrapped there, and I can see my wound that looks deep to become skin again because of the injury that I have now is intense.   I felt pain, and I bit my lip because what I see in front of me now in the form of a monster, and his eyes are red as he treats my wound, and when I saw that, the wound gradually closed, and I was shocked.   The pain I felt before is gone, and when I look at Caex, he is still staring at my wrist. I don't know why. That's why I touched his cheek, and it seems like he's thinking deeply.   "Are you okay? Are you feeling weak? Eat first when you're weak," I said to Caex. He looked at me, and I didn't even feel scared when I stared into his red eyes, and at the same time, he averted his gaze.   "Okay, get dressed when I come back; we'll be leaving," he said to me, so I nodded, and he disappeared from my sight as if he did it too fast. Caex a monster, and I accept him no matter what he is.   I got up with no dextrose attached to me, so it's okay for me to act now. I opened the bag with only my clothes, and I was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt that was plain white, and I wore flat rubber shoes.   When I finished getting dressed, I fixed my hair, and I spray some cologne because mom even finished putting my things here. Is she giving me away? Is mom? Never mind, but I feel that she loves me, especially dad.   I took my bag, and I went out of the room, and when I got out of the hospital there I waited, and I saw a car parked in front of me and when I saw Richard was there.   "Where's Caex?" I asked him.    "He can't come home yet. He's still taking care of something," he said to me. Maybe he didn't know yet that I knew that Caex was an immortal, so I didn't do anything, and I got in this car and put on the seat belt.   I looked out of this window and saw that it was getting darker and darker. Good thing it's night, and I will rest when we are at the mansion. When we arrived at the villa, I went out first before Richard followed me.   We entered the innermost part and quietly opened up to us, only helpers are here now cleaning it's bizarre when I ask them, they don't say a word because my questions are who else lives here and what's in here they don't answer such things, but when I ask where Caex is, they answer.   "All right, I'll go upstairs first," I said to Richard, and he immediately bowed in front of me, and I went upstairs to where I was staying and when I entered there I put my bag on the bed, and I felt a frightening feeling again.   I want to tour the whole mansion before because I went to the top where Caex eats, but maybe I won't go there again because I know he's just there eating. Perhaps I'll tour his mansion first.   I went out of my room again and closed it quietly, and I started to walk and just walked straight until I saw a door that had two handles on it.   He was different from the first time I saw him on the opposite side of the stairs, the door was gold, and I felt something in it, so I slowly approached it and touched the doorknob. When I opened it, I felt a substantial impact on my body, and it softens my knees and cannot move where I stand now.     What's going on? Why can't I move my feet, and why can't I feel my whole body? I slowly lifted my eyes, and my eyes widened when I saw a swimming pool glowing in light blue.   I tried to stand up but I couldn't, what should I do now? Caex isn't here next to me right now? What should I do? I tried to shout, but no voice seemed to come out of my mouth, so I widened my eyes?   I felt someone hold my shoulder and I felt lifted, and I felt my whole body weigh down again, and I tried to move my leg, and it looked like I had moved it, so I opened my eyes.   "Caex?" Caex came up to me seriously, walking to my room maybe, and when we got to my room, he laid me on the bed, arranged the blanket, and sighed.   "Who told you to come to that room?" He asked me, and I looked away. I just wanted to wander around, and then I saw it, so I tried to look inside. I didn't know there was anything like that in it.   "I see, so you want to see all of the rooms in this mansion?" He asked me, and I immediately nodded, and I felt him hold my hand, so I followed him.   "Tell me if you want to tour the whole mansion because it's dangerous where I live," he said to me, so I just bowed down, and we went out of the room again, and we wandered into the mansion. It was confusing everything Caex, and I went through hard to memorize.   "What was that room I entered earlier for?" I asked him, and he looked at me, so I also looked at him. We stopped for a moment, and he looked to the side, and my eyes widened when that was the door I entered.   "This door is private; you can't enter here. I'm the only one who can enter here, so please stay away from it because you might die from entering it there," Caex said to me, so I was surprised when Caex finally told me that I could die inside.   "Why? What power did you put there so that others could not enter?" I asked him, and he looked at the door again, and he approached it, and he touched the glass of it.   "Because all of my powers are in here," Caex said to me, "when I'm out of my control, I'm just going to reach this room and recover my power," I nodded, so that's what was inside it. Hence, it wasn't anything I could do before because Caex's power is so mighty, which means if he's an average guy, he can't handle it either?"   "Don't let me come here. I'm scared too," I said to Caex, and we left there, but before I could walk, I felt a presence I didn't know, but why did I feel that?   I looked behind me, but there was no one following us, so I kept walking and followed Caex where he was going, we used the stairs to get to the highest, and when we got there, I was amazed at what I saw.   The barrier on its side is gold, and you can see the stars above, and the wind that is hitting my whole body is so fresh now. It's also nice to hang out here; maybe I will always sleep here when I'm not doing anything.   "You want to stay here when you are bored, right?" I heard Caex say, so I nodded, and maybe he read what I was thinking now, so I looked at the sky and looked at so many stars.    "It's nice in mansions like this, but it's sad when you're alone," I said to him. It's true. Why is Caex alone in his whole life? Yes, I know he is immortal but does he have no family?   "I don't have a family, and I don't remember my childhood," he said to me, so my eyes widened. He can't remember what happened to him? Does that mean he was just a child when he became immortal? But how did it happen?   "How can you not remember? I thought you were born immortal, and I also thought you came from another planet," I said to him, and he immediately shook his head, so it was confusing.   "It means you were born here, and your parents brought you out here? In this world? But how did you become a monster? Who did this to you?" I asked him, and he looked at me as if I knew something, something does I know, but as far as I know, he lived earlier than me.   "I don't know. Let's not talk about this because I'm a real demon, you see. I'm an immortal, and I don't feel cold; I don't feel anything except what I'm feeling right now towards you," Caex said to me. That's why I felt a fast beating in my heart.   "I feel like we are connected," he said to me, and he touched his chest, and I was shocked when I saw with my own eyes that something shone there as if he was white he was bright so I frowned and held to my chest because I felt cold inside and there was a glow there that was also white.   What's, is the meaning of this?   "Connected? What do you mean?" I asked Caex, and I was shocked when he took my hand and put it on his chest, and I felt his heartbeat. My eyes widened because he was beating so fast his heart.   "When I'm with you, my heart can't stop beating so fast because I felt like I'm safe when I'm with you, but you are safer when you are with me," he told me he was right because I feel now I am safe in this place.   I just bent down and felt a strong wind and didn't miss a voice that echoed in my ear signal to make me shout because it's a female voice I heard, and I didn't know who it was.   "Morirás,"   "Hey, are you okay? what's that scream?" Caex asked me, and I look around me, and there's no woman in here. I felt some pain in my heart. I don't know why that's why I run.   I just kept running because I felt someone was chasing me, so I ran when I was running until I reached the door coming out of this mansion when I felt a hug from behind.   "Calm down, scarlet, calm down," I heard Caex's voice, so I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, and later I calmed down, and I decided to go back to the room, and when I went inside, Caex says goodnight to me.   "Goodnight, if you need something, call me," he said to me, and he closed the door entirely, and when the door closed, I went to bed and closed my eyes. Why did I hear that woman's voice? Why am I so scared.   I already felt drowsy, so I was entirely swallowed by the darkness because I was also tired.   Dreaming   I kept running, and when I got to the gold-colored door, the whole design pushed me into it, and I felt like I was getting stronger.   "I thought you would never see me again" a woman with a long black hood and looked at me badly, and she floated me, and she had something built up in the middle of my body.   It's the fault of the one with you now why you forgot everything so I'll bring back all your memories you remember everything and your--" she didn't finish what she was going to say because someone was shaking me and that woman gradually disappeared. I also went out of that room.   End of Dreaming   I opened my eyes and saw Caex shaking me, and he was holding my hand, and it was shining, so I wondered, is he controlling my dream? But it seems unlikely to happen because it's my dream.   "Breakfast is ready. It's time for work. When will you buy the alarm clock, you say?" Caex said to me, so I woke up, of course, I will buy the alarm clock. I told him to wake me up at the right time.   I got up and went straight to the bathroom, and I took a shower. After I took my blower on my hair and combed it, I put on the uniform that I use in that restaurant.   When I finished arranging my things in my bag, I went out of the room and went downstairs to eat breakfast, and I found that Caex was leaving, yes, he was leaving because you know that he is not the person who will eat breakfast with me.   "Make it fast, or else I will--"   "Yes, go away!" I said to Caex, and I sat down in the chair, and I started eating, a piece of toasted bread and an egg are in front of me now, I stuffed it with toasted bread, and I started eating.   I still can't believe that Caex has such power hidden only here in his room, but what if someone stronger can enter it? What if that person took all of his strength? What can happen to him?   When I finished eating, I drank the milk that was here, and I said goodbye as Caex's butler so that I could take a taxi.   When I got to the restaurant I saw Kim leaning against the entrance door it looked like he was waiting for something and it looked like it's me but did he see that Caex had arrived earlier?   "What are you doing here?" I asked him, and he looked at me because I immediately approached him, and he grabbed my arm, so I frowned and pulled me away from the restaurant.   "I need to talk to you," **
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