Immortal 11

2940 Words
Scarlet's PoV "Girl! What took you so long in the fitting room?" Jona immediately asked me, and I just smiled at her. And I didn't give her time to answer her question because I immediately went to the counter to pay for the ones I chose.   "Anyway, girl, can we go to our favorite place?" She asked me, and when I could give the money to the counter from Caex, that's because it's my salary for everyone and I don't want that money to stay longer in my wallet.    "Is there a problem? I asked her, and the woman gave me the big bag that she used to put the clothes I bought, and I took it, and we left.   "I wish we could talk without joking," she said to me, so I frowned. What does Jona mean? Does he want to know anything about me? But why would he do that? Does she know anything?   "Okay, I'll go home to my house first, then we'll go straight there," I said to her, and she immediately nodded, so when she started to walk, it seemed like something was wrong with her now, but what was that.    When I got home, I immediately went inside, and Jona was left outside because she wanted to wait there. I put down the things I bought on my bed, and I would have come out when I heard the crash of a photo of me looked there.   I picked it up, and my eyes widened with blood coming out of there, so I released it, and I stopped myself from shouting because Jona would hear me, so I decided to leave my room and go out of our house, and I saw Jona waved so I approached her.   "Are you okay, girl? It looks like you ran a few meters down the road," she laughed and said to me, so I just joined her laughter, and we started walking, and while we were walking, I was thinking about what happened to my photo.   What could have happened to Caex's restaurant? From the moment I turned my back on him, he never approached me when I said those words. Even in the text, I didn't see him text me an apology.   Why am I worried about him? I shouldn't because there is no problem at all and just let him live? He is so scary, and why did he do that to me? Why was he able to take control of my life?   "Are you okay, girl? Why are you so sweaty? Let's walk slowly," I heard Jona say, so I looked at her, and I wiped my sweat slowly and smiled at her.   "I'm okay, maybe I need to sit down for a while," I said to her, and she immediately asked me to sit there in the park with a bench, and we sat there, and only a few people are here, and you can see the trees here that are very nice.   "Maybe we'll just talk here," Jona said to me, and she looked at me, and I also looked at her, and I looked into her eyes. It seemed like there was something strange in her eyes, but what could that be?   "Is Caex immortal?" She asked me directly when my eyes widened, and I couldn't believe what she said and held in my chest because my heart was beating so fast?   "How did you know that?" I asked her, and I stood up. There was something extraordinary about her. It seemed like something was wrong with her whole body, but why do I feel this way? Is it because I turned my back on Caex and this disaster is happening to me? That I remember?   "Everything you know, I need to know too," she stood up and slowly approached me, so I slowly backed away because I felt scared, and she suddenly touched my neck. Hence, her eyes widened. She suddenly changed her appearance and became a woman with a black hood and an evil look on my face.   "Let me go!" I can't breathe properly. Is this the end now? Will I die here in this park? I looked at her, and I was not mistaken. She was the woman in my dream, and her voice also said 'morirás,' but what does that word mean?   "Do you remember how I pronounce the word 'morirás'?" She said to me, and I couldn't nod because she put more pressure on choking me, so I grabbed her hand and looked at her awkwardly. My vision gradually faded.    "It means you will die," my eyes widened when she said that to me, and little by little, she pressed the stranglehold on me, and she lifted me high, and I couldn't get rid of her stranglehold on me, and I felt the weakness of my whole body.   "You must not live and not be with the person you love because you turn your back on him you can't do anything. Everything has a purpose for you!" She said to me, so the darkness slowly swallowed me, but I cried in my mind before that happen.   ‘Save me, Caex’.   I hope you hear my voice even if I turn my back on you. I hope you feel I'm in danger. Didn't you say we are connected, so I hope you can stop this woman from what she's planning to do and kill her? I don't want to die.   Jona, where are you? I know something terrible happened to you because this woman imitated the way you look, so I'm sure she went to your house and locked you up so you couldn't get out of your home.   Sorry, Caex, if I turned my back on you, I am sorry for what I have done; I didn't think about this death.   Caex's PoV   I stopped writing because I heard Scarlet's voice, so I stood up, and my butler was surprised because he just landed a paper that I would sign because of the work I built again, and it was a business.   "Is there a problem, sir?" My butler asked me, and I shook my head, and I sat down again because I heard Scarlet's voice and said when I rescued her, but it looks like she was fooling me and she just wanted me to see her.   Since I demolished that restaurant, I have given good jobs to my former employees, and I am now in a new business, and I will focus my life there.   'Caex, I'm dying.'   I stood up again, and at this time, I felt a tremor in my chest, and I immediately took my black coat and put it on. I had to go to Scarlett. I wouldn't let her die there.   And what is going on with her? I thought Jona was with her? Yes, I found out that they were both shopping at the mall, but why is she in danger? And what I feel now is chest pain that never stops stabbing something, but why do I feel these when I come with her?   "Sir, where are you going?"   "I'm going to save Scarlet. She's in danger again," I told her, and I immediately teleported, and when I got there somewhere in the park, I saw the unconscious woman raised and strangled by the woman. I saw this is the woman who will kill Scarlet.   I immediately approached them and pulled the woman away from Scarlet, and little by little, Scarlet fell unconscious, so I looked at her badly, and I couldn't stop my form from coming out.   "How dare you do that to her!" I shouted, and I immediately punched her in the face, and she just smiled, and I used my power on her, and I explored her body, and she just laughed in a very evil way, so I shouted.   "You're going to die!" I shouted, and I exploded all over her body and blood hit my body and chasing breath I feel now and when she disappeared I immediately approached Scarlet unconscious.   I picked her up and listened to her heartbeat, but I couldn't hear anything, and there I was utterly stunned because the Scarlett that I was carrying now was gone, so I slowly walked and changed the place I was going to walk. And we got to a mansion, and this is my mansion, and we were just on the road, and I was walking.   My tears flowed, and I looked at her again unconsciously, and I looked at the whole of her body gradually turning white. I will not allow her to disappear like that; I will not allow her to turn her back on me forever.   "I won't allow it!" I used my ability to reach my mansion, and I saw Richard, my butler, who was shocked, and I climbed to the top of my villa, put her down on cold cement, and looked at her chest glowing white.   I put my hand there and felt pain in my chest, and I was pushed away by the strong force when I finished when I revived her body, and I came to her again, and I kissed her.   "Caex?" I felt her hand on my cheek, and I remove my kiss to her. She was shocked because of what I did. She stood up, and she looks at her whole body.   "Wait? How did I survive? As far as I know--" I touched her forehead and erased everything that had happened before, and I replaced it with Jona, who was with her at that time, and they were able to return safely to she is just here at my house to talk to me.   "What are we going to talk about?" She asked me, and I took her hands and kissed her. Even though you turned your back on me, I still love you. It will never change.   "Forgive me for what I did, Scarlet," I said to her, and suddenly she bit her lip so hard, and she came down on where she was lying on the cement, and she looked around, and in a flash, I changed it, and we went to the rooftop.   "I'm sorry also, Caex, please forgive me for turning my back on you," she said to me, and my eyes widened when she hugged me so tightly, so I hugged her too, and I didn't let her go.   "This is your favorite place now, right?" I said to her, and I let go of the hug, and she nodded and smiled at me with a sweet smile and immediately lay down on the floor, and she did the same.   While we were lying down, the wind blew loudly, and she stood up and looked up. And I also looked up in the sky there, and I saw a shooting star and many others passed by, and Scarlet nicely looked at me.   "Do you have a wish?" She asked me, and I thought, I'll ask if she's here next to me? I smiled and got up to look up and closed my eyes with a calm feeling.   I wish to marry her no matter what.   Scarlet's PoV   I just kept staring at Caex. He didn't revive me because I voluntarily returned to him, and I lived without treating him. I don't know if Caex knew that, but I'm telling you he didn't revive me.   He just thought maybe he revived me when I opened my eyes when I knew because immortals like him he can't restore a mortal like me. But am I mortal? Do I also have power but other than Caex?   I believe what Kim told me that I am a witch but will my whole belief in being that witch? I shook my head, and when Caex opened his eyes, I held his hand.   "Can I eat here? I'm already hungry," I said to Caex, and he nodded. He didn't say a word. Maybe he reread what I was thinking, so while we were going down, I asked him.   "Are you okay, Caex? Why you seem to be thinking deeply? I'm here next to you," I said to him, and he stopped when he came down, and he looked at me, and his eyes were red, but why did they stay red?   "Caex, your eyes are red again. Are you crying?" I teased him, and I actually climbed up behind him, and I smiled widely. If we think that we won't be sad, maybe we can forget the carrying problem.   "Huh? I'm not crying," Caex said to me, so I was like that with him, who climbed up behind him, and when we got down entirely, and we reached the long table there, I just went down.   "You look like you're crying," I laughed and told him. Of course, I was joking so that he would go back to where he used to be, and I was right when the color of his eyes gradually returned, so I felt relieved now.   It's good that he's back to normal because if I see his monster form again, so I'd better relieve him now. A maid came down to put the food on the table for us to eat.   "It's delicious. Can you eat this Caex?" When I looked to the side, I asked him. He was eating something red that looked like something? Will he eat here with me? He looked at me.   "Oh, is there a problem? Eat that. Your pasta will get cold," Caex told me. He already knew what my favorite food was, so I started eating too, and later I saw him eating.   "It's okay for you to eat with me. What's that?" I asked Caex as he stopped.   "Pork meat," he said to me. That's why I felt nauseous, so I immediately looked away because he still uses a spoon and fork even when it's Caex. You're also a joker. Is that cooked? But maybe I won't ask him anymore because he might get pissed.   I just continued to eat, and when someone landed here with water, I immediately drank, and when I finished eating, I wiped my lips with the tissue that was here, and I got up because I had to go home.   "Where are you going?" Caex said to me.   "I am going home. Thanks for the food!"   "Can't you sleep here? You have a room here ah, and it's already night," he said to me, so I approached him. Even though I didn't like what he was eating, I need to be brave so that he wouldn't see that I was scared.   "No, It's okay. I need to be there to sleep starting tomorrow in our house, and they also need me, mom, and dad. They don't have anyone with them," I said to him, and I had to go back to the broken photo in my room. I haven't taken it out yet. I said, is it true that when it broke, I immediately felt nervous inside.   "All right, Richard fetch her make sure she comes home safely," he said to his butler, and his butler immediately bowed, and I followed him there. We got in the car, and Richard took me without saying a word to the two of us. When we get home, I immediately thank Richard for his assistance.   "Thank you for bringing me home," he just nodded, and I walked away so that he could leave, and when he left when I was in front of our house, my eyes widened when mom and dad suddenly appeared in front of me.   "Where have you been? We were worried," mom asked me, and dad was also looking at my behavior, but why do I feel scared? How does it feel when I know I have nothing to fear.   "To Caex mom," I said to her, and I was about to enter when they stopped me, and someone gave me a suitcase, so I frowned and here all my belongings as well as the big bag containing the purchase later the clothes and shoes.   "Live with Caex. You're going to live on your own now. Your dad and I have decided to give you freedom," she said to me, so I was even more surprised, wait, what's going on, so did Caex tell me that I'll sleep in his mansion because it's like this?!   "Wait, mom, I haven't received any information that I'm going to live in his house?" I ask to them, and my eyes widened when they hugged me, so I hugged them too.   "Mom, Dad, thank you so much for taking care of me," I told them even though at first they were very close to me and I was always at home, and they didn't let me out because it was dangerous, but now they let me go.   "Don't thank us because we should be the ones to thank the lord that he gave you to us, and you came into our lives," mom said to me, and suddenly, my forehead shook. What does mom mean?   "Mom, what do you mean to come into your life?" I ask them, and they let go of the hug and gave me a picture of a child lying in a stroller, and below it was thick grass.   "We just found you in a forest, so I hope you'll forgive us for not saying this. We love you as our daughter," mom said, and I couldn't believe what I saw now. No. who are my birth parents? **
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