Immortal 23

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Scarlet's PoV   I put a little make-up on my face. I've been here in this mansion for two months now. I can't feel Caex's love for me now because maybe what I said to him before made him forget about me.   What am I doing now? Why am I wearing make-up? Kim invited me to sing a song at a party, and when he noticed that I could sing, she made me sing a song right now. Will I express my sadness here? Am I here to cry in front of so many people like me, a wizard? Including witches?   "Are you ready, Scarlet?" Kim said to me, and I heard the door open, and I nodded. I was wearing black sandals that were 4 inches long, my dress was very close to mine, and I had a ribbon on my chest and neck. Wrapped in a collar, I also wore socks up to my thighs. I don't know why I agreed to what Kim offered me, I told myself that I would not accept any of his offers, but now I accept his offer?   "Yes, I'm ready," I smiled at him as if I'm not in pain. I got up and went out of the room, and I saw the bands that Kim took for me, and they gave me lyrics to sing, and I smiled. It seems like these words just came from me, so maybe I can sing them.   "Would you like just to join our band?" The tall man asked me, and they were with a relatively small man, and he was wearing half masked wearing in his face. He looked at me, and at the same time, immediately, I avoided looking at him. Am I good at singing? It's the first time that I can sing. I know how to sing. But, unfortunately, I can't use it because I'm looking for another job so that I can have money. So my decision I didn't choose the band because I'll get hurt.   Look at what's happening to me now. I'm hurt, and I'm still sorry for what I said to Caex. I feel like I've lost a part of my life which is very important to me, We went outside, and I saw a car waiting for us, so I went in there immediately and the band members with me.   "Good luck, Scarlet, change yourself by singing," he said to me, but I ignored it. The door closed, and I stared out the window. It was black, and at the same time, I looked far away, and I feel my chest tightening now because I feel like I'm going to cry again. And I wear an eye patch, and I put it on my left eye, putting on my gloves.   "Are you okay, miss?" I heard the man's voice next to me, so I looked at him, and he looked severe because he was staring at me—the man who offered me a part-time job as a lead singer to his band.   "Yes, I'm fine! I forgot to ask your names, by the way," I asked them, and they immediately showed their name tags on their clothes on their chests. I read the first one, and it was" Jade, "the Second is "Paul," and the last "David." I was amazed at their names.   "I'm Scarlet Questa. Nice to meet you all!" I said to them, and they smiled, and I shook my hands with them. On the trip, they told me a lot about their band, and the name of their band is" Shut Your Voice Down," a very excellent reputation of their brand, but where is their actual vocalist? Why was I taken as their lead vocalist?   "We're here," I heard the driver said so I took a deep breath and got out of this car, and when I got out, I immediately listened to the screams of the people. They seemed to think I was the actual vocalist of the band because I also have black hair and curls long at the bottom, so maybe they thought I was the real vocalist.   As we walk along the way, I see a lot of transparent camera lights around me. Is this band that famous? So many people are admiring them? When I stepped on the stage, I felt strange, and the wind hit my cheek.   It looks like an enemy is coming in our direction, so I looked around while setting up their guitars. The drummer was also setting up. I looked at the crowd here. They seemed to be looking at me, and they were not just ordinary people. They were all vampires, and others are wizards and witches.   I heard the guitar playing, and at the same time, it was all, so I took a deep breath before singing. I studied something from what I read in the lyrics, and I know how to master and sings the vocals right away. I smiled, but if I have not met Caex, what am I now?   "I'm dreaming a transparent dream. I'm dreaming aimlessly daybreak will come before long." Tears dripped from my right eye. I don't know why I feel this, or I just felt the song in my heart.   "I reach out my hand beyond. I reach out my hand I can't reach. My tears fell. I feel my feet soften, so I became even more courageous because I have to release all the pain I feel right now. I have to remove it because otherwise. I'll sing."   "Those stars sway gently. On the water's surface. Ooh, drifting, they cast thousands of dazzling lights." Little by little, I heard the people here shouting and cheering. My voice I didn't know it's like this. I don't know that it's so beautiful when I sing in front of everyone. I'm offering it to them, but for me, I'm offering it to Caex. Even if he can't hear, it's okay with me because now he doesn't care about me anymore.   "They rain down in pure white. They rain down toward the future. I reach out my hand. How far away are you? I can catch you. You're too far away.." Now, my hands were shaking as I held the microphone, and I didn't know where to look, so I closed my eyes while I sang the song.   "My wandering heart will sing, reaching out to you. My heart is now throbbing so much I felt fast after this song, I'll run I want to get away, I want to go to Caex and tell him how I think, but how can I do that if he doesn't care for me and love me anymore? That moon floats gently outside my window, ooh, watching over me, it shines as feelings quietly run through me."   "A shallow sleep guides me. The song I was singing was also over, and the last time I sang the lyrics, I was surprised. When I get out of the stage, I'm standing. I can't accept that I'm just a fool and cannot accept not to see Caex. wishing I spun a song ooh, many thousands of stars cast their dazzling lights."   I ran out, and when I got out, I took off my sandals so I could run fast and get to Caex's mansion even though I couldn't see it. Tears were blurring in my eyes now and causing me to fall on myself my feet. Still, I strengthened my courage not to fall again right here, and I don't want to be a fool for the rest of my life.   While I'm crying, I feel like I'm out of breath, and I feel like my heart is beating so fast because of my running. The pain I'm feeling now that I'm carrying I want to see Caex I want to be with him again.   I bumped into someone. I touch my forehead because it's hurt; when I look up, I see him looking at me. Why is Caex here? Why is he walking here? Is he going to save me now? Did he hear me sing?   "Are you blind or what? Didn't you see that I'm here?" He said to me when I collide with him, wait? He changed the way he treats me? Why does it seem so cold what he said to me? Is this the Caex that I like?   "I'm not blind, and I know you're the one I want to see again," I cried. I said to Caex, and I immediately wiped the tears from my eyes. I felt Caex hands on my cheek immediately, and Caex lifted me. He looked and touched the eye patch that was on my eye, and Caex seemed very shocked. Wait. Did he think I lost my vision?   "What happened to your eye?! Who did this to you?! Tell me now!" There was concern in his voice.   "Calm down, Caex! Nothing happened to my eyes or even to me, so don't worry, I am fine," I said to Caex, and I immediately removed the eye patch, and he was shocked he immediately hugged me, I was surprised, and I hugged him back also, Does this mean Caex still loves me?   "I heard your voice. I don't know why I'm hurt by what you're singing, but that's the reason why I came here," Caex told me, and for the last time, my tears dripped out of my eyes, and I put my face on Caex chest, and he touched my head to comfort me when I cry.   I didn't say anything, but I felt his hug, and I know I will be okay. Everything will be fine now, but without him, I feel like I will die. I feel like I am weak in front of everyone, no matter who I talk to without him.   "Let's go home," he whispered in my ear, so I nodded in approval only because I could not speak because I was crying and I was still crying, he let go of hugging me, and he held me on the shoulder, and in a flash, He teleports the both of us in his mansion.   "Welcome home, Miss Scarlet." I heard Richard say to me, so I also bowed to pay my respects to him, we went straight upstairs and went to my room, and when it opened, my belongings did not touch since I left.   I entered my room, sat on my bed, took off my wig, and looked at Caex, who was now leaning against the opposite door. Why does Caex appear to be ignoring me right now? Is Caex embarrassed to stand beside me again?   "Why are you there? Are you afraid to sit next to me here?" I asked him, and he shook his head. What's the problem with that again? That's why I just left the crucial things here again in his mansion, and it seems he never touch anything, and he even saved me.   I lay down on the bed and took a deep breath, I changed my dress for sleeping, and when I finished getting dressed, I looked for a book that I could read, I brought the books that I wanted to read, and it seems like I had to finish what I was reading about the immortal. And the mortal book looks beautiful because of the last page of it.   While I was reading it, and little by little, I felt drowsy, so I lie down while I was reading, and I let myself fall asleep Because this is how I sometimes think when I read a book, I get drowsy all the time. So I read and get bored but have to sleep so that my eye bags don't grow.   Caex's PoV   I was about to knock on the door when I felt that she is asleep, so I slowly opened the door and entered. I saw that Scarlet was lying down, and she was still holding the book she was reading, so I approached her.   I sat down next to her and pulled out her hair that was blocking her cheeks. Until now, I couldn't get it out of my mind that her future was that she could die, So as soon as possible, I had to tell her everything we both needed to get married, and we can build a family on our own life.   "I hope this does not happen to you again." I caressed her cheek and smiled at her. Maybe she has a bad dream. I don't want to go. I don't want to hurt her again because of my mistakes in the past.   I just found out that I am also a mortal who has just become an immortal, so I feel like my whole life my heart is alive, and it is powerful because the blood that flows in me is the blood of the monster and which is more dominant than the blood of an average human bring.   "Sleep tight" I kissed Scarlet on the forehead, and I took the book she was reading, the immortal and mortal who loved each other, and when I looked behind it at the very end, the mortal woman died, and the immortal blamed himself for not saying the woman he loved so dearly.   This story is about us; maybe she doesn't know yet, so she continues to read it, She is the woman in the book, and I am the immortal man I could not save her life.   I'm sorry for what happened. I wish I hadn't messed up beautiful life, I wish she had a good life now, I wish I hadn't existed in this world, I wish I were just a man who was always in her dreams, If I say this to her, I'm sure she'll be hurt, and she'll cry again, I'll see her tears that never stop falling in her eyes.   I wiped away my tears and was about to stand up when I sat here on the bed when I felt a warm hand on my palm, and I looked at her. I didn't realize that I was already crying, I thought I would shed blood tears again, But I wasn't wrong because it's real tears dripping now, Are these real tears? Who is like her?   "Have you been here before?" Scarlet asked me, I sat down next to her again, and she got up, and she looked for the book she was reading. I immediately hid it under the bed so she wouldn't reread it, maybe tomorrow I'll throw it away, or I'll burn it forever so she can't continue to read it.   "Where is the book that I'm reading?" Scarlet asked me, and I immediately averted my eyes because I didn't want her to read it. After all, if she continued with it, she would only be hurt even more.   "You're not reading a book. When I come in here in your room, you're just asleep, and you don't have anything to hold," I said to Scarlet, and with my eyes, I just felt sad because she couldn't find that book, So I used my hand to create a spell and erase that book from her mind, and she seemed to have forgotten it.   "What are you doing here?" she asked me. It's a good thing she forgot about that book, I stared at her and touched her cheek, and at the same time, I kissed her on the cheeks, and I saw that she blushed.   "I'll wake you up because we're going to eat now," I said to her, and I stood up while holding her hand, and she also stood up. She didn't say a word when I told her that I tried to read her mind because she seemed to be thinking, but I couldn't because she seemed to be holding back her thoughts.   When we went down, I didn't see Richard, so where is my butler? Every day he prepares the table for us to eat, but where is he? Why isn't he there? So as Scarlet sat in the chair, I approached the maid to ask her where is my butler.   "Where is Richard? Why isn't he here?" I asked my maid.   "Sir, he said he's going somewhere. All I know is to his family?" my maid said to him, and I immediately thought, family? I thought he doesn't have a family anymore? Is Richard hiding something from me that I don't know? I thought we were friends? Why do I seem to feel that way?   "Are you alright, Caex?" When I sat down, Scarlet immediately asked me if I was alright, and I nodded and saw my maids that put down the food we were going to eat now. Like before, I can eat now because I have mortal blood, and I also have immortal blood.   And because of my immortal blood, I live a long time, but if I lose it and pass it on to others, I will die immediately like a bubble, just like the monster that passed it on to me. The demon wanted to die, so the devil passed this curse to me.   "Scarlet, I'm just leaving after dinner. I'll take care of some important stuff, so stay here. Don't leave before I come back. Do you understand?" I said to Scarlet, and it was evident from her to look that she was amazed, and she smiled sweetly at me.   "Of course, I'm not leaving here, I'm not going to do anything, and I'm going to practice and train a lot about my power as a wizard," Scarlet said to me. I nodded in approval, and I was about to swallow when I saw something in my peripheral vision: Richard was in a secret place. It's in the library here in my mansion. He seems to want to get the spell circle there that should be for our future child, so I got up.   "Caex?"   I didn't listen to Scarlet when she calls me because I felt nervous. Will Richard betray me? Why does he want to take the spell that Scarlet made? What does he intend to do? My butler, who has been here for a few years, and now he will do this? Insane.   **
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