Immortal 22

2883 Words
Scarlet's PoV "I'll wash our dishes," I presented, and he nodded, and I wiped my mouth with a piece of tissue and drank a glass of water. Then, I put away our food, and I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes we used.   While I was washing, I didn't lose sight of Caex because I felt like a big part of me had formed and I didn't know what it was, so when you looked at him, I was immediately distracted, and I just focused on washing the dishes, and when I finished washing the dishes, I wiped my hand with a dry cloth.   I was about to go upstairs when I felt someone holding my wrist, so I turned around and knew who it was. Caex was staring into my eyes, and it seemed there is something he wants to tell me.   "I want to talk to you," Caex said to me, and my heartbeat quickened, and I felt my cheeks getting hot. I was so nervous. I didn't know what we will talk about so I followed him and we went outside. We both went into the garden, and he made me sit on the hammock, and he was behind me to push the hammock.   "What are we going to talk about, sir?" I jokingly asked Caex, and I heard him laughing, so I smiled because I never heard Caex laugh like this again, I felt him move the cradle I was sitting on, and he pushed it gently.   "If we love each other, Do you think no one will object to us?" Caex asked me earnestly. I looked at my two feet waving at the same time as the hammock moved also. I was sitting on it, and he was just behind me.   "Maybe not because people will not mind," I said to him, and I was still looking at my feet, and I felt the waving of the hammock weaken, and I felt him hug me from behind.   "If no one objects to our relationship, then can we love each other?" My eyes widened when he said that, so my heart suddenly started beating faster? I didn't know what to say next to him because he was right. If no one objected to a mortal and immortal love, we could love each other.   "Why do we talk like this, Caex? What is this topic? Do you want me to love you right away?" I said to Caex. I've only experienced his kiss only once and his hugs for a long time. I can fall in love even more with him if it's longer, you know, longer we know each other.   "Don't you want the two of us to love each other? Don't you want to be with me for a long time?" He asked me directly why Caex seemed to be in a hurry in our relationship? Does he know what will happen to me soon? I stood up and let go of his hug from behind, and I looked at him very seriously.   "Tell me the truth, Caex. Did you see anything that would happen in my life?" I asked Caex, and he looked away from me, and I could see in his eyes and emotions. I'm sure he was hiding something from me. He knew he found out something will happen in my life.   "I don't want you to get hurt, Scarlet, that's why I'm doing this to make you happy," he said; I saw his palm closed forcibly he looked at me, and forward he took my left hand and placed it where his heart.   "Even though I can't feel my heart beating, you're always in my heart. I don't know why every time I'm with you, I feel like I am comfortable, I feel calm and safe, I feel relaxed, and it's only both of us can felt that," Caex said seriously, and at the same time, Caex took my right hand and kissed it.   "And no matter what happens, I will protect you and our future child," Caex said to me, so I felt hot, so I immediately backed away from him. He just smiled at me because my heart is beating so fast now that I wanted to kiss him. What's wrong with you? Scarlet?   "Take it easy, Caex! Remember you're old, you're older than me! How many years have you lived in this world! So—"   "So what?" Caex immediately interrupted what I was going to say so that I couldn't keep quiet. I had no reason. I averted my eyes and was about to walk away when he pulled me closer to him, and my face hit his chest.   "So what? Is there another reason, my Scarlet?" My face got hot when he brought his face close to mine. Caex has my waist, and he was approaching. What does he think he will do to me?   "I don't have a reason, Caex, so can you please back off first?" I said to Caex nicely, and he didn't follow what I said, so I stared even harder at his beautiful eyes. Finally, I just closed my eyes because maybe later he will suddenly kiss me without any notice.   "Is that so? So can I love you now?" Caex said to me. I laughed softly, obviously that Caex experienced this kind of love for the first time. I know something about this because I read romance books.   "You can love me, but I don't know if I can," I said to Caex. Why did I say that? I immediately felt the pain coming from my heart. I don't know why? Am I hurt by my own words? Can I not love him back?   He released the hold in my waist, and suddenly, Caex eyes became sad. The happy eyes I saw in him immediately disappeared as if his happy and lively emotions and appearance would never return.   "I'm going out first," Caex said and walked away from me at the same time, so I immediately felt a tremor in my knees as if I would fall if I didn't sit down. I looked at Caex, walking away from me, so my mouth opened to call him, but I could not because no voice came out of my mouth.   I just bent down and held my two hands, and I felt like I was going to cry at any moment because I hurt Caex's feelings. But would he think that? Immortal? Do immortals does have feelings too? Do they have a secret ability to mortals like us?   I walked into the Caex's mansion, but I stopped because I felt the strong wind hit the door, and it closed, so I wondered why it closed like that? I tried to open the door, but I could not open it. What's happening? Is Caex angry? That's why I looked behind me, and there was no Caex there, right? Who will do that?   I tried to open it, but I still couldn't open the door, so I could do nothing but use my power to break the door. But suddenly, I was thrown away from the mansion, so I was even more surprised the estate suddenly became invisible when I approached. I immediately went thru to it.   Will caex do this? Why would he do this? Is it because of what I said? I didn't do anything but leave here, and I walked away from his mansion. That's all I said to him; why Caex is so angry? Where can I go now? I also don't have my phone, and I can't call Jona to sleep at her home.   If I only knew that this is how Caex would get angry, I would not have continued what I would say. I would have just read Caex mind to understand what is going on and so that I can no longer say those words. It hurts. What can I do with it? I don't remember where Jona's home, which way it was, so where am I going?   As I was walking, I saw a tall man wearing a black jacket, and he looked at my behavior, so I stopped walking. Maybe someone was watching my every move. I had suddenly leaned on someone's back who also looked like a human being.   I looked behind me, and my eyes widened because their eyes were so red that you thought they were so hungry to see me now. A vampire? Why are they doing this? Have I done anything wrong to them? I was about to run away when suddenly the man grabbed me by the waist.   "Where are you going, our princess?" I was even more surprised by what he said. What does he mean, princess? I don't know that I'm a princess? And I'm not the daughter of a king and queen, so what is this man saying? I am confused.   "What? The Princess? In the past, yes, but now it's not!" I said, and he was scared because of my aura coming out of me.   "I'm not wrong because we know for a long time that you are the one that we are looking for," he said thoughtfully, and he touched my wrist, so I tried to get away, but I couldn't do it. When I tried my spell cast, he suddenly uses his power. I don't know because I haven't read anything about vampire's power, so I don't know anything about their powers yet.   "Let go of me!" I shouted, and he just pulled me, so I struggled even more, but I couldn't not because a man appeared behind me and he did something that had done to my forehead, a spell that made me sleepy. So, little by little, I increasingly lost consciousness and fell asleep.   When I woke up, my eyes widened, and a man sitting on the side opened up to me, and he seemed to be playing with my hair. He looked at what I did, and I held my hair because I was disgusted by how he grabs my hair.   "What the hell are you doing?! Why did you kidnap me?!" I asked the man in front of me, and he just smiled, and he was about to touch my cheek when I slapped his hand, and he just laughed, and at the same time, he was strangling my neck.   "I want to kill you right here, but I can't! Because that bastard will come to save you, that's why I prefer to kill him rather I kill you!" I remember he used to embarrass me at the grand ball until now. Will he mess up my life again?!   "Aren't you tired of killing? How many have you killed? And you're doing this to me?!" I snarled to him, and he just laughed as if he didn't know what I was trying to say to him. So when he touches my hair, I couldn't move, and I felt him smell it again.   "Can you stop that?!" I was irritated when I said that, and I slapped his hand again, but he grabbed my wrist and pushed me into bed. He touches my legs. That's why I hit him again with my free hand that he didn't hold, and he touches his lips that is hurt.   "You are a b***h like your mother," he said to me, so I raised my eyes to him. Who is he referring to as my mother? Was it my stepmother? Or my birth mother, who died in my unexpected vampire ambush?   "I'm not a b***h, and my mother is not a b***h!" I said to him, and I would have slapped him very hard again. When a man entered the room that I don't know if it was his room or just a guest room, I looked at him. He looked severely at the man who entered the room. Maybe he bothered us well where but I'm thankful he bothered us.   "Sir, someone wants to see you right now," he said, and he immediately left above me, and before he left, he even touched my cheek, so I was disgusted, and he just smiled, and I immediately think about how I can get out of this place.   I looked at the whole room. It didn't even have a window or any hole to go through. I rested intensely. Maybe the man meant to take me to this room so that I can't escape. Will Caex know that I'm here? But it doesn't seem like it's because he's so mad at what I said to him, and I'm sure he'll let me be here now.   I didn't realize that there were tears on my cheek, so I grabbed my cheeks and wiped them right away because someone might come in the room and see me crying here and tell me I'm weak just because I can't get out of here.   "Caex, are you angry because of what I said? I am sorry if I told you that I didn't mean it," I whispered to myself. I know he can hear me even if I'm far away from him. I hope he hears it because I want to leave this place, but if Caex saves me, I will immediately apologize to him and hug him tightly.   I waited for him for a few weeks, but there is no Caex came. The men just brought me food here every night and morning only, and I didn't receive any snacks. I lost too much weight, I ate the rice as if it was dirty, and even so, I will still eat it because I was starving.   I heard the door open, and I saw Kim came in and gave me water. He sat on top of the bed. I was on the floor as if I was an animal so, so I looked at him.   "What do you need?" I asked Kim, and I resumed eating, and I heard him stand up and come up to me at the same time touch my hair. I slapped his hand even though I was eating and spewed out some rice in his face.   "Don't ever touch my hair again! Or else I will kill you with my power!" I threatened Kim, and he just laughed at me. He wiped his face. I felt him kick my foot, so I looked at him again, and my eyes widened. He was holding this fire in his hand and put it on my face, I immediately felt the heat near my face, and it looks like he was going to burn me alive.   "What do you think you're doing! Remove that in front of my face!" I shouted at Kim, and he laughed like a demon. Then, he crossed his arms in front of me while I was still on my knees. Like a dog eating contaminated food, annoying, but I have to accept that Caex won't save me anymore because I've been here in this man's mansion for months.   "I'm warning you to watch your mouth because once you repeated it, I will end your life right here and right now," Kim said to me and smiled at the same time and left the room, so I stopped eating and drinking water, I turned down the dish with more meat because I had lost my appetite.   When will Caex forgive me? How long will I experience this? I feel so sorry for what I said to him that I wish I hadn't told him that he wouldn't get hurt and he wouldn't get angry like this.   It's my first time experiencing this situation. Caex is so angry that it seems like he won't save me anymore, and he's going to back off from what he's doing. That he won't love me anymore because of what I said, I couldn't love him anymore even though the truth is that I can love him because I already told him that I like him and I love him.   "Please forgive me, Caex, if I told you that I didn't mean it. I also didn't know that you would be too angry with what I said," I said to myself, and I felt that Caex would hear that and my eyes widened when I heard Caex voice, and Caex was still very angry and still hurt on what I have said to him.   'Stop apologizing! And I'm not going to save you! Save yourself. You have powers, right!? Do it by yourself!' Caex said coldly, so my tears flowed in my eyes. Probably the punishment for me for someone like me who is numb. Yes, I will admit I am impulsive because I didn't think what I have said to you, but now I realize that what I said to Caex is wrong. I thought immortals don't have feelings like mortals do. So I hope Caex will forgive me for the mistake that I made.   Caex is furious that my apology can't be accepted by only saying, I'm sorry because it's my fault. Caex is different. He loves me so much that I can't see it, and now I realize. He adores and cares for me, and the most, he loves me so much.   **
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