Immortal 08

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Scarlet's PoV When I got to the opposite side of my house, I wondered why Kim was still there, so I came face to face with him, and he just smiled broadly and seemed to have no problem.   "Why haven't you come home yet?" I said to him, and he looked at my whole house, and my eyes widened as one of his eyes turned pale green, and in my eyes, I look into his one eye.   "So this is your house?" Kim asks me, and I was shocked when his eyes turn back into dark brown eyes. He smiled at me. Why did one of his eyes turn pale green? What is the meaning of this? Is there someone like Caex in this world?   "Yes, why did one of your eyes turned green?" I ask. Kim was shocked at what I said. He leaned himself beside our gate. That's why I stay for a while.   "You notice because I'm a witch. I know that you won't believe me, but believe me or not, I'm a witch," he said, and he shows something to me like sparkling light.   "Witch? Then you have power also," I ask him, and he nodded, then he touches my shoulder. Why can't I feel fear to him? Is something wrong with me?   "But my powers are limited, I'm like a human also I have weakness, and I eat normal food also," Kim said. That's why I was about to think that he is not like Caex, who is immortal.   "Is that so? That's why you talked to me, but why did you approach me earlier, and do you want me to be your friend" I asked him, and I was shocked when he shook it, so now I feel scared.   "I don't need to be friends with mortal because I only need your blessing from me," he said to me. What does he mean by blessing? I don't have the power to bless him, do I? After all, I'm not a priest! What is this man thinking now?   "Blessing? What do you mean by blessing? I don't understand you? What's wrong with me? I'm just an ordinary person who lives a prosperous life," I said to him, and I was shocked when he touched my stomach, so I was even more nervous and swallowed.   "What are you going to do to my stomach."   "A power is living with you. That's why I need a blessing from you because you are not just an ordinary human that living in this world," he said to me, so I was even more nervous. What does he mean that I am not a human being? Does Caex have anything to do with this?   "You are-" he stopped talking when Caex suddenly appeared in front of us, and he immediately punched him hard, and Kim immediately jumped, so I was even more worried and helped Kim stand up.   "Kim, are you okay?! Caex, what are you doing ?" I looked at Caex now that his emotions were furious, but I can see the anger in his eyes. I thought he would show off his being a monster, but not because maybe he knew I was scared.     "What are you two talking about, huh? Witches? Lizard? Vampire? Wolf? Or wizard," Caex said, and he was about to come when I blocked between them, and I looked at Caex with a sharp look, and he seemed to step back, and I saw Kim stand up.   "Calm down Caex!," Kim and I are just talking! Is there anything wrong with that" I said to him, and he bit his lip so hard, and I felt that Kim touched my shoulder, so I turned to her.   "Let's talk tomorrow," Kim said to me, and he left, and when he disappeared from my sight, I looked at Caex, who was still standing and not moving, so I approached him.   "You Caex? What's your problem and are you mad" I said to him, and he immediately looked at me, and he still looked angry, he had the urge to be angry, he wanted to hide his identity from me, I should be mad at him.   "I will go now, goodnight" "that's all he said, and I just let him disappear like a bubble, and I grabbed my stomach. What did Kim mean before? That there is a living power in my body? What kind of power is that?   I decided to go inside, and the light is off. Maybe mom and dad went to bed earlier, I went upstairs and entered the room, and at the same time, I immediately laid myself on the bed, and I put my hand on my forehead, and looked at my ceiling.   Can I also believe in witches? But what he said before he doesn't want to make friends with people like us, but why am I not an ordinary person, and why did he say that? Why does he need my blessing?   What do I have? Is there a past that I don't know, is there something that isn't waking up in my soul? This world is full of mortals, but are the people living here really mortal, or are there vampires, werewolves, monsters, and witches? I'm so confused.   Am I human or one of the monsters? Am I also one of those who has the power to kill people? I looked at my two hands, and I held my palm, and it was just cold, and I immediately close it.   Dream Flashback (This is what happen to Scarlet and Avery when they were born)   "Your daughter is wonderful dear king and dear queen," one of the maids said, standing on the side, and the other maid was amazed at the beauty of the two newborn twins.   Their mother was looking at the children, a wizard wearing a black gown with a hood. It held a cane, and his face had grown hideous and wrinkled, so what was the explanation for his appearance?   "What are you doing here, Leila," asked the mother of twins named Kaylene Veliarosa, and in front of her is Leila Hungarian, a wizard with powers that are strong and able to form a curse for life.   "Now go ahead and irritate me!" That I would take something, Blasphemous queen and king," she said, raising his cane and illuminating it with too much light, causing a dark black color to enter Scarlet and white light to enter Avery and the presence of the one who cursed them for altering at the same time.   "You beast! What did you do to my twins" Kaylene immediately shouted while looking at the children who were still crying, and Leila said something extraordinary that they will never forget for the rest of their lives ? "Don't worry because you have a child who will live forever when t. When each the age of six or eight, they will exchange souls, and that's where my curse on your twin will begin," she said and laughed out loud.   "You bastard!!"   "Kaylene is right" the king stopped her, and the woman in black disappeared spontaneously, and the smoke disappeared between them, and the queen and king immediately approached their daughters, who were still crying.   In the long run, the king and queen accept what happened to their twin daughters, the two grow up to disagree, and when Kaylene sees that the curse is valid, they will be separate.   And that's when the two of them exchanged souls even though they were twins because the destiny that Leila gave to Scarlet was to die in Avery's body and live again and again. Avery, who was in Scarlet's body, would have a heart attack and never live again.   End of Dream Flashback   I opened my eyes because of a dream I found out today. Why is it being shown to me now? Why did we get this curse both? Those were my questions at first when I found out the reason.   The power within me is a wizard's power, and yes, I can bless witches, but how do I do that? I got up and washed my face, and touched the mirror here in the bathroom.   "How can I tell this to Caex" I whispered to myself, and I felt pain in my heart because I feel hurt when I hide something from Caex, but why am I like this? Why do I think this?   I went out of the bathroom after I washed and went to the opposite door, and I locked it, I don't know why I did it, but I feel like I have no appetite now.   I slowly slipped on the wall until I sat down and I just hugged my two legs, and I also put my face there, and I kept crying, that Leila kills my twin that wizard woman killed my real mom and dad indeed.     Caex's PoV   The wind blew hard as I enter the restaurant and I smell the presence of Scarlet, but when I looked behind me, she was not so I felt scared because maybe what will happen to her, so I did not continue to enter the restaurant and run that quickly.   I feel like Scarlet needs me, but why until now do I not feel like she's around? Is she still at home and not waking up? She must be awake at this time and preparing as she should.   When I got to her house for a moment, I looked up and closed the window and tried to hear what was happening to her there and all I heard was    "I want to die so I can be with my twin."   I was worried about knocking on the door, and when I hit it immediately opened, I was surprised when my aunt was crying, and my uncle was upstairs maybe, and I could hear him shouting to open the door, but his daughter didn't seem to hear him.   "Caex! It's a good thing you are here to fetch my daughter. She has been in the room for a long. She doesn't want to go out no matter what we call her," she said, crying, and I tapped her shoulder and spoke.   "I'll take care of your daughter," I said to her, and I went up, and my uncle saw me right away, and he tapped my shoulder, which means I will take care of everything. I went straight to the door and touched my palm on the door of her room.   "Scarlet! It's me! Please let me in."   "Leave me alone! I don't need you! Let me die this time, so I will ill not be reborn again."   "No, don't say that you are the scarlet I know for a long time. I need you so; please don't leave. You told me that you still want to hug me right?, And kiss me," I said to her, and I heard her cry moan, which means she was just near the door, so I used my power to open this door when my aunt suddenly spoke next to me.   "Long time? What do you mean, Caex? Are you an immortal?" "Scarlet's mom said, and I first suppressed my power to open this door, and I immediately nodded at her, and her eyes widened even though aunt was shocked too.   "You mean you've been watching over my daughter for a long time? How did you know she's still alive today" she asked me, and I immediately bowed because I thought I should tell them all about Scarlet and me?    "I'm sorry, aunty, but we don't have time for this chatting I need. You to back off first because I will forcibly open this door," I said to them, and they both nodded immediately, and I closed my eyes. Then I could feel its lock are opening, and the door opened immediately.   "Scarlet" "I shouted because she slit her wrist and it's too much blood. I stop my monster soul from coming out because I will be hungry fast when I smelled some human blood.   "Oh my god! Call the ambulance right away."   "I'll take care of it. Just follow me to the hospital," I said, and the two of them immediately nodded, and in a flash, I got to the opposite side of the hospital while I was lifting Scarlet, who was unconscious because she lost a lot of blood.   Some nurses immediately came out and laid Scarlet on the stretcher carried by the male nurses and directly help them to push the stretcher into the emergency room. I was outside, and I saw her mom and dad running towards me.   "Caex, can you tell us everything that's going on with our daughter," my aunt asked me, so the three of us sat down first, and I told them all, and they were both shocked because they couldn't believe it.   "You're right! Scarlet is not our real child because we just adopted her, we saw her in a forest full of trees, and we caught the attention of the light in her stomach. At first, we thought it was nothing, but maybe now it's enlightened that's us," Scarlet's mom said, and they gave me a blue circle.   "Next to her container, we saw it, and we didn't know what it was as long as we just hid it maybe it's her memories," Scarlet's dad said, and when I looked at it, Scarlet's memories came out that were different and what is happening is much worse.   My eyes widened when I saw her in the accidents she was dying of, there was a woman with a black hood and she looking bad at Scarlet, who is this woman and why do you look at Scarlet like this? "Scarlet's memory core is a good thing you didn't give it to her because if you give it to her, she will die again in another way, and she will forget about you," I told them, and I stand up.   "Where are you going??"   "You both take care of Scarlet first," I said to them, and in a flash, I disappeared immediately. I went to a place where there were no people and only trees at the end of that there was a stream of water and I went there.   I reminded Scarlet of how she would die and how I had convinced her of her fate; I didn't want her to remember that a woman has cursed her who was present in her memory core.   So if I can destroy her memory core, Scarlet, you won't get hurt again. You will forget everything that happened to you in this memory core. Here are all the disasters that are waiting for you, and that woman is also here.   I floated the memory core, and I raised my hand just right in the middle, and I used my power to break it, and when I was ready to destroy it, I said something first.   "Destruir y nunca volver a reconstruir!" when I said that, the memory core has been broken and suddenly damaged. It gradually shattered and fell into the water tunnel here until I can see Scarlet's memory of the past.   When I turned around, I thought of destroying this Nuncar Volver so that the woman who swore with her would not take her. I immediately used my power to destroy this water tunnel. When the ground collapsed, I immediately floated up and looked at her that the earth would swallow up.   "Never exist in this world again," I said with an annoyed face, and I left this place; I don't even know where I went as long as I just followed my power where it would take me.   When I got back to the hospital, I immediately asked where scarlet's room is and when I found out, I immediately went there. I opened the door. I saw her just sitting while looking at her wrist.   "Caex? What happened to my wrist" she asks me. As I expected, she had already forgotten what he was doing before because I had broken the memory core that would carry her death.     "It's just a scratch. You don't need to worry about it because I'm here already," I said, and scarlet smiled, and I hug scarlet. I was confused because I can't read her mind now.   "Are you trying to read my mind?" She asked me. Of course, she knew I could read what he was thinking, so I immediately let go of her hug and sat down.   "Are you hungry?"   "Caex, I dreamed earlier that I was a wizard. What does that mean? Even what Kim told me that there is a power that lives inside me, what is that" "she asked me. She still remembered last night, so I held her hand.   "That's not true, so take a break first. I fired Kim so he won't talk to you again," I said to her, and she was shocked, and I smiled at her, and her shock disappeared immediately.   "I'm just curious because I knew you are immortal," she said to me, and she looked at me with angelic eyes, and she smiled at me. I hope it's always like this, she's happy.   Because I don't want her to die like that again, I won't allow it.   **
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