Immortal 07

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Scarlet's PoV I'm following Caex up to the top. We've been here for a while. He's walking with an old design that seems to have a candle on it? How many years has Caex lived? I can't count since I disappeared from his life, and I came back to life as I still am.   "I thought I would just stay in the guest room?" I asked Caex when he opened the private room, so I felt nervous, maybe because this is his room and then he will put me to sleep here?!   "Don't think about stupid things. It's yours, whenever you want to sleep overnight in my mansion," Caex said to me, so I took a deep breath. I thought Caex was going to do something terrible to me but not.   "All right! Goodnight, Caex!" I said happily, and when I turned my back on him, I waited for him to leave, and I saw on the side of his face that he smiled, so I smiled and finally entered this room.   There is a big bed in the middle of it, maybe a king-size bed, then its design is pink and mixed with black on the side. There is a small drawer with only two drawers next to it, and there are four glass windows here, so if you look at it, you will be overwhelmed because this mansion is tall.   Come to think of it, Caex even bought a mansion like this! But he was the only one not only that he was with Richard but also the maids who just showed up on their own, there is a bathroom here on the side when you get up you can go straight there and take a bath right away,   I wonder why this room is so big that you thought everyone was here, there is a flat-screen T.V that is so big you thought you were in the cinema everyone's doorknob is gold with a butterfly design, does he like butterflies?   I sat on the bed and looked at my phone if there was a text, but nothing. I knew that mom would think that I was here with Caex so they wouldn't have to worry anymore. To think of it, why didn't Caex eat? Is he hiding something from me?   'What if he eats only at midnight? How monster eat?' but why would he eat at midnight if he can eat with me like an average person? Is he eating a slice of fresh meat? Or maybe a human?   I grabbed my chest because I was nervous at the thought that he was going to eat people? Maybe he's not such a monster, is he? Because when I found out about demons, they eat human flesh.   Scary! I got goosebumps already, but I hope Caex isn't like that. I hope he doesn't eat people! It's just frightening I get chills! But I'm curious as to what if I go to him?   When I came out of this room, I think I would get a little lost because this mansion is so big that it's hard to find Caex now, I started walking, and I didn't even meet a maid even though Richard was his butler.   I turned to the right, and I saw a ladder going round and round, so I went up there even though I knew it was confusing, at the top of it I saw a door that looked like it was lying down so when I got there, I opened it a little and peeked to see if Caex is there.   My eyes widened when I heard someone eating, and I saw pure blood on the floor. When I looked at the person eating what I felt even more scared when I saw Caex eating an animal I didn't know, the stench of the smell that I inhale I think I have taken my breath away from what I see now.   So is he eating like this? He is immortal, but he eats it? Do the immortals live without eating? I haven't been there in that part yet. The book I'm reading is also at home.   I didn't leave my seat, and I saw him wipe his mouth, and he touched the animal he was eating, and that's when I realized what he was eating, and it was a deer, so my eyes got bigger when I got used to it. He blushed, and I could see how he licked the blood on the side of his mouth, so the door closed loudly immediately.   I immediately went down even though I was dizzy on this narrow staircase. As I was going down, it seemed like I was going down endlessly, so I felt a tremor in my chest, and when I looked behind me, my eyes widened behind me is Caex.   "Do you want me to eat you?" he said with an evil voice, so I pushed him away from me, and I kept going down, but why can't I get the rating I'm going down? What's going on ?! I want to get out of this mansion!   "You won't get away from me, miss," echoed his demonic voice. He is in a demonic form! But he has calmed down lately, hasn't he? He calmed down because he hugged me, so the only way to go back to his old self is to hug him?   I stopped going down, and when I looked behind me, he just went down and immediately landed in front of me, and when he was about to touch me, I suddenly hugged him very tightly and could not move.   "Caex, please come back!—" my voice growls now because I'm so scared. I want him to go back to the way he was. I want to see his beautiful eyes again. His eyes are red with plague in my eyes.   "Scarlet?" I heard him call me, and I tightened my hug with him even more because I was so scared. I was still dizzy from my bottomlessness that was endless, I looked around me, and it immediately became a path that means I've been there before I got off that staircase.   "Hey, are you okay? Scarlet?!" I heard Caex's voice, and I gradually lost consciousness.   Caex's PoV   I laid Scarlet down on the bed, and I looked at my butler, who was now following me, he handed me a tub filled with water, and I put a cold towel on her head and touched her hair.   Why would she go up there, and how did she know I was there? She knew I was a monster. I stopped thinking because I couldn't even get into her mind what she was going to do.   I held her hand, and I felt her cold hand, so I arranged her blanket, and I finally touched her forehead and kissed it at the same time, and I smiled at the same time.   "Richard calls some maid to take care of her," I said to my butler, and he nodded immediately, and at the same time, I went out of this room, and when I came down, I quickly used my speed ability and took a book.   Even though I went to my room, I couldn't sleep, I sat on the big sofa that I could only sit on, and while I was reading, I heard Scarlet's voice. She was calling me in her mind.   'Caex!'   Damn! I closed my book, and I got up as I sat on the sofa and went upstairs very fast and I saw the maid had just come out, so I went in there to her room and saw her awake.   "Are you feeling okay now?" I asked her, and when she looked at me, I saw her eyes just after she cried, so I immediately approached her, and she didn't say a word, so I held her hand, it's warm now.   "I'm sorry if you see that kind of me," I said to her, and she immediately faced me, and she got up immediately, so I helped her get up, and her emotions are still sad now.   "I'm sorry I disturbed your food too!" she said, and she was about to cry, so I immediately hugged her tightly, she was scared, so this is all I know to do to make her feel better now.   "You won't ever see it again," I said to her.   Scarlet's PoV   There was too much light hitting my eyes so when I woke up I immediately got up and I directly looked for Caex, but he was gone, of course, he came in early because he was the boss at the restaurant.   I saw something on the bed that this uniform was probably the uniform I was wearing, and there were sticky notes on the side of it, and I immediately read it and what this letter said.   Wear this and don't be late   - Caex   I went straight to the bathroom here on the side, and when I finished taking a bath, I wiped my hair first and blow-dried it because this room is complete with everything, so I used a blower to dry my hair quickly.   When I finished getting dressed I took the bag that I used yesterday because that's where all my belongings were when I came out of this room the butler met me immediately and took me out and a man appeared like I was just now I saw it, maybe it will drive the car, so I can get to where I'm going.   "Scarlet!" I heard the gay voice. It was the gay employee of Caex who looked like his secretary was close to him. I immediately turned to him and waved it, and I smiled at him.   "Why did you come home yesterday? You didn't even finish your shift, girl!" he said to me, and he put his arm around me. I couldn't get out of his arm, and when I got out, I immediately went to the staff room.   I put my bag in the locker inside, and when I put it in, I put on the name tag to the side, and when I put it in when I closed the door of the locker, I was shocked because I saw it at the corner of my eye is Caex.   "I thought who is it," I whispered to myself.   "You're late yet again. How many times do I have to tell you to get up?" When we talked at work, he was odd, but he was so lovely when we were just the two of us. Maybe we had to believe that this was so that others wouldn't know that we were too close.   "I'm sorry, sir! I'll buy an alarm clock next time!" When I looked up, I said to him behind Caex, another employee who was likes gossip, I got a poker face. What are they doing here ?!   "Make sure of that, then you can now start your work," he said to me, and I immediately bow to him, and when he came out, I also went out and pushed the faces of the employees because they were listening.   "You're close to sir, right?" The gay employee asked.   "No!" that's all I answered, and I continued to work. I went home immediately without letting my co-workers know, so my shift now will be extended by time.   Jona's PoV   "Are you sure we're going to follow them?" I asked Anthony, who is now wearing a wig and even wearing a hat. Are you crazy about this one? I'm just wearing a long pink wig, and he's blue, he's excellent. They will no longer notice it.   It's already night, and now we're here opposite the restaurant where my best friend Scarlet works with the Caex she always mentions to me, and we'll find out what's going on.   "Why aren't they coming out yet?" I heard Anthony say, and he even looked at his watch on his wrist, and I was just focused on the door if they were going to come out, and later Scarlet came out panting and looking nervous.   His entire body is red, and he has red wings. I can't believe it, but now I think what I see with him; I looked at Anthony, and we stood back.   "Stay here. It looks like Caex is following him. That's why that was her expression," Anthony said. I nodded, and I saw Scarlet look up, and we also look up and saw Caex true identity.   Caex body is full of red aura and also has red wings. I don't believe it last time, but now I think about it. I look at Anthony. Both of us were shocked.   I just thought that Anthony wanted to know if Caex was safe with him, but I don't think so because how could that happen?! It's been so long, and then he says that Caex saved him from that accident?   I was even more surprised when Caex hugged Scarlet and said something that I didn't hear. Of course, we were a little far away because we might get noticed. I felt Anthony hold my hand, so I looked at him.   "Let's go," he said to me. He pulled me to get up when we finally got out of there. Anthony stops and removes his wig. That's why I remove mine also.   "Did you also think it was weird what we saw Caex today?" he asked me, and I immediately nodded, and he grabbed his chin and thought about it, and it was as if he was thinking about that accident.   "Is it possible that Caex saves me back then?" he asked me even to me I don't know if it's Caex, but maybe he should be the one to ask Caex that because even I don't know anything because Scarlet didn't mention it to me.   "Why don't you ask him? Scarlet didn't mention anything to me about such an accident," I said to him, and he thought again, and I bowed down and looked at the restaurant, and I saw Caex kissing Scarlet?! but how?! Scarlet's eyes widened as if she didn't know that.   "I think we need to go, maybe Caex will see us, and we already confirm that he's a monster," I said to him, and I held Anthony's hand to leave that place, and we went back to his car.   Scarlet's PoV   My shift is over! It took me 10 p.m, so I speeded up to make a meal that Caex asked me to make because I was promoted right away for what I was doing, but I was still a waitress, including making dessert and food.   It's already night, and maybe my colleagues will go home too, I went to the staff room and took my stuff there and when I got there someone handed me a coat, and this is the man who was helping me earlier.   "Use this. It's cold outside", My co-worker said to me, and at the same time, he handed me a jacket with a hood on the back, and it's black, so I accepted it.   "Um, thanks," I said.   "By the way, I am Kim Carlo Cier you?" Kim said to me, and he spread his hand, it's a good thing we're here in the staff room, the others came out right away, I accepted his hand, and we shook hands.   "Scarlet Questa, nice to meet you," I said to him, and I smiled, and we decided to go home together. Does he know that Caex is an immortal? As we walked, I asked him.   "Do you know about our manager?" I asked him, and he looked at me, and he immediately nodded, so I was surprised and could not believe it   "I thought you don't know it? How did you find out?" he asked me, and I was immediately surprised by what he said. How did I know? I stopped walking, so Caex planned to keep it from me?   "Ah! Do I know? I mean, do you know that our manager and I are close?" I said to him, and he suddenly laughed so I looked away, so I can't know about him?   Damn you, monster! Damn you! In my mind, but can he read that we are this far away? I hope he didn't read it. If he did know it, tomorrow would be the worst, I guess. Kim and I don't talk anymore because he's quiet. His name is also weird. **
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