Immortal 02

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Scarlet’s PoV I opened my eyes, and when I looked up at the ceiling, the blown-by-the-wind curtains were so beautiful in my eyes that I stepped back a little because it was nice to lie here on the bed.   "Wait a minute!" I fell when I was lying there on the bed. Wait, where am I, and why do I appear to be lying in that bed? Wait? Is my bed any smaller now?    "Miss Scarlet, what's the problem?" A man I didn't know the name came in, so I threw a small pillow at him, and I picked it up on the bed and hit him, and I saw the man I met only yesterday.    "Why are you screaming?" he asked me, and I just smiled, and I scratched my head so hard, and I got up because I remembered everything. I lied to my mother that I would sleep in Jona's house, but the truth is I'm here with Caex that I met yesterday.    "Come on, let's eat together," he said to me, so I frowned. I thought he is terrible, but he is good, so I quickly stood up, and his butler blocked me.     "Take a bath first, Miss Scarlet, because sir doesn't like the bad smell," he said to me, so I got a poker face, and I just nodded and went straight to the bathroom here in the guest room, and I finally took a bath.    When I finished taking a bath when I came out of the bathroom I looked around this room, and I saw a dress on the opposite side of my bed and also with sandals, so I smiled, only now I can wear it, so it's easy I'm wearing it.    When I finished wearing it, I fixed my hair and went out of this room, and when I came down, I immediately saw Caex waiting for me, so I smiled at him, Then suddenly peeks at my legs.   "You maniac!!"    "I thought he was nice," I whispered to myself, and I went to the dining table, and I saw too much food. There was no one else here and just the two of us, but why do we have much food here in the morning?   "Don't overthink, just eat," he said to me so I didn't do anything and I just ate and while I was eating I looked at him as if he was eating, can he read what I'm thinking?    "Richard, can you send her to her home after this?" Caex said, and I looked at his butler with him, so his name is Richard. Now I know that I will talk to him later about Caex.     "There is so much to eat! Come join us, Richard, to our breakfast!" I said enthusiastically, and Caex looked at me badly, so I smiled hard and swallowed a little, and Richard shook his head.    "Enjoy your meal, mam, and sir," Richard said. That's why I got a nasty look at Caex. I thought they were close. That's why I sigh.    After I finished my meal and I drank my water. It's not healthy for me to drink only water in the morning. I'm used to drinking milk all the time and coffee on occasion.    "We don't have milk but coffee. We have it," Caex said to me, so my eyes widened. I didn't ask anything, but why did Caex say there is no milk? Does that mean he already understands Tagalog, and he read my mind?    "A little," he said. That's why I have a poker face, and he's extraordinary. All of a sudden, he answers, I'm not talking or asking him questions. Maybe It's just my imagination.    "Are you a vampire?" I ask calmly to him, and he looked at me and shook his head. Finally, after a day, he also understood, but it seems like how fast he can learn Tagalog?    "It's easy to memorize your words," he said to me, so I was amazed. Oh my god! He already speaks Tagalog. I won't have a hard time speaking English here because my grammar is wrong.    "Pfft." He stopped laughing, and wait did he read what I was thinking? He's weird; I hope I can also read what he's thinking. I wish I also have the power to be a mind reader and not feel pain like what happened to him last night.    "You're so funny!" he said to me look at him. He reread my thoughts, so I was pissed, and when he also finished eating, some maids came to us and took our food, so I was surprised.     "I was shocked you came out of nowhere!" I said to the middle-aged maid, and she immediately bowed, so I wondered if this mansion was very different. I need to go home. Maybe mom will get even angrier with me.     "I need to go home," I said to him, and I got up, and he called Richard to take me, and when we got out, Richard open the car door, and I went inside.    While we were on the trip, I thought of asking him about Caex because I was also curious about the strangeness of that man. It's bizarre. Even his house is weird for me because suddenly there's a helper? Last night I didn't see them. It's bizarre.    "Uhmm, Does Caex lived in that mansion for a long time?" I asked him, and he looked in the rearview mirror and ignored me, so I got a poker face as well.     "Yes, master lives in that for ten years," he said to me, so I was surprised ten years? Does that mean Caex is only ten years old? But why does his face look like he's my age?     "He just came back here because he's from America," he told me, so I was amazed at his wealth, but this is all I could wonder how old he is? That man didn't say it last night.    "How old is he?" I asked him.    "Master told me not to tell you his age," he said to me. That's why I did a poker face again. I can hit that man. He's so unfair he's still cheating when we meet again. I'll ask him again.    The car stopped we are in front of my house. I went inside because my mom might see me I am with someone else.    "How are you and your friend?" My mother asks me I thought she would suspect that someone else was with me, but she believed that Jona was with me last night, I took a deep breath, and I saw dad came out of the door    "We're fine! Let's eat inside!" I told her, and she immediately pushed me, so my eyes widened. Why did she do that? I thought she believed that I only slept with my friend?    "You thought you could trick both of us?! Didn't I tell you to come home last night?! Didn't you see my text from you last night?! Why are you so stubborn?!" she said to me, and I received a slap from her in my face.    When my parents forbid me, I want to be free like Jona and Anthony, but why am I different from them? Did God give me this life?    "Mom! I didn't see your text. Please forgive me!" I said to her, and I knelt in front of her, and she immediately will slap me again, and I closed my eyes, but I did not feel anything on my face.    I open my eyes. I was shocked because Caex is here. How did he get here right away, and how did he find out about my house so I stood up and looked at him, and mom was also very shocked and dad, who was already standing behind mom.    "Who's this man?! Why is he suddenly—" I covered mom's mouth because I didn't want mom to know how weird Caex was, so I looked at Caex in the eyes, and I knew he would read my mind.     'Get that out of here! Don't use whatever powers you know! Leave like a human just walk.'    "I'm sorry for my intruder for you two, but you don't have to hurt her. She sleeps at my mansion, and she's safe. I didn't do anything to her," he said to mom, and her eyes widened. That's why I removed my hand from her mouth.    "Who is this man?—" Suddenly mom closes her eyes, and mom faints, it's bizarre too she hears an English she think the person in front of her is a foreigner but is it Caex, a foreigner?    "Hurry up and bring him inside," I heard Dad say, so I was shocked when Caex picked up my mom, so I looked at him. He's grave right now, but why didn't he leave right away? Didn't he read what I was thinking?    He laid mom on the sofa, and dad immediately fanned mom, and I took mom's drink. When she woke up, I looked at Caex, who was still not leaving, so I put the water on the table and gave it to her.    "Why haven't you left yet?" I asked him.    "I need to apologize for her because of your stupidity," he said to me. That's why I did the poker face.    When mom woke up, she looked at me, and I handed her the water on the table. And she drank it immediately and took a deep breath, and looked at Caex again.    "Is my daughter your friend?" she asked Caex. That's why I bit my lip so hard, and I hope he says I'm his friend so that mom won't get angry anymore.    "I'm courting her." Me and my mom, dad stared at the same time, and I couldn't speak what he said, so I'll talk right away when dad pushes me. It's an annoying dad! So I waited for what they would say.    "Oh my god! Is this real!? You got a very handsome one!" mom said. Why did she become a good person already, and dad was amazed at the handsomeness of Caex. What's on this man's face? He looks flat on the plate for me.    "I'm sorry for letting her sleep at my mansion," Caex said. Just say it, it's just an ordinary home because mom will be closer to you.    "Mansion?! Does that mean you're rich?" dad asked, so I held dad's hand to stop him because of his questions, later his questions will go somewhere on the continent!    "Ah yes," Caex answered.    "That's enough! Mom, you also a dad. That's enough of your questions! Let's send Caex home," I said to dad and mom. I was surprised when she pushes me a little and immediately approached Caex.    "Caex? Is this your last name?" my mom asked.    "Caex Feax, it's a pleasure to meet the both of you, mom and dad," Caex said.   "Oh my god! All right, I'll let my daughter sleep at your house again as long as you take care of her!" my mom said to Caex.    "Mom! He is not my husband nor boyfriend!" I shouted at my mom.    "What a rich child this Caex is! I'm sure he can feed you healthy food!" Dad said that's why I got a poker face, and I slapped my face and sat here on the sofa.    "I'm sorry, but I need to go," Caex said. It's good that Caex is leaving. My life will be quiet now. I wish we never meet again.    "It's alright! Our daughter will accompany you!" mom said, and I immediately pulled and pushed towards Caex, and this again I felt his hard body, so my cheek got blushed immediately and moved away from him.    The two of us went out and stopped when we got out of the gate, and he grabbed my shoulder and faced me with him, and I averted my eyes. It's strange now because he just saved me from my mother and father.    "You're alright with your family now? So I can go now and don't annoy me ever again," he said to me, so I nodded, and I just bowed my head, and he disappeared from my sight, and I just kept bowing.    He's a liar. I thought he was going to court me. I'm a fool to hope! Yes, I know I'm a fool, but he's weird when we had a chest collision. It's like my heart is beating too, and I feel like he's very close to me now.    Why are you so strange, Caex ?! What a life I am having! Am I in the world of mysteries?    Caex's PoV   As I walk away from her house, it feels like my heart is breaking into pieces, but why? Isn't it true that I can't handle everything? I'm learning to speak Tagalog, but I can't express everything I think because I only know a little Tagalog. I'm going to try to learn a little more Tagalog.    I teleport myself, and I'm here at the top of a building. I need fresh air although I can't feel that wind, it's okay for me as long that I can't see that girl again, And can't feel her presence. I don't think about her, and because of her, my heart feels like she is in trouble again.    I wish that I didn't bump into her and I will never be in this situation again, I pick my phone and think about her to see her number, and when I think about her phone, I was shocked that it was on the guest room of mine.    She left her phone, that stupid girl. I teleport once more, and I see Richard walk through the gate. That's why I went to him first in the mansion, and then I went to the guest room and picked up her phone and stared into it.    "What a stupid girl you are, I think we will meet again," I whisper to myself, and I teleport again into her house, and I see her on the second floor of her home, and I see her reading something a book that I don't know.    I teleported into her room, and she was shocked.    "What are you doing here?! How did you, oh I remember you have the power to teleport," she said to me, and I let her look on her phone, and she is shocked, and she picks that into my hand as fast she could do.    "This was with you all along?!" she said.     "I'm not stealing other people's property," I told her, and I came out in her door in here, and I teleport again as fast I could, and I teleport into my room full of a mess because of the wind, and I sat down in the sofa.    "Pretty and cute, but stupid, it's interesting. I need to learn more about that Tagalog language," I whisper to myself, and I took out the book into the drawer I use to read all my readers.     Scarlet's PoV I immediately followed him after getting out of my room, but he disappeared immediately, and the wind just hit my face, and I was amazed at how fast he disappeared. Is he a bizarre person?    I didn't ask Richard because I knew his master would also order him not to tell me about him. I went back to my room and looked at my phone to see if anything had changed but nothing so I opened it and there was a text from an unknown number, so I opened it.    From: Unknown Number What are you reading? To: Unknown Number Before that, Who are you? From: Unknown Number It's me, you i***t. To: Unknown Number Oh, sorry, It's about history, the mortal and immortal why?    He didn't reply, so I went back to where I was sitting earlier, and I read again, but I looked at my phone when he texted. How did he know my number?    I'm a fool! Of course, he probably looked at your phone number with his magic tricks! That's why when I read again, I heard my phone vibrate, and this is him.    From: Unknown Number Do you believe in that? To: Unknown Number Which? The immortal or mortal? From: Unknown Number Immortal because you know that they exist. To: Unknown Number   They don't exist in this world! I burst out laughing. After all, the people who live here are mere mortals. According to him, there is no such thing as immortality, and if there is, it is on Mars, not Earth.    I stopped laughing at the loud wind that blew my window here, and I immediately closed it, but it opened again because the wind got even more substantial, so I just let it go.     But Caex is very funny!    **
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