Immortal 01

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Scarlet's PoV While I'm holding my phone and walking down the street because Jona hasn't sent her location, We will meet. It's tough to find the place in my phone, and I need data to search, and the signal is weak, my goodness.   "Ouch! That hurt! You're like a post!" I said, and I looked at the man just bent over.   "I'm sorry," the Stranger said, and he left while I am touching my forehead. Because I can't believe his chest was hard as a post, so I have said he is like a post. And why do I feel he is uncomfortable with me?   I am not here to know the people around here and to follow them. I started to walk while taking a look at the location of Jona then suddenly I heard a beeping sound so I quickly take a look at it and I was shocked there was a truck that is heading towards me and my eyes widen I was shocked.   "Damn!!, have you seen the girl?"   "Did you see that?! The one who saved her disappeared immediately!"    I opened my eyes and was shocked when I sat here next to the people's stand and looked around me because I wondered why the one who saved me disappeared immediately.   "Are you alright, miss?" a lady ask me that is not that old, and I nodded at her. She even helped me stand up for me to walk again. Who would have saved my life?   I wonder if that was an alien? But people live here in this world, and I know nothing of aliens. I am just reading a book in the library where there are mysterious histories accrued on our planet.   I have reached our meeting place, but she was nowhere to found. I was beginning to get irritated, and I am having a poker face on because I keep texting her, but she is not replying to my messages I signed. I will hit that girl if I see her.   "Scarlet!" I heard Anthony shout. That's why she lasted so long because she even took his boyfriend with her, and we began to enter the mall. It's my first opportunity to roam again.   We went to the clothes shop.   Caex's PoV   As I continue walking in this way, I hear a beep of a truck, and when my eyes wide like a circle, I close my eyes. I feel like a girl is overthinking. That's why I came faster than I can to save her. After I held her, I look at all the people who are shocked at what I did. That's why I disappear. I use my teleportation.   'Did you see that ?! The one who saved her disappeared immediately?!' I can hear their voices even when I am far away from them. I look at the building where I teleported, and this is my hotel which is why I teleported again, but this time it is in my house, my mansion.   "Sir? What took you so long?" my butler ask me, and I gave him my necktie. It's irritating to wear this; I look like an i***t in that, and you know that I can't feel like wearing that every time I wear clothes. I can't handle it.   But who is that girl? Why did I feel her life is in danger? Why do I know that her life will be in danger? Am I an immortal? I thought I would never save a human-like her but look what I did? Is it because I bumped into her?   "Are you okay, sir?" my butler asked me. His name is Richard Govi he's a Filipino he's been with me in 10 years although my other butler is dead now and I keep hiring another butler because I need to know what's happening in my mansion if some intruder comes here.    "I'm fine. Can you make a coffee?" I ask him. I know that he knows that I can't feel hot and cold, I cannot taste the coffee, but I'm still trying to taste it, but no matter I try, I can't taste it, even my food, I can't taste it.   "But sir, you know that you are an immortal?" he said. I just nodded and stood and patted his shoulder.   "It's yours, rest, for now, Richard," I said. I stop walking when a memory flashes in my brain, and a girl is crying full of blood. It looks like she's looking at me and holding my hand with blood. I have in my head, and I got shocked by that memory.   Is it the past? Or the present? Because I can see present and past, I see that and know. I think that's what happens when a girl is in danger. I continue walking when I enter my room. I stopped again because I heard the girl's voice.   What is it about that girl's voice that I hear? Are we linked? As far as I know, being an immortal connects you to the girl who has your heart or a soul mate.   I read that I nodded in the book the full of immortal, and I erase my memory not to hear her voice again. It's annoying her voice has total energy, unlike me, who wants to be a human just like her.   Scarlet's PoV   Two of them took the taxi and left. I was left here waiting for a cab, but no one stopped, so I decided to walk, and while I was walking, I was looking at my side for many people are looking at me.   It's already night, so my parents will scold me again, especially mom, maybe she'll slap me again because of what I'm doing. While I was walking, I felt a strong wind, so I closed my eyes and fixed my hair.   My eyes widened when the man I bumped in the morning was in front of me, so I blinked my eyes if it was true, and yes, he was for real, and he approached me and looked at me from head to foot.   "Come with me," The Stranger said, who I bumped in the morning.   "Why would I come to you? You look like a r****t!" I told the Stranger that he couldn't understand what I am saying because he is like a foreigner and does not understand Tagalog.   "I can't understand you?" The Stranger said to me, and I laughed. I pat his shoulder, and I was still laughing. He then makes a poker face.   "I said you're a r****t!"   "I'm not a r****t. Come with me. I need to talk to you," The Stranger said that I couldn't move anymore because he was holding my hand and I couldn't remove it. Why is he so strong? Is he an alien?   Oh my god! Where is his UFO if he is an alien! I was surprised when he patted my forehead, He just stared at me, so I looked away because it was irritating?   "You are overthinking. It's annoying even though I don't understand," the Stranger said to me, so I raised my eyebrow and pouted. He didn't understand, and then he said, I'm annoying?! Is this a vampire? And can he read my mind?   Yes, I know I'm wrong. I'm bad when it comes to English. After all, I don't study that language much because I know that my future husband is also a Filipino like me and not just a foreigner like him.   "To my house," The Stranger said to me, so I wondered why he would take me to his home?! But this is what's bothering my mind?! Who is this man, and why is he dragging me to his house?!   "Wait, sir! I don't know you!? Who are you?" I asked the Stranger and had a poker face again, and I was shocked when a car stopped in front of us, so I didn't go with him. I immediately ran. It was dangerous when people I didn't know caught me.   "Wait! Miss, please trust me!" I heard the Stranger say, that's why I ignored it, and I just kept running until there was another car that was going to hit me, lord. Do I have bad luck today to make this a bad day?   When someone shoved me, I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone I knew. I was alone, and when I saw the Stranger was bloodied and unable to stand, I immediately went to him, but this surprised me.   It was as if he wasn't hurt when I bumped into him, so people shouted because he just stretched out his hand, and he stood up, and my eyes widened, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.   "Are you alright?" The Stranger asked.   "You must be the one I'm asking that! You are so stupid! Why are you trying to save me?!" I said to him, and he didn't know what I said at first because I said it in Tagalog first, so all he understood was the last thing I said in English.   "I'm not stupid. I had to save you, so I did," The Stranger said something to me, so I took his hand in mine and didn't feel any heat in it. He wasn't cold, and I didn't feel like I was keeping something.   Who is this man in front of me? Did I have a dream?   "Let's go," he said to me, so I didn't do anything but go with him. We got in the car in front of the bus stop, and when we got in the car, I looked at him. The wound was like nothing from him.   Is he a human or a monster? Who is this Stranger? Why didn't he even feel that he was hurt? Or is he just enduring because he is afraid to go to the hospital? Yes, you're right. Scarlet, maybe he's just scared to go to the hospital.   "So your name is Scarlet?" I heard him say, that's why my eyes widened he said my name. How did he know that?   "How do you know my name so earlier? I didn't remember mentioning my name," I said to him, and I could see in the rearview mirror that he smiled and I could see that he wiped his hand and I was shocked that he had a scar on his hand that's why I held his hand.   "You hurt yourself, sir. Can we go to the hospital?" I told the driver who was driving this car now. He looked at me and shook his head and just continued to move, so I let go of this man's hand.   "I don't need that. I'm fine," The Stranger said, so I was pissed, and during our long trip, I told mom that I would sleep at home with Jona. First of all, I don't want to lie, but it's necessary just because of this man.   I felt that the car had stopped, and we were in front of a mansion. The gate was black, and the outermost color of this mansion was white. He was very used because the environment was so clean.   "We're here," I heard the driver say, and he immediately opened the one in front, which is that man, and I opened the door, and I went out, and I immediately felt a strong wind.   Why do I feel something terrible is going to happen to me here? I followed that man with the driver. Maybe it's not just the driver but also a guard here. I just let it go and looked around.   On the side, there is a fountain with a dragon figure on one side and a tiger figure in the middle, both of which have water flowing out of them, so I had my hand firmly gripped in my palm. I'm still terrified; I'm not sure why; maybe it's because it's safe here, but I'm still scared.   "Scarlet," he called me, so I stopped and stared at him, and I saw his light brown eyes when he moved his face to me. I was also surprised when he touched my cheek.   "I want to know you introduce yourself," he said to me, so I took a deep breath.   "Not Here," he said, and then I did a poker face.   We entered his mansion, and my eyes widened at what I saw because the big chandelier opened immediately. I was amazed at the things displayed here in the middle. The stairs are different. The color is red, so I feel like I was in the kingdom.   "Sir, I will leave now," the butler said, and he bowed and then left, so we were left here, and he made me sit on the sofa, and he also sat on the other couch. I will also wonder why he wants to know my name is my whole being.   "I am Scarlet Questa, 20 years old, still finding work, and I don't intend to tell you all myself because, in the first place, I don't know who you are, and we're not that close," I told him, and he smiled.   "How cruel you are. My name is Caex Feax," he told me, so I wondered why he didn't say his age was a hoax! So I blushed and frowned at him.   "Your age, sir?" I asked Caex, and he just laughed.   "Why do you want to know?" Caex asked me why the lip so bit me, and I raised my eyebrow at him, and I stood up, and he looked up at me and folded my arms, It's annoying that I said my age to him, but he didn't tell his age.    "Because it's unfair if I told you mine so—" I didn't finish what I was going to say when he spoke right away.   "Isn't it also unfair that I didn't tell you to tell me your age?" Caex told me that he was correct and didn't tell me to tell my age either, but he did ask me to introduce myself. Very amusing.   "You're kidding. So what do you want from me?" I asked him.   "That's all I can send you home now," Caex said to me, and my eyes widened. What did Caex say? I might punish this guy. I couldn't do anything but get up and go out of their mansion when I suddenly remembered that I had told my mom that I would sleep with Jona now.   "Wait, sir! Can I sleep here?" I asked Caex, and his eyes widened, and he immediately blocked his hand in front of the door.   "No, you can go home now—"   "I told my mom to sleep here. Surely that she will slap me if I went home and lied to her," I told him, and he raised an eyebrow, and Caex looked at me, and I did the cute eyes.   "Then why did you lie to her," Caex asked me.   "I'll just sleep here!" I said that's why I was stunned by him and frowned at him. He was embarrassed he knew what that meant.   "What?" Caex said.    "Sir, she said she would sleep here." I heard the driver say that the guard is also here, so Caex nodded, and he let me into the mansion again and was embarrassed to look at him because of what I said. I shook the hand of his guard.   "Why doesn't Caex know how to speak Tagalog?" I asked his guard, and he bowed to me.    Why did he bow to me? I'm not his master, and Caex was the one.   "I also don't know, but he told me to teach him Tagalog," he said to me, so I nodded my head. It's also weird. In which country did he reside?? Is he a foreigner?.    He is a foreigner. There is no question about that.    "In the Guess room, you will sleep," the butler man said to me. I nodded, and I followed him, and I was stunned around this height, and I saw a room with the door raised, and I peeked there, and I was shocked suddenly sighed, and I felt a pain in my heart.   "Are you okay, miss?" The butler asked me, and I nodded. We got to the guest room. He said goodnight, and I closed the door and sat on the bed here. This bed is clean, and I looked around its white design and the window is also white, and there are white curtains there.   Why pure white design here? Why do I even care? I'm just going to sleep here for now, so I don't have to worry about this time. So I went to bed and thought.   His name is also strange. It seems to be the same as his last name. Where was he born? I'm wondering if he can't feel his wound. Is that a vampire? I'm shaking, the vampire is so scary too, but he's not a vampire. What is he?   Alien? It doesn't look like that because the aliens are also scary look, their wounds are just healing, but he's different. What's wrong with that? And his whole life? Is that a person? Why am I thinking?   Caex's PoV   Alien? Do I look like an alien? After reading her mind, I still don't understand her language also, a vampire is the only one I can know if she thinks, I'm a vampire or an alien? Well, she is wrong because I am not either of those. I'm an immortal, and she doesn't know about that.   "What an innocent girl I should stay away from her starting tomorrow after she goes home," I whispered to myself and read the book of the language of Tagalog. Richard gave it to me last night, and I need to learn all of this.    **  
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