Immortal 03

2720 Words
Scarlet's PoV I set the alarm on my phone to wake up early because I'll be late for work every day. If I don't do this, I'll always wake up late. Now I'm also going to apply for a job at a restaurant that I only saw yesterday. I searched for it. I didn't find out who the restaurant owner is, So I need to go there to find out who the boss is and the one who will interview me as well. "Rise and shine, dear! Time for breakfast! You will apply for a job, don't you?" I heard my mother knocking on my door, and I immediately got up and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a bath, I looked for something to wear, and I saw a blue dress. She was only up to my knees, and I also wore a hairband and let my hair down. I went out of my room and saw that mom and dad were waiting for me, and I immediately sat down, and it seemed like nothing had happened yesterday. Maybe they were so happy that I met that Caex. "Will you and Caex meet, and you're wearing that dress?" mom asked me, and I pout. "I won't see him, mom!" I said to her, and she laughed. Mom is has nothing to do with life since she is getting older. When I finished my breakfast, I immediately said goodbye to them, and they told me to take care. And I nodded. I was holding a document that I would give in the restaurant my resume. I called a taxi, and when I got in I told the place where that restaurant was, And when I got to the Makati, they have been customers in it, and I immediately paid the taxi driver and left. "You can do it, scarlet!" I whisper to myself. I took a deep breath. As soon as I went inside, the employees looked at me. "Ma'am, do you have a reservation?" the waiter man who was wearing a uniform, and I looked for the man who invited me here thru social media and saw him. "So you are applying? Please come here. He is also waiting for you, and he will also be the one to interview you," he said to me, so I approached there and smiled at him. And when I entered the office, I immediately sat down, and I saw a man sitting there swivel chair backward. "Do you have your resume?" he asked me, he has a male voice, and his voice seems familiar to me, so I stood up and laid my resume on his desk, and as he turned, my eyes widened. "It's nice to meet you again, Ms. Questa," he said to me, and he lowered himself, and I almost dropped my whole body. It was Caex! I gasped because I can't believe he is rich and yet he owns a restaurant?! "I have only one question for you," he said to me, so I swallowed, and I sat here. I was silent, and I waited for his question because he was still looking at the resume. "So this how mortals lived," he said to me, so I frowned. What does he mean for those like us to live like that? He's weird. I'm confused. "Can you tell me what you're talking about?" Are you distinct from the rest of us? I asked him, and he stared at me and at the same time avoided looking at me as if he was hiding something from me. So I just let him know what if he hides that thing from me? We barely know each other. "So, this is the first question you've asked. Why are you interested in working at this restaurant?" I clenched my hand when he asked. I was very anxious because he is the man in charge here. "I'd like to work here because I've done some cooking and I've also done some fine dining. It's up to you to decide where you'll put me," Caex silently nodded. I waited for him to ask the following question when he was writing something on his paper. "You are accepted. There are no further questions. You will start the work right now if you want," he said to me, so I was stunned. I could not believe what he said, so I immediately stood up, and I held his hand, and I jumped for joy. "Is this real? Am I accepted, Caex? You're brilliant! I knew you are a good person!" I said to him, and I even put my arm around him and as if he can't feel that. Doesn't this man feel anything? "Don't you want to? I'll give you another schedule so you can wait here," he said to me, so I frowned even more. Why should I wait here in his office? "Okay," I told him, and he immediately came out, and I toured his office, The designs of each corner are simple, and there is not much design. Caex's PoV I closed the door in the office, and I keep thinking about her. Why do I feel like I'm the kindest man in this world? Even though I'm not a mortal, all of the employees here know that I am immortal and told them to keep it a secret much as possible. I trust them, so I should trust another mortal? But why is my heart pounding like there is no end? I look at my one employee in front of me. He is holding the schedule of all of the employees, and I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Sir, I already fixed the newly hired employee's schedule. Her day off is during weekends, Saturday and Sunday," he said, and I smiled at him and thanked everyone that they didn't tell her my true identity. We talk about this last night when Scarlet wants to apply to my restaurant. How did I know? I can read her mind. Even though she is far away, her mind is full of joy and excitement. Flashback "Sir, are you sure about this? You don't want her to know your real identity?" the man standing beside me is the chef in this restaurant, and I just nodded and closed my eyes, and I can still see what she is doing, and I can still read her mind. "Yes, I know that all of you know my identity, but except her, please do as I say," I told all of them, and they just nodded and just accepted what I told them. They all stand, and they bowed to me to show respect and as the owner of this restaurant. "Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation," I said. "No problem, sir. Will I arrange her schedule?" He asks, and I agreed by nodding, and he bows once again. End of flash black I open the door in my office, and I see her looking at the mirror. And she touches the mirror and smiles at it. That's why I smiled, and I call her. That's why she is shocked when I call her name. She's back as fast as she can and bow at me. "This is your schedule, don't ever lose it or else I will fire you, and even though you're my friend," I told her, and I sat down at my swivel chair, and she looked at me with a big smile, and she nods at me, and she exits in this office. "What a brave girl," I whispered to myself, and I smiled again. Why do I always think about her? Nevermind. Scarlet's PoV When I came out of Caex's office, a woman looked like she was Caex's secretary, and she immediately gave me something to wear, but I just wondered why I seemed to be wearing something different. "Does that Caex like me?" I whisper to myself, and this is my uniform? I just did a poker face because you know I'm wearing white on the front of the maids, and then I'm wearing long socks. It's only up to my knees, and it looks like he will tease me. He knows I'm flat-chested. I went out, and the customers looked at me here, so I immediately went to the woman who looked like she would order, so I approached her and went out with a small piece of paper to write her order. "What's your order mam," I asked, and she frowned. "What? I thought this is an American restaurant?" my eyes widened, and I looked at my colleagues who were holding back their laughter, and Caex just came out and looked at me, so I straightened up and took a deep breath. "What is your order, mam?" I asked again, and she immediately pointed to her order, and I immediately wrote it down and her drink and immediately went to the counter and gave the order to my workmate. "Why didn't you tell me it was an American Restaurant?" I said, annoyed, and they were whistling, and I looked at Caex, who was smiling, so I stared at him. "This is what work you want, right? So be the most beautiful waitress," Caex said, and I bite my lips. I was about to throw something at him when I suddenly feel that I can't move. "Don't ever do that, Scarlet," he said to me, and he left. I don't want to waste my salary of 20,000 per month, so I'll make sure to work hard. After an hour, the restaurant was closed, and I was able to rest. I was able to get some rest. I sat for a bit, put my foot on the table, closed my eyes for a few moments, and overheard my coworkers talking. "Did sir hired her?" the woman asked, who looked like it was the one who handed me the dress, and I heard whispers. Why? Am I not accepted for this job? "There's nothing we can do. Sir told us he would accept that woman because he said that she is poor," I heard a man say, so I opened my eyes and stared at them, and they turned away at the same time. "What are you to talking about there? Can I join?" I told them, and they still didn't look around and ignored me. I removed my foot from the overlap, and I immediately went to the dressing room. And I got my dress back because I was going home. I don't want to hear anything else, I carried my bag, and when I opened the door I was shocked when Caex came up to me with his hand blocking the side of the door, so I faced him. "What do you need?" I asked him. It's also one thing that bothers me that I don't know if he is a human or an alien. "I'm not an alien or vampire. Come on, do I look like that? I'm a mortal like you, so don't overthink it's annoying," he said to me. How can he tell that I think loudly? And he could read my mind, so I stared at him. "If you're a mortal like me, prove yourself and hurt yourself. Let see if you can feel the pain," I told him, and suddenly he scratched his head, and he looked at me again, and at the same time, He pushed me out of the restaurant. "Go home. It's late at night. You're early for work tomorrow," he said to me. That's why I didn't do anything, and I saw that his comrades were talking to each other. That's why I turned around and was ready to walk when I heard screams on the side where I would take a taxi. Men were fighting, so I immediately changed the road and walked fast. I felt scared, so I looked behind me, and the people who were fighting were no longer there, so I continue walking. I bumped into something hard. I was stunned and shocked by a man holding a knife. "Don't go, miss, just come with us?" he said, and they immediately grabbed me, so I forced myself to struggle, but they didn't let me go, so I would have screamed when they covered my mouth. In a flash, I lost control of the man, a strong wind hit me, so I did not see who helped me. I lost sight of the other man who was planning to kidnap me. "Eh?" nothing of my own said, and I looked elsewhere where the men were, but why are they not here? Where are they now? Did Caex come? So I quickly went back to the restaurant, but it was closed already. "If they're all home, where's Caex?" I whispered to myself, and I was shocked when someone grabbed my shoulder and looked at someone who holds my shoulder. "I'm right here. What's your problem?" Caex asked me. Caex, he didn't seem to know what happened to me. I didn't do anything and finally bowed down. "I'm just about to go home. Do you want me to fetch you?" Caex said to me, so I frowned. But why does Caex seem so worried? "Did you beat up the men who planned to kidnap me?" I ask him, and he ignored me because suddenly his butler car is, here again, it's bizarre. I don't know what kind of person Caex is. Is he a magician? I heard him laugh, so I frowned, so I just stayed here in the car because he also pulled me in here. What are they talking about with Richard? Is there anything funny? "I'm very sorry if I let you wear that uniform. Starting tomorrow, you will have a simple uniform," Caex said to me. It's a good and straightforward uniform. If Caex does it to me again, I'll swear I will do something terrible. That isn't very pleasant. I got to my house when I got down, I immediately waved, and he just smiled at me, and they finally left so I was about to enter the gate when my heart suddenly beat and it aches as if someone was squeezing it. That's why I held my chest because of the extreme pain. I tried to get inside the gate, but I sat here in front of our entrance, and I was still holding my chest and did not lose the compressor here. I shouted, and I heard someone whisper to me. "A mortal should not be loved by an immortal." My eyes widened because of what I heard, and I looked around, and I was already in the room, wait. Why does it seem like I did a speed? What happened to me last night? I looked to the side where my mom was worried, and dad was also worried. "It's great to see you awake, my daughter. You have been sleeping in a few days," Mom said to me, and she burst into tears, so I stood up and touched my body. How many days did I sleep if anything was missing? "Mom, what do you mean a few days?" I asked her, and dad looked at them, and at the same time, someone came in here, and it's Caex. He was holding a plastic bag containing food. "You slept for five days, my dear. We were so worried because you fainted in front of the gate when you came home from work. It's good that someone saw you there," dad said to me, so I woke up and looked at Caex. "You mean I've been sleeping here for five days?" I asked them, and they nodded, and at the same time, I grabbed my head because it suddenly hurt. The last I heard was a whisper of a woman who is not old, who is she, and why she did this to me? "You shouldn't think about that. Rest from now," Caex said to me, so he looked at me, does what the man whispered to me mean that he was referring to Caex and me? Caex is the only one I've met recently. Is it possible that Caex is not a mortal? **
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