Immortal 12

2668 Words
Third person's PoV    In a cold place, two couples love each other in the big tree under it, and they talk happily. They don't have a permanent house because their home is full of chaos and because they want to get away, they decide to be together in the same cold place called Hyanxi.   They lived there. Fortunately, one was mortal, and the other was a wizard, and he was the most powerful wizard in the world of wizards and witches.   "Let's eat dearly, it will be night again, and the wolves will catch up with us," said a woman with blonde hair and her eyes glowing chocolate at night.   "All right dear, I'll just finish this weapon I'm making," replied the man with red hair and his eyes are so blue that you can see it when the moon or sun shines, in the place where they live, they have a house built for the two of them and their future child.   They are not married because, in the world, the man cannot love a mortal woman. Three weeks ago, the woman found out she was pregnant, and she was carrying a baby capable of saving herself and got it to his father.   "I'm happy, and we're going to have a child, my love," the woman smiled when her husband said this and touched her stomach that hadn't grown yet. The man already felt that it was complete, and they would only have a small child.   The next day, the man said goodbye to his wife that he would visit his world-first because he wanted to greet his friends with good hearts, especially the king of wizards.   "Come back here right away, Dear, I'll wait here," the woman said softly, and the man touched her stomach to say goodbye to his son/daughter before kissing the woman on the forehead, and he left.   The man has traveled far, and if you ask his name, he is Tyron Gueva Seryui Jindo, and the woman he loves is Francheska Reiyas Hannah Jindo. Even though they are not married, he wants his wife to have his last name.   When he arrived at the place where he grew up, many wizards looked at him, especially the witches who have sharp eyes on him because Tyron left without warning. The question is wouldn't the king be angry with what he did? Especially the queen.   "My dear king, you have a visitor who says he is your friend," said a soldier with a sword placed on its side and with a weapon put all over his body. The king stood up because he expected Tyron to come, and he is his friend.   When Tyron entered, the king was immediately surprised because he smelled where it came from, and he found out from the hyanxi. He immediately got down from his seat and approached the man standing in front of him and gave him more respect. It's good that the queen was not there because she was in the bedroom and sound asleep.   "What happened to you? And why are you only now returning?" Sadly, the king said, tapping his shoulder, and the man in front of him bowed. You will still be a friend, but it will no longer be the friend you knew. If you betray them, but you will become an enemy.   "I'm sorry, my dear king, I just want to be with the person I love, and I will not come back here until there is trouble happening here," Tyron also said sadly. The king just nodded because he understood that the king invited him to the dinner table, but Tyron refused because he had to go back to where the person he loved was.   "All right, be careful, remember, no matter how far away you are, I'm here to help you. Do you understand?" Said the parted and smiled at his friend and nodded, and he left, but he didn't expect a monster to disturb him. He needs to help the wizard overthrow it.    Currently waiting, his wife did not expect that she will give birth to their daughter and something shone on her body. She wrapped it in white bear fur, laid it in a wooden container, and brought it inside their house.    When she looked out the window, her eyes widened because armed men on horses were going to fight in their place. She first kissed her daughter on the forehead, gave her a necklace and a memory core, and laid it next to her.    "My daughter, I hope you can forgive me because it's also for you for your good and to live as a good child," the last thing Francheska said to her daughter and left the house. She attacks the armed men, and the sword she is using is the one she made. When someone ran with her on horseback, she immediately stabbed it in the body to fall, and she rode the horse.   She rides the horse, and she saw a man with white hair was chasing her, and he used a bow and arrow to shot Francheska in the heart. When Francheska looked around it, the bow hit her in the heart. She lost consciousness while bent over while she was still on the horse, and the horse was walking. She was bent over but lifeless.   With Tyron currently running fast because he felt that their house and his wife were in danger, he found armed men already lying down and unconscious and looked for Francheska.   "Francheska?! Where are you!" Tyron shouted, and he saw a horse just walking, and he saw her wife's body there, and he smiled because the person he loved was safe, but it disappeared immediately. Tyron's eyes widened that it had an arrow on the right side of her heart, and it bent down unconscious when the horse turned, it immediately fell, and the horse immediately left.   "No!" Tyron's shouted. The person he loved was gone, and her body was getting colder and colder, it was a pale sign that she was gone and she wouldn't open it again, the man holding in his arms was the woman he loved, and he hugged her with a crying baby in their house.   All the pain he felt was gone because he found out that there was a baby inside. He found out that his wife had given birth without his knowledge. He first laid his wife's corpse on a clean lawn, went inside their house, and approached the baby.   Tyron picked up the baby, and he still couldn't get in his mind what happened to his wife. He hugged the baby while crying, and at the same time, he laid it where it had a memory core next to it.   "Memory core, that's right I also need to include my memory core there so that when you grow up, you will remember us," he cried and cried when he said that, and it formed a white memory core with it and merged it with the memory core of his wife and him he smiled and started packing his things.   He came out after arranging the things they would use for the baby while carrying his child. He felt someone following him, so he ran fast and because Tyrone was so tired, He turned around, and the man with white hair was about to kill them. When Tyron's power suddenly struck the sword in front of him.   "That kid needs to die because she's the one who's going to bring trouble here!" Shouted the man with white hair, and there were armed men like him, but it looked like Tyron could fight harder. Tyron put the baby down first in the wood that was small like cardboard, and there he left his daughter to kill the man who was trying to take his baby's life with his father.   "I won't let you kill my daughter even if you touch her!" He shouted in anger, and when he pulled out a large sword in his hand that he could carry and had power inside, he began to rush at the man with white hair.   Tyron did not expect that his opponent was a witch who was more substantial than wizards. He knelt because of the wounds he received. Tyron looked up at the man in front of him. He stabbed Tyron in the lower part of his body, and at the same time was when Tyron explodes a power with poison, and they are all rocking because of the poison as well as the man with white hair, but he is surprised that it turns black and he can't believe it, but he let it fill it.   Tyron was walking on his foot, and he was also holding his lower right part of his body, and he took wooden cardboard, and Tyron put it down in a place where it was close to the human world because he knew someone was coming here to adopt the child. Tyron smiled at it and touched the cheek of his daughter, who had lost her parents immediately.   "Even if we disappear, we are still there in your heart. Don't let people fight you because you are not a normal person. After all, you are a wizard-like me," the baby's eyes widened. The color of his eyes was light brown, and hit by the light is even more beautiful insight. Her father is amazed because none of them got the look, even face, and eyes. It's because she is the reincarnation of Scarlet Diane Veliarosa.     "Forgive me, my daughter, but I have to leave you here. You will remember your mother loves you and father loves you too, and be healthy Scarlet always," Tyron said. He finally left. He put a letter on an old piece of paper, and the air letter there was Scarlet blood used to write the baby's name, and it didn't take long for Tyron to die.   "We're together now, my love," Tyron said before he lost consciousness. In a week, Two mortals found Tyron's daughter. They seemed surprised because there was light in its belly. The two looked at each other before approaching the baby, who was crying with hunger.   "Look, there's a baby left here!" Said the woman with the package and a man with the woman look also, who was probably the woman's husband, and they both looked at each other. They took the baby and left the forest. They raised the baby they considered the child's parent they grew, and its name is still Scarlet. Still, its last name is Questa, the man recognized by Scarlet's father, and she also recognized the woman as a mother because she did not know what happened to her birth parents. -- The six-year-old was running when she collided with a tall man, and Scarlet's gaze caught his eye on her, and the child wondered why he was so shocked by what he saw.   "Brother, I'm sorry! Don't be angry!" The girl quickly apologized to him, and until now, Caex couldn't believe what he saw because the girl in front of him was the girl he tried to save in the past a hundred years ago and finally finds the girl he loves.   Caex knelt in front of her and touched the girl's shoulder, and he was still shocked because the girl in front of him was Scarlet, who he tried to save a hundred years ago, and the girl was looking at the man.   "Mister?" The girl was surprised when a man she didn't know hugged her, so she just let it go because she thought maybe he misses her younger brother, so perhaps he hugged her, and that's what Scarlet had in mind.   "I miss you, my Scarlet, I miss you!" The man hugged her tightly, and the girl couldn't understand what he said, and she just let the man hug her until the girl's family came and immediately push the man who embraced Scarlet.   "Don't hurt our daughter. Stay away from her!" Said the girl's mother and finally scolded Scarlet, but Scarlet's eyes could not take her eyes off the man who was still on his knees until now and noticed he was sad she couldn't do anything because her mother was already pulling Scarlet.   Scarlet can't get that man out of her head because he's too big in her heart. She has the impression that she has known him for a long time. Another thing she feels is that she loves him, and it appears that Scarlet wanted to talk to that man, but Scarlet thought Caex didn't seem to understand her words, so she remained silent.   Scarlet was in a park, and she was the only one who played there building a castle, and she was surprised when someone sat in front of her and helped her do it, little by little Scarlet raised her head and when she saw a man in front of her he seemed to be happy with what he saw.    "It's you!" Scarlet was happy to see Caex again. Caex was shocked when Scarlet hugged him.    Caex pats her head because if he spoke again in his English language, Scarlet wouldn't understand it again. But the child said that the man could speak English because the child in front of her was eight years old, and she can understand the English language.    "You can speak now. I can understand you now!" The girl said enthusiastically in front of the man. Caex smiled and messed up Scarlet's hair throughout the afternoon. The two of them talked. Scarlet had some difficulty in English, but she still insisted. She was understanding its language because now the man in front of her is significant.   "I will take you home, Scarlet. It's dark now," said Caex, and Caex held the child's hand to take it home, but it stopped when he saw the child's family, who looked very angry again it was time to move away from the man who hugged her, but here it is again, and they will still hold hands.    "You don't understand how to stay away from that man!" His mother shouted and glared at Caex, and at the same time, she pushed the man, pulled Scarlet, took a taxi, and put her in there. There was nothing to do because if he restrained the child's mother, the girl he loved would only be hurt even more.    Caex, on the other hand, did not anticipate feeling as if the person he cared about had been in an accident. Still, it was too late for him to notice that the mother and daughter were being allowed inside, and the last person to enter was Scarlet, who had a wound on her head and was unconscious. He blames himself for the mistake, why you did that, Scarlet, why it happened.    A few months ago, Scarlet woke up, and she doesn't even remember the man she once was with, Caex and her parents, but they introduced themselves. They didn't mention the man she met. Scarlet, who had just recovered from an accident, was silently looking out the window and turned her gaze to her mother and father.   "Do I have any friends?" Scarlet asked. The couple was surprised by their child's question. The woman who hugged her with the man there rested profoundly and looked at Scarlet.   "You don't have a friend, my daughter. You're just starting to study again," she lied, and their daughter just nodded and turned to the window again. She couldn't understand why she felt that her mother was lying, and his father immediately asked if she was okay.    "Are you all right, my daughter? Are you feeling anything?" He asked, and their daughter shook her head and remained looking at the hospital window, and she smiled sweetly and at the same time faced the couple who were surprised by the look of their daughter.    "I am fine, don't worry."    **
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