Immortal 13

3103 Words
Scarlet’s PoV I was able to say goodbye to my adoptive mother and adoptive father. Now I'm here in front of Caex's mansion. I just walked from my home to his mansion because all of the taxis are afraid to come here at night. I don't know why because there's nothing scary sitting here in front of Caex's mansion. So I push the doorbell.   Why doesn't anyone seem to be coming out? Doesn't Caex know I'm going here? I thought he had the power to tell where I am? I rang the doorbell repeatedly, but no one came out. I waited for a few more hours, and my eyes widened when their gate opened on its own it's weird; maybe Richard opened it.   I went inside and saw the door of Caex's mansion open, so I took the suitcase I was carrying, and when I got inside I didn't see so Richard, why doesn't anyone seem to be here? I was about to go straight to the top when I heard a shout at the top of this mansion.   I looked up, and I let go of the suitcase, and I immediately went up there, and when I got there I saw the door of a room that I had never seen before, we didn't go here when he tours me into his mansion.   "Sir, relax, you can't force yourself," I heard Richard's voice, so I leaned on the side near the door and listened to what they were talking about, what was happening to Caex, and what was Richard saying to Caex to relax first and not force himself?   "I can do it, Richard. I need to see her. I miss her," miss her? Who does he miss? You i***t, Scarlet, you're still asking who he misses. It's evident that you're the woman he's referring to, and he doesn't have any other woman.   "Then what are you going to do, sir?" Richard asked, and I just peeked a little, and I saw Caex; his eyes were red, but his body was just average, and nothing changed. I went back to where I was leaning against the wall. I will wait for him because the person he misses is always right here.   I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer, and when he came out, he immediately looked to the side, and I smiled at him, and Caex could not believe what I saw, and I just smiled, and my eyes widened when he hugged me tightly.   "Caex, I can't breathe!" I stuttered, and he let go, and he smiled at me, and I saw Richard, who immediately bowed to me, and Caex's eyes were still on me. The truth is, what's happening to Caex now? What does he want me to do?   "Have you been there for a long time? In the side of the door." Caex asked, and I shook my head.   "I just arrive because mom and dad said I'm going to live here," I said with a smile, and I hugged him, and suddenly my heart was beating so hard, and I don't know why, but why is that? I feel like I will lose Caex?   "I'm happy that you will live here! I'll take care of you. I can save you right away if you are in danger," Caex said to me, and while I hugged him, he held my hand on the side only because he is hugging me now.   "I want you scarlet. I love you, and you know that, right?" Caex said to me, and I felt my heartbeat faster again, but it wasn't with him I felt, but with how I felt around us because I felt like an opponent was coming. I don't know why.   "Caex, I feel weird. I sense something is coming," I said to Caex, and his eyes immediately widened, and I shook my head immediately because he might think that I love him also. After all, I'm not there yet there, But I like him, and he is special to me.   "Strange? You can't feel anything here because you can only feel me. After all, I'm an immortal, right?" Caex said to me, and I thought to myself, he's right. He's the only immortal here in this mansion, and there's nothing left yet strange here in the world of mortals.   "Is that so? Of course!" I slapped him on the shoulder and let go of the hug before I did that, and I laughed so that he wouldn't notice that I'm serious now because I'm curious about how I feel right now.   "You should rest and look at the time," Caex said to me, and he kissed my forehead and just messed up my hair a little and left at the same time, so I also went in front of that door, but before I could leave there was a sound in the room where Caex and Richard were.   I look at it, and there was a light, so I slowly walked back to that room, and when I looked there, my eyes widened with a circle as big as a tunnel in the other world, a portal, so I back up a little bit and there was a place there that seemed familiar to me as if I had seen it in my dream.   I got closer and closer until I didn't realize the door closed instantly and I felt the strong wind, so I ran to the door, looked around, and began shouting.   "Caex!" I finally saw Caex enter this room, but it swallows me entirely by the portal, and I just closed my eyes, and I feel grass sticking to my skin now.   My eyes widened when I was in a forest where there were many trees and only birds I could hear, and big ones were flying above, and I didn't know what it was. I woke up when I fell here on the grass, and when I looked at my feet I lost my shoes?!   I looked for my shoes, but I didn't find anything don't you say I will walk barefoot? I don't know if I can handle that. I looked again where I fell.   "It's annoying. How can I walk like this!" I said irritably and stood up simultaneously, and I shook my pants because of the dirt, and I just ignored that I was barefoot now, I started to walk, and I saw a small house in the tree, and I went there.   I felt a strong wind, so I parted my hair, hit my cheek and my eyes widened when a man was standing in front of me with the body of a dog and when I looked I immediately backed away because what is in front of me now is just a human horse.   "Stay away from me!" I shouted and just frowned at him, and my eyes widened as this man transform into a complete human body and looked at me, and he spread his hand, and I reached for it to stand up because I was sitting when I stepped back earlier.   "Don't be afraid of me, the creature from the mortal world," he said to me, and I frowned at how he knew I was from there? Wait, did he see me come here?   "Wait, how did you find out?" I asked him, and the man pointed out where I came from, and the wind was strong there, and there were only flying bat there, is this where Caex is going? In his world? And his natural home?   "Caex comes here to greet us. We are the ones who took care of him and taught him how to be an immortal," he said to me, and I was just surprised and when I looked at the place where I came from there was no tunnel there, wait how can I come back now?!   "How can I recoup this?! Can he get here without using a tunnel?" I asked the man, and my entire body trembled with the nervousness I'm experiencing right now. I'm correct, but I have no idea when I will return to the mortal world.   "Caex can't come here. He needs to build strength first so that he can build a tunnel here again," he said to me, and I was shocked. Did Caex himself make that tunnel? What happened to their tunnel before?   "Wait? Why did he make a tunnel to get here? Where is the real tunnel?" I asked him, he invited me to sit first, and I sat down on a big and long tree, and he sat down as well.   "The vampires destroyed our real tunnel for a long time, They are stronger than us, but when Caex came here, the lives of people living nowadays in the world of Fixuiroius were quite well again," he said to me. Now I just noticed that this world is Fixuiroius. What kind of creatures live here?   "Is that so? It's sad. What is it that lives here?" I asked him, and the first thing he pointed out was the flying ones that also have human bodies and have tails.   "Those flying ones are called Winged Serpent. Some witches and wizards live here. I don't even know why they live here, but the king also agreed for them to live here," he said to me. Winged serpent is familiar to me. Have I heard of it, or have I just read in a book? But who is he referring to as the king of their world?   "Which king are you referring to?" I asked him, I haven't asked his name yet, maybe I'll ask him later, he pointed to something in front of me and I looked there and saw a big kingdom there.   "The king who can destroy this world who is the most potent immortal of all he taught Caex how to be an immortal. How to control himself and love a mortal just in case, and I didn't make a mistake because you are the woman our savior loves," he said to me, and I couldn't believe it and in the kingdom were still winged serpents there.   "What is the king's name, and does he know how I can return to my world?" I asked him, and he immediately stood up, so I just looked at him when he just turned his back.   "Sander Gabriel De'youre is a king who is looking for a queen, so be careful because he doesn't know you," he said to me, so I held my chest because I felt nervous and scared but why?   "No queen? Does that mean he's the only one in the kingdom?" I asked him, and he nodded, and suddenly the wind got more assertive, and I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes the man I was talking to was gone, and now my eyes widened with a man standing in the light and with a sword placed on its side and formally dressed as a king.   I was surprised when the man in front of me slowly approached me, and the man I was talking to turned into a horse that could not speak and I looked at the man in front of me now, and he suddenly touched my wrist.   I also obeyed because I was afraid of his aura, and he held my wrist tightly, and in a flash, we immediately reached his kingdom, stopped in front of the door, and immediately averted my eyes.   "Mortal, what are you doing in this world?" He asked me how did he know I was a human being? Do they have the same power as Caex? Little by little, I looked at him, and his eyes were like Caex's eye color.   "Of course, I have an eye of immortal, and we're the same but wait, how did you know him?" He asked me, and his very handsome appearance dumbfounded me. Why are all immortals stunning? Are monsters like them just like that?   "He's my friend, I accidentally got enter to his portal, and it's gone when I turn around to look for it," I'm still stunned to say. I can't speak Tagalog because maybe he doesn't know how to express it like Caex.   "A friend?" I heard him whisper, and he pulled me inside his kingdom, and I immediately felt scared and cold when we enter this kingdom. Is he living all by himself for his entire life?   "Well, yes, I'm sorry if I drag you here because I need a temporary queen," he said to me, and my cheeks immediately became hot, and I was pushed back about a meter from him, and his forehead twitched.   "Wait? I'm going to speak Tagalog because it seems you understand what I am saying, don't you? Why would I be a temporary queen if there is no love between us, right?" I said to him, and I heard him laugh, so I got a poker face.   "Because I know that my best friend will come here and get you," he said to me. Best friend? Is he a best friend of Caex? I was surprised when he quickly approached me like a vampire, so I backed away even more.   "Don't be scared. I won't bite?" the man said to me. Yes, I know that I rested intensely and stood up well and didn't back down again; instead, I strolled so that he could back down.   "Caex will be here? Then when it's that?" I asked him, and I thought to myself, I hope I don't stay here for a long time later, because for my thought they will fight, and I'll be affected, how will Caex feel?   "I thought Caex couldn't feel anything? But why is he have some feelings for you? That is strange," he said to me, feeling? Doesn't he think that way? Why didn't he tell me that? I was silent and could not speak because of what he said.   "You're asking me if he will come right now? Well, it's not that easy because three months will come first before he completely builds that entrance of his," he said to me, and I was shocked. I felt my body got numb to what he said.   "He what? Three months?" I just sat here on the floor and didn't know what to do when it entered my mind when we can be together, and this is happening. The truth is there is something that is Caex not telling me?   "Yes, you can stay here. I have a guest room that is close to the master which is my room," he said to me, and he asks me to followed him, I stood up, and I stopped because I saw a photo of two men and when I looked there is a boy aged only maybe 15 or 16?   "That's young Caex and me," he said to me, and it seemed like I had seen him for a long time as if he was the man who tried to save me, and I remembered, he was the Caex who wanted to keep me but it was too late, I died, and he was outraged and hurt.   I didn't say a word, and I voluntarily went first, and I waited for king Sander to climb, and I followed him, who was the first again, and we stopped in front of the guest room door he opened it.   "This will be your room, Scarlet," he said to me, and I nodded. I was just wondering if I will be the temporary queen of this kingdom first. Nothing terrible will happen if I accept what he said, right?   "I'm ready," I said, and it stopped when the door was about to close, and I arranged for us to face him and looked at him with his eyes like Caex. I miss that man even though I sometimes hate him.   "You agreed to be my temporary queen?" he asked me, and I nodded, and he smiled and nodded as well and finally went inside of the guest room where I can sleep and stay for three months.   I rolled my eyes, and the first thing I noticed was the red bed. It was the master bedroom. It was round, and the pillows were black. It had a curtain on the top white and the mirror where you would fix yourself. There is a flower root surrounding there and the two windows with black curtains. The bathroom is clean. What I'm stepping on now tiles down and you can lie down here if you want, I go to the window, and when I open the window the strong wind hit me immediately, and I saw the whole world.   I was about to close the window when someone stopped me there, and my eyes widened at a young child in front of me now, and maybe he was eight or ten years old? He smiled at me and entered my room, and I backed away.   "Are you the new queen in this kingdom?" He asked me, and I nodded. I have to be brave, and they also don't have to know that I'm just an ordinary person because when they find out, I'm sure they'll kick king Sander.   "Welcome to the kingdom, my queen. I am one of the servants of king Sander," servant? I thought only king Sander lived here alone, but why does he have a servant to help him? Do I think he is the strongest?   "Servant? I thought a king is living all by itself?" it's so embarrassing to call him my king. Better call him king Sander also. It's more comfortable whatever.   "Yes, our king is living all by himself because his servants are living underground, and when our king is in danger, we are there to protect him," he said to me. King sander didn't mention his servants to me. Maybe I'll ask him when we talk again.   "It's that so? Okay, I get it. You can go now. I need to rest," I said to him. I'm not going to sleep; I'm just exhausted because I feel like I've lost all my energy when I first arrived in this world.   "Yes, my queen," he bowed to me and paid his respects, and he went down, and I looked at what he was going down, and a man was looking at me who was his companion, and they went away, three men and two women who were both children.   "His servants are quite weird." **
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