Immortal 30

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Sarah's PoV What am I doing in the human world? Why am I going to an immortal's mansion with a mortal woman as its companion? I'm a vampire, and King Sander sent me here because he said I could help Scarlet and Caex.   I put on my black hood right quickly since people noticed me right away, and I didn't want them to know there was a vampire in their midst; I was sure the hunters would get me soon away.   The hunters are usually humans who murder vampires like us, but like us, some become enraged when they can't drink blood from people because of human blood.   So the people set up a blood bank where the employees gave blood, and the vampires purchased it so that when the public saw the vampires, they would believe we would repurchase the blood of human beings.   As I strolled, I came upon a mansion that piqued my interest, but as I peered closer, there was a barrier; how do I see specific barriers? I was born with an eye that can determine if you have an aura on you, and I haven't regretted it.   I approached the mansion, and There was writing the last name of the person I was looking for on the gate; this is most likely the mansion I was looking for, the villa where I will devote my life if I am to serve the estate, and I can only defend the two of them.   I rang the doorbell and waited a few minutes for the gate to open automatically, and I saw a woman looking up at the sky. Is this the woman King Sander is referring to? When I saw her body with a baby growing her tummy, I was astonished; will they have a child straight away?   "What's your name? Are you confused about where you are? How did you get in here?" The woman asked me a question, and she gave me her full attention. I immediately sensed her kindness, as well as the fact that she was a half-mortal and half-wizard.   "I'm not lost. I'm here to serve you. King Sander sent me here to serve you and Caex," I told her as I knelt next to her. The wind blew away my hood, and my hair came out short, and she was surprised when I looked up.   "Oh, yes! Wait, how did you get here? Does King Sander recognize us? And you're a vampire?" She asked me a question, and I nodded and smiled back; She grinned back and made me stand on my knees at the exact moment.   "We'll hire you as our second servant! Please come!" She dragged me into the mansion, and as soon as I stepped inside, I sensed the mighty strength that will most likely be Scarlet's boyfriend.   "Where is the master?" I inquired to Scarlet, and she stared at me and then at me again, so I frowned again, and she snorted, for reasons I don't understand.   I looked around and didn't see a portrait; perhaps this is what the person I was serving wanted. Scarlet returned with a cup of tea, which she placed on the small plate and handed to me.   "He is upstairs resting," She said to me, and she invite me to sit, and when I sat down, she goes to the kitchen.   "How is King Sander doing in your world?" She asked me, and I sipped some tea first, then set the glass down and stared at her intently, and she stared back at me intently.   "He's well, but Brian has a message for you," I told her as I pulled the letter from my pocket and handed it to her, who grinned when she saw it. Are they close?   "I miss that kid, and why did you call him Brian, by the way? I call him Aserious," She inquired, perhaps because he was perplexed as to why I referred to that boy as Brian, since when I did, she snarled, stating that she does not want me to call him Aserious and that only Scarlet does have the authority to do so.   "Is that true? How sweet, I thought he was still shy around women, but based on what you said, it doesn't appear to be the case," She said to me, and she laughed softly, so I laughed softly as well, and I noticed that the master was coming down, or should I say King Caex.   "Oh, there's a visitor?" the master said. I stood up and knelt as soon as I heard King Caex say it; there's a chance he won't accept what I said because King Sander is also suffering from cold emotions brought on by this King Caex.   "She's not a visitor! She works for us!" Scarlet protested, that's why I looked at her, and I wondered why. I didn't expect mortals like her to be friendly to a vampire-like me who buys someone's blood at the blood bank.   "It's okay, queen, I didn't introduce myself yet, which is why he calls me a guest," I said to her, and she looked at me, and I was still on my knees while holding Queen Scarlet's hand, and it's better to call her a queen because she looks beautiful and deserves to be called one.   "What do you mean, Queen? I am neither a queen nor a princess," She said to me, which surprised me even more because she smiled at me and made me stand up again when I knelt. Why is she like that she will be my first Queen Scarlet when I serve them?   "I know, but I'd like to address you as Queen Scarlet, and to him is King Caex." I smiled at them, and King Caex approached Queen Scarlet, which relieved me; they love each other, and I'm sure no one can separate them   "My name is Sarah De Teour, and King Sander sent me," I bowed as a sign of respect, and when I looked up, I thought King Caex had no reaction, and he just tapped my shoulder, and suddenly we heard the door open, and there I saw a man who had just come in, and who is this?   Scarlet's PoV   "Oh! Why are you here now, Kristoffer? I told you to hurry up, didn't I?" I asked Kristoffer, who had just arrived in time to introduce him to Sarah, our new servant is Caex. Was he happy now? Since we already have two servants? I noticed his frown when I looked at him.   "Sorry, I have a pressing matter to attend to, so what do you require?" He asked, and I immediately drew Sarah and turned her to Kristoffer, who immediately backed away because she appeared scared? What do you think? What's the issue, and why are you afraid? Do I believe he is strong?   "What is her name? Is that your friend?" He asked me right away, and I shook my head and pushed Sarah towards him, and Sarah came to a halt and looked up at the man in front of her, who had spread his hand.   "I'm Sarah De Teour's new servant; are you a friend of the queen?" She asked Kristoffer, and his brow furrowed. Perhaps he wondered why Sarah called me Queen. I don't know as long as I just felt that's her hobby.   "Oh? A new servant also, I'm Kristoffer Helion Cier, and it's a pleasure to meet you, miss," Kristoffer said softly, and I smiled because he quickly discovered that I approached Caex and ran into him.   "Why?" Caex asked me.   "Are you all right? It's as if you're unhappy when you learn we've hired a new servant," What's the problem with this one? I asked Caex, and he immediately averted his gaze, so I frowned.   "Do you have an issue?" I told Caex that I assumed we wouldn't think about what might happen, but he still seems to be thinking about it. I took his hand in mine so that he could gaze at me.   "I don't have problems or issues, and I need to go. Sarah and Kristoffer follow me," Caex said to the two servants, and they immediately followed, which irritated me. And why isn't my name on the list? This trickery.   I just went outside to keep my cool. I went to the garden where Caex killed that maid. The atmosphere was pleasing again, not like before.   I sat on the bench and felt a strong wind hit me, so I closed my eyes. Later, I felt someone lift me, so I didn't open my eyes, possibly because only Caex lifted me and carried me to our room.   But why was it taking him so long to put me to bed? Where am I now? I opened my eyes, and my eyes widened when it wasn't Caex who lifted me, but a man with black and red hair, and I immediately chin up, but he wouldn't let me go.   "I caught her, sir," he said, and my eyes widened as he lowered me in front of a man seated on a throne and holding a glass containing red liquid; aren't they vampires?   "We are vampires; I need you," he said, frowning at me. Why would he need me? Is he aware I'm a wizard? When I sat down, I stood up and folded my arms.   "Do you require my assistance? I'm not outstanding enough for you to demand me." I was about to walk away when he emerged in front of me, smiled, and touched and smelled my hair, so I slapped him on the back of his weak hand.   "No need to flirt with me; I just need to go back to where my home is," I told the vampire as I walked straight out of the mansion, but when I came out, I was surprised to see the entire world around me.   I saw someone coming into this mansion today, so I backed away and leaned on a body, so I turned around and almost fell because the stairs would be stepped on when I came out, and the man immediately grabbed my hand, and we stared.   "Be more careful because I need your daughter to love me," he said to me. What does he mean by that? Is he already insane? He's a vampire who will live a long time, but I can't let him take me like this while I'm pregnant.   "I'm not going to let you convince me that I need to go home!" I told him, and he smiled and touched my forehead, making me dizzy, so I closed my eyes and swallowed, making me sleepy   Sarah's PoV   "I just saw her here, but she left right away; why didn't you take her to the meeting, king?" I saw him here earlier, but why did she leave so abruptly? Who accompanied her? And the king is still restless to this day.   "Damn it! It's my fault for not inviting her to our meeting," He said to Kristoffer and me, and even though he was with me, there was nothing I could do. Perhaps I'll look for the Queen first.   "I'll go look for her," I told the two of them.   "I'm going with you," Kristoffer said, and when I looked at the king, he disappeared entirely like a bubble. Perhaps he might start looking for his Queen as well. I acted as well, telling Kristoffer to separate us for other habits he seeks, and I teleported using my ability.   I went to the world of vampires today. I feel the presence of Queen Scarlet is here, so here I will start looking. Many people know me here, so others frequently ask me why I like to wear black clothes because the black dress here is not allowed; I'm just breaking the law.   I began to walk quickly and came to a halt when I heard the Queen's voice, and when I looked around, there was a hand coming towards me with long nails, so I jumped to get out of there.   "Allow me to go! What are you going to do with me?!" The Queen's voice was so loud that when I rushed to the person holding her, someone blocked my path, so I came to a halt, and she suddenly used fire on me and hit me. I landed directly in front of the Queen.   "Queen..." I spoke with difficulty, and I looked at her, and she was stunned by what was happening, so I forced myself to stand up, and when I stood up, I looked at the man holding her, and I thought to myself, this is the king here, what does he need from the Queen?   "You are a queen? Queen of wizards, I guess?" He let go of her, and she looks at me.   "Sarah, get out of here! You have to live to serve Caex and me, but don't give your life for this useless thing!" She said to me, and I understood what she meant.   "I'm not leaving! I'm going to save you, my Queen!" I said, and I was about to stand up when the king hit me with his power.   I can't move in my seat, but why can't I? I forced myself to move and used all of my strength to get up, but I failed because I couldn't stand up because of the force of the power that was now encircling me.   When I look at the Queen, I am surprised because I see the spirit in her body, but what I see now appears to be getting stronger and more prominent, shining there in her body, and it came from the child?   "I told you I wanted to go home, didn't I? So please allow me to return home!" I watched them both to see what would happen, and I was shocked when she looked at the man very severely, and suddenly Queen Scarlet made an electric purple mixed with a black aura.   "I will kill you with this power and send you to hell!" I was surprised when the Queen's eyes changed color, which made me even more impressed with her; she is a true wizard; perhaps these are her daughter's eyes.   I saw how the Queen placed what she had built in her palm, and she immediately ran and took my hand to make me stand up. And I felt like I was moving, so we ran, and I used my ability to get out there swiftly.   We left right away and came to a halt because I knew we wouldn't be able to catch up with it. The Queen grabbed her stomach, possibly worried that she and the king's child would be injured, so I approached her and held her hand to calm her down. She appeals to me.   "Queen, don't be concerned about the king's child; it's fine," I told her that based on what I could see, the baby in her womb is fine and has no chance of dying.   "I was worried right away because I was afraid of what he would do to us," she said, and I saw tears immediately dripping from her eyes, so I wiped them away and hugged her as a servant I needed to comfort the Queen.   "It's okay, queen, everything will be fine, so for now, let's go back home," I said, and when I closed my eyes, we teleported to the mansion and went straight inside, where she sat down, and I followed.   "Caex, where are you? Is he looking for me as well?" She asked me, and I nodded, and she immediately stood up, so I assisted her in standing up, and he immediately went upstairs; I'm not sure what she'll do there, so I let her.   Maybe I'm dangerous here first so that when I leave, that man will retake the Queen, so I sat on the sofa first and waited for the two to return here. I know those two will return. All I can do is whisper that to my fellow vampires.   When I was still weak, so I leaned my head on the sofa and closed my eyes. I don't know what that man did to me, but I feel like it is absorbing all my power. Maybe I need to calm down first to get my strength back.   **
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