Immortal 06

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Scarlet’s PoV "What if Anthony asks me about you? What will I say?" I asked Caex while he was driving the car, and he looked at me, and he immediately smiled foolishly. Even when he was really like that, he was still very handsome. "Tell him what you should say, but don't ever say that I'm the man who saved him, let's just say that he is my father, the one who saved him," he said to me, and I nodded, he also had a point if Caex looks like the one who saved him. "Okay, you said that. Will I come to work early tomorrow?" I asked him, and he nodded, and I smiled broadly, and I held his hand. I wonder if it will work hi ability now. "Caex, my abdomen is in pain" when I pretend, and at the same time, I hold my abdomen as if it is too much pain like this because those who have periods will hurt the pain, especially if it is true it might be too much pain. "What? Aren't you feeling well?" he asked me, and he immediately stopped the car, and he held my hand. He looks funny. I want to laugh, but I can't because you know I'll try if he uses his powers. "It hurts so much, Caex," I said to him, and he was confused. "Where will I take you? What should I do when your stomach hurts?!" I laughed in my backyard, and when I looked at the exit, I was shocked when the place was different, we went to a hospital, so I touched his hand. "Wait, Caex, why are you in the hospital ?! I'm just joking. I want to see how you will use your power," I told him, and he got a poker face, and I laughed at him, and he immediately took a deep breath. "Don't make me worry, i***t," he said to me, and I laughed softly, and he continued to drive, and we reached my house, and he immediately stopped the car, and I looked at him before getting off. "Good night, bye!" I said to him, and I was shocked when he took my hand, and Caex brought his face close to mine, and my heart beat faster, and his blue eyes did not escape my sight. "Remember always to take care. I don't think if I can save you as the past happens, and I already told you that I try to save you, but I fail," Caex said to me, and I nodded if I was destined of those days to die, maybe I will also accept if I die now or in the next few days. "I know that, Caex, but I hope when I die, I'll live again," I said to him with a smile, and his eyes just widened, and I finally got out of his car and waved at him before I turned around. I walked inside our house, and I looked behind me if his car was still there, but no one left right away. He was fine. I immediately went inside our house then. Mom and dad are not here yet, so I went up to my room. I lay down on my bed and rolled myself there. I still can't believe what's happening around me now, I'm indeed Avery in the past, and I was with Caex there, and he has lived in this world for a long time. But what if he dies and takes away his immortality? That can't happen. Caex is a monster, and when I remember, I met him at the fountain where he was always staring at how I looked there. "Caex is still handsome," I whispered to myself, and I shivered here alone, and I was still rolling here on my bed, and I was restless, and I took my phone. I looked to see if Caex had a text, but he didn't. That's why I text him first. To: Caex Are you home already? From: Caex Not yet. Stop texting me. I'm driving. To: Caex Alright! See you tomorrow! I am going to work very early! Good night! I smiled and put my phone in the drawer, and I immediately went to bed again, and I slept because I was already exhausted from our trip to where we went. "Scarlet, wake up!" "Scarlet," "Scarlet!!" I woke up when I heard Caex's voice, and my heart was beating so fast, and I looked around to see if Caex was here, but I didn't think it was just a dream, but he called me by my old name. I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower right away, and when I finished taking a shower, I took my uniform to that restaurant, and I fixed myself, and after that, I went down and found breakfast is already ready, but dad was not there. "You should eat right now! Breakfast is ready!" "Mom informed me that they had met Caex. She is with mom and me, so she is like this if she scolds me because she is not my mother in the past. I also wonder if I'm Avery? I took the sandwich prepared by mom, and I ate immediately. And while I was eating, I felt my phone vibrate, signaling that someone was texting. From: Caex Where are you? Are you having your breakfast this morning? Look at the time. My eyes widened when I saw the time on my phone, and I immediately ate the sandwich and drank the milk, and I immediately said goodbye to mom and at the same time went out of the house and took a taxi. To: Caex Sorry! I'm on my way! I can do this again with Caex when I just went to work with him, and then I was late right away, but I also thought, where Caex study when I wasn't with him? What could he have done during the times I was not yet alive? Caex's PoV I put down my phone and put it aside. If you ask me how I quickly learned the Tagalog language is simple, I read all night the book given to me by Richard, which is full of Tagalog language. "Sir, Scarlet has just arrived right now," my secretary said to me, and she left immediately, and Scarlet immediately entered here, and she bowed to me, so I stood up and approached her. "What took you so long?" I asked her, and she just smiled at me, and she thinks about something again, which is why I massaged my forehead a little and is worried about me again. "Does your forehead hurt?! Wait, sit down first and--" "Are you here to work or to massage me?" I said to her. Her eyes widened, and she shook her head simultaneously, so I laughed at what she said, and I sat in the swivel chair and watched her leave my office. "Bye, sir!" she said to me, so I laughed softly, and I looked back at the computer that I had been looking at for years, and in the year I was looking for, I searched for the name of Avery Scarlet Veliarosa, and this is what she looked like I have seen. My eyes widened at what I saw the day Avery Scarlet Veliarosa died, and I vividly remember it was the day she died and the day a girl I knew was Avery's sister also died? I fell into my arms, and I couldn't believe what I saw, so which of them did I meet? They look alike, and her parents separate them because Avery needs to be watched and die to get what she wants, and her sister's name is Scarlet Daine Veliarosa. I closed my eyes to remember everything, but in my memories, it was just a baby. It was Avery, but I didn't see any of his twins with her in the carriage where I woke up, and I first met her. I got up and went out of my office, and I saw Scarlet wiping the table, so I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my office, and I made her sit on the sofa and immediately grabbed her head to enter his memory closed my eyes. Scarlet Daine Flashback Memories "Mom, are you sure you're going to separate Avery and me?" she asked her parents, and they nodded while Avery was playing in the garden while her serious and hard-working twin wanted to get what Avery deserved to be queen. "You two need to be separated because of the two of you separated. One of you would die," mom said. Diane smirk because she doesn't care about her twin sister. "All right, mom, don't tell him she has a twin sister so that she won't look for me," she said to her parents, and her parents nodded, and she got into the carriage and looked at the kingdom. She felt heartache and grabbed it. She didn't know why her heart was hurting when her eyes suddenly closed and when she opened it she was in the garden, and she was lying down and saw a man staring straight at Avery's figure. It made her think that she will become Avery because her soul came close to her twin sister's body. After all, if Avery's soul is now in her body, it means Avery will still be the queen in the end, so she thought she is the one who will die. That's why their soul just got traded because it was supposed to be Avery to go away, not her. She didn't think of being queen because her acquaintance, Caex, was an ordinary unemployed man. She also believed that Avery should be the queen and not her because she is to die and not her twin if you think about her. She loves Caex very much, and she promises that she will live again and she will see Caex again. End of Scarlet Daine Flashback Memories I removed my hand from Scarlet's head and frowned at me, and at the same time, she touched my cheek, so I immediately felt the systems in her body. "Are you okay, Caex?" she asked me, and I nodded. I thought she was missing, then his soul moved to Avery's body, but even though she wanted to be queen, I will still accept her, and if it's not for me to meet her maybe, she will still live evilly. "I'm fine. Do you want the two of us to have dinner later at my mansion?" I said to her, and his eyes widened, and I read what was on her mind 'I will eat again at Caex's mansion?!' I laughed softly. "Oh, what are you laughing at, Caex? Of course, I'll eat at your mansion!" she said to me, and I pat her head, and I messed up her hair, and at the same time, I kissed her on the forehead, and she blushed immediately. "Go back to work again," I said to her, and she nodded and at the same time saluted and finally came out, so I smiled. She is the Scarlet that I know for a long time. Scarlet's PoV My shift was about to end, so I hurried because Caex told me that we would both eat at his mansion. When I finished wiping the last table with dirt, I immediately washed my hands and saw Caex come out of the office and what I see with him now is strange. "Caex?" "Don't come near me--" he stammered to me, and I could see how red his eyes were. Where is the heck his beautiful light blue eyes go? Why are his eyes like this now? I just followed, and I immediately went inside his office to look for his phone. Do I need to tell his butler to help him? When I find his phone, I gaze at his computer and my picture is there. I shook my head. I needed to call Richard his butler. "Hello," "Hello, sir? Are you--?" I didn't let him finish on what he was going to say. "Get Caex here! It looks like something is happening to him. I don't know what to do. I can't get close to him," I told him, and I waited for his answer, but he just gave me a sigh. "I'm sorry, miss, but sir told me about that. I know that he is in monster again," he said to me? Monster? He's indeed a monster, so I immediately dropped the call and put his phone on the table here, and I left his office. I went where he was going and above that and when I went up there I saw him wrapped in black and something was coming out from behind him that I didn't know so I turned around and listened to what would happen next. I peeked a little, and my eyes widened as he gradually had big fangs and wings behind him, and suddenly he looked in my direction, so I was nervous. I need to get out of here. If not, Caex will surely catch me. At the same time, I ran back and hurried to get all my belongings in the staff room and immediately left this restaurant. I could not say goodbye to his other employees there when I came out of my restaurant I felt a strong wind and when I looked up my eyes widened when I saw Caex there. "Caex..what are you going to do?" I couldn't speak properly, and I sat here on the cement and caex slowly approached me but what surprised me was that he hugged me so tightly I don't know why. "Let me..-stay for this for a while.- I need to relax," Caex said to me. That's why we lasted like this. Caex hugged me, and I slowly touched Caex's back even though the caex wings' color redone and smiled. I can feel my heart beating so fast because we have been hugging for so long, and I can also see that Caex's red wings are slowly entering inside his body. I wonder why his wings are red? "I don't know either why my wings are red," I heard him say. I let him loosen up when he hugged me, and he looked me in the eyes, his eyes returned to the formerly blue, and I was already holding his cheek as he seemed to have calmed down. "I think you are different Caex, you are not a monster," I said to him. Yes, I believe that he is not a demon raised by another demon. I know he was just born that way, but what is the real-life of Caex? "Don't even know my own story," he said to me, so I smiled. He read what I was thinking again, so I laughed softly. He stood up while sitting here on the cement, and I also stood up. "Let's go," he suddenly grabbed my hand, and he immediately put me in his car, and at the same time he drove, and he didn't say a word, and I didn't say a word either, I just looked here at the window of his car and got down. When we got to his mansion, he stopped his car, and I was shocked when a man opened the door and looked at him, who you thought was a doll that moves spontaneously, so I just let it go. I saw Richard trying to remove his boss's coat, and he looked at me and bowed, and at the same time, I went inside, and Caex immediately made me sit on the chair, and he sat down as well. I looked at the two of them talking as if you thought Richard was whispering a secret. "What do you want to eat?" Caex asked me, and I thought, do they have pasta here? "Two pasta is better, Richard go get it," he said to his butler; he nodded and immediately went to the kitchen, the speed he can read my mind, But never mind. That at least I'm not tired of speaking. There was a vibration here in his palace, and there was a chandelier hanging there when the gold color came in, and the handle of their stairs here was silver with a butterfly design, but why black butterflies. Pictures are hanging that I don't know, and there is a picture here of him wearing an old-fashioned hat and wearing a black coat as if he were a grim reaper or a goblin? It's just his face, and it's funny. "Are you done scanning the area?" I heard his voice, and I looked at him, and I was shocked when the pasta was ready, and he was waiting for me to eat, and I ate immediately. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked him, and he looked at me immediately because he had looked at me differently. "Are you stupid? You already knew, and you're still asking me that?" He said. Of course, he is immortal, and people like him do not consume food. **
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