Immortal 14

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Scarlet's PoV Someone was holding my cheek and playing with my hair. I opened my eyes just a little bit, and from what I could see, it was King Sander doing that. I thought Caex was always there with me. "Did I wake you up?" King sander said to me immediately, and I finally got up and blinked and just shook my head. I fixed my hair. He messed up because it looks like this king was happy to play with my hair. "Come down and dress in decent clothes because I will introduce you to everyone as a queen," King sander said to me, and I stopped for a moment to open the bathroom door, and I heard him come out, so I went inside the bathroom. When I finished taking a bath, five women were waiting for me, and they were carrying hairdressers and were also having makeup, and I approached them. Maybe they were the ones that King Sander took to fix me. "I want my hair a little curly," I said to the woman who was fixing my hair. She nodded and to the woman who was doing my makeup. "I want simply makeup, not to be dark and not to be light, just simple," I said, and she nodded, and there was a woman by my side who was supposed to put color on my nails, so I immediately told her what I wanted. "Plain color will do," I said to her, and she nodded, and they started to fix me, and I saw myself in the mirror, I feel like I'm going to be a real queen now, and I don't feel like a temporary queen. After they arranged for me, the gown I was going to wear was a tube top, and on the waist, there were diamonds there to separate. On top of those that seemed to dissolve, those diamonds were very close to the top, and the bottom has roses designed there, and the sandals I wear are four inches. I'm not used to tall ones. How is that? But I'll try that too. When I finished putting on the gown, the woman who fixed my hair supported me, and they left me because I was the one to go down. When I stepped on the first step of the stairs, I immediately saw the people I thought were real. They look like us, but they are different creatures. "Everyone, please all welcome our new queen of fixuiroius kingdom!" An older man said that and I saw King Sander waiting for me below, so I slowly went down, and when I got down, I immediately clung to King Sander to pretend that we are so close. How will Caex know that I accepted the offer of a king who is still his best friend? How would Caex feel that his princess became queen right away in his friend's world? I want to cry, but I can't because I don't want people here to see I'm sad for no reason. "Thank you, Scarlet, for accepting my offer to you," King sander said to me. I didn't say anything because if I kept quiet, maybe just what I could say and perhaps I would get back the offer I accepted, there was a dining room party I don't know why I see others leaving that maybe they have something else. "Do you want to eat?" King sander asked me, and I looked at the dishes that were not human dishes but some animals they ate. How should I eat? I've been starving for a while, and when I go to sleep, I'm probably hungry for that. "You are so problematic. I will request the maids to cook a mortal food," King Sander said to me, and he whispered the last thing he said to me, and he just whispered because people might think that I'm a mortal. I just sighed. I clasped my two hands because other people were coming in and saw the man I had just before. After all, I slept because I was so tired. I'm right. The two men are older, probably twenty or more, because they looked like young men, and the two young women seemed to be strong because of the sharp objects they were holding. "My queen, we're here to protect you and the king," they said to me, and they all knelt immediately, and I didn't bother to make them stand up right away because they might wonder that I have a human heart even though I have to assume that I am among those who live here in their world. "I'm glad you came. By the way, can you all introduce me?" I asked them, and they nodded. The first one to introduce was the girl with a ponytail, and she was wearing a short, and it had a tail on the back, and her top looked like she had a bra with a tube. "I am Jinkie Trinoxius, the little witch and most powerful kid, and this kid beside me is Freiya Trinoxius. She is a bit shy, but she is as honest and powerful as me," Jinkie said, and she smiled at me. They are both adorable sisters. They followed the man wearing a hat, and below the man looking at me when I peeked looked at me. "Zero Klayde De Javes, you can call me Zero. I'm a werewolf, as you can see in my eyes," he said to me, and when I stared at him for a long time, his eyes were yellow, and I immediately looked away because I felt it. I'm scared. "I am Hector Olyxius. My power is not that powerful, but you can trust me, my queen. But first, guess what I am?" He said to me, and when he raised his head, his eyes were red wait, is he a vampire? Do I think vampires are their enemy? "You are a vampire, right?" I asked "Wrong, my queen! I'm a bat!" Hector said to me. Is he a bat? Is there such a thing in this world? I thought vampires had red eyes but bats too? But isn't the color of the bat's eyes are brown? How did it turn red scary terrifying? "My queen, the last is me. My name is Aserious Brian Novixes, the unborn child, but King Sander saves me from building me, becoming immortal. He teaches me how to control my powers," Aserious said to me. King sander built him? But how did he do that? Do immortals still have that power? "My name is Scarlet Que--, Scarlet De'youre," I told them it's hard if they know my last name is weird, I looked at Aserious, who was staring at me, and I suddenly remembered that they could read mortal's mind because he is immortal. "Where's your middle name, my queen?" Zero asked me as he looks scary now, so my heartbeat suddenly quickened. I was about to open my mouth when King Sander taps my shoulder, which I looked at my side, and thank god he's here. "Too many questions to my queen? You are all my servants, so you can now go and protect this kingdom right now," King Sander said, and his servants immediately obeyed, and Aserious couldn't take his eyes off me after he leaves also. "Are you okay, Scarlet?" He asked me, and I nodded. King sander's words were scary, but why did he treat his servants like that? If I were in his situation, I would still make them friends. "King! Why are you so strict with them? Could you not see their facial expression?" I asked him, and he smiled, and finally, he laughed as the people here who were talking and looking at us. "I'm not strict with them; I just don't want to be close to them because it will hurt me to let them go away," he said to me. He has a point because when you lose your dearest friend, it's like you've lost a family in your life. Why am I asking him this? Shouldn't I keep quiet because I'm just a temporary queen, and I'm not a real queen? You have so many questions, Scarlet. Let eat! "Where's my food, by the way?" When I changed the subject, he immediately pointed to the hidden table, and I immediately went there because I smelled my favorite chicken and spaghetti. It's delicious! I sat down on the chair and started eating, and fortunately, no one could see me here but the maids standing by my side waiting for me to order them. What if I called them to look for human food? It is funny, but it's fun to do it. "Uh, can you give me more food?" So I asked a female maid who listened, and she immediately nodded, and I smiled while eating chicken here, and I was still holding it with my hand because it's delicious when you use your hands. I stopped eating when King Sander suddenly appeared, and we both stared and frowned at him because I was eating, and he laughed softly and approached me and sat on the other chair at the same time. "Eating like a human is not good here because everyone is looking at you," he said to me, and when I looked at those here, the others were looking at me and immediately looked away because they knew I was the queen here. He gave me a spoon and fork, and I immediately refused. And I drank some water and saw the food I had requested, but I ignored it because King Sander said. Am I eating like a human that is not good here? Then what should I do when I'm eating? Eat like a rat? Dog? Cat? Bat? Vampire? Werewolf? Creatures like them? Does he want me to die from eating the animals here? It's tiring again. I saw other people here looking at me, and I immediately went upstairs, but before I could go up, I felt him holding my arm, and when I looked at King Sander, who was worried. "I'm worried. What are you thinking? It's not what I think," he said to me, so what was he thinking? It's also annoying in this world. I hope I didn't just go to Caex's mansion so that it wouldn't happen. I wish now I'm just at mom and dad's house and living happily. "Get your hands off to me. I need to rest," I said to King Sander, and he let go of it, and I immediately went upstairs, and when I entered my room, I immediately broke my hair, and I immediately removed the gown. I was wearing it, and I threw it somewhere. I also pulled the earring and necklace around my neck, which was very itchy on my skin. What kind of metal is this? I lay down wearing only panties and a bra, and I turned around with a blanket, and I was like sushi here, and I thought Caex, how is he? I haven't been there for a week. Is he working on the way to get here to save me? I closed my eyes and let my drowsiness swallow me, and I fell asleep. Caex's PoV Damn it! Damn it! I need to finish this entrance to get her, she hasn't been here for a few days, and I'm so worried. I know she's half wizard and half-human, but I won't let her be alone there without me and no one to save her. "Richard, you will come with me," I said to my butler standing by my side while I was still building the entrance to this room. It hurt so much when I saw her sucked by the portal I made, and then suddenly, the next one disappeared. So now I'm rebuilding the entrance to go there, and maybe it will take me about three months before I finish it, three months. I don't think I can afford not to have Scarlet by my side for three months and won't see her smiling. "Sir, you need to eat before continue doing that," my butler said to me. Since Scarlet disappeared, I haven't eaten, and I have no appetite, but this is what I need to do to make the entrance. "Okay, bring my food," I said to him, and he immediately bent down and left to get something to eat. I feel that my weakness is that I need to get into a room full of my power. I stopped building the tunnel first, and when I stood up, I heard a voice that was recovering from the tunnel I was making, I heard Scarlet's voice, and that voice was not asking for help but calling me. "Caex, if you can hear me, I'm already a queen here," my eyes widened at what I heard, queen? How did she become queen? Does that mean Sander offered her to be his queen ?! He's annoying! He is my friend, but why did she offer Scarlet? Maybe he knows the person I want, and then what he gives Scarlet to be a queen? How about me? Why did you do this, Scarlet? "But Caex, I'm just a temporary queen. When you come here, I'm no longer his queen, and I'll come with you," he said, and suddenly my irritation disappeared, and I felt better. I still think of my love for Scarlet. Even though I didn't tell her that I didn't feel cold, hot, sick, sore, or whatever, I was also an immortal because I was an eternal and also Sander, my friend. He taught me how to control being a monster, but I can't control it without Scarlet because I need to hug her, and I calmed down immediately. I finally went out of this room, and I went up to where I was eating. There was a dead pig ready there, and I ate it immediately, but I didn't let go of my monster inside me because I'm sure I can't control it now that's because Scarlet isn't here. I stopped eating, and tears were dripping right on the floor and blood. I cried when I miss Scarlet so much. I can't see her for a few days like I'm going crazy for another three months. "Scarlet. I need you, my princess," I continued to cry blood until I could feel my hot blood flowing in my body, damn it, my monster wants to show I need to stop it. "Richard!" I called my butler, and my eyes turned red, so I forced myself to stand up, and I immediately felt. I could see that it was changing in my hands, and I saw that Richard was here in front of me, Richard was supporting me, and I was humbled because I was preventing my monster form from coming out. "Stop me, Richard, please, I'm begging. I need to save my princess," I said to him, and he immediately nodded, and he immediately took me to the room where I was making the tunnel, and I wondered why he brought me here. "Finish it, master, because Miss Scarlet is waiting for you," when he said that, I calmed down. Richard told me I was honest. He smiled at me, and I patted his shoulder and followed what he said. He came out of this room, and I continued what I was doing, and little by little, it grows again as before. The tunnel I make goes to the worlds of creatures that can take humans or even other animals. The scary thing is that they might get Scarlet and kill her when they find out she's a human because it's against the policy for someone like her to live there, but it looks like she won't Because I know she's a half wizard, and Scarlet doesn't know she has power. "Más poder," I said softly, and I felt more and more power in my body and more and more the tunnel I was making, it won't be three months, but now because of the strength of the energy I used, I don't know when I got there I would be so weak, and I could no longer protect the person I love. I lowered my hand because there was smoke coming from there, and when I looked at my hand, it was drenched because I used fire stupidly. I first sat on the sofa, and I looked at the tunnel. You can see the place where morning there and here it was night. "King sander, I know you can hear me. I'm telling you now never to touch her or else." "Or else what?" he replied, and I smirk. "I will rip your jaws if you kiss her, touch her, or anything that will make me jealous," I replied to him, and I heard his laugh, and my teeth gritted because of his laughter. "Really? I'm sorry, kiddo, because I already fell for her," 'when he said that, I sighed and stood up in annoyance. I can kill that Sander! I hope tomorrow I finish this tunnel. **
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