Immortal 21

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Scarlet's PoV I opened my eyes, and I was surprised it's morning. How did I fall asleep? Caex just hugged me, and I cried too much? What did he do to me? How did he put me to sleep? I got up, and I blinked, and when I looked to my side, there was a tray. It's my breakfast that I was going to eat, and there was also a glass of juice.   I took the tray and put it next to me. I don't feel like leaving here in my bed. I want to mumble here until I'm relieved. I ate two loaves of bread as well as the delicious egg, and I drank the juice, and I put it back on my side and lay down in my bed again.   I tried to close my eyes, but I couldn't sleep, so all I did is to close my eyes. I couldn't feel drowsy because I also don't want to go out of my room right now, I heard the opening of the door, so I immediately pretended to be asleep even I am not, and I felt the bed sink a bit that someone was sitting and it looked like Caex.   "Are you awake yet?" Caex asked me, but I didn't say a word. Maybe he saw the tray; the food was all gone. He thought perhaps I was awake again, but I didn't want to open my eyes because I just wanted to sleep. After all, I still feel the pain of what happened to my stepmother and stepfather.   "If you don't want to go out, I'll always bring you food to here," he said, and I didn't say a word, and I felt him touch my cheek, and it was icy. His hand was always cold, so I used to think he was a vampire, but I was wrong because he is not a vampire or an alien. He is an immortal.   "I'll work first, call me if you need me or anything, and in an instant, I'll be right next to you to help you out," he said to me, and I felt him kiss me on my forehead, and I still didn't say a word and move until he got out my room, I just opened my eyes still in pain and got up my bed.   He is so sweet and very thoughtful. Is it right for me to love him back? Do I deserve someone like him? And he was perfect for me.   I looked at the tray on my side, and it's gone. Maybe Caex took it too when he came out of my room? I left my bed and went straight to the bathroom, and I took a shower first, and when I finished taking a shower, I just wore simple clothes and went back to my bed and wrapped myself in a blanket, and again tears were dripping from my eyes.   Would I be okay to stay like this? Will I just let that happen to my family? Who considers me their daughter and takes care of me even though they know I am not their blood? I bent my hand, and I cried wildly, and I can't explain how I feel now because I don't know if I will kill the person who did that to my family even though I haven't learned that much about the power that I studied with Caex.   I looked at my palm, and I built something there with my telekinesis power, and I formed a bird made of paper. I immediately broke it and threw it. I need to do something and find out who did this to my stepfamily.   I removed the blanket around my body and looked for something to wear in my cabinet, and when I found it, I immediately changed my clothes. What I was wearing now was a pair of tight pants and a t-shirt that I put on a black jacket, and I went outside immediately. I came out of the mansion. I suddenly remembered to bring my phone because I remembered that Richard might see me leaving so I leave my phone behind.   I went to our house, and when I arrived, I went into our burned house. I didn't see any picture albums of my stepfamily, which made me feel even sicker because of the pain I was feeling, and my tears suddenly began to flow again in my eyes.   "Crying for a family that you didn't know in the first place?" I heard a man's voice, so I backed away and when I looked at him. He immediately smiled at me, so I looked at him. Did he kill my stepparents when I was not with them?!   "Who are you?" I asked him, and he stayed in his place, and he showed me a picture of my mother and father with their heads beheaded. I felt even angrier in my heart now, and I was about to attack him. But I can't move. Why can't I move now? What did he do? Did he use power?   "You don't need to know that because I'm going to kill you too so, you don't need to know who I am," He said to me, and when he dropped the photo of my beheaded parents, I immediately felt angry inside, so I bowed down and forced myself to put my hands down. So he is the one who killed my stepparents?   Let's see if you can handle me? Even though you're a vampire and I feel that I feel I can move my hands again, And I looked at him even though I was struggling and he was surprised because I was able to move right away and he backed away, and I now saw in front of me an aura that is color purple.   "Do you think you can just kill me like that?" I said calmly, and I looked at him, and I built something in my hand with my telekinesis and convert it into an electric spell, and I threw it at him and immediately hit him in the face. He shrugged and grabbed his face, where I hit him with my electric attack.   I don't know what power it was? "Do you think that's how you can kill me?! I'm a vampire, and everything will heal even if you--," I stopped him from speaking using my mind. He could not move where he is standing, so I approached him with caution.   "I don't care if you get hurt many times! Or heal many times! Because one of my spells can kill you!" I told him, and I would have used the spell I learned to take him to another place where he could no longer return to our world. Then suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and missed the circle which I had made to trap the man.   "Enough, Scarlet! It's not your job to kill a vampire! What are you now? A huntress?! Stop this, please, Scarlet, this is not you!" Caex said to me with a bit of annoyance. That's why my teeth are grinning because I wanted to kill that vampire. I haven't called for his help yet?! Why is he here? Why are you so naughty, Caex?   "Spare my life, sir! I promise I will--,"   "Enough!" There is an annoyance in Caex's voice now. Is Caex also looking at who killed my parents? Is that his job? To find who killed my stepparents? I suddenly saw the vampire who killed my parent turned to ashes, and gradually it disappeared, and Caex turned to me.   "Let's go home. I thought you were going to mumble in your bedroom all day? Why did you come out?" He asked me, and I didn't say a word, and I felt like he was pulling me away from my house with mom and dad, which was already all burned down, and the house has nothing left. We got to the mansion quickly because Caex used his teleportation power, so we got there in his estate right away.   We went inside, and when we got inside, I would have struggled right away, but he held on tightly to me, I looked at him, and now he has a poker face, and I can't read what emotions he has so I did it that is to bow my head.   "Do you plan to take that man somewhere else? Are you going to use the power that I teach you for evil emotions?" When Caex got angry with me, I didn't say a word because I already felt afraid of him and felt his aura. He was angry. I know that he is mad because I leave his mansion without his permission.   "Look, it's not easy to go outside when I'm not with you, okay? So please tell me if you want to go outside, okay? I will allow you," Caex added to what he said, but his voice now looks calm, so I raised my head, and I looked at him, and he looks so worried.   "I'm sorry if I am not thinking straight. I want to kill that man because he made my stepfamily suffer a lot. I never intend to use my powers for evil," I replied to him, and I began to cry, I closed my eyes, and then I felt Caex's warm hug with me again. That's why I shed my tears again. I cannot hold back my tears.   "I can do what you want to do to that man! Just tell me, don't suddenly run away from the mansion to kill the man who killed your family," I sighed because I was already crying so much. I also realize that even if I killed that man, my stepmother and stepfather would never get their lives back. Even if I kill the man and I would never see them smiling or talk to me again.   "Caex, help me to forget them! I know Caex can erase my memories, so I will ask him to erase them, or else I will erase my memory on my own. I want to forget it right away!" I raised my voice a bit so that he could hear. He seemed to come to his senses, and he was very relieved to hug me, and Caex looked at me.   "You can't do that erasing your memories," he said to me. That's why I wish the wizards had the power to erase memories, even their own. If I could stop the world, I would do that, so no more trials come to my life.   "Okay fine, then erase my memories to them!" I said to Caex, and he sighed, and he grabbed his senses and looked me in the eyes. He touched my two shoulders, and I wondered, don't say he can no longer erase the memory? Isn't that what he did to me before?   "When I erase your memory, you will still remember them, and you will never be able to get them out of your mind and heart because you loved them very much. Remember, Scarlet, so be patient and face your trials. You have to face this," Caex said to me, so I felt I'm relieved. He's right. I have to go through this. Otherwise, I'll have a more challenging time.   "All right! As long as you're always there with me!" I said to Caex, and I sniffed at him, and at the same time he messed up my hair, and he smiled at me, and suddenly my heartbeat quickened, This again my heart is beating fast, and he is the reason why I am not myself again.   I was surprised when he squeezed my nose. Wait, did he know I'm blushing now? I was blushing on my cheeks when Caex left in front of me, and I watched him leave he suddenly disappeared so I got a poker face, All of a sudden he vanished so where would that go? Maybe I should cook for myself or cook for Caex when he gets home?   Caex's PoV   I stopped walking when I felt someone following me, and I smiled because I immediately felt his presence, They were vampires, and they looked angry because I killed one of their colleagues. If I let Scarlet kill that man, she would be the one to face this vampire; good thing I am the one who killed that vampire.   "Are you ready to die?" Said the man with long hair and long fangs and. He was drinking human blood from a woman he took blood from was unconscious, so I prepare myself to battle with the vampires.   "I thought vampires could live with animal blood? But I think I'm wrong. Because if a vampire is drinking animal blood, that means they are a pureblood vampire. And to the human blood that is Level E," I found out and read in the books that the pure vampires with Goldeyes are hard to kill, but the Level E vampires I won't have a hard time killing them.   "f**k you!" The man shouted after finishing drinking the blood of a woman. He is about to attack me when I create a fire in my palm and threw it at him, he was burned alive, and after that, I used my electro power, but they are still standing and will attack me continually. That's why I used my monster form. I don't know if I can calm myself after this. Maybe if I go back to my mansion, I would still be in monster form.   "Kill him!" Said the man who looked like their leader, so I smiled and pulled out my long nails and slashed them one by one. I used a quick movement so that they wouldn't touch me. I smiled and shouted. I scratched the man's face hard, and suddenly it turned to ashes and disappeared immediately.   I spread my wings so that I could use my powers to kill them all. I would behead them one after another to not touch the person who was important to me. I would not let them get close to her! I acted quickly, and at the same time, I behead them, and at the same time, they all fell; all of them immediately turned to ashes and disappeared.   I landed on the cement, and I felt tears in my eyes again because of the power I used. Until now, I still can't control my abilities. Even though King Sander taught me how to handle it, it's still unclear because I can't control my monster form.   I teleported to the mansion, and I was holding my right eye, which was bleeding. When I went inside, I immediately smelled the dish, so I looked in the kitchen, and I saw Scarlet is cooking, so I suddenly felt hungry and saw her neck smooth neck, which made me hungrier.   I can't do this. I have to control my hunger, or else I could hurt Scarlet without her knowing. I tried to walk, but I couldn't because I could smell Scarlet's blood even though nothing came out of her body.   "Scarlet leaves the mansion for a while!" I shouted, and she turned to me, and suddenly her eyes widened. She immediately approached me, and I deliberately touched her wrist. And I would have bitten her, but a spell formed a barrier in her neck, and I stopped because I couldn't bite her.   "Is this the new calming method of Caex that I met that when he looks like a monster? You would bite me and drink blood to make yourself clam?" She said to me, and I closed my eyes because she was right. That's not how I'm going to calm down my monster form.   I was the one who let go of her embrace to me. She hugged me, and I felt like calming myself down, and I was relieved immediately. I also felt Scarlet's heart beating fast, so I'm relieved now, and I'm slowly losing my hunger towards her blood, and I began to calm down.   "Thank you for being here to calm me down," I said to her with a big smile, and she also smiled at me, so I touched her cheek, she also held my hand, and my eyes widened when Scarlet kissed me on the lips, but I can see in her appearance now that she is blushing.   "I cooked a dish even if you don't taste it. I hope you can eat it," Scarlet said to me while she was still embarrassed to say it to me, and she held my hand and showed me what she cooked, and it was pork sinigang.   I'll try to eat if I can, but if I can't, I will. I'll stop to eat it right away. The helpers are ready here, and Scarlet, and we sat down together, and we started eating, and when I tasted the pork, it was fat, and I was surprised because I was able to taste it which is weird, But why should I taste it? I thought I was immortal? I should not be tasting anything.   "Scarlet, I can taste it," I said to her, and she looked at me, and she was also shocked, and I immediately sipped the soup even though it was still hot and I tasted it, I ordered the maid to make my juice, and when he gave it to me I immediately drank it, and I tasted it too.   "Do you taste the dishes of mortals?! How is that possible? I thought immortals should not taste anything?!" Scarlet was shocked by what she knew now, and I immediately felt happy because even though I could taste the food of mortals and I tasted it, it was very delicious. She cooked. I smiled, and it made me think because from now on, I will be able to accompany her when every time she eats.   Maybe because I was once a mortal? And my taste is coming back.   Finally, I can eat along with Scarlet now.   **  
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