Immortal 05

2887 Words
Caex’s PoV In the dark house, I keep running because a monster is chasing me that I don't know. I don't know where it came from, but when I found out, he had sharp teeth all over, and he had black wings that kept falling but growing again one by one. "You can't run away from me, kid!" I heard its voice echoing throughout our house. I went upstairs and saw a lot of blood that kept flowing in the blood from my parent. I closed my eyes, and I went through it, and I hid in a cabinet. I peeked at the little beetle in this cabinet, and I saw the giant monster stop, and he seemed to smell where I was, so I closed my eyes, and I could do nothing but cry quietly. I sobbed, so I opened my eyes and saw the looks of this monster. He immediately broke the door of this cabinet, and he immediately took me, and he strangled me, and I felt his sharp nails sink into my neck, causing me to have difficulty breathing, and my vision was blurred. "Finally, my life will be in peace!" it screamed and laughed out loud, and I was shocked when he bit me on my shoulder, and I felt his big sharp teeth sink in there, and I cried out in pain I was feeling. When he finished biting me, I didn't know what happened next because my vision was also strange, as if he handed me his monster status, I looked at my hands, and there was blood that seemed to come out of my body, and I felt electricity inside my body. I feel so sick that I can't move my legs, and when I look at the monster that bit me, it immediately disappears like a bubble, and I have my eyes widened, and my vision is now full of red, and I don't know what is happening to me now. I cried out in extreme pain that I felt in my body, and it went straight to my brain, and I held on to my head, and I felt the release of what was behind me, and I didn't make a mistake that it was a wing that was red but why red came out shouldn't it be black or white? My eyes gradually dimmed, and I looked around my house, closing my eyes because I was so tired, my hands still numb, and my feet that couldn't stand and couldn't feel it. What was wrong with me? Darkness surrounds me. My whole body was shaking as if I was in a carriage, and when I opened my eyes, a beautiful woman was with a man she has a baby, and she was with a man who seemed to be worried about my condition. "Are you all right?" the man who touched my shoulder asked me, and I immediately backed away because I didn't know them, the woman was surprised by my behavior, and she immediately grabbed the man by the hand. "I guess he still needs a rest, let him rest," the woman said modestly, and I looked at the baby. I could see its systems in the courtyard, and there was a light in the yard as if it always needed me, light already white I don't know what that means. I tried to get up because I felt the weight of my body, I got up, and I looked at my hand, and it was full of blood. I don't know what happened to me and how did I get to this carriage? I looked up to ask the lady and gentleman who is in front of me now. "How did I get in this carriage?" I asked the lady, and the lady who looked at each other and the lady gave the baby girl to the man, How did I know that the baby was a girl? "Don't you remember what happened, Caex?" she called me Caex, is that my name? "Is my name Caex?" I asked the two of them, and they looked at each other again, and the gentleman and at the same time I felt this carriage stop, and I saw a large palace with the figure of a gorgeous woman. "It's a gorgeous figure on the water," I said, and the gentleman looked at me, and he approached me, and I immediately got off this carriage, and I also looked at the gentleman. "What figure? There is no figure in the fountain," he said to me, so I would have spoken again when I looked back at the fountain he was saying, so I was even more shocked because of what I could see, what was the figure I saw. There before only? what's wrong with me I bowed in embarrassment, and I was immediately let in and laid the baby on a free bed, and I immediately got close to it and looked at it with my eyes, it was dark brown, and I slowly put my hands closer to this baby. I picked it up with both my hands and stared at it. Why is my heart beating so hard? Why is something shining inside his system that is white? My eyes widened when I noticed my chest was shining, and I immediately let go of the child, so I directly looked at it and looked at it sharply and floated. I was taken aback by what I had done and slowly lowered the child using the only method I know. But how do I go about doing it? I was caught in my chest when I looked at my side. "Are you all right, Caex?" I was surprised to find someone else holding my shoulder; the lady immediately backed away because of what she saw in me; what is going on with my appearance now? I immediately ran and looked for a mirror where I could see my appearance until I reached the top and discovered a large mirror where I could see my entire body. I saw myself with dried blood on the side of my neck, and I touched it, but I could not get a wound. And I slowly approached this large mirror, and I felt it, and I noticed that there was also blood on my shoulder so when I removed the clothes that were blocking there I was surprised. I saw a big wound, but who was treating it?. I looked into my eyes that were light blue. I knew my eyes were black, but why did it happen like this? What happened to my whole being?! What happened to me?! I immediately ran downstairs, and I saw a mixture of people who seemed to be fighting with the lady I had just seen before, and the lady I had seen before was lying unconscious. I saw myself in front of the door. "Stop messing with my head!" I yelled and immediately ran fast, not realizing that I was so fast there was nowhere to go, and I found myself there in the middle of the night protecting a woman. My eyes widened at what I see now. Why do I see myself in the present that is just about to happen? I stopped when I saw the woman block in front of me and stab the objects that were going at her that I knew were sharp weapons. "No!" my voice I heard a shout that collapsed on the ground that these many people were standing on killed the woman I was protecting. It immediately disappeared from my sight, and I saw myself standing on a high rock and with a lift that woman is no longer alive. I looked at the dead woman, and my eyes widened when I saw the system inside the woman was the same as the baby I had seen with the lady recently, gradually showing the appearance of this woman from old to young and back in to look like a baby. I lost sight of the present that was going to happen, and I looked at the place where my feet had taken me, a vast sea, and I was standing on the clean white sand, and I immediately touched it, and I felt the strange presence of the people, the shouts of it I heard, and the talk. I was immediately scared again and went to another place, and I went to an old house, and no one was passing by so I voluntarily went to the roof of this house and sat there, I can't go back to the palace anymore. That's because I'm weird now, and I can't hurt that baby, and I don't want her to die either. But wrong, whatever I do, I can hear the voice of that baby who is now a full-fledged child who can speak, it cries, and it crackles in every place she passes. I can listen to it. I feel connected to her, and by the time she disappears from this world, I know she will live again, and I will seek again the presence that needs help, and this is the woman with light in the courtyard of the body. I disappeared quickly, and I immediately got there at the fountain that had already made the figure I had seen before. It was indeed the future I had seen is in the past now. In me, the power is not a joke, and I found it out through someone who helped me, who is also a monster but with a good heart. I am an immortal that people call a monster that will never die, and I understand why I am like this and why I can't feel any pain and soreness in my body. I held the woman's figure engraved on it made of stone and closed my eyes so that I could feel the present that would happen next, and I did not expect that the death of that woman would happen soon. "Hey! What are you doing at my figure?" I heard the woman's voice for a long time when I heard it was the baby I was staring at and her eyes were so dark brown that when I remember I saw it when she was just a baby since I felt this power of mine, I will never grow old. I immediately ran and disappeared so he wouldn't see me right away and I climbed the tree here, my eyes widened when I heard the tree's destruction so my arm went off and I was injured immediately, but I didn't take it. "Are you okay?!" she asked me, and I approached her, and I smiled at her when I got down from the tree, and I knelt in front of her. I feel a strong connection with this woman; I do not know why to follow how I feel. I did not expect that on this day, the woman I cared for and protected would die tonight, and over the past year, I have grown to care for and love her. "Hey aren't you going to pick an apple?" she said to me, and I looked at her, and I just continued reading the book about the immortal and mortal like her. "Later, you are still not hungry, right?" I asked her, and she nodded. I also read what was in her mind that she was not hungry yet, so I smiled its a good thing she didn't notice. When I looked at her, I saw how she closed her eyes. Felt the presence of many people coming and carrying things that I had seen in my past. The killer of the woman next to me was coming now. What if I stopped the time to save this woman? When I returned to the palace, I discovered her full name was Scarlet Diane Veliarosa. I was undesirable. The lady and gentleman who had previously saved me still accepted me. I left Scarlet sleeping on this grass, and I immediately got up and looked at the men holding sharp objects, and I immediately attacked them even though I was injured. I didn't do it because I couldn't feel it. "He's a monster!" shouted a man holding a sword and I immediately rushed at it and he stabbed me with his giant sword, and I just looked at it, and I smelled smoke when and I was late, the palace of the woman I loved was on fire. I went to the place where Scarlet was, but before I could get there, my eyes widened when a man holding a sword stabbed me, and I quickly went to Scarlet there, and I blocked there, and this sharp object sank into me. I saw Scarlet, she was now awake, and she was so shocked by what she sees now. She grabbed her cheek with a drip of my blood, and he immediately left under me where I could protect him. "Scarlet, run! Your dad's enemies will attack you!" I said to her, and she looked around, don't look at your palace anymore, Scarlet. You will be hurt. I don't want you in this situation, and I will change your destiny. "I won't leave you, Caex! Let's escape here together and find mom and dad!" she shouted, and someone kick me, and I rolled on the floor, and I saw them approaching Scarlet again, so I immediately hugged Scarlet very tightly. "I'm sorry, Scarlet, if I didn't tell you I'm an immortal," I said to her, and her eyes just widened, and I reread her mind. Yes, I'm a monster, Scarlet, but why can't you leave our place now? But I was right. Scarlet ran as fast as she could, and I felt she was going to the lawns where there were many trees, and I looked at the man who hit me. I immediately touched his face, and I blew it up with my power. "Chase that woman!" I heard their king say, so I went the other way, and I can't read much of what Scarlet is thinking now because she is far from me, and I can only feel where she is going. "Caex!" I stopped when I heard Scarlet's voice. I turned to my side. I was right. She was just close to me, and I saw her Scarlet was crying, so I approached her immediately, and I immediately lifted her body with my hand, and I ran fast, and I feel like a lot of men are still following. "I'll save you no matter what happens," I said to her, and she closed her eyes. I stopped because we have nothing to go through. What I saw in my past and Scarlet's fate will happen the last time she lives. "Stay here," I said to Scarlet, and I lowered her and blocked the front to save her because I can't let them hurt Scarlet. They will pay for it if they touch her. "Give us the man behind you if you don't want us to kill you two!" "Dear king, He's a monster!" "Do what you can do to kill with him," My whole body would have accepted what they would leave me with sharp objects when suddenly someone ran in front of me. It was Scarlet, so my eyes widened even more when she looked at me and smiled when the sharp objects were close to Scarlet. I immediately used my power to stop the time, but I couldn't. I just saw that sharp objects had sunk into Scarlet's body so much, and I immediately caught her. "Scarlet!" I shouted, and I touched her cheek, and I read what she was thinking. 'I hope you live in the good fortune that I don't want this fate I don't want you to disappear again, And if you live I will look for you, I will remember your beautiful face, especially that your eyes are so beautiful.' I could see with my eyes how it closed, and she lost her life, and I felt his heart stop beating, so I shouted. "No!" I let out a scream and could not feel those around me now, my vision is red again, and I could feel the blood boiling inside me. I immediately hugged her very tightly, and I cried a lot, and I shouted again until I didn't realize that we were somewhere else and we were on top of a big rock, and the sun was rising, somewhere else I went to this place it's just early in the morning. I looked at Scarlet's face with her eyes closed and unconscious, I hugged her again for the last time, and after that, I let the butterflies take her, and she gradually turned bright white and exploded like stars that glow. "I love you, my love..." I let myself fall on the highest rock I was stepping on even though I knew I wasn't going to die, but at this time, I wanted to die but what I read in the last Scarlet thought I had to live because she still wanted to see me and be with me and hold my hand again. **
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