Immortal 20

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Scarlet's PoV   It took me a few days because of the power that I have. I first studied spell casting, where you can make any spell you can do. I have just completed a barrier that can protect me, but I could not put a barrier at Caex's mansion because I still need to improve.   "You can do it, my Scarlet," Caex just stared at me while I was studying spell casting, and I immediately looked away, I immediately felt the heat on my cheek, and until now, I still can't get the word I want out of my mind that I like him.   I know that one day I will love him too and we will be happy. Still, I won't understand that first because I have to focus on what I'm doing, especially the teleportation spell. It's a bit difficult. However, I still managed to teleport to the bathroom, isn't it exciting?   "I can do it!" I said enthusiastically to him, and I smiled so that he could see that I could do it. I heard him giggle, so I immediately turned my eyes to him, and he immediately stopped.   "I'm just laughing at what you're saying. What you did is very epic, but I know you can do it," Caex said to me, so my heartbeat got stronger again. I took a deep breath to be more focused when I raised my hands, I stared at it, and I focused primarily, and I was surprised by something forming there that was a blue circle that I did not know.   I made it more extensive, and it became as big as a crystal ball, and it shone with light. What am I going to do with it? I heard Caex standing, so I turned to him, and his expression and inexplicable I don't know why I can't read his emotions now.   "You're making a spell that has the power of a wizard," he said to me, so I looked again at the one I built that was the size of a crystal ball, wait I seem to remember that a circle also entered my body when I was a baby me, and it's also very light.   "This is what entered my body. In my case, it's white and bright?" I asked Caex, and I turned to him, and he nodded and saw that this blue circle was too bright, and it automatically floated above and moved. I followed it where it was going, and I saw it go to the opposite side of the library so I opened the door of it and when we went inside I saw him stop in front of the bookshelf where I took the history of the immortals and mortal.   I took it and opened the shelf. It separated, and the blue one I made came in, and it stopped in front of the door. I wondered why and I opened it, but the blue ball didn't move anymore and when I look outside it is an underground with a tunnel here to the exit at the back of the mansion.   "That's where that blue circle went," I heard Caex's voice, so I turned to him. I realized that this place is covered in mud and blood, and I immediately smelled it stinks, so I look back at Caex.   "Where exactly is this?" I asked Caex, and he pointed to the animals hanging, their blood was still dripping, so I realized that this is where everything he eats.   "You need to get out of here, so you don't run out of breath," he said to me, and he held my hand, and as we walked away, I looked at the blue circle that was shining so much light, so I just let it go.   I was still wondering who made the white circle inside me now. I suddenly thought because my birth father is a wizard, he has the power that I saw that he built in his hand before, and it was a sword that I think he's the only one who can do it.   "Are you okay? Maybe you should rest first before you continue your next power study," Caex told me, so I nodded. He's right. I also need to rest, and I shouldn't neglect my health because I'm still in training, which won't change.   Caex took me to the room, and he said goodbye that he would only take care of something, maybe it was his job?, a business that he did himself when I entered the room I immediately went to bed, this time so when I went to sleep I still had dreams so am I about me? About who I have been?   I closed my eyes and was surprised to see the light, which I couldn't explain, I was exhausted, and when I opened my eyes, I was in a burning mansion, and when I realized I was in Caex's mansion? But all I know is that I'm falling asleep.   Dreaming   Don't you say it's my dream? I moved my foot even though I was only on my feet. I looked around to see why it was messy, and the parts of his beautiful mansion were on fire, and the photos were glued to the side. As I continued to walk, I saw a man strangling a boy who was probably only six years old, and the boy was holding the hand that was choking him.   My eyes widened when I saw blood on the hand of the man choking the boy, so I approached them, but it looked like it was just a dream and my hands went thru their body again like it was nothing there so I watched what would happen again.   "Finally, my life will be at peace!!" Shouted the man, and he laughed devilishly, and the boy was surprised when he bit him on the shoulder, and the boy cried in pain. I tried to hold the boy, but I was not able to touch him. My hands just went through him, I can see everything, but I cannot help him.   After the man bit the boy, the man immediately disappeared for what he did, and the boy was the only one left. I immediately approached him, and when he looked up, I saw a vein running down his neck in purple. I saw electricity wrapping around his body, so I felt scared. What was going on with this boy?   The boy grabbed his hair as if he had a hard time with what was happening to him? And when he looked up, my eyes widened that red color, and suddenly something entered my mind that was the same eye color I have seen before. The red color of his eyes and his hair was Caex! Is this Caex past? Why am I dreaming about this?   The boy shouted in pain. All I could do was look at him before he turned into a pitiful monster, but this was the only thing that stuck in my mind. I had to ask Caex the reason why he became an immortal and who gave birth to him? I saw his red wings coming out, so I was even more surprised. Isn't Caex also has red wings? Is it him?   I saw the boy gradually fall to the ground, and he closed his eyes and approached him; I tried to touch his head, but my hands went through it. I couldn't do anything but stare at him while the mansion is burning.   End of dreaming   I opened my eyes, sweating so much, and my eyes were teary as if I was crying. I woke up, but at this time, Caex was not there with me, so immediately I got up, went straight to the bathroom, washed my face, and wiped it immediately.   I looked at the wall clock, and it was only one o'clock in the afternoon, so I went out of the room where I was sleeping, and I went to the room where I was training. When I entered, Caex was not there. Where is Caex? Why is he not home yet? No one will cheer me on for what I'm going to do now.   I picked up the books scattered here on the floor and laid them on the table, and I took the book about telekinesis. I read the book first, and it looks like Caex was right! When he told me, I need to focus on moving things, and I need to be alone to concentrate even more.   I took a piece of paper and laid it on the floor, and I put my hand on it, and I stared at it, and I whispered 'move,' but nothing happens. Is it not working? What should I say when you use your telekinesis powers? I retook the book and read how to move this thing fast, and after, I went back to my place where I would try to float the piece of paper on the floor.   "La Energia," I just whispered, and my eyes widened. I was surprised when the piece of paper suddenly floated quickly and passed over my head. I was thrilled and excited about what I accomplished, and I jumped for joy. I can finally use telekinesis, but what can I say to speed up its floating?   I heard the crash of an object, I turned to the opposite side of the door to look, and I saw Richard, who was also shocked. Did he know what I did? He immediately bowed to me to pay his respects, and he picked up the book he had dropped. Wonder what the book is all about that Richard was carrying?   "Is there any problem, Richard?" I asked him, and he took something from his pocket.   "There is no problem, miss, there is a letter for you," Richard said to me, and he gave it to me. When I looked there was a letter from mom and dad, so I opened it right away, of course, I didn't hear from mom and dad. I hope they are alright.   When I opened the letter, I saw blood smeared on the paper they used, my eyes widened, and I immediately read the letter. It was mom's letter, and I also notice dad's signature, especially mom's signature.   (Letter to Scarlet)   Whether this letter arrives or not, always remember we are always with you. Don't leave the man who you truly love. Don't believe those who tell you lies and takes advantage of you. Follow your heart but always remember to think before you make a move if what you will do is right or wrong. My Daugther, our Scarlet, please forgive us and I didn't tell you that someone threatened us a long time to kill us, so we decided to put you there in Caex's mansion, and we know you will be safe there. Scarlet always will remember that mom and dad love you very much. You have become a part of our life. We loved you and treated you as our daughter, Don't go back to our old house because we have already moved out of the house. Forgive us, always be careful on your journey, and don't forget we love you always, and someday someone will love you back as we love you. You are a gift from God. We will always cherish that ever since the day we have found you.   Love, Mom, and Dad   Tears were dripping from my eyes, and I tore the paper I was holding, and I immediately cried out loud and shouted so that I could release all of the pain inside of me. I was sad but angry on the inside. Who would do this to my parents? I have no idea.   I picked up the paper and folded it in my hand, and I walked quickly, and automatically the door opened with the aura around me. I don't know what will happen to me as long as I kill the one who did it to my family!   "Miss Scarlet! Where are you going!?" I heard Richard shout so I stopped and looked at him badly and he was scared of me. He knew what was going on inside our house. Why didn't he go to my house right away?! I immediately approached him, and I was about to use a spell I had learned when someone held my wrist and looked at it. It was Caex.   "It's been with you for a long time, isn't it?! Look at that blood! It's not new but old too!" I shouted at him and tried to get away from him holding me, but I couldn't because he was too strong and I was just weak, and my training is not complete. I can't use my spell power.   "Calm down! Scarlet, first, I'll explain everything to you--" I immediately struggled hard so I can escape his firm grip on me. I just bent down, and I walked away from him, but he still held my wrist, and I did not look back.   "You don't have to explain anything because it's all clear to me, and I have to find the one who killed my parents," I said to him. I cringed at saying that because I can't hold back my tears now, I want to release all the powers I have, but I can't. I am still in training, which is why I am unable to unleash my full potential.   "Calm down, Scarlet look, you haven't studied and mastered everything yet, and your training is not yet complete, so calm down. I don't want to hurt you," he said to me, so I cried even more, and I felt that he hugged me, so I didn't struggle in his hug because now I need someone to call.   Caex's PoV   "Let it all out. I'm just here for you. I won't leave you, Scarlet," I told Scarlet, and I held her hand on the side because she didn't hug me back, and she just kept on crying.   It saddens me that whoever did this did to her family, who took care of her and adopted her. Until now, I still can't find the person who killed her family. I only know because since Scarlet left their house, they rushed there immediately to Scarlet's home killing both his mom and dad. Scarlet didn't know that because she was in the world of fixuirioius. After three months later, Scarlet came back here. I didn't tell her what happens to her family because I knew she would be hurt if she would know what happen to her family, and she would avenge their death.   "What am I going to do now?, how can I kill the one who killed my parents?" I heard her say, and she crouched down, and I hugged her even more, and her face hit my chest.   "You don't have to hurry everything. Take it slowly, one at a time. You'll still learn the powers, so calm down and don't think about it," I said to Scarlet, and I let go of the hug, and I saw that Scarlet's cheeks were wet because of the tears. Her tears would fall again when I stopped the time, and now everything has stopped.   I touched her cheek and wiped her tears, and as I stared into her eyes, I seemed to feel pain in my heart that I didn't know. Why do I feel like this? I know I am a monster, and I can't feel anything, but why I feel this pain?   "Forgive me, Scarlet, if I can't do anything to calm you down from crying, I can't do anything to make you happy now," I said sadly to her. I slowly brought my face closer to hers, and our lips touched each other when I let go of kissing her. It was when everyone moved again.   I smiled at her and hugged her again, and she just kept crying, so I used my power to put her to sleep. I touched her head. I gently put her to sleep, and she immediately lost consciousness. And I lifted her to go back to her room, laid her down right away, put a blanket, and kissed her on the forehead.   I immediately went out of her room, and when the door closed, I directly protected the door so that no one could disturb her. No one could enter, I went down, and I saw Richard preparing food, so I immediately told him to prepare some food for Scarlet.   "Richard, later the dinner, I need to go outside so please rest yourself and relax for an hour," I said to him, and he nodded and bowed in respect to me, I put on my black coat, and when I just went out I felt that the wind that hit me hard.   I know they are already watching my mansion, so Scarlet needs double protection, and I also need to keep an eye on her. I started teleporting where Scarlet lives, And when I looked at their house, it was broken and empty of the rest.   I went to Scarlet's old home and looked for a family picture album here, and when I couldn't find anything, I found a box made of steel, and it didn't look like it had burned completely. When I opened it, I approached it, and I saw picture albums of Scarlet and her mom and dad, who adopted her. It made me smile because it survived.   Thank God! And it didn't burn because I'm sure Scarlet will be happy when she sees that the picture albums of her parents. Somehow I can make Scarlet smile even though she's grieving her foster parent's death, but why do I seem to be hurting too? Every time I see their destroyed house, I remember I feel like I have lost my parents too.   I'm curious about my origins.   **
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