Rosalie is already dead!

1307 Words
Third Pov Rosalie could still feel her tears slowly trickling down her face when Dylan was gently arranging Ava's dress, who gave her a smirk before leaning against the headboard. "What? Why are you standing? Go and talk to the doctor about the surgery. They might run some tests on you to make sure your heart will fit Ava." Dylan snapped at Rosalie when finally she closed her eyes for a while before wiping her tears and turning towards him, "Even though I know you love her but, don't you have any shame? How can you be so shameless? Did you forget we are still married?" Hearing her, Dylan scoffed like he was listening to a joke. "Why? Now regretting marrying me? Why are you acting like I've married you in love? You freaking forced me to marry you when I always wanted only Ava, so don't make me feel more pathetic of myself for bearing you for two years!" Dylan hissed at Rosalie, who just smiled sadly with her hidden emotions floating in her eyes. "So I made you bear me?" Rosalie asked when Dylan said, "Then what do you think? You f*****g forced me to marry you despite knowing that I don't love you, you made that deal, and I handed you the divorce paper the night we married, so don't act to be so pure now. Just sign those goddamn papers before your operation so that I don't have to face those baseless questions of reporters." Dylan was talking casually, but little of he knew that each word was slicing her heart into pieces. Who would have thought the man she loved with her all is talking as if she's nothing but a trash can! Rosalie gulped hard to hold back her emotions as she opened her mouth and whispered, " the last two years, you never felt anything for me?" Even though she tried her best but her voice broke when Dylan gave her a disgusting gaze, "What? Why would I like someone like you? Have you gone crazy!" His words were simple, but those simple words shattered her world apart like being struck by lightning as she just kept staring at him blankly when Ava was enjoying the show properly until she decided to get back Dylan's attention. "Aghh." Ava winched and kept her hand in her chest, making Dylan turn towards her and run near her with worried-filled eyes, "Ava, are you alright? Is it again paining?" Ava acted to be pitiful as she shook her head when Dylan pulled her into a warm hug and said, "Don't worry, it will no longer pain after tomorrow. After tomorrow, our new life will begin, with each other and no one else!" He said the last sentence while giving Rosalie a dead-cold glare as she was looking at them blankly. Rosalie was left devastated when again Dylan shouted at her, "What are you waiting for now? Didn't I give you enough money? But what will you even do with that money when you don't even have anyone? Just give them in charity before the surgery and ask for more if you need them, but stop behaving so pathetically in front of us." This time, his words struck her heart as a small scoff left her mouth. Don't have anyone? Really? "So you're not only shameless but the most disgusting creature in the world." Rosalie clenched her jaw and murmured, making Dylan's eyes go wide in surprise, "W..what did you say?" He was surprised as this was the first time she cursed him! The girl who had been running behind her for his attention just now cursed him! While Rosalie's smile turned into a dangerous smirk as she walked near the bed, "How couldn't I see this DISGUSTING face of yours? You're right, I'm pathetic, I'm pathetic for not seeing your nasty face!" "Rosalie!" Dylan shouted in anger before standing up when Ava jerked up by his roar, but surprisingly, Rosalie stood still as she just gave him a smirk and said, "What? Truth is bitter? It is, so drink it well." Saying it, she pulled out the divorce papers from her bag, and without wasting a second, she threw them in his face, taking both of them by surprise. "Happy f*****g divorce anniversary, jerk," Rosalie said before giving him a glare while Dylan and Ava were left stunned. Rosalie turned to walk out of this dirt when suddenly she remembered something; as she turned back and said, "Do not bother me with your calls anymore; I'll be back to you two for whatever is left." Saying it, she gave them a last glare before walking out when Dylan was boiling in anger, but he couldn't say anything as nothing came out of his mouth in shock! What the f**k just happened to this woman! While Rosalie remained calm as she walked out of the hospital when she noticed a familiar car waiting outside the hospital. Leaving a deep breath, she walked towards the car and hopped inside before closing the door as the pleasant smell of the car rushed through her nose, making her feel better. "Where, little princess?" A man sitting in the driving seat asked when Rosalie closed her eyes and whispered, "Home." That man smiled before saying, "Alright." With that, he started driving the car when Rosalie kept her eyes closed for a while as if she were lost in her thoughts. After a few minutes, she finally opened her eyes and pulled out her phone before dialing an unsaved number. The call was picked up on the very first ring, "Say." "Transfer all the shares of that bastard in my real name,” Rosalie said when the person on the phone chuckled, "So finally, it's the time for show?" Rosalie left a breath and said, "Yes, I'm coming home, leaving my past, as well as that jerk behind." "Alright, everything will be ready by the time you reach home. Make sure to return as Venessa, whom I left." Her pupils shook the moment she heard the name VENESSA, but soon enough, a bitter smile formed upon her lips, "Rosalie is already dead, Venessa is coming back." With that, she cut the call and closed her cold eyes to remember those painful days for the last time. She belongs to a military family, her grandfather is still the grand marshal of the military. Even her father is a major in the military, and that's why she and her brother had to complete their studies with a secret identity to avoid risks, and there she met Dylan. Dylan and his entire family thought she was an orphan as she completed her studies with a scholarship, but little did he know she was already a billionaire because her mother had already given her entire jewelry business in her name. But she left everything, including her real identity of VENESSA KNGIHT to give her all in the marriage. Still, It took two harsh but awakening years for Vanessa to finally understand that Dylan is nothing but a mistake in her life. Venessa remained silent until she opened her eyes and noticed five mysterious cars following closely behind her car, and the next moment a car black car suddenly stopped right in front of her car, blocking the entrance to the intersections. Venessa remained back in her seat when three bulky men from the back car got down and walked towards her, "Ms Knight, you need to come with us." Venessa's eyebrows squinted as she definitely didn't know them, but how come they knew her real identity? Ms knight? She was about to ask them who they were when she got a call. Seeing the caller ID, she instantly picked up the call when only two words came from the other side, “Surprise."
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