Ava needs your heart!

1600 Words
Third Pov Ting* Ting* With a broad smile lingering on her beautiful cherry-like face, Rosalie pulled out her cake from the oven. Looking at it, her smile widened in satisfaction. She was about to design it when suddenly she got a call. Rosalie immediately grabbed her phone by thinking it was Dylan, her husband but it was Tessa, her best friend. "How are you soon-to-be mommy? I'm sure you're glowing bright." Tessa's teasing tone came from the other side when Rosalie smiled and said, "Stop teasing me, Tessa." "Alright, I called you to inform you that I've kept the reports ready, come to grab them from the hospital tomorrow but this time don't come alone, bring that bastard husband of yours. By the way, did you tell him about your pregnancy?" Rosalie sighed and said, "Not yet, he didn't return home from the last two days." "Bastard... whatever, when are you planning to tell him?" Tessa asked when Rosalie again smiled and said, "Today, I'm sure he'll return home today." Saying it, she gently caressed her womb as she felt like there was finally a hope for her and Dylan's loveless marriage. After talking with her for a while, Rosalie cut the call before decorating her cake while thinking about Dylan's reaction. How will he react? Will be jump in surprise or go numb in shock? Rosalie chuckled and kept decorating the cake for her anniversary, yes it's their second marriage anniversary. 'Should I wear a sexy lingerie today? We might have our second sweet night today.' Rosalie thought and kept smiling on her own when all the maids sneered at her secretly while walking out of the kitchen. She was busy with her work when suddenly her phone started ringing. The moment she saw a call coming from Dylan, her eyes started shining as she immediately picked up his call. "Hello, Dyla_" "Come to the hospital, Ava needs your heart." Rosalie's smile immediately froze in surprise when she murmured, "What do you mean?" She asked in disbelief. She felt like she was hearing things. While Dylan this time shouted at her, "Just come to the hospital right now! Ava has woken up, we need your heart, TO SAVE HER!" His words were like a thunderstorm to her as she saw white dots in front of her eyes and it took time for her to return to reality when she murmured, "Ava...woke up?" "Why? Did you think she'll die and I'll always bear you? Rosalie, don't forget your promise, you promised me to save Ava if I marry you. So now cut the crap and immediately come to the hospital!" He ordered her before cutting the call and leaving Rosalie numb in her place. His cold words again shattered her happy dream. She knew their marriage did start with a contract but did he really just tell her to die for his LOVER?? Rosalie slowly walked out of the kitchen and walked inside of his room with her blank eyes until she bumped into the bed and sat on the bed but still she was lost as she felt a twist of ache in her heart. Tears started rolling down through her eyes and this time she did not try to move as she cried her heart out. "You are afraid that you'll lose her, Dylan? But, what about me? Aren't you afraid to lose me? Once I give my heart to your lover won't I die??" Rosalie mumbled and kept crying as tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. Her heart also started paining like hell! Suddenly she again received a message when she looked at it with her tear-filled eyes. ~Ava needs heart plant as soon as possible or else I'll lose her. Come right now and save her, you promised me to do it if I marry you for two years!~ Seeing his message, Rosalie smiled bitterly as she remembered that day when he begged her... begged her to save his love by sacrificing her life. Flashback to 2 years ago "Rosalie, your samples were matched, you can donate your heart to my Ava. You can save her!" Dylan held her hand and said happily as he brought her to the hospital to do a heart test for his love Ava, who fell into a Coma and have serious heart disease. Rosalie kept staring at him with an unbelievable look but she knew how much she loved this man, not for one or two years but for four long years. "Rosalie, you have no one in this world, not a single family member but Ava has her entire family and me. Can you please save her?" He requested while Rosalie kept staring at his gray eyes for a while before she smiled softly and said, "Alright, I'll save her but I have a condition." Dylan immediately nodded his head with his bright smile, "Yes, whatever you ask for, I'll give." Rosalie gave him a smile and said, "I want you for 2 years, I want you to marry me and be only mine for two years." Dylan's smile immediately vanished when he pushed her away and shouted, "What? Have you gone nuts?" Rosalie smiled bitterly after seeing his cold eyes but she continued, "I'm not asking for much, Dylan. Ava will not wake up for a long time and I'm promising you to save her but in return, you just have to marry me." Dylan looked stunned but after a while, he understood that it was the only way to save his Ava and that's how this HATE-FILLED marriage started. Flashback ends Rosalie cried for a long time by remembering how much she gave to this man who heartlessly ordered her to die! 'At the age of 17, he asked me to be the date of his prom, I had a crush on him so I agreed. At the age of 19, he requested me to be his fake girlfriend, I liked him so I agreed. At the age of 20, I gave him an offer to marry me for two years if he wanted my heart for his lover, and at that time, HE AGREED. I had thought maybe he'd love me, he'd notice my ocean-like deep love for him in my eyes and accept me but...he heartlessly told me to DIE! Now I know why he asked me to be his prom date, to make his girlfriend, Ava jealous. He asked me to be his girlfriend to make Ava regret rejecting him, he never liked me a bit and I thought he'd love me one day. What a fool I was!? I spend my youth, time, and love on this man but what he gave me in return?' Rosalie thought and stood up as there was no water left in her eyes. "No, I will not die for him because now I have my baby, I have to protect my baby." Rosalie thought and immediately went to her closet before she brought divorce papers which already had Dylan's signature. She kept staring at his signature as she remember how he threw this paper in her face on the first day of their marriage while shouting how much he loathes her for being a b***h to take advantage of his situation. She endured it all just for him but not anymore. Rosalie immediately grabbed the pen and with her shaky hand, she signed the divorce paper before whispering, "See Dylan, finally, I listened to you but before giving you this paper, I'll give you a chance, a last chance for the sake of our baby." She smiled sadly before taking a breath and walking out of her room. Rosalie immediately left for the hospital because she had to talk to Dylan about their baby. He can't be that ruthless to kill his baby, right? Rosalie had a tiny hope left in her heart as she was walking the hospital when the unpleasant smell of the hospital rushed through her nose, making her feel pukish but she directly walked towards the cabin of Ava where she'll surely find Dylan since she finally woke up after 2 years! "Ms Rosalie." The assistant of Dylan greeted her when Rosalie just nodded her head and she was about to enter when his assistant, Mark instantly stopped her and said, "Would you mind waiting for a minute?" Rosalie blinked her eyes in confusion, "Why? I'm here to see my husband and Ava." Mark hesitated a bit before saying, "What about I give them a knock saying you're here?" "No need, Dylan knows that I'll come," Rosalie said and went inside without hearing Mark who took a deep breath as he knew what she was about to greet! Rosalie walked inside with her handbag when she couldn't even take a couple of steps until she heard some weird noise. 'What's that noise?' Thinking of it, she slowly walked inside the room when the next moment she froze in her tracks when she noticed a man and a woman kissing passionately under the dimly lit room in the bed. Her eyes instantly turned watery after seeing her husband, Dylan, and Ava kissing each other passionately. The bag from her hand instantly fell on the door out of shock, breaking the kiss of Ava and Dylan before they turned back and noticed Rosalie standing at the corner with tears rolling down through her eyes like a broken dam. Instead of getting ashamed, Dylan smiled brightly and said, "Thank god you're here, the doctor was looking for the donor, we need to hurry for the operation!"
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