Chapter 30

1283 Words
*He pecks my lips to give me a break and then he get's up to pull off his underwear. "Th... that's... keep that away from me," I say as I sit up and slide back afraid. He grabs it in his hand and bites his lip as he makes his way over to me. "Okay, we can try it," I say as I feel tingles in my pelvis, causing him to laugh. "I just want you to touch it," "You know and get to know it better," "Touch it?" I repeat, as I look at it. "Yes, you can touch it, lick it, kiss it, or suck it" "Ew" I say as I try not to make a face, so that I don't offend him. "Just hold it," he says as he wiggles it. I slowly wrap my fingers around it and it jumps. "It moves on it's own,?" I ask, with wide eyes. "Sometimes" he says as he makes it jump around even more. "What do I do with it?" "You move your hands up and down like this" he says as he places a hand over mine and shows me the movements. "Don't be afraid to get a good grip" he says as he let's me work. He moans as he bites his lip, and I'm shocked to be able to make him feel this way. I bite my lip as I look at it, and then I get brave. I want to make him feel like he made me feel, so I lick it, which causes it to jump. "Baby," he whispers, as I place my mouth over it to gently suck. "You're doing sooo good," he says as I continue to suck and move my hands. When I taste something sweet on my tongue, I suck a little harder and I move my hands faster. He puts his hands on my head and moves my head up and down, until I get the hang of it. "f**k baby," he breathes out as he squirts into my mouth. Then he grabs me and lays back on the bed, so that we can cuddle. "We're announcing it, everywhere tomorrow, and everyone is going to know that we're mates," I chuckle as he squeezes me into a tight hug. "I'm serious Amaya, I can't risk losing you to Roger or Rodick, because you're mine," He says in a low growl, that wets my lips again. "You don't have worry about Roger or Rodick" "If I did consider anyone, it would be your Beta" I say truthfully, which I shouldn't have. "Raegan," he growls. "Yes, but only because he's not a horndog and he wouldn't force me to mate with him," "I would probably be well over 30 before he even marked me" "Don't talk about mating with anyone other than me," he says as he nuzzles into my neck, then he kisses and sucks on it. "Now that I think about it, why did he stop going after you,?" "Did you tell him that we were mates?" "Not yet'' ''Let's go to see Yaya tomorrow night," "Let's just stay like this" he says as he hugs me. "But I, want to meet, Yaya," I say smirking. "Amaya baby, don't do this," He whines. "What's wrong, are you afraid you'll fall back in love with her?" "Why do you want to torture me,?" I give his lips a little peck and he smiles. "Can you teach me to kiss?" He raises an eyebrow. "And who do you want to kiss,?" "My cute mate" He cups my face and gently kisses me, then he kisses and sucks on my neck before he snuggles me again. I talk him into letting me put on his shirt, so that I could cover up, and I made him put on his boxers. "I'm not used to being in bed naked, even in my own room" I say as I pull on my panties which are boyshorts, so I feel comfy enough to lounge now. "Do you want something to eat baby,?" "I guess your snacks have worn off" I say as I rub my stomach. "Do you want me to help you make something?" "I'll just order a pizza, okay," he says grabbing his phone. ''Okay," I say as I get up to go to the bathroom. ''Where are you going!" he asks, quickly sitting up. "To potty... I think I can find it," I say sarcastically. He nods and smiles as he picks his phone back up. When I walk back into the room, he grabs me and slams me on the bed and hugs me. "I can't believe you're here," he says as he squeezes me. "What is this on my neck,?" I ask as I pull at the shirt to show him the marks that he made. "Don't be mad okay,'' "They're just hickies," he says with a smile as he rubs them, as if he's admiring his handy work. "What is a hick... what are they?" "I can't bite you to mark you yet, so I gave you those but they come off, so don't get mad," I roll my eyes and grab his remote. (Possessive Alpha's) I think to myself. I can't believe he found a way to mark me, even though, earlier I wanted to marked by him so bad, but now my sense has come back. (But for, how long?) "So, what are we watching, now?" I ask as I flip through the channels. "Anything you want to watch, baby'' I rent the new underworld movie, since I didn't get a chance to see it, because he ruined it, but I can't tell him that. "You must have really liked it, to watch it again?" "Actually, someone kept distracting me from watching it the first time," "Who was it... a guy,?" he asks, causing me to laugh. "It doesn't matter who it was, you wanted to see it with me and you wanted to be close to me" He smiles and fixes the pillows behind us. Then we lean back. "Now, don't disturb me this time" I say to see if he'll take the bait. He doesn't and soon our pizza arrives. He wouldn't let me help him, so he makes two extra trips, because he brought back sodas, but I ask for water, so he runs to the kitchen and gets me a water. I really wanted to watch the movie, but he kept kissing me, and I can't say no, because I don't want to. We were so close to mating, when he was grinding on me, because we were half naked and it was so passionate that I begged him to mate with me. "Well I guess I'll head home, and I'll see you tomorrow, " I say as I slide off of his bed and look for my clothes. "No you won't!" he says, while getting up to tackle me onto a beanbag chair. "Are you paying me back for flipping and pushing you,?" I ask after he picks me up and slams me on his bed again. "No baby, just please stay the night with me," he pleads. "I guess, but I have to tell my parents" "I'll tell them," he says as he hugs me. "Come up here, and I'll link your parent's" he says as he helps me up to the headboard. "Link my mom, because my dad may come for me'' "Okay baby," he says with a smile, before he pecks my lips. We spend the rest of the night watching another underworld movie, and then I fall asleep with him kissing the top of my head, while wrapped in his arms.
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