Chapter 29

1983 Words
*The next morning Tye was beating on my door. "Get up and get dressed for training!" he yells. "I change my mind, I don't want to train anymore!" (It's what I usually say, but this time I'm serious) "Come on little girl, downstairs in 15 minutes!" "Fine!" I shout, before I roll myself out of bed. I drag my feet to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to wash my face. Then I get dressed in a pair of grey joggers and a black t-shirt with Inuyasha on it. I don't do anything to my hair, but I have a hair tie on my wrist just in case. "Hey, are you okay,?" asks Teagan, probably noticing my change of attitude from last night. "I'm fine, we'll talk later" I say with a small smile. I need to concentrate on forgetting him, even if, it hurts me to even think about not having him around. (I have to take care of myself and make sure, that I am well, before anything or anyone else, even if, that person is my mate) I think to myself. "Okay, girls outside," says Tye when he sees me stalling. Teagan grabs my hand and we walk out on the porch. I see that the guys came, as soon as, I walk down the porch steps, so I keep my eyes on either Tye or the ground. "Good morning," I say when we reach them, as I put my earbuds in, so that, I don't have to hear his lying voice. Then I link Tye to partner me with Teagan, he nods and then pairs me with Zair. "Tye!" I yell as I pull out one of my earbuds. "You can't get stronger, if you can beat your opponent," "Then pair me with someone else!" "Amaya!" "Fine, but if I break his legs it's your fault," I say under my breath, causing him to chuckle. "Ready?" asks Zair. "Don't say anything," I say while wiping away an escaped tear. He walks towards me to try and console me and I flip him. Then I put him in an arm lock with my legs, while he's still in shock. "He's not even trying," I say as I stand. "Again,'' "Fine!" I yell, as I glare at him for doing this to me. (He must be on his side, because he's a cheater too) He looks at me surprised and I roll my eyes and turn back to Zair. We circle each other a couple of times. I'm just waiting to make my move, I don't know what he's doing. "Come on guys, we danced yesturday!" yells Tye, causing me to remember how one of the best days of my life, turned into one of the worst. I run towards him and as he tries to grab me, but I go under his arm and punch him in the side. Then I grab his arm and ignore the tingles, as I try to sweep his legs from under him, while pushing him back. He moves his leg and grabs me and then flips me, but he doesn't let me fall hard, next he pins me to the floor. I squirm and wiggle trying to break free. "I love you Amaya, please just listen to me," I turn my lower body and I wrap my legs around his waist, as tears run down and I squeeze him, but not as hard as I can. (I still can't bring myself to hurt him) "I don't want to hear anymore of your lies," "Please," he begs, releasing me, so that he can hug me. I don't say anything, I only look at the clouds in the sky, as more tears escape my eyes. (No matter how much I blink, they won't stop) "Say something'' he whispers. "Let's take a break and give them some space," says Tye. "I don't have anything to say" "You said, that you wanted to talk," I say as I continue to avoid his eyes. "I don't know what you heard, or who told you that Tammy was pregnant by me, but it's a lie," "I have never even slept with her, but apparently she's been around the block, and she doesn't know who the pups dad is," "Last night she tried to pin it on me, but I told her that I was going to get a DNA test to prove it wasn't mine," "Do whatever you want, break my legs, kick me, hit me, just don't leave me," he says as tears drop from his face to mine. I look at him and wipe away his tears. "I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions'' ''The girls in the restroom seemed so sure, that you only my virginity," he stops kissing my hand and looks at me surprised. "They also said that you would get back with Tammy like you 'always' do, and when they called me a 'dumb b***h,''' "I felt like one for falling into your 'trap'" He doesn't say anything, he only listens. "At first I felt like you were moving too fast" "Then I got advice from a friend and I let our bond take over but after I heard them, I felt so stupid for letting my guard down with you" "I'm sorry, Zair," I say again. "You don't have to apologize, just please, ask or let me explain first," "I'll tell you anything about me, that you want to know," he says while hugging me tighter. ''I'm so happy that you didn't reject me," "I don't know why that didn't cross my mind, even when I thought you were using me to make yourself stronger," He raises his eyebrows in surprise. I explain how some wolves use their true mates, while taking chosen mates. "I didn't think about revenge or anything, I just wanted to forget you," He turns his head slightly and kisses me as if it will be our last. "I love you," he says as he lays on my chest. "I love you, too" I say as I run my fingers through his dark hair. "Let's go for a run," he suggests. "I don't really feel like running" "Let's go to my house, I want to be alone with you," he says as he plays with my naval. I think about it, as I smack his hand. "Okay" It's not like I have to do anything, we can just talk, or play video games, and maybe have a kiss or two. When we get to his house, we decide to lounge on his bed watching movies. I wait as he goes to get popcorn and snacks from the kitchen. "Zair!" calls his mom, as I sit on his bed waiting. I debate on opening the door, because I wanted to wait to let everyone know about us, but I think it will be better if she knows that I am here. "Good morning Luna Trina,'' ''Zair went to get some snacks," I say after I open the door. "Well hello, Amaya," "How are you,?" "I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking" "Zair must really like you, because he never brings home any girls," I feel sad to think about him possibly having girls in his room. "I do really like her, in fact I love her," he says as he walks up to us. "Does that mean, she's your mate,?" she asks in a hopeful tone. "Yes, she is my mate," he says as he looks at me with his dreamy eyes, causing me to blush. "Why didn't you tell me the future Luna was here,?" she scolds. "Mom, I just got her back, and I want to have a little alone time with her," "Okay, but bring her over more, so that, I can get to know her better," "Okay, okay," he says as he nudges me back towards his room. "Blink twice, if you're being held against your will" says his mom causing me to chuckle. "Mom, you'd help her escape?!" he asks surprised. "Yes, son kidnapping is bad, even if, it is your mate and you love her," she explains. "Good thing she came on her own then," "Now, I won't have to go through with my plan," he says with a straight face as he blows out a relieved breath. "You're joking right,?" she asks with wide eyes. "Of course, mom'' he says, before he closes his door. (Was he joking?) He puts the snacks on the bed and kneels down to take off my socks. Then he kisses and nibbles, before he sucks on them while moaning. "Zair!" I say shocked by what he's doing. "That's, gross," I say as I pull my feet away, even though, it feels good. "No, it's not," he says as he grabs my other foot and massages it. ''Do you have a fetish?" I ask remembering, how he kept kissing my hands and fingers. "Yes, it's called being in love with my mate," he says before he sucks on my other toes. I giggle and pull my foot away. This foot, tickles way more than the other one. I scoot back on the bed and he takes off his shirt. (What did I get myself into by coming here?!) His mom knows that I came on my own, and I wasn't forced, so she probably won't check on me. (Will he try to mark me?) He takes off his socks and shoes and walks towards the bed. ''Oh no" I whisper under my breath, when I feel myself getting wet from just looking at him shirtless, or it may have been from the intense look in his eyes. "It seems like you're ready for me," he says as he grips my pants and pulls them down. Then he pulls up my shirt. "Wait, let's go slowly," I say, putting my hand up. "I won't rush you, I just want to feel your body touching mine," he says as he takes off his shorts. Then he exhales deeply, as he lays on top of me. He stares into my eyes, before he kisses me, gently opening my legs to slowly grind against me. I softly moan and hug him as he moves, and I can't help feeling like the tingles are stronger than they were yesterday. I try so hard to fight the feeling, so that I won't moan too loudly. "Zair, I need a break, it's too much," I whisper. "You'll be fine baby, let your body react to my touch,'' "Hit me, scratch me, scream, do whatever you have to, just let me pleasure you," I try to relax and stop stifling my moans.Then I hold on to his back as he continues to grind, now pulling my hips upwards into his grinds. "Do you like it baby?" "Yes" I say softly. He pecks my lips, then he kisses down my body. ''Let me taste how much you like it," he says as he slides my panties off. I debate on whether to stop him, then I feel his lips sucking and his tongue swirling, causing me to moan. When my hips start to squirm he grabs my legs, so that, I can't move and he moans as he continues to savor me, until I, feel something in the pit of my stomach. I grip tighter to his sheets as I scream his name, then I collapse. He slowly licks me clean as my body quivers. ''MMm" he says as he licks his lips. "Zair, you're so gross" I say softly. "But you enjoyed it," he says as he crawls up my body. Then he unhooks my bra, causing my breasts to bounce and he immediately attacks them, sucking and pinching on them. "Zair, you're amazing," I moan as I grab his sheets again, then I hug him, because I didn't know what to do with my hands.
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