Chapter 31

1728 Words
The next morning I link Teagan, Ben, and Raegan my plan to take him to the karaoke bar to reveal to him that I am Yaya. "I love you, Amaya," he says as he hugs me. "Thank you, for spending the night with me," "Are you afraid of the boogieman?" I joke as I sit up. "No, I just really wanted to hold you all night long, and I wish that I could do that every night," he says as he pulls me back into the bed. "I guess I could spend the night sometimes, and we can have like a slumber party," "But just you and me right?" he asks, as he looks deeply into my eyes. "Yes" I whisper as I slowly nod, and he hugs me as he chuckles. "When do you want to come live with me?" (Oh no, I should have known it was coming soon) Alphas always want to whisk their 'women' off to live with them, soon after finding them. Then they don't want them to have a life of their own. He pecks my lips. "Think about it, because I love you and I want you here with me, baby," "We already know that we're mates, so it's not like we would be doing anything wrong," "Don't you think you'll get tired of me,?" "We already go to school together'' ''You'll have to come home with me and see my mug of a face and hear my annoying voice," "But baby, we only have two classes together, and even if we had all of them together, I would still want to be close to you," "I love you, so much," he says before he kisses me, not giving me enough time to answer back. I close my eyes as he cups my face and pulls me on top of him, but I sit up when I feel his hardness. It's too early for this kind of action, at least I think it is. (Is there a certain time of day to makeout?) He grabs my butt and bites his lip as he grinds up on me and I moan. Then he lightly smacks my butt. "Do you want me to spank you,?" he asks as he squeezes my butt and pulls me even more into his grinding, causing me to moan again. "I don't want you to get comfortable with hitting and slamming me" "I promise to never hurt you, I just want to make you feel good," We hear a knock on the door as he pulls me to lay down on his bare chest. "Are you okay in there Amaya?!'' ''Are you guys coming out for a late breakfast or lunch?!" "Yes Luna Trina, I'm fine, thanks for asking!" "Zair, let that young lady come out to breathe, and to get some fresh air!" I chuckle at his frustrated face. "Mom, just leave us alone, we're going out later!" "Zair, you better not try to kidnap her!'' "I told you, she came on her own!" he says as I crawl off of him, causing him to groan, which makes me laugh again. "I want to talk with her later, because I always see her, but we never talk," "See, that's your fault,'' ''I'm not sharing her, because you didn't take the time when you had a chance!" "She was always busy, honey!" "Zair, don't argue with your mom, let's just eat with her," "Only if, you promise to stay one more night with me" "I uh" "We're going out later, so we'll be spending all day together," "But I want you to sleep with me too," "You didn't enjoy being close to me all night?" he asks before he kisses my shoulder. "You enjoyed my snoring and my bad morning breath?" "Your breath doesn't smell bad and you don't snore," he says before pecking my lips and softly sucking on them. (He's never seen me in a deep sleep before) "Stop making excuses, baby," "Okay, fine" "Thank you," he says while squeezing me. I get up to put on my clothes and he grabs me and slams me back on the bed. (He is definitely paying me back for flipping him and I punched him too) (My poor mate) Even though I didn't punch him too hard, I still hit him. I hug him then I peck his cheek, surprising him. "I'm sorry," I say as he cuddles me. "Why,?" "Because, I didn't believe you and I hit you," ''Don't be, you were angry because you thought that I had lied to you," "But I didn't give you a chance to explain yourself," "It's okay because you're here now and we're together, and we'll be together forever baby" I peck his lips and we lay there with me in his arms, until my stomach growls. "Let's go eat with your mom" "Okay, but just for a little while, she has her mate and you're here for me," "When you move in, you can talk with her all you want, which hopefully isn't a lot," I shake my head as I push him off of me. "I need clothes" "Here put on my shorts" he says while handing me the pair he had on. I pull them on and he looks at me with love filled eyes. "Aya baby, you're beautiful," "But I'm only wearing your clothes" "I know and you smell like me,'' he says as he hugs me. "You're mine and I can't wait to mark you," he says as he bends down to kiss my mark, causing me to moan softly. "Please think about moving in with me," he says as we make our way to the kitchen. "Okay, I'll think about it'' he gives me a small smile and he pulls me into a hug. (It's going to be hard to leave him, either because he won't let me, or because it'll be too hard to say no) I don't want to see him sad again, and I already hurt him twice. "Are you sure he's not forcing you, I didn't actually hear it come from your mouth,?" says his mom. "Yes I'm sure'' "I never planned to stay the night, and I was only supposed to be here for a little while, but then I agreed to stay the night as well," "And she agreed to stay tonight too," he says as he side hugs me, bringing a smile to her face. "So when will you be moving in,?" "I haven't decided yet, and I need to talk with my parent's" "I haven't told my dad that we're mates yet, only my mom, even though, I'm sure he suspects it" "My mom moved in with my dad the same day, that they found out they were mates," "I know, you told me, remember, I told you that my parents did too?'' "Yeah, I didn't know if you had forgotten," "Well, since you didn't let her out yesturday for lunch or dinner we're having leftover's,'' she says as she pulls the food out of the fridge. I get up to help, but he pulls me back close to him. "Zair, let me help your mom and then I'll sit with you" "I'll help too," he says as he quickly get's up. He doesn't help, he just holds on to my waist as I move around the kitchen. ''I love you,'' he whispers as I put his plate on the table then he follows me to prepare mine. "You are just like your dad Zair, so loving and affectionate," I smile shyly while trying not to blush. "Are you blushing,?" he asks with a smirk, as he cups my chin. ''I told you and your friend, I don't know how to blush'' I link back, even though he didn't link me. "I'm so happy that Amaya is your mate, and you're lucky she's a member of the pack," "Some people have to go looking in order to find their mate" "Me and your mother lucked out too, to find our mates like we did" (Our moms went to the same school with our dads and they were both mated to Alphas) "I never asked why your dad never wanted his own pack," "Are you trying to kick me out?" "No baby, if I could I'd make you stay forever, but my mom would help you escape," he says, causing us to laugh at his joking. (At least I think it's a joke) "You'll have to ask my dad for the details, because all I know is that he did have a pack, and they later joined this pack,'' ''But it was before I was born, so I can't tell you much," "It may have had something to do with me being an Alpha," "I think I remember them talking about it when I was younger" I say after a memory pops into my head. He raises his eyebrows surprised. "You definitely need to move in now, so that I can keep you safe!" "I'll be fine," "My dad is a good fighter and so is my brother, and not to brag, but I've been flipping you all over school, so..." I say as I smile and shrug. "I'm going to flip you on the bed," he says through our link, causing my eyes to grow. "Really,?" asks his mom, reminding me of her presence. He tells her about all of the times that he tried to put a move on me and I flipped him. "Oh my Goddess!" she laughs. "I have to tell your dad, he's going to love this!" she says, still laughing. "Mom, it's not that funny," I lean over and peck his cheek then I hug him. "Mom, help me convince her to move in with me," "Honey, she may need a couple of weeks, or months" "Weeks, or months!" He looks at me. "It won't take you months will it?" "Maybe a couple of days... or weeks" I say the last part, when I think about leaving my family. (Tye just got back and I haven't even had a good argument with him yet) "We can always visit your family and they don't live far," he says as he rubs on my back, probably noticing my worried face. ''Okay, give me a couple of days," He smiles and hugs me tightly.
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