Chapter 43

1487 Words
After I close the door, I am surprised when Zair grabs me, and pins me to the wall. And I moan as he feels me up and kisses my breath away, then I hug him when he gives me a chance to catch my breath. We look up when we hear heels clacking against the floor. Of course we're not nervous. We've been caught a lot of times, by teachers and staff, but this time it was his mom. "Hey mom, we were just headed to the office," he says embarrassed. "I see, but the office is that way" she says pointing behind her with her thumb. "Yeah'' is all he says, and I try not to smile at his cuteness. "I came to use the restroom and I see you suffocating your Luna," I blush as he pulls me into a hug. "Now, I'm going to use the restroom, and I'll, see you two at home," She says before entering the restroom. "You're definitely going to get it now," he says when she's out of sight, causing me to scream and run, giggling all the way to the parking lot. He catches me as I'm about to reach his car. "You didn't think that I would let you get far, did you,?" he says as he hugs me from behind. Then he rests his head in the crook of my neck and reaches his hand into my panties. "Zair... I don't want... my mother-in-law... to see us like this" I breathe out, as he kisses my neck while rubbing his fingers over me. He pulls his hand out and turns me around and leans me against the car. Then he sucks his fingers before he kisses me. "Do you see why I can't get enough of you baby?'' "It's so sweet" he says after he pulls back. "Let's hurry home, so we can prepare for our ceremony" I say now that I can breath. "Okay, but your butt is mine when we get home, so go straight to the room," he says before he softly kisses me again, moaning into my mouth. "Zair you're still here, let the poor girl breath,?" says his mom, walking down the school steps, her voice echoing through the parking lot. "We were, just leaving," he says, as he, grabs my hand to lead me to the other side of the car. "She doesn't understand how amazing you are," he says before giving me a peck and helping me into the car. "I'll follow you guys, to make sure that Zair makes it home," "He might try to book two plane tickets to a honeymoon location and kidnap you," she says before she winks at me. I chuckle and grab his hand, because it's funny, but also a little embarrassing to have been caught like this twice by her. "Come on mom, let's hurry," he says after he kisses my hand. She trails us home and he pulls me to the house and directly to our room. "f**k, my dad want's to talk with me," he says just as he lays on top of me. "Okay" I whisper as I catch my breath. He looks at me, with a small smile, as his eyes go from my lips to my eyes, then he pecks my lips. "I'll be right back, so don't move, unless you want to go ahead and take off your clothes and get comfortable" "Go, see what your dad wants," I say as I laugh and push him off of me. When he leaves, I go to the kitchen to make us something to eat. I make two turkey sandwiches and some homemade French fries. (Should I, wait here or go to our room?) I think to myself. "What's wrong, baby" asks Zair through our link. "I made us sandwiches and fries, but I don't know, if I should wait here or in the room" "I'll meet you in our room" he reply's. (Well that didn't take long) "I hope it was nothing bad" I say when I see Zair. "No, I'll tell you while we eat" he says as he helps me with the plates. "My dad seems to think that I'll make a good Alpha, because... he's stepping down, so that I can take over," he says with a beaming smile. "Congratulations, Alpha Zair!" I say bowing my head. "And I, have the most beautiful Luna in the world," he says as he reaches for my hand to kiss it. "Meh, I might be in the top 20," I laugh. "Do I need to make you an eye doctor's appointment?" he asks while pulling me into his lap. We cuddle for a little while and then we're awaken by a knock at the door. "Your mom and Teagan are on their way, so you guys need to get washed up," says his mom. "I'll take a shower, while you get your clothes together, and then, you'll take a shower while I get dressed" I say as I sit up. "No deal'' he says, smiling as he picks me up, then he carries me to the shower. We wash each other down and makeout occasionally, forgetting about everything else. "Okay, lovebirds,'' says my mom linking me. Which causes me to cut our passionate kiss short. ''Let's get ready, my mom just linked me, they're ready," "Yeah, I blocked my mom out a long time ago," he laughs. "Oh, you're grounded," I say handing him a towel and then grabbing one for myself. "Take away the cars, T.V.'s, clothes, and video games, just leave me my beautiful friend" he says as he pulls up my towel to bite my butt. "All this time, you've only been after my butt?" I ask, but I don't stop him. "Of course not, but I would be lying if I said that I could do without it" he says before sucking and kissing it. (I have to calm him, before he get's out of control like he usually does) "Zair baby, remember what I said, this is an exit, not an entrance" he chuckles. "I don't want to enter, I just want to taste every part of you," he says before squeezing and sucking it, leaving hickies. "Brush your teeth, so that you don't kiss my-mother-in-law with that mouth," I say as I walk over to the sink to brush my own teeth, as he, follows close behind. He groans and hugs me, pressing himself against my butt. "We need to try to speed this up" I say as I hand him his toothbrush with toothpaste on it. "Hurry up and get ready, it'll go by fast once we get there," I leave him to brush his teeth and sulk, while I get out his socks and boxers. "You have to be fully dressed, before, I open the door for my mom and Teagan," "I know that they have mates, but I'm as possessive and jealous as my mate" I say causing him to smile. (I can't wait to get him out of that suit) I think to myself. He chuckles when he sees me checking him out. "I thought you were different than all the others," he says as he covers his chest and his goods, causing me to cackle as I hug him. "You're so handsome in that suit, you might have to put a lock on your zipper" I smile when he blushes. "Wow, it's like I know I need you to go, so that I can get dressed, but I don't want anyone else to see you" I add surprised by my new feelings of jealousy. "I love you, baby" he says before he kisses me. "I love you, too," I say after he pulls back. ''You don't have to ever worry about anyone else," he says as he looks into my eyes. "We'll keep what we have a secret," he fake whispers as he bends down to grip my butt. "Zai, go to your dad, so I can get ready and hurry, back to you," I laugh. "Link me when you get there" I link to tease him. I miss him almost as soon as he walks out, so I peek my head out the door to see if he's gone. "It's about time," says our mom's. "I know, and I, miss him so much,'' They hug me and try to console me, but when Zair links, to tell me that he is with his dad, and some other Alphas, I feel better. He assures me that we will be together soon. My mom did my some of my hair up and some down as his mom did my makeup. Teagan helps me to choose jewelry and my lingerie for later tonight. Then I, slip into an electric blue form fitting dress, with see through sleeves and back, that comes a couple of inches above my knees.
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