Chapter 44

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As soon as they finished talking, we rode over to the ceremony. Everyone cheered when we were called on stage and introduced as mates. Zair couldn't contain his excitement and he gave me a PG kiss in front of everybody, and they all applauded and some even whistled causing me to smile shyly. Zair held me closer, getting a little jealous of the whistling wolves, until I squeezed his hand and reminded him of his promise to 'get me'. Alpha Calvin announced to everyone that Zair would be taking his place as Alpha, and after all of his announcements he gave the floor over to Zair. ''My Luna and I look forward to serving you and as of right now we're here to help, and support you in any way," "If you have any needs, or new ideas to better the pack, let us know," "We also ask that you be patient with us, since we, are just getting started," I say shyly when he puts the microphone to my mouth. He pecks my cheek and hugs me as he chuckles. "I have one other thing that I want to share," He says as he smiles at me and I shrug. I have no idea what it is. (Should I know?) (He better not tell them about Yaya) "You all know my beautiful Luna Amaya, since she is also from this pack," He says as he looks from them to me. "We've been through a lot in the short time that we've been mates," "Whether it was me, trying to win her heart, and to show her that she could trust me," "You guys know I'm not a playboy right... well she didn't,'' he says causing them to laugh. (I'm going to kick his butt) I think to myself as I smile embarrassed. "Or, almost losing her because someone spread some terrible lies about me," ''They also spread lies about her, and she is the sweetest person I know," "Sorry mom," he says as he shrugs while looking at her, causing everyone to laugh again as I smile and shake my head. "I have personally seen her take up for those that couldn't or wouldn't speak up for themselves,'' ''The only people that she ever did put in their place, were bullies and a few unmated males, that tried to get a little to friendly," ''Trust me I know, because I was of them, but unlike many other's that didn't stop me," "Nothing will stop me from being with my Luna, and I want to ask her in front of all of you, to be my wife," he says as he looks into my wide eyes, surprising me even more than he already has after all of the things he just said, and I'm left speechless. "Amaya my love, will you marry me,?" he asks getting on his knee. "How can I say no to that, Zair,?" I say as my eyes fill with tears. He chuckles as he stands to hug me. "I love you" he whispers as everyone applauds. (At least, it felt like everyone) He wipes my tears away with his thumbs and gives me another PG kiss. Then our parents come to join us on stage and they hug us. I wonder if they knew. I'm sure his parents did, but did mine? As we walk through everyone, heading over to the dining hall, we get handshakes and many pack members congratulating us, as well as people from other packs wished us well. I couldn't stop smiling and looking from my ring to my mate, even as we ate. He smiles, when he sees me. "Do you like it,?" "I would love it, even if it was make out of paper" I say as I look at it again. He grabs my hand and kisses it. "This isn't part of your fetish is it?" I tease, causing him to laugh and pull me closer to side hug me. "I'll have to get one for you, now,'' "Do you want me to choose, or do you want to go with me and pick it out yourself,?" "I want you to choose, but I'll go too, so that you get the right size and because, I want to be close to you" I lean on his shoulder, as he puts my hand on his chest after kissing it again. "When did you get it,?" I link as we walk around getting to know everyone better. "When we went to the mall and you girls were picking out bathing suits" "Oh, Zair," I say as I hug him. He squeezes me and I feel him kiss my forehead. "I love you, Amaya," "I love you too Zai," We met a lot of Alphas and Lunas, well I did. Zair probably knew everyone here, because he had to, being an Alpha, you must have alliances and friends. Although all of this was a bit scary and overwhelming, Zair kept squeezing my hand and linking me to calm my nerves. One Alpha, Alpha Daniel, got a little too comfortable for Zair's liking by inviting us to his pack in the mountains. Zair was so angry that I had to sing to him through our link and put his hand on my butt. (Hey, it worked) It turns out that he also recognized me as Yaya, and wanted to know why I had stopped doing karaoke. "We've been so busy getting to know each other," "We also have school, and I'm in a play and it was just too much," "Is that why you stopped being Yaya,?" "I thought it was because, you were afraid of getting caught," "I guess I should have asked," says Zair with a smirk. "Yes, it was too much, with me having the play," "So it wasn't my fault,?" "How hard were you and Pinky laughing at me, tell me the truth,?" he asks, as he laughs, remembering how he acted, probably embarrassed. His laughing causes some people to look over at us. "We really didn't, she kept trying to get me to give you a chance, but I didn't think that I was your type as the real me,'' ''I kind of liked the attention you gave me as Yaya, but I knew it could never work because she was fake," "He was so in love with me as Yaya, before we had even officially met," I say blushing, as I laugh embarrassed. ''I'm sorry, we're probably boring you," I forgot that he was here and we basically just spilled out our entire love story in front of him. He smiles. "You're fine,'' ''I have to admit, I too have fallen," he says with a chuckle. ''She has many fans, both as Amaya and Yaya," says Zair with a glare, and then he smiles. "Seriously, how blind was I,?'' he asks with a smirk, as he shakes his head after realizing that the names are similar. I tell him how I came up with the name Yaya. "You wait until I get you in the room," he links as he bites his lip. "I could hardly contain myself when I found out, that I had them both," I blush and grab onto his arm, when I remember our first night. The night that we were fully mated. Zair remembers too, because he pulls me close to his body and asks me to ditch the rest of the ceremony. "It was nice meeting you Alpha Daniel and I apologize again," "We did nothing but talk about ourselves," I say as I hold out my hand for him to shake, but I pull my hand back when he tries to kiss it. "I'm sorry, I have a problem with touching, especially, from men," "Yes, I'm the only man that is allowed to touch her, and it even took me a while to be able to do it," says Zair with a proud smile. "Zair baby, it didn't take that long'' I say as I blush, hoping that he won't think that I gave it up too easily. "So you're okay with a woman's touch,?" "I guess," I say as I shrug a shoulder and nod. "I am forcing myself to shake everyone's hand" he nods in understanding.
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