Chapter 42

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"Hello beautiful mate" I whisper to wake him up. I woke up earlier, so that our wolves could have more time together. We quickly showered but after my towel fell, I was attacked, which caused us to be late, because he wanted to take his time. I quickly grab a pancake and some berries, Zair only grabbed an apple and that's only because I convinced him. "See you next period'' I say before I peck his lips. "Okay baby," he says after he gives me a proper kiss. (That was easy) I think to myself as I sit at my desk. "What's wrong" asks Teagan. I must have my thinking face on. "Nothing, everything is great," I say with a smile, because it is. I'm just surprised that he didn't try to convince me to skip. I spent the next class with my legs in his lap, as he caressed my thighs, I took deep slow breaths, so that, I wouldn't moan. (Sometimes, just his touch drives me over the edge) When I look at him, he's smiling at the effect he has on me. "Zai" I whisper in a breathy voice. "You know what you're doing," I say as my pelvis tingles and my panties get wet. "What's wrong?" he asks as he runs his hand all the way up my thigh. "We always have fun, don't we?" I nod as I bite my lip, but I slowly pull my legs away, when I feel myself getting wetter. "I gave you your medicine this morning" "Then you should have given me a double dose," he says as he smirks. "You're so cute," He smiles at my compliment and pulls my chair closer. Then he licks his lips, as he leans over to kiss me. I know what he's doing, so I peck his lips and then I sit back in my chair. I peek over to see him smiling slyly at me. "Why are you fighting this,?" "You know you want it?" "Do you see how your body reacts to me?" he says as I start breathing deeply again as he squeezes my thigh. "What do you want me to do?" He raises his hand and asks the sub for permission to work on a project for our next class, since, we're already finished with our work. I barely grab my books, before I am pulled through the desks. The sub to raises an eyebrow, but he doesn't say anything. (Sir, you've been duped) He takes me to the utility closet and puts a chair behind the door, then he kisses me against the wall. ''Are you sure you don't like skirts or dresses, this would be so much easier,'' he says against my lips as he feels me up. "I'm sorry, I'm not a professional at this Zair," I say as I pull back, feeling hurt and offended. ''I didn't ask any of your ex's for advice on the fastest way to get my clothes off for you" he is still looking at me, shocked from the first thing, that I told him. I shake my head and I grab the chair. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to offend you," he says as he hugs me. "You said it didn't matter what I wore," "Now you want me to wear skirts, just so you can have s*x with me, regardless if I like them or not,?" He kisses my cheek. "Amaya baby, I promise it's not like that," "Yes, I want to be with you, so bad, but I never meant to hurt you and I want all of you, not just your body," he says as he looks into my eyes. "I love you'' he says, as he, lifts my chin as I try to avoid his eyes. "I love you, too," I say after I see that he is sincere. I didn't mean to snap, but, I can just imagine some cheerleader hiking up her skirt for him. "Baby, what's wrong,?" "I just can't stand to think of you with some other girl, Zair," he looks at me with sad eyes. "I was really young, when I lost my virginity," "It was never planned, but, I promise I will never sleep with another person, for the rest of my life," "I love only you, and if you want we can stop having s*x until you are ready," "It's not just about the s*x," ''I was just jealous, that you've enjoyed having it with someone else, and even though we weren't together, it still hurts," "Amaya baby, the s*x that I get from you is way better, than anyone else that I have ever been with," "That's why I want it so much," he says before he pecks my lips as he caresses my face, then he hugs me tightly. "I love only you baby," he says again with his head against mine. "What do I have to do to get you to believe me,?" "I do believe you," "It's just the thought of you with someone else" "So many of these girls have probably dreamed of being with you" "I have been only dreaming of you," he says before he kisses me taking my breath away. We don't say or do anything else, he just sits in a chair, as he holds me and we only hug each other, and we leave the closet right before the bell rings. "I love you," he says as he rubs his thumb over my lips. "I love you, more," I say before I poke my lips out for a kiss. He smiles and hugs me tightly. "Maybe I can get some cute dresses" I say as we stand outside of my next class. "Whatever you want, baby," he says with a smile. (I hate that I'm jealous) I must really be like my mom. "I'll see you at lunch" he says with a smile as he backs away. "Don't feel bad for loving me, baby," he says, as he feels my sadness. I nod, before I'm playfully pushed into the classroom by Raegan. "Are you trying to get beat up,?" I laugh. "Yeah, he's going to kill me," he says looking a little nervous. "You're his bestfriend and his Beta, he is not going to kill you for joking around," "He just told me he was, and he's going to give your brother my place as Beta" "Oh no, he's not," I assure him. "Zair baby, you can't kill your best friend and take his position to give to my brother, over a little joking," "It wasn't very funny," he says. "No it wasn't," I say agreeing with him. "But he is still your bestfriend, and you know that your friends are jokesters," I remind. "Fine, but I'm still going to break something on him," "Don't worry, he'll heal," "You won't have a chance to touch him, because your hands will be on me" I say flirting with him. "Don't think I can't get you out of class," he says with a growl. "Save all of your energy for tonight," I say before I close our link. I have no idea where this seductress is coming from. I open my link a few seconds later, but the damage is already done. "Amaya Marie Thomas, come to the office please," I hear over the intercom. "What did you do Zair?" I say as I grab my books and walk to the door.
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