Chapter 28

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*I walk to the table to get a drink of my Shirley Temple, since my brother won't let me drink alcohol, even though, he hasn't said anything when he sees me sipping on Zair's drink. "Hey Maya," says Roger from behind me. "You look so f*****g hot, just like, I always imagined you'd look," I open my mouth to speak and he cuts me off. "I know you have your little 'boy toy' but let me know when you get tired of him, and you want to have some real fun," "Roger... he's my mate" I say as I feel arms wrap round my waist. "Do we have a problem,?" asks Zair, hugging me against his body. "Nothing's wrong, pretty boy, just talking to a friend," "Good,'' ''You're not making any future plans that involve my girl, are you Roger,?" "I don't know, I'm not a physic, so I can't say for sure," "Guy's please stop,'' "Roger my Tye's here, and you know he won't like to see you talking to me" ''Yeah, I saw him'' he says as he looks at the dance floor. "I'll see you later, okay" I say with a small smile. "No, you won't," says Zair, as he glares at him while pulling me behind his back. "You're not even fully mated yet, and you're already trying to control her!" says Roger as he points his finger at Zair. "What I say, or do with my mate, is none of your business!" "Bye Roger," I say as I wave goodbye to him, even if he isn't ready to go. "Bye, Maya, I'll see you at school" he says as he matches Zair's glare. "Calm down, Zair he's leaving," I say while grabbing his hand, to calm him. "You told him, we're mates,?" I nod, as he holds my face in his hands. Then he crashes his lips against mine. "This isn't a kissing booth, it's a dance club," I say as I pull him to the middle of the floor, after catching my breath. I go back to wiggling my hips and trying to perform for him, but he has other plans. He turns me around and grinds against me. I guess that's how all of the other couples were dancing. I match his movements and he grips my hips. I hear his chest grumble, then he turns me around to kiss me. He grips my butt surprising me, but I'm too into our kiss to stop him, and honestly I don't know if I want to. "Do you want to go to my house,?" "You can spend the night," he asks when he let's me catch my breath. "I'll leave my house early and spend all day with you tomorrow," "Will you come to my room,?" "I don't know" "Come on, you let me see yours," "You kind of invited yourself in" "But you didn't kick me out," I smile. "Didn't you like the way, I made your body feel?" "Shhh... someone might hear you," I say putting my hand over his mouth. He kisses it and pulls it down, then he wraps my arms around his body and we slow dance. "I have to potty" I whisper after a while. I guess it was all of the drinking and sipping that I had been doing. I didn't realize I was so tipsy from just sipping out of his drink, until I, slowly walk to the bathroom. (I guess he had been holding me up, all this time) ''Do you need help,?" he asks from behind me. "No, just wait for me at the table" As I sit to relieve myself, some girls walk in giggling. "That b***h Amaya is so f*****g dumb!" "Yeah, she actually thinks that Zair likes her, when all he want's is to take her virginity!" "He is clearly still in love with Tammy and she's pregnant with his pup!" I put my hand over my mouth, so that my sobs aren't heard, as tears roll down my face. My heart feels like it is melting inside of my chest. I can't believe he's a liar and he's only using me. (This is why I didn't want to announce him as my mate) "He'll be back in Tammy's bed by the end of the week, and she'll be a joke at school, for even thinking she could compare,'' ''Yeah, she's practically a guy,'' says the other one and then they laugh. When they leave, I clean myself up and I fix my makeup in the mirror, then I walk out of the restroom. Everyone is still dancing, except for Zair, he's arguing with Tammy. I run outside and I get into someone else's taxi, after I pay them for it. I tell the driver to leave me by the woods close to my house, so that I can walk the rest of the way. When I get home, I take off my shoes and I walk up to my room. Then I get into the shower and I cry my eyes out. My mind immediately starts thinking back to all of the signs of him using me. I cry harder when I think of how he used our bond against me. How can anyone be so cynical? "I hate you Zair!" I scream out, weakly. (It was so weak, that it wasn't even a scream) I get out and I wrap myself with a towel, after deciding that I won't shed another tear over him. "Amaya baby, are you okay?" he links as I lay on my bed sobbing. "Are you still in the restroom?" He asks, when I don't answer. "No, I'm at my house, but you have fun with Tammy and your friends," I say, as more tears fall. "I'm leaving now!" he says panicked. "Don't bother coming to see me, because I'm already in bed and I'm halfway asleep," "I want to hold you," "No, you just want... to f**k me," I say making my stomach turn. "Then you'll go back to Tammy or whoever else you talk to!" I shout. "Amaya baby, who told you that?!" he asks surprised. "So you don't deny it,?" ''I-,'' "I never, want to talk to ever again," I say while cutting him off, before I close our link. I cover my head with my pillow, and I pretend not to hear the tapping at my window. Then my mind goes back to thinking, as I try to sleep. Was he trying to get me drunk by letting me drink from his glass? I have heard about how some Alphas use their true mates to make themselves stronger, and then they have chosen mates too. He has said so many times, that he wants to mark and mate with me. Is that why he keeps trying to get me to go to his house? I cry as thought's keep popping into my head, until I fall asleep. Asha tried many times throughout the night to talk to me, but I blocked her out too. (I was too hurt to talk) Zair's Pov: What the f**k is wrong with this girl? She must be on something, or maybe she doesn't know how her body works. It's a good thing that Amaya is in the restroom, because Tammy has lost it. She's claiming that I got her pregnant, but the most we've ever done is made out, and that was only once when I was drunk and we still kept our clothes on. "Man Zair, I didn't want to tell you, but Tammy has a reputation around the locker room," says Raegan when I sit back at the table and tell them why were arguing. ''Well this would have been nice to know years ago," "Hey man, I just found out and anyways you weren't really together,'' "I know, but she was still annoying," I say causing them to laugh. I'm happy that Tye is busy dancing, otherwise he'd be pissed at me. I can't imagine what he'd do, if he would have heard us. Obviously, I can beat him, but I don't want to fight my mates brother, and we've always gotten along really good. (But I will face whoever I have to, in order to be with Amaya) I was too far into our conversation that I almost forgot about my girl. I link to see if she's okay and she says that she's home. (Why did she leave?) I think to myself. I tell her that I'm going to see her. I only came to dance and to be close to her. I'm shocked when she tells me not to go and to hang out with Tammy. (f**k, she must have seen us) My heart sinks into my stomach when she tells me that I want to be with Tammy and that I only want to f**k her. Why would she think that, when I've all but spelled out how much I only want her? I even confessed my love for her. Did Tammy talk to her? I rush to my car, without telling the guys where I'm going. When I get to her house, I climb up to her window. It's unlocked, but I can't just climb in because she is really upset, and I know she wouldn't allow me to help her calm down. I would only make it worse and cause her parents to wake up, and then I'd have a bigger problem and I need them on my side. I go home but I keep checking to see if she has opened her link up. Then I take a quick shower and yell in frustration, because she just started to trust me. I link Raegan and Ben and tell them, and I also ask for advice on how to get her to listen. I know that if I could just explain myself, I can get her back. Raegan reminds me of the training session we have with her brother in the morning and I'm finally able to breath a little. I have to convince her to hear me out. (But what if she doesn't show up?) If she doesn't show up, I'll have to get her parent's and Tye involved, maybe they can convince her to listen to me. End of Zair's Pov:
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