Chapter 27

1950 Words
*''Why did my panties get so wet?" I ask shyly. He has to know he has experience and he kept making it happen. "It means that you're aroused and ready," he says before biting his lip. "Ready for what?" He sucks his middle finger and inserts it into my opening, without warning me and starts thrusting. I whimper and I grab his hand, begging him to stop. "You keep saying no, but you're supposed to say yes" he says as he removes his finger. Then he moans as he sucks it clean, with his eyes closed. "You already know what goes there don't you?" he asks with a smirk. I nod slowly as I'm trapped in his gaze. "I want to be the only person to make you feel this way" he says as he rolls back on top of me. "Wait, please don't" I say softly. ''I want you so bad Amaya, not just in a s****l way,'' ''I want to be with you,'' "I don't care if you have to flip me and slam me'' ''I'll let you kick my ass in front of the entire pack, just say that you'll be mine," he says as he holds me. "Okay, but I want to choose the time and the place" I say as I push him off of me. He falls to the floor and laughs. Then he climbs back up and hugs me close to him. ''Zair, you have to go and I have to take another shower" I say after a while. ''Okay" he says before he climbs back on top of me and kisses me once more. At least I thought it was, until he opens my robe. Then he quickly takes off his shirt and lays back on top of me grinding and rubbing our skin together. "Amaya, baby," he says frustrated. "I know I have to leave, but I don't want to," he says before his kisses intensifies and so does his grinding. I almost lose it, when he grabs one of my breasts and plays with my n****e. (I never knew such sensations could come from them) ''Za-ir,'' I whimper, causing him to growl lowly. He kisses down my body and pulls off my panties. "Please, stop," I moan out, as I hold on to his hair. He growls when I try to move back. "Zai, please,'' He groans, then he kisses me once more and he climbs back up my body to lay on me. "Let's just stay like this forever" he says as he hugs me tightly. "We can't, you have to go," I say as I hug him back. "Teagan and my mom will be here soon," he pecks my lips and looks into my eyes as he pouts. "Just get dressed and come back,'' I say pushing him off of me again, before he starts kissing me again. "Fine," he says as he sits up and slides off of the bed after me, as Iwalk over to the window, closing ny robe. "I love you," he says before pecking my lips and crawling out of the window. "He loves me," I say as I go back over to lay on my bed. Then I get up and spray mint and other scent hiding odors in my room, before I jump into the shower again. When I get out of the shower my mom and Teagan are waiting on me in my room. "What are you trying to hide,?" links my mom. "What do you mean?" I ask confused. "I was a teenager once, you're trying to cover someone's scent," "Oh," "Zair came by and I didn't want any problems from dad or Tye" "Oh sweetie, are you two dating?!" she asks as she grabs me, surprising Teagan, until she realizes we are linking each other. "Yes, we are," I reply aloud, so that Teagan doesn't feel left out. She screams and hugs me. "I know I can't believe my mate is future Alpha," I say as it finally hits me. "I didn't think about that, sweetie," "I thought you were just testing the waters," "Your dad is going to flip!" she says as Teagan slips into a silver, sequin, thigh high, strapless dress. I look at the pile of dresses and I shake my head. (I'm not wearing any of these) "Can't I just wear this?" I ask as I hold up a green crop top and vegan leather pants. "No!!" they both shout. "Wear this," says my mom as she holds up a royal blue thigh high halter dress. "Mom!" I say with wide eyes. "Come on, surprise him,'' ''Show a little leg," she says as Teagan giggles at my pain. (Well showing him leg won't do much, since he's already Frenched my v****a) "Fine" I say as I grab it, then I slip it on. As my mom curls Teagan's hair, I do my makeup, blue smokey eye and nude pink for my lips. Then I do Teagan's makeup silver smokey eye and ruby red lips. I don't do much to my hair, I just ruffle my curls and let them flow. "You girls, look beautiful," says my mom, as we look in the mirror. "Thank you, mom," we say before we hug her. Then I go to my closet and I get a pair of black heels. "Wear these,'' says my mom, handing me a pair of golden sandal heels, with straps that go up my calves. "I feel slutty" I say to them. "That's how you're supposed to go to the dance club" says my mom. "And you don't look like a slut, and even if you did, you're not and even if you were, it's nobodies business," she says, causing us to laugh. "I'm here my love," links Zair, before I can answer my mom. "Mom, he's here and I'm nervous," "Come on sweetie, just trust me, you'll be fine," I smile nervously as I nod and then, Teagan and I make our way downstairs, and it feels like the walk of shame for me. I'm excited but nervous, and I think I'm more nervous, than excited, because of what I'm wearing. "Let's go Tye!" I yell. "Your brother is gone, he said he'd meet you there," "Okay" I say as the doorbell rings, and my mom rushes to open it. Zair stands with his mouth open, as he holds his hand out for me to take it. I walk towards him and I give him my hand. "Come on," I say as I pull him out the door. "Have fun, you guys!" shouts my mom. As we get near his car, he keeps his head down. (He must not like this look) He probably thinks that I'm showing too much. "Get in the car, baby," he says as Ben pulls up. I get in and he closes my door. As he walks around to his side to get in, I watch as Ben knocks on the door and my mom opens. ''Don't break her!'' she says as he carries her to his car with her giggling. I shake my head as I smile, then I look over at my serious mate. He grips the steering wheel with one hand, as he turns the car on with the other. "Do you not like the dress?" I ask when we pull out of the driveway. "You're, beautiful," he says while looking straight ahead. I understand, if he want's to be a safe driver, but a little glance wouldn't hurt. ''Then why won't you look at me,?" "Because if, I do we won't make it to The Claw, and I'm trying to control Jep," "We can do a little something after we leave the club," I say shyly. "f**k baby, don't say it like that,'' He reaches over to touch my thigh, but then he pulls his hand back. "What will calm your Jep down?" "He want's to complete the mating process," Oh," (That's not going to happen, anytime soon) I think to myself. "Asha, can you talk to his wolf to calm him down?" "Jep, is so happy with us, he wants to mark us and mate soon," she says excitedly. ''Tell him that we will, we just, need a little more time'' "What did you do,?" He asks seeming a whole lot calmer. "I told my wolf Asha to talk with her mate to calm him down" "Thank you baby, now we can enjoy ourselves," he says as he grabs my hand to kiss it. I smile and I kiss his hand too. "Man, I want to feel your lips kissing my body," "Maybe I can kiss your chest" "I don't know, if I could kiss anywhere else" I say shyly, he chuckles and holds my hand to his chest. When we get to the club, they already have a booth and they're seated. "Dad let you out of the house like that?!" asks Tye as he pulls away from his date, and sits up to see where my dress ends. I spin around to show my outfit off. It's cute now, since my mate likes it. "Mom, picked it out for me," I say as I flip my hair. "Mine," says Zair as he grabs my hand. I'm playing it cool on the outside but my heartstrings are having a party. We slide in next to Raegan and his date. "Hi Laney," I say holding up my hand to wave at her and everyone else. "Oh, you know Laney?" asks Raegan. "Yes she's in choir with me and Teagan...and Tammy" I say before putting a finger in my mouth and pretending to gag. They all laugh except for Zair, he holds on to me tighter and growls lowly. ''You look beautiful tonight Amaya, and if Zair wasn't my friend, and if I didn't have Laney here, I would get back into the competition," says Raegan as he smirks. Zair glares at him with a small warning growl. I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his, then I kiss his hand. "Don't worry, he's just teasing you" I whisper. When I turn to look at everyone, their mouths are open in shock, causing me to blush with embarrassment. Zair gently brushes against my back with his thumb. "Do you want to dance?" he asks. "Yes, I love this song," I say as I dance a little in my seat. He chuckles as he slides out then he helps me out after him. Shut Up and Dance by Walk The Moon: "We were victims of the night. The chemical, physical, kryptonite. Helpless to the bass and the fading light. Oh we were bound to be together. Bound to be together. She took my arm. I don't know how it happened. We took the floor and she said. Oh don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me. I said your holding back. She said shut up and dance with me...'' End of song. Zair looks at me with love in his eyes as I dance and sing to the music. (At least, I think it's love) After a couple of songs, we walk over to the DJ and I request Love on the brain by Rihanna. When it comes on I sing and dance, performing for him, to see if he will recognize me as Yaya. I had to keep pushing him back, because he kept holding me. I flipped my hair and danced flirtily, I even poke his chest, but he just grabbed my hand and kissed my finger, causing me to laugh and shake my head. (I guess I will have to literally spell it out for him)
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