Chapter 19

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*"Hey, babe!" says Roger as he strolls over with his friends. "Hey Rog," I say as I hold up a hand. "I'll pay you to body slam me," he says with a sly smirk, as he wiggles his eyebrows. ''Eww... how about I kick you in the balls for free?" I say with a sweet smile. ''No!" says Zair. "No, part of your body is touching his, even if, it is just to cause pain," "Especially, not his balls and that area," he says the last part while linking me. "I could use a bat," I say shrugging. Ben is still laughing at the first thing I said and this brings him to the floor. "I'll get the bat," says Raegan, smiling at a nervous Roger. "Preferably one with spikes," says Zair, standing closer to me. "I'll talk to you later Maya, your new friends are weird,'' he says before he walks away. "Who is he,?" asks Zair with a raised eyebrow. "He's one of Tye's friends... and he's a horndog," I say as if it's normal. "He pops up every now and then, for me to insult him, then he's gone for a while," "He doesn't leave or anything, he just doesn't talk much,'' "We wave and say hi, but that's all, and then, when he does decide to do or says something, it's idiotic like just now," I explain. "How old are you,?" he asks. "I'm almost, eighteen" "Is he waiting for you to come of age,?" "I don't know, I don't really pay him any attention, because he's probably the same with other girls" "Let me know, if he says something else to you," he says, while looking serious. "Sure thing, bro bro," I say as I playfully hit his arm. "Something is not right about that guy," he says still looking in the direction that he left in. "Lighten up dude," I say before I take a deep breathe and then I exhale, as if I know what I'm doing. I've only ever seen it done in movies. "Let's go, the bell is about to ring" I say walking towards the showers. "Wait, no, not you," "I meant, Teagan," I say letting go of his hand. "Come on, Teags!" "You. boy. you. go. you. no. welcome. here," I say in a cave woman voice, causing him to chuckle. "I wasn't going to say no" I gasp, as my eyes go wide and I run towards the bathroom. "Hey, I'm sorry, that was too much!'' he says linking me. I close my link as I jump into the shower, and then, I quickly start washing myself down. "Hey, Zair is about to come in, if you, don't open your link back up to him," says Teagan as she steps into the shower. "Zair, can we talk later, after I finish showering please," "Okay, but just know that I'm sorry," "I know, I just need to shower, because I have rehearsals today," "Can I watch you perform,?" "I don't even want to watch me perform" I say truthfully, causing him to chuckle. "You can watch if you want, but be quiet and don't embarrass me," "Okay, I'm going to shower, and I'll, meet you in the music room," "Okay,'' "How did he know we were doing rehearsals in the music room?" "That's where we always practice," "I know, but he wouldn't know that," "Maybe, from Tammy," "Oh, yeah," I say, my voice lined with jealousy, which causes Teagan to laugh. When we walk into the music room, everyone is there, even Zair. He smiles and waves at us, causing everyone to gasp and whisper. "Don't you do it," says Teagan. "What, I'm not going to run," I say before I walk over to sit down next to Zair. "Prince Charming!" sings Mrs. Wyne. "Yes, Madame Wyne," he says as he stands and bows. "I want you to sing your part and then Cinderella will come up and you will sing your duet together," He nods and then he waits for everyone to quiet down before he starts. "Oh wow, he can really sing!" I say, as I nudge Teagan. "We didn't hear him at the audition, because we arrived late," "He's alright, I guess," says Zair, causing Teagan to chuckle as I shake my head. "Cinderella, come join us and you'll sing the duets that you have with Prince Charming," "Then, you will sing your solos and we'll do a couple of scenes with just the two of you," ''Then we will have the step sisters and the step mother, and I'm sorry some of you, but todays rehearsal will be cut a little short,'' ''Don't worry, you still have enough time to practice until your performance," she says with a big smile. I take a deep breath as I stand. "You'll do great," says Zair as he touches my lower back, and even though I have on a shirt, I feel a little shock. (Maybe static from the plastic chair) I walk over to stand next to Rodick and everyone stares at us. Of course they are probably waiting on me to fail. (Well here goes nothing) I think to myself. "You'll be fine," says Rodick as he grabs my hand. I smile and he starts to sing. Song- Ten minutes Ago "Ten minutes ago I saw you, I looked up when you came through the door," "My head started reeling, you gave me the feeling the room had no ceiling or floor," "Ten minutes ago I met you and we murmured our how-do-you-do's" "I wanted to ring out the bells and fling out my arms and to sing out the news,...'' End of song: Everyone applauds us when we finish with our duet and he insists that we bow. "You did great, but it would have been better, if he didn't hold your hands," says Zair through our link. "He did it, so that I wouldn't be nervous and I'll have to hold his hands when we waltz" He growls lowly, causing a couple of people to stare at him. "Don't embarrass me, please," "I'm sorry," I shake my head and turn back to Rodick. As Rodick and I read our lines, he keeps smiling at me. "You are an awesome Cinderella, and you deserve the part," he says when were done. "Thank you," "I would complement you too, but I, think you'd do a better job at complementing yourself," I say, causing him to laugh and shake his head. "I do know how to take a complement," he says with a smile. "Well, you did great,'' ''I have never heard you sing before, but you're an amazing singer," "Thanks, it means a lot coming from you," "Why me,?" "Because you are also an amazing singer," "Thanks, Rodick," I say, as I step back before Zair rushes the stage. Why has he turned me into his new obsession? I mean he's cute but he's going to far with his jealousy. "I don't know what to say," "If everyone is as good as them, then our play will be spectacular and we may even invite Mayor Calvin, and his wife Mrs. Trina," says Mrs Wyne, and two other teachers agree. Mayor Calvin is Zair's dad our Alpha and his wife is our Luna, but for the humans we have to call him Mayor Calvin. Everyone was excited but not me, what if, he decided to tell his parents that I was his chosen Luna? I'm sure they'd have a fit, not because of my rank, but because of my appearance. I'm not exactly Luna material and I have never wanted to be. I don't call attention to myself, and my hair is pretty messy most of the time from sports, or challenging some guy that tried his luck at hitting on me. Zair smiles as I take my seat. "You're a natural and your voice is amazing," "I guess you only like girls that can sing'' I say, causing Teagan to have to step out of the room from laughing so hard. ''It is some weird coincidence," he says with a smirk. ''You two are so different, and you only have singing in common," "What about Tammy,?" "Her and Yaya are alike, and I'm the only oddball" "Tammy is nothing, compared to Yaya," he says as he looks at a wall, as if, he can see her. "She is beautiful and graceful with her movements, and she is sophisticated," "When she walks off the stage, it's as if she floats to her seat," he says before he sighs at the end. (What the heck?) Half of the time that I'm walking off of the stage, I'm trying not to fall. "I'm sorry, I really have given up on her," "I won't even go see her at the bar," "Maybe you need to make sure, she isn't waiting on you to fulfill your promise to make her your Luna," He looks at me with wide eyes. "Is that what you talked about with Raegan,?" "He's taken it, too far," "Raegan didn't tell me, at least, not intentionally," "Me and Teags have classes with him and Ben and they would talk about how you were head over heels for Yaya," "I have to say... I've seen her show and she looks like she could be a dude," His eyes get big. "You haven't seen her from up close, she is beautiful like an angel,'' ''I know for a fact that she is all woman and her skin is so soft and much too delicate," "I just wished I had her scent," Now it's my turn to look at him surprised. I don't know why, I knew he was in love with her. "I'm sorry, let's not talk about her," "Why not?" I ask. "Because I feel the same way about you, that I feel about Yaya, but it's stronger, and I want you to be my Luna," He says as he grabs my hand. I can't believe he's offered me this position twice. (Should I take it?) I'm relieved when Mrs. Wyne calls me over to practice with my stepmother and stepsisters, so that I don't have to answer him back. "I... I'll, be back" I say, still in shock. "I'll be waiting" he says with a small smile.
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