Chapter 18

1558 Words
*Since Raegan and I have the same class, we go to our lockers and we walk to class together, as we talk about what crazy things Mr. White has planned for us. Zair is waiting on us when we get to the door, and his eyes go from me to Raegan and then back to me. I step forward a little to distance myself, as if on instinct. "Are you carding people?" I ask, causing them to laugh. "No, I'm just waiting on my friends," he says as we walk into class. I try to ignore their stares, and I know that they kept linking each other, but I can't read minds. I probably wouldn't want to hear what they say anyways. I only glance at Zair every once in a while, I hope he didn't notice. (I don't know how, but he seems to have gotten cuter) They both walked me to my next class, even though, Zair didn't have this class with us. "How did I only get two classes with you?" asks Zair through our link. "We have lunch" I say shrugging. "I don't want to leave you here with this guy," he says aloud, and Raegan chuckle. ''Remember, he snores'' he adds and I laugh at the face that Raegan makes. ''Hey man, you're playing dirty," "What about the way you-,?" "Guys, you're embarrassing me," I say, wishing I would have waited a little longer to get the juice on Zair. "I'll see you at lunch," I say to Zair before I walk into class. Teagan runs over and sits next to me. "What are you going to do about them,?" "Because you like Zair," she says as she blinks with wide eyes. I think for a minute. "I have an idea," I say with a smile. her eyes get bigger, and she leans over so that I can tell her. Raegan walks over to take a seat and turns to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't see those people walking by," "I'm fine," I reply giving him a small smile. "Good," he says with a relieved smile. "Uh Raegan, we need to talk with you after class," I say as I point between me and Teagan. He looks at us surprised and then nods. After class we walk into the hallway and wait for it to clear out a little. "Okay, what do you want to talk with me about?" Me and Teagan look at each other and then back at him. "I am Yaya and she is Pinky, the girl with the pink hair," At first he only looks at us. "But Yaya has straight hair and green eyes and yours are brown," he says, while looking like he's just seen a ghost. I explain about the contact lenses and straightening my hair, and we show him pictures and other evidence. "Zair is in love with you!" he says with wide eyes, as he grabs my shoulders. "I know, that's one of the reason's, I tried to avoid you guys," I say shrugging. "Does Ben know,?" he asks. I look at Teagan. "We don't talk about that kind of stuff" she says as she shakes her head. ''I thought you should know, because I'm starting to like both you and Zair" I say with a small smile. (Of course I like Zair more, but he doesn't need to know that) "I understand," he sighs. "Well it looks like I'm dropping out of the race, because Zair would never forgive me," he says as he put's his hands in his pockets. "Now that, that's settled, let's go eat'' says Teagan as she rubs her stomach. Zair stands when he sees me, Teagan and Raegan walking into the cafeteria. He's probably wondering why we were so late. I smile as Ben run's over to Teagan. "Is everything okay,?" "Yes Benny, I'll tell you later,'' she whispers, but of course werewolf ears hear almost everything. Zair looks at us confused at hearing them. (I want to tell him, but I can't) Honestly, I'm afraid of his reaction. He has a little self control with me, but he can't seem to keep his hands off of Yaya. "I'm starving," I say as I pat my belly while smiling nervously. "Yeah, me too," he says chuckling. "Raegan, please don't tell him, I want to do it when I'm ready," I say linking him, as we stand in line. "No problem AmaYaya," he replies as he winks at me. My eyes get wide and I shake my head, causing him to chuckle. Zair looks at me, and then him and I turn to look forward. I feel his chest, lightly touching my back, so I push my elbow back a little to make him back up, which he doesn't. "I want to hug you so bad right now," he whispers into my ear. I blow out a soft breath and I lean back against his chest. "Hurry up lovebirds," says someone behind us, snapping me out of my trance, and I stand up straight. Zair growls lowly and starts to turn around. "Come on," I say as I quickly grab his hand, to see if that calms him down. He lightly squeezes my hand and I'm surprised that it works. When we finally get to the table, everyone is starring at us, probably because he's carrying my tray. "Thank you'' I say, as I reach for my tray. "You're welcome, beautiful," he says with a smirk. I look around as I blush before I take my seat. "Did you tell Teagan to pretend that she didn't know anything about werewolves, and to act freaked out,?" asks Ben. "Yup," I chuckle as they laugh. "Well done, sister-in-law," he says applauding. "Thank you, thank you," I say as I stand to bow. "I actually told her to record it, but she, didn't want to embarrass you," I say with a smile as I take my seat. They all laugh, especially Teagan. "Remind me not to get on your bad side," says Zair. "It depends on what you do" "Are you going to flip me again,?" He asks with a smirk. "Wait, she flipped you,?" asks Raegan with a huge smile. "Yeah, I tried to kiss her and she flipped me," "You didn't tell me that part," says Teagan, as she chuckles along with her cackling mate. I shrug as he looks at me with a smile. "You told her about our kiss,?" he links, with a gleam in his eyes. "My mom walked in as I was flipping him," I say avoiding his question. "She got on to me for flipping the Alphas son," "Can you believe she was on his side,?" "It's the first time, she has ever scolded me," I say side eying him, as he chuckles. I have to tell Teagan to calm Ben down, because people are starting to stare. "I can just imagine you flipping him!" he says before he starts again. I shake my head and make a note not to make him laugh anymore. As we walk to the gym, we talk about going to the Cat's Claw Club this Friday. "We have practice, and then, I need to run in my wolf, but yeah I'll go," "I'll pick you up," links Zair. "I have a car" I reply with a smile. "I'm not a horndog," "Fine" I say giving in, as I roll my eyes. "Can I hold your hand?" he asks as we walk around the gym. "I feel like I need to feel your skin, or I can't breathe," At first I'm surprised by his confession. (I thought he only felt that way with Yaya, which is me, but we, don't look the same) Raegan didn't even believe us at first. I hook my arm with his. "Better," I ask. He nods and smiles as we continue to walk, then he slowly pulls his arm away from mine. ''Don't be nervous" he whispers, as he, wraps his arm around my shoulders. I look around and I tense up more. ''I feel like I might have to flip you" I whisper. "Wha-," he says before I flip him on his back. "Sorry," I say bending down to help him up. "For what,?" he asks as he pulls me on top of him to tickle me. "No!" "Stop!" I say while laughing and squirming. "Zai please," "Fine, but you owe me," he says, while releasing me. I hurry to my feet as I rub my stomach. ''Aren't you going to help me up,?" "I tried before you pulled me down and tickled me half to death," "I won't do it again,'' ''Just help me, Aya," he says as he reaches for me. "Fine," I say as I squint at him. I grab his hands as he smirks slyly. "Are you ready,?" I ask, wondering if he's going to try anything. I don't want to hurt him, but I will if I have to. "I'm ready," "If you try to tickle me again, you're going to be in pain," "I promise, I won't" "Zair, no!" "I'm not doing anything," he laughs. I put my feet in front of his and I lean back. "Thank you," he says now standing. (I wish I could punch him right now) I think to myself as I smile.
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