Chapter 24

1939 Words
*He grabs me and kisses me again before we walk inside of school. Then we go to the office to report our tardy. "She brought me to school, because I didn't have a ride,'' "Okay, well you're excused this time, and Miss. Thomas, try to finish the year with no more tardies please," says the assistant secretary. "Yes, mam," I say as I look at him. "I'll make sure of it," says Zair. "Thank you, Alpha," she says with a smile. (Ugh, she gives him special treatment too!) "Let's go, because first period is almost over," I say as I pull him to the door. "I can't wait until you are pulling me to our room that way," he says. "Why would I do that?" "Would I be in a hurry to go to sleep?" "Yep," he says with a smile. ''Why would I be in a hurry to sleep?" "I'll tell you later," "You're a horndog!" I say when I finally understand. "I will never run to the bed,'' ''I will most likely be running from it," "As a matter of fact, you can have the bed and I'll take the couch," ''Then we will be cramped up, because, I'm sleeping wherever you sleep," he says as I get my book out of my locker. ''You'll end up on the floor," I say as I turn to face him. He smiles and pecks my lips. He looks as if he wants to say something, but he doesn't. "We might as well just sit first period out, because it's basically over," he says as he pulls me back from the door. "Raegan said that he will give you his notes," he says as he hugs me. "I guess" "Great, let's go get your book for next period," he says as I shake my head and laugh. After I get my book for my next class we stand by my locker and he hugs me and smells my scent. When the bell rings he groans. "It's okay we have the same class" I say to cheer him up. He pecks my lips and hugs me again. I push him back a little, when students start to walk by. "Aya, I'm pretty sure everyone already knows we're together, and if they don't, they should," "Oh, are we together,?" "I guess you forgot to mention it to me, and you didn't tell me if you talked to Yaya" "Or, if she accepted your breakup" I say as I hold in my laugh. (I'll have to tell Teagan about this later) "Yes, we're together, Aya!" "Yes, I told Yaya about you and she knows about you being my mate," "She didn't even try to compete, it was rather easy to convince her,'' ''She was probably relieved to be rid of me, even though, I felt like we were getting close," he says with a smile. I can't get mad at him for liking me, so I pretend not to notice. "So, will you be sneaking behind my back trying to see her sexy shows," "We were never really together, but she knows that I can never go back to the club to see her" "And her shows were never s****l," "What I felt for her wasn't s****l,'' ''But I would be lying, if I, say that I didn't like the way her hips moved or the way that she looked in those tight pants," "Zair!" I say surprised, but not offended. I wasn't offended because he's talking about me. "I'm sorry, Aya!" "I wasn't thinking, I promise I only want you," "I understand she is pretty and she has nice flashy clothes'' I say as I look at my black joggers and matching crop top, that fit's me too big. "You're perfect, Aya baby," "You don't want me to wear a short skirts, and to show off my belly button,?'' ''If it's just me in the room that would be great, but I don't want others to see you like that, and I can't wait to be able to see all of you," he says as he looks me in the eyes. And I, can't help but want to take off every piece of clothing that I have on. He pecks my lips and then hugs me, before he walks me to our class. After we sit down he moves his desk closer to mine, even before the teacher starts the lesson and he holds my hand. "I need my hand to write with" he smiles and kisses it and then he starts on his own work. Today he was not as clingy as yesturday. I guess, since I've started to let him kiss me, it has calmed his wolf. When me and Teagan got to the music room, he wasn't there waiting on me, but he came a little later, weirdly a little while after Tammy. (I will not get jealous, I will not get jealous) I think to myself as he sit's next to me. He holds my hand and kisses it, but I try to ignore him. I can't help but feel jealous. If he doesn't tell me, why he walked in minutes after 'that girl' I won't talk to him again and I don't care if he is my mate. I'm relieved when I get called to sing and waltz with Rodick, even though, I don't know how. ''Remember what I said, don't let him get too close to you," "Okay" I whisper as he looks into my eyes after I stand. (Dang it, those eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes) I blow out a small breath, then I walk over to Rodick. "I have to warn you, I am not good at the waltz, and I will try very hard not to step on your feet," "But just know that, I do have a partner and he will teach me, if you decide that this is too much for you and you want to stop" he chuckles and holds out his hand. "Milady," he says causing me to chuckle. (I may have giggled a little longer and louder than I should have) I shake my head and I ignore Zair as he tries to get through my link. If I let him in, I won't be able to concentrate on what I need to do and I'm still mad at him. "Okay, let's go slower and you follow my steps" he says, after the fiftieth time that I step on his feet. "I'm sorry,'' I say as I follow his steps carefully. "If this was a sport, I would have learned it by now, but this is so hard," "You'll get it, just let me know if you need help practicing, that is if your friend doesn't mind," "Hey, he doesn't set the rules for me, and if my dad gives up on me, then I will definitely call you," I say as he continues to take baby steps with me. "Great job, you two," says Mrs. Wyne, when we finish. (She must not have been watching me) I am so nervous to go back to my seat, because Alpha Jr. has a face on him. It's very obvious that he is pissed, but I don't know if it's because I closed my link or because I told Rodick, that I would call him to give me dance lessons. It could have also been when I told him that Zair doesn't control who I talk to. I excuse myself to the restroom, knowing that he would follow me. I don't want to start drama in the music room, even though they sometimes do dramas in there too. As soon as he closes the door, he immediately grabs my arms and pulls me close to him, and I turn into a submissive pup in training, when he looks into my eyes. "W- what's wrong?" "What do you want?" I ask. "I want you, but it seems like you want Rodick!" he yells. I gasp terrified and I pull him away from the door. "Zair, they will hear you!" I whisper yell. "I don't care if they hear me, I want them to know about us!" "Are you ashamed of me,?" "No, you know why I don't want them to know," "No I don't, you haven't made an excuse for that yet," My eyes get wide as I look at him, surprised for talking to me like this. "I just want to make sure that we will last, before I go sharing our relationship status, and you act like we've been dating for years,'' ''We just made it official today," I say as I walk further down the hall, in case he keeps yelling. Werewolves have great hearing and he is purposely trying to let them hear us. (He's such a drama king) He grabs my hand and pulls me back in front of him. "Why did you say that,?" he asks with hurt in his eyes. "Am I not important to you,?" "Do you not care about hurting me,?" I reach up and cup his face in my hands. "I'm sorry, Zair," "I was jealous and, I guess I wanted to make you jealous too" "I'm sorry" I say again. He grabs my waist and gives me a kiss. "Why were you jealous,?" he asks after we catch our breaths. "Because, you were with Tammy," I say wanting to hit him. "No, I wasn't," "Then why did you come in a couple of minutes after her?" "Raegan took my car, so that you could take me home," "Oh," "I don't know what she was doing, I didn't even notice her," he says as he shrugs. I look at him and I want to believe him, but I don't want to get hurt. "Okay, can I get back to rehearsal now?" "No, I don't want you near him," he says as he hugs me tightly. "You don't have to be jealous of him, trust me we're just friends" "I don't want you to have guy friends,'' ''Aren't me, Teagan and the guys enough friends for you,?" "Yes you are, but I still have to see him and I can't just drop out of the play Zair," "Then let me mark you," My eyes get big, as I feel my heart stop, but it's not out of excitement like it usually does when he kisses me, or from when I see him. "No" I say softly, as I shake my head and step away from him terrified. "I know you think it's too soon, but I really care for you," "Ask me, when you feel love for me" I say as I walk back to class. "I'm sorry, but it kills me to not be able to touch you, or when you talk to him!" "And, when you said that it didn't matter, what I want that hurt the most," he says as he follows closely trying to guilt me. "Zair marking is serious, and it hurts," "It only hurts for a little bit, and if you want you can mark me too," "Wait a little while longer'' ''I promise I won't make you wait 30 years to mark me, just let me get to know you a little bit more'' "My parent's were marked and mated the same day they found out that they were mates," "Mine were too, but me and you are different people'' He hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead. "Please, just think about it," "I'll do other things, so that it won't hurt," he says before he kisses down my neck, pulling a moan from me.
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