Chapter 25

1979 Words
*He nips at my mark and sucks on it and I have to fight myself, from begging him to mark me, especially since, Asha is also purring at having our mate so close to claiming us. "Come to my house Aya" he whispers after he gives me a chance to recover. "Okay" I say weakly. He lifts me and carries me to my car as I hold on to his neck. "Wait, I can't leave Teagan" I say as he puts me on the passenger side. "Ben will come for her," "No, I can't do this, I'm not ready and Mrs. Wyne is going to have my head for just leaving," "I told her that we needed to talk and that you were done for the day" "Zair!" I say surprised. "Give me your keys," he says holding his out to me. "No, I'll drive," I say as I push him back and stand up. He chuckles and kisses my forehead, before he walks me to the other side of the car. I get nervous, as I pull up to his driveway. "I can't go inside" I say avoiding his eyes. "Why not?!" "Because your parents aren't here, and I don't trust you, and I don't trust myself either" I can't believe he got me to here, even if I'm not inside. "Come on, just to the living room," "Remember what you did in my living room,?" "You liked it, Aya baby, and you only got nervous when you thought someone would see us," "I didn't like when you touched my breasts" "That's because you didn't give me a chance to do anything," "And you, won't get a chance today," I blow out a big breath. "How about we let our wolves go for a run?" "Your wolf and mine, they have never ran together'' "I guess, since I can't get you to come in," "We have the rest of our lives," ''And I'll probably spend half of it trying to get you to come over," "Zair, I'm not like you," "I can't just let anyone into my life and makeout and do who knows what," "I stopped doing that years ago Aya, when it got boring," he says as he grabs my hand. ''I'm sorry, I keep having to remind myself that you're new to this" "I promise I'm not just trying to get you in my bed, but I want you to be comfortable around me," "I try so hard not to be so difficult for you, but I can't do certain things, because I need to get to know you better" "Fine, lets go for a run and let our wolves out," Our wolves run and play with each other getting acquainted, as we, talk about me officially meeting his parents as his girlfriend. "I rarely see your dad, and when I do it's from afar, but our mom's do hang out more than our dads, but even when they do, I'm usually at the ba-" "In the back yard training," I say almost slipping up. "When do you want to tell your parents,?" "I think my dad knows, he's just waiting on me to tell them" "I keep asking him for time, and unlike you, he understands later," he chuckles. ''When you're finally marked and mated by me you'll understand me," ''But you're not marked and mated by me, so why do you feel like this,?" "Is it because you're an Alpha,?" I ask curioustowhy he has no self control. "Alphas feel stronger than other wolves, and your dad has his mate to calm him, which is why he is so calm" "She's the one that he has to calm down," I laugh. "Hey, how come you never told me that you were an Alpha?" (Oh no, has he figured it out?) "You just let me keep calling you Gamma, you should have corrected me," "It's not important, and it's not like I'll win a prize for being an Alpha" "It actually, puts me at risk'' "No one will ever take you away from me, baby," he says as he shifts to hug me... well Asha. She shifts too, so that, he can hold me better. He kisses my forehead and squeezes me tightly. "What are you thinking about?" he asks as he pulls back a little. "Nothing," I say quickly. "Then why are you smiling?" "I can't be happy?" "Of course you can, baby," he says before he kisses me. I'm so relieved that he hasn't figured out that I am Yaya, that I don't realize we're naked, and it seems like he also doesn't have a clue either. "Uh, Zair" I say when a little breeze blows by. "Yes, baby" "Close your eyes and turn around and walk away about fifteen steps" His breathing gets heavier as his hold on me tightens. "Zai, please," I say worried, as I put my hands on his chest. (Should I shift into my wolf) I feel his chest movements, as it rises and falls and his breath is hitting my neck and going down my back, causing something in my stomach to stir. (But I don't want to vomit, I feel butterflies) I don't like this strange feeling. "Alpha!" I yell as I push him, then I quickly cover my patch with my hands. "Baby, just let me kiss on you a little," he says with dark pleading eyes. "It always starts off with just a kiss, Zair," I say as I slowly go behind a tree. I quickly put on my underwear and then my joggers and my shirt. "Are you dressed?" I ask before I come from behind a tree. "Yeah, I'm dressed," he says in a disappointed voice. I don't know what to do. (Am I being unreasonable with him?) "Zai, are you angry with me?" "No, never," "I guess, I'm being a bit of a brat," "I just really want you to be with me,'' ''I know that I can make you happy and it's not just with s*x," "Can I have a kiss?" he asks with a small smile when I don't say anything. "Yes" I say before I close my eyes and lift my chin up. He chuckles and then he pecks my lips, then he gives me a softer more gentler kiss. "We have to come to an agreement Zair, because you have to understand that I'm not in any hurry to be marked, and I have to learn to let my guard down with you... a little anyways" "It's so hard, baby," "You're so beautiful, your scent is intoxicating and you're so sweet and innocent," "I thought I was surly," I say causing him to laugh. "You're, amazing!" he says as he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. (We are all types of unstable) I think to myself. The last thing we need is to be marked and mated. "Let's get going, because it's getting late" I say as I put my hair into a ponytail. He walks towards me with dark eyes and I back up. "Alpha!'' I say as I lower my arms and pull down my shirt. "Just seeing my naval causes you to lose control, you need to get a grip" "I want to kiss it" he says as he grabs my hand. "No, you horndog," "I'm afraid for you to touch me, because I can barely say no" I confess. He smiles and his eyes light up. "So you feel the same,?'' I pull his hand and I lead him down a path. "Let me take you home before your parents get back" "When you get there shower, so that they don't smell me all over you," "Baby you're doing too much, they won't be paying attention to my smell, they're too busy," "I stay in my room most of the time anyways, if I'm not hanging out with the guys," "Or, chasing down Yaya," "Amaya baby, don't be jealous,'' "I don't know how you can be jealous, when I asked you to be my Luna, and I'm begging you to share our relationship," "I told you why, I don't want you making a fool of me!'' I blurt out. "I will show you that I'm not a creep, like you think I am," He says as he grabs my hand and we walk the rest of the way out of the woods in silence. "I'll see you tomorrow, Zai" I say as I wave. He gives me a little smile and waves. I feel weird since he didn't ask for an extra kiss, before I pulled off. (Did I hurt his feelings?) I'm relieved to be the only person at home and I go to my room to take a shower. Then I, go to the kitchen and I make chicken alfredo for dinner with the chicken that someone left in the sink, before I eat and go to bed. I link my parents to let me sleep in, because I'm tired, and since I already ate they won't have a reason to wake me up. As much as I try, I can't stop thinking about Zair. I hate not knowing if he is angry with me. "Hey friend, are you okay?" asks Teagan as she pokes at my cheek. I groan and snap at her finger and she giggles as she pulls it back. "Your parents and I are worried about you" "Me and Zair did nothing but make out and argue all day, and I don't know if he is mad at me right now'' "I wish I could talk to him and ask, but I'm not brave enough'' "I'll get Benny to do it!" "No, he'll know it came from me," "Well, it would make him happy that you wanted to check up on him," "Come on down sleepyhead, I made brownies and we've got vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup," says my dad peeping his head in the room. "You had me at brownies!" I say as I quickly sit up and slide off of the bed. Teagan laughs and runs down the steps after me. I fix myself a big bowl and I devour it. "You forgot the whipped cream," says my mom as she looks at my empty bowl. "Maybe, next time'' I say as I pat my full belly. They laugh and continue eating. "You did a great job on that chicken alfredo Sweetie, says my mom as she puts the food away. Sometimes when she's working late, she'll eat out, so she rarely has a chance to taste my cooking. "Hey Sweetie, let's practice the waltz," I groan and stand with a full belly. "Dad, this belly won't allow me to move around," "Don't be selfish, do it for Rodick's poor feet," laughs Teagan. "Okay fine," Teagan brings me a pair of heels and me and my dad practice the steps, and then we dance to the music of the play. "I never knew you could be so graceful!" says Teagan as she watches me with wide eyes and a huge smile. "Me neither, Teags" "I told you, you're like your mom," "No dad, just say that I'm like you," He says with a chuckle as we stop. "Fine, you're like me too," ''Alrighty then, I finally got it, and I will definitely surprise Rodick by not crushing his toes," "You tell him to try steel toed boots, and I think I even saw steel toe tennis shoes, they're probably lighter," says my dad causing Teagan and my mom to laugh. "So, where is Big Ben, and why aren't you with him?" "Well we were together, but then, he had to leave and I wanted to see how everything went with you and Zair'' ''After you left the music room and didn't come back,''
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